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“Free me and let's destroy the ninja once and for all. Only then, will you have absolute power.”

Absolute Power is the eighteenth episode of the first season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising.


While the Ninja try to figure out a way to bypass Imperium's energy barrier, Empress Beatrix tests a deadly weapon powered by stolen Dragon Cores.[1]

Extended: The Empress's rise to power is revealed through flashbacks as present-day Beatrix attempts to construct her new MergeQuake weapon. Deception from a minion delivers her a serious setback. All three teams of Ninja sneak back into the Imperium to retrieve the stolen Dragon Cores. They find help with unexpected allies and form a plan to infiltrate the labs. Unfortunately, they may not reach the Cores before Beatrix completes her weapon.[2]


DR18 Image 13

Ras tries to convince Levo to help him

Many years prior to the Merge, Ras visits Imperium from the Wyldness to meet with Beatrix's predecessor and father, Levo to discuss plans of capturing a Source Dragon. However, Levo refuses to comply with providing Ras the necessary equipment as he doesn't believe Source Dragons exist before having his older daughter, Zeatrix, throw him out with her Elemental Power, proudly proclaiming her his successor while a despised Beatrix notices a leaving Ras smirking at her.

Absolute Power (79)

Beatrix hugs "children"

At the present time, Beatrix broadcasts a speech, says that Imperium should remain one, even refusing to allow outlanders into the city, claiming places like the Crossroads are havens for criminals and had 'brought' in more dragons. Two children soon show up and she allows them to hug her, proclaiming it is all for them. However, once the broadcast ends, Beatrix pushes what were actually visual effect actors away from her because of her distaste in children before turning to Dorama, who filmed the speech, about the possibility of the ruse working.

Absolute Power (102)

Rapton warns Beatrix about the Ninja's potential arrival

She then contacts Dr. LaRow, who informs her that the two Dragon Cores they have won't be enough to power her MergeQuake weapon before Rapton shows up, having somehow brought in the Pink Dragon Core and warns her the ninja are on their way.

Absolute Power (150)

Cole says his farewells

At the Land of Lost Things, Cole, Nya, and Sora try to plan how to get into Imperium to recover the core Dr. LaRow stole while trying to figure out how to break through the city's barrier before Sora comes up with an idea and, with Riyu's help, creates armor for Jiro. As they prepare to leave, Cole tells Nya he isn't coming as from the ground screaming, he believes time is running out, and the other night, he heard Wu's voice, telling him to follow him. Nya complies with his request before she and Sora take off on Jiro and Zanth before Cole hears Wu's voice and notices the yellow orb, which he starts to follow, disappearing into a fog bank.

In the throne room of the Imperium Palace, Dorama, Rapton, Dr. LaRow, and Jordana are brought in as Beatrix makes a speech about her long awaited vow to defeat the ninja, once and for all. Dr. LaRow wants a few days to test the weapon, but Beatrix refuses to comply and demands it to be done immediately.

Absolute Power (198)

Dr. LaRow finds some abnormalities in the weapon

In the Advanced Systems Lab, Jordana puts up a photo of Lloyd, messing with it a little before Dr. LaRow sees a flaw in the cores, but Beatrix blows it off. She goes to test the weapon, only for it to explode, fire a shot through the ceiling, and send a shockwave through the city, even through the ninja, who were outside the city. Beatrix then blames Dr. LaRow, calling her a failure, and leaves the lab in frustration, unaware that Rapton had somehow slipped out before the test.

Absolute Power (225)

The Ninja try to find a way into Imperium

While trying to find a way into the city, Kai tells Wyldfyre to forget his lessons to her for a few minutes, which she complies by attracting some Imperium Guards on hoverboards with her powers before the rest of the ninja take them out and use the hoverboards to reach the city.

Absolute Power (246)

Beatrix and Ras form an alliance

Beatrix visits the incarcerated Ras in the prison, who demands to be released, reminding her of the time they made an alliance to overthrow Levo and Zeatrix. Making it look like an accident, they rigged Levo's hover chariot to explode and let it crash land to kill him on impact and then had Zeatrix arrested. However, she doesn't fall for his ruse as he had failed her multiple times before a guard arrives and warns her that the ninja had infiltrated the city.

Absolute Power (342)

The ITRF prepare to attack the guards

While trying to find the lab, the ninja get spotted by some guards, only to be incapacitated by, surprisingly, the Imperium Teen Resistance Force, who start to lead the ninja away.

Absolute Power (393)

Jordana volunteers to lead the extraction

Beatrix returns to the lab, where she is told the core Rapton had given her was a fake, which had also been destroyed in the process. Refusing to back down and since they were made of Source Dragon energy, Beatrix demands for a core to be made from the Source Dragon of Energy by draining him, but Dr. LaRow refuses, as all previous attempts ended in failure, until Jordana volunteers to lead the extraction process herself, claiming Dr. LaRow's research on it had flaws. Beatrix complies with Jordana's request.












  • The title of the episode is based on the definition of Imperium.
  • On ITVX, part of the fight outside Imperium is cut. The reason for this is unknown.
  • This episode's name has a triple-meaning behind it, as Imperium is a Latin word meaning "absolute power," Beatrix is seen both in the flashback and in present-day attempting to come into/obtain absolute power, and when attempting to manipulate Beatrix from his cell, Ras tells her that only when she frees him will she achieve absolute power.


  • Ras' attempt at getting Emperor Levo to assist him in capturing the Source Dragon of Energy, only to be denied, and later overthrows him with assistance from Beatrix is similar to Vex's attempt at deceiving Grimfax to assist him in destroying the Formlings, only to be denied, and later overthrows him with an amnesiac Zane's assistance.
    • In both cases, the character that assisted in overthrowing the ruler succeeds them.
    • Unlike Grimfax, who was forced to serve Zane, Levo was killed by Beatrix and Ras.
  • Beatrix claiming that Levo favors Zeatrix over her is very similar to something Garmadon says about the First Spinjitzu Master to Wu in "Weapons of Destiny" saying how he favored Wu over him.


  • Zeatrix is uncredited in the episode despite the fact that she spoke in the episode.



Language Name
Chinese (Traditional) 絕對的力量
Czech Absolutní moc
Finnish Absoluuttinen voima
French Le Pouvoir Absolu
German Die Absolute Macht
Italian Potere Assoluto
Polish Władza absolutna
Portuguese Poder Absoluto
Spanish Poder absoluto
Ukrainian Абсолютна влада


Ninjago: Dragons Rising episodes
Season 1 1. The Merge: Part 1 · 2. The Merge: Part 2 · 3. Crossroads Carnival · 4. Beyond Madness · 5. Writers of Destiny · 6. Return to Imperium · 7. Mindless Beasts · 8. I Will Be the Danger · 9. The Calm Inside · 10. The Battle of the Second Monastery · 11. The Temple of the Dragon Cores · 12. Gangs of the Sea · 13. Wyldly Inappropriate · 14. The Last Djinn · 15. They Call It Doom · 16. Land of Lost Things · 17. The Administration · 18. Absolute Power · 19. We Are All Dragons · 20. The Power Within
The Elemental Mechs 1. What the Mech? · 2. The Mech Master · 3. A Pain in the Mech!
Season 2 21. The Blood Moon · 22. Shattered Dreams · 23. Beyond the Phantasm Cave · 24. Force From the East · 25. The Spell at the Waterfall · 26. To Mysterium · 27. Fugitives From Madness · 28. Secrets of the Wyldness · 29. The Forest of Spirits · 30. Rising Ninja · 31. The Shape of Motion · 32. Enter the City of Temples · 33. They Gather for the Feast · 34. Inside the Maze · 35. United We Fall · 36. Truth and Lies · 37. The Sword Shatters · 38. Clues and Suspects · 39. The Final Game · 40. Elements of Betrayal
Return to the Wyldness 1. Queen of RAGE! · 2. Into the lava! · 3. A maze of reflections · 4. Time to get Red
Wyldfyre's Stories 1. My Camera Roll · 2. Draw With Me · 3. 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Dragon Eggs! · 4. Dragon Translator · 5. An App to Track Feelings · 6. Meditation or Meltdown · 7. Bye-bye Bone · 8. Lessons I Learned in the Wyldness
Wyldfyre's Voice Notes 1. Why am I doing this · 2. So what now? · 3. I AM RAGE · 4. Desperate measures · 5. Big news! · 6. Who am I? · 7. Finding Wyldfyre · 8. Ready to return!
Season 3 41. TBA · 42. TBA · 43. TBA · 44. TBA · 45. TBA · 46. TBA · 47. TBA · 48. TBA · 49. TBA · 50. TBA · 51. TBA · 52. TBA · 53. TBA · 54. TBA · 55. TBA · 56. TBA · 57. TBA · 58. TBA · 59. TBA · 60. TBA