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Jayglider "You four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential."

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(P.I.X.A.L. has a nightmare about the Pyro Vipers breaking into the secret base. Lloyd's Titan Mech is seen disappearing.)

Lloyd (Dream): Look out!

(Aspheera shoots magic out of her spear at Wu. Wu is pushed out of the way by Zane, while magic hits the latter and he disappears.)

Nya (Dream): Zane! (Wu is knocked backwards onto the floor, shocked.) Oh no! Zane!

Cole (Dream): Zane!

(It cuts to Zane holding onto P.I.X.A.L.'s hands, he then falls into the Ethereal Divide.)

P.I.X.A.L.: (In dream) Zane! (P.I.X.A.L. wakes up.) No!

(She gets up and pants. She grabs a picture with her and Zane in it and runs her hand on it. The Ninja enter the room.)

Nya: P.I.X.A.L.! Are you okay?

P.I.X.A.L.: I am fine. I was dreaming about the moment he...he...

Nya: (She pats her back.) It's okay, I know.

P.I.X.A.L.: I...find it difficult to accept that he is gone.

Lloyd: Me too. (He sighs.)

Jay: We all do. It just..doesn't feel real.

Wu: (Walks into the room.) Zane's alive!

Lloyd: What?!

Kai: Where?!

Jay: How?!

Wu: Quiet. All of you. Listen! I spoke to Aspheera at Kryptarium Prison. She didn't destroy Zane. She banished him to a distant realm.

Kai: Well, what are we waiting for?! We gotta go after him!

Lloyd: Yeah! (To Wu.) What realm?

Wu: The Never-Realm.

Kai: Huh?

Lloyd: What?

Nya: The Never-Realm?

Cole: I've never heard of it.

Wu: There are few who have.

(Wu walks down a hallway and the Ninja follow.)

Lloyd: Wait! What's the Never-Realm?

Wu: According to legend, it is the most distant and remote of all realms. My father only spoke of it to me warning. (He stops and the Ninja bump into each other. He continues walking.) He told me of all the realms of creation, it was the one I should never visit. He told me it was a cold and dangerous place. He forbade it.

Jay: Uh, "forbade" as in absolutely never, ever?

Kai: Why?

Cole: Yeah. What's wrong with it?

Wu: I don't know. He went there only once and said he nearly couldn't find his way home. He said it was unlike the other realms. He warned me that others would not be as fortunate.

(Wu walks into another room and the others follow.)

Jay: Well that's just great. Creepy and vague.

Wu: I will use Aspheera's staff to find Zane. It banished him there. It will work for me too. (He takes a small box out of a cabinet and opens it, revealing two small sacks. One of them containing Traveler's Tea.) Once I have found him, I will use the Traveler's Tea to bring us both home.)

Lloyd: You mean all seven of us because we're going with you!

Cole: Yeah!

Wu: Absolutely not. I cannot allow it. What happened to him is my fault and mine alone. It is my responsibility.

Kai: Hey, no way!

Cole: We're not sitting this one out!

Jay: Zane's our brother!

Wu: Enough! (He closes the box.) I will risk no other lives! My foolishness has already caused enough damage. (He turns to the wall.) My decision is final.

Lloyd: (Thinks for a moment. He smiles.) Okay. We understand, master. But..this feels a little rushed. Maybe you should just, you know, sleep on it. For a night. Come up with a game plan.

Wu: (Turns back.) A game plan?

Lloyd: You know, prepare. Think it all out.

Jay: Um. Yeah, yeah. Exactly! You're the one always telling us not to rush into stuff. Right?

Wu: (Sets down the box. He sighs.) Very well. I will meditate on it.

(Lloyd winks and smiles at the other Ninja. It cuts to Lloyd sneaking into the room while Wu meditates. He drops down from the ceiling. He sprints past Wu and opens the box. He takes one of the sacs. He climbs onto the ceiling and onto the monastery's roof. He enters the room where the Ninja are in and closes the doors behind him. Lloyd opens the sack, taking out a sandwich.)

Cole, Nya, and Kai: Ugh.

(Lloyd scratches the back of his head. The latter tries sneaking back into the room where Wu is meditating.)

Chicken: (Clucks and turns to Lloyd.)

(Lloyd shakes his head, worried.)

(The Chicken powers up and attacks Lloyd. It drops down and Wu pets it. Lloyd drops down from the monastery's roof. Lloyd comes back to the Ninja and spits out a feather. Lloyd comes back into the room and Wu paces back and forth.)

Wu: (Sighs. He meditates again.)

(Lloyd lowers himself. Wu opens his eyes and looks around. He closes them and resumes meditating. Lloyd lets go of the ceiling and drops down. The latter does a cartwheel behind Wu and reaches the box. He opens the box and grabs the sack. He puts it in a pocket. Lloyd comes back to the Ninja and Nya hands him his sword.Lloyd walks into the secret base's elevator and the others follow.)

Cole: Did you get it this time?

Lloyd: (Holds up the sack.) Got it.

Cole: Great. We have our return ticket. I wonder why Wu was so adamant about going alone. Sure, the Never-Realm sounds creepy, but how bad could it be?

Lloyd: Beats me. Come on. Let's get that staff.

Nya: (Puts her hand on a hand print scanner. The elevator starts descending.) What about the tracking device?

P.I.X.A.L.: Right here. (She takes it out and hands it to Nya.)

Nya: What's it key to?

P.I.X.A.L: The mech. Assuming Zane is still with it and it's withing a 500-mile radius, you will see it on this display.

Jay: Master Wu's going to be pretty upset if he wakes up and finds us gone.

Lloyd: But he is upset. (The elevator door opens.) He's not thinking rationally.

Cole: Yeah. He'll understand.

(The Ninja are all shocked to see Wu down in the base holding the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, attatched to Aspheera's staff.)

Jay: (Recoils.) Gah!

Kai: Master Wu!

(Creation is flowing through Wu's body. The Ninja walk toward Wu.)

Lloyd: How'd you get down here? Y-You were just upstairs.

Wu: Give me the Traveler's Tea, Lloyd.

Lloyd: I can't do that. It's for your own good, master.

Wu: That is for me to judge. Give me the Traveler's Tea.

Lloyd: We stand a better chance at finding Zane and you know it. There are more of us, and we're younger, and stronger and-


(Wu sends out a shock wave of Creation. He charges up.)

Lloyd: You're holding the Forbidden Scroll, master. Why don't you put it down?

Wu: You disobey me?!

Lloyd: I'm sorry, but...yes.

Wu: Yah!

(He runs at the Ninja and hits the ground with the staff, causing Cole and Kai to fall back. He tries hitting Lloyd, but the latter blocks the staff with his sword. Wu knocks Lloyd's sword out of his hand. He tries to hit Lloyd again, but misses. Lloyd throws the tea at Kai and he catches it. Wu tries hitting him as well, but misses. Wu knocks it out of his hand.)
