Amber Spiral is a nine-chapter story released on and the LEGO Life app in 2022. It follows Skylor's search for her mother, with the help of Chamille.
Chapter 1: Dreams of Danger[]
Chapter 2: The Rainburrow[]
Chapter 3: The Red Star Carnival[]
Chapter 4: Egon the Extraordinary[]
Chapter 5: Into the Tomb[]
Chapter 6: Ghost with the Most[]
Chapter 7: Amber Legacy[]
Chapter 8: The True Master of Amber[]
Chapter 9: Epilogue[]
- Whirlwand
- Staff of Elements (mentioned)
- Puffy Potsticker
- Chronosteel
- Hammer (vision)
- Trident (vision)
- Urn of Enmity
- Ninjago
- Yang Tavern
- The Rainburrow
- Village in the valley
- Haunted Hill (mentioned)
- Ninjago Museum of History (mentioned)
- Borg Tower (mentioned)
- Metalonia (vision)
- Yang Tavern
- Departed Realm (portal)
- When asked whether the story is canon, Tommy Andreasen stated, "I have had a (small) finger in that. I don’t know how it turned out but at least that was the intention from the outset"[2] and "I haven’t read the full thing, but that was the original intention."[3]
- He also stated that he remembers discussing the idea with Tommy Kalmar and Jack Rizzo and that the story is loosely based on the unpublished Amber Legacy.[4]
- Jack Rizzo, the author of the story, stated, "My first official Ninjago story is live! So proud to have been allowed to add to the Ninjago mythos, and I had a lot of fun writing this mini-adventure. There are still a few more parts to come so stay tuned, and keep checking in at the Ninjago website and the LEGO Life app!"[1]
- Two days after his story was published, he commented how he was glad people were enjoying his story and a page was made on the Ninjago Wiki.[5]
- This marks Chamille's first appearance since Tournament of Elements and her first acknowledgement since Hunted.
- Skylor makes note of Karlof's comment from "How to Build a Dragon" that Chamille had since become a "bad girl".
- It's unclear when the story takes place in the timeline, besides the fact that it's after Hunted and before Crystalized.
- The design of Skylor is based on its 2016 of 853687 LEGO NINJAGO Accessory Set
- Even though Egon the Extraordinary's wand is said to be made of Chronosteel, its appearance is closer to that of Blue Crystal. Both materials were found in Chen's Staff of Elements, of which Skylor notes the similarities.
- Several characters who do not exist in official minifigure form are comprised of various minifigure parts from Ninjago and other LEGO themes:
- Chamille uses the Rocker Girl's hair from Minifigures Series 7; the Swamp Crook's face from City; the Grandmother's torso from the City set, 60234 People Pack - Fun Fair; the Gardener's dual-molded arms from Minifigures Series 19; and the Red Panda Dancer's legs from Vidiyo.
- Egon the Extraordinary uses Lord Vampyre's torso from Monster Fighters, Tournament Cole's legs from Ninjago, and, in his second image, Gorilla Suit Guy's face from Minifigures Series 3.
- The Original Master of Amber uses Kai's pre-movie face from Ninjago and the Ancient Warrior's torso from Minifigures Series 21. He also wields the Battle Dwarf's hammer from Minifigures Series 17, and the map in his forge is from 71741 Ninjago City Gardens.
- In his older form, he uses Fusion Kai's powered-up face from 70627 Dragon's Forge, Dumbledore's hair from the 2018 Harry Potter relaunch, Gandalf's beard from Lord of the Rings, and the Roman Emperor's legs from Minifigures Series 9.
- Znap Construction is a reference to Znap, another LEGO theme.
- Skylor notes that Egon's wand likely contains the element of Wind.
- The final line of the story, "Besides, I have an exciting future ahead," likely foreshadows Skylor's role in Crystalized.
Language | Name |
German | Bernstein-Spirale |