Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
A Cold Goodbye is the fifteenth episode of the eleventh season of Ninjago and the 113th episode overall. It aired on August 10, 2019, in the United States, on September 9, 2019, in Australia, and on September 27, 2019, in Canada. It is the only episode not paired with a new episode, instead, it was paired with a rerun of "Vengeance is Mine!" in its initial air-date in the United States.[1]
In most countries, like Australia and Malaysia, this episode was paired up with "The Never-Realm," although in the USA, It was only paired with a rerun.
Having learned Zane is not dead, Master Wu prepares to go after him, but Lloyd and the other ninja take matters into their own hands and defy their Master.[2]
Extended: As the ninja grieve for the loss of Zane, Wu returns with news that Zane was not destroyed but rather banished to a place called the Never-Realm. Guilt-stricken over Zane's fate, Wu decides go there in search of Zane. Intending to use Aspheera's staff to zap himself there, and some Traveler's Tea to return them safely, Wu prepares to depart. A tense confrontation ensues with Lloyd, however, who insists that Wu is not thinking clearly and the ninja stand a better chance of success. Wu refuses to risk anyone else's life and refuses their help. So the ninja defy their master and steal the Traveler's Tea from his room and sneak off in the middle of the night to go after Zane. Wu arrives at the last second, intending to stop them and a fight between the Master and his students breaks out. This time, the students win, and Wu is tied up. Pixal uses Aspheera's Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu to send the ninja off to the Never- Realm.[3]
At the Monastery of Spinjitzu, P.I.X.A.L. is woken by a nightmare of Zane's apparent sacrifice. She wakes up screaming, looking at a picture of them together and feeling devastated, knowing he is gone. The ninja ran in after hearing her scream and speak with her, as they all relate to their loss of Zane. However, a frantic Wu ran in and states Zane is still alive, to the ninja’s surprise. Wu tells the ninja that in his visit with Aspheera, she informed him of how she actually sent Zane to the Never-Realm, a mysterious place his father told him to never go after he had trouble escaping.
The ninja tell Wu they want to join him, but refused to let them come since the realm is most likely dangerous, however, they insist to save their comrade. When Wu once more stood his ground, Lloyd seemingly agrees with his uncle's request and tells him to make a plan for his journey before rushing in.
Later that night, Lloyd sneaks into Wu's room through the open ceiling and stealthily grabs the bag on the left before regrouping with the others, only to discover he had taken Wu's rations. He goes back to get the other bag but comes across the chicken, who immediately blasted him out before landing next to its master, who was disturbed from his meditation, but pets it, nonetheless. Lloyd returns to the living room and spits out a feather to let them know he failed again. After two failed attempts, Lloyd tries again for the third time and successfully steals the tea.
After regrouping with the other ninja, they head down the elevator to the hangar bay. However, when they arrived downstairs, they spot Wu holding Aspheera's staff and demanding back the Traveler's Tea. This caused a skirmish between the ninja and Wu as they fought for possession of the tea. In the end, the ninja were able to defeat Wu by knocking the staff out of Wu's hand and tying him up. Their master tried to warn the ninja about the tea, but Lloyd puts a mouthpiece over Wu before he could finish his sentence.
The ninja enter the Land Bounty while P.I.X.A.L. stood outside and zapped the vehicle from plain sight. Inside the Land Bounty, the ninja encountered turbulence while passing through the Ethereal Divide. Meanwhile, P.I.X.A.L. untied Wu and tried to reason with him, but Wu reveals to her that Traveler's Tea grown in Ninjago has no effect in the Never-Realm; meaning the ninja are trapped and cannot return. H had lied so he could go alone and not have an entire group stranded in the unknown realm. After Wu stormed off in a rage, P.I.X.A.L let out a sigh of regret,
- Cole - Kirby Morrow
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd Garmadon - Sam Vincent
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- P.I.X.A.L. - Jennifer Hayward
- Wu - Paul Dobson
- Aspheera (dream)
- Pyro Whippers (dream)
- Pyro Slayers (dream)
- Pyro Destroyers (dream)
- Maya (painting)
- Ray (painting)
- Zane (dream)
- Siege at the Monastery (dream)
- Aspheera's staff
- Cole's golden hammer
- Gis
- Armor
- Jay's golden kusarigama
- Kai's golden katana
- Lloyd's golden sword
- Nya's golden spear
- Scimitars (dream)
- Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu
- Shields (dream)
- Throwing stars
- Traveler's Tea
- Zane's scepter (dream)
- Land Bounty
- Titan Mech (dream)
- Ninjago
- Mountains of Impossible Height
- Monastery of Spinjitzu
- Wu's room
- Relaxation room
- Hangar bay
- Monastery of Spinjitzu
- Ignacia (painting)
- Mountains of Impossible Height
- Ethereal Divide
- Never-Realm (mentioned)
- Narrator: Wu
- This episode ends the Fire Chapter of the eleventh season.
- The name of this episode references that the ninja are departing to the Never-Realm, a cold environment.
- Zane and Aspheera appear in P.I.X.A.L.'s dream but do not speak.
- Similarly to the fourth season, where the ninja went to Chen's Island to rescue Zane, they now go to the Never-Realm to rescue Zane once again.
- This episode marks the first time P.I.X.A.L. is shown sleeping and having a nightmare. She previously remarked in "Versus" on how she always wondered what it felt like to dream. Prior to this episode, she was never seen or heard of dreaming. How she received the ability to do so is unknown.
- The ninja remark they have gotten their strength back since they can overpower and detain Wu after losing to him in the season's premiere.
- When the clip of Zane being banished plays in the intro recap, Zane's left arm is oddly elongated and clipping through his torso. In the previous episode, his left arm was normal and moved behind his back.
- When P.I.X.A.L. wakes up from her dream, she has no armor pads. Yet, when she sits up in bed, she has her armor pads. For the rest of the scene, her armor pads are gone.
- When the ninja, Wu, and P.I.X.A.L. started walking, a picture of Ray and Maya was shown, and a few seconds later when Wu said "In warning", the picture was shown again.
- When attacking Jay with Forbidden Spinjitzu, the flames on Wu's head are missing.
- In the previous episode, after Wu was pushed by Zane, his staff didn't appear right next to him, but in P.I.X.A.L.'s nightmare, the staff appeared right next to Wu after he was pushed.
- When Jay mentions that Wu would be upset if he found them gone, upon a closer look, shows Kai is missing not only his shoulder pad but his right arm too.[4]
Language | Name |
Dutch | Een koel afscheid |
French | Un adieu glacial |
German | Meister Wus Entscheidung |
Italian | Un gelido addio |
Polish | Chłodne pożegnanie |
Spanish | Una fría despedida |