- This is about the spinner set. For the character, Krazi, see here. For the character card, see here.
2116 Krazi is a Ninjago Spinners - pilot episodes set that was released in January 2011. It includes Krazi, his spinner, a Golden Bone, a Grim Pick Axe, a Double-Bladed Bone Dagger, a Character Card, four Battle Cards, and three bricks for building.
Cards Included[]
- Card 6 - Krazi
- Card 27 - Power Up
- Card 33 - Hurricane
- Card 39 - Karate Chop
- Card 41 - Lightning Strike
LEGO.com description[]
Spin against the masters with the power of black lightening!
Spin your way to victory against the Spinjitzu masters! Wild and super fast, Krazi uses his lightening strike abilities to win weapons and battle for glory! Use the 4 battle cards included in the set to influence the outcome. Set includes 1 minifigure, 1 black lightning spinner, 3 weapons, 1 character card, 4 battle cards and LEGO bricks.
- Includes Krazi minifigure
- Features 1 black lightening spinner, 3 weapons, 1 character card, 4 battle cards and LEGO bricks
- Battle with your friends!
- Spin Krazi on the black lightning spinner!
- Collect all of the Ninjago battle sets!
- Stands over 2” (5cm) tall[1]
- "Lightning" is misspelled as "lightening" in the set description.