Zane notices Sensei Wu wearing a new black kimono and tells him it is "most extraordinary." Wu thanks Zane and explains that it has powers against evil; more importantly, it reminds him of the day Garmadon was banished to the Underworld.
Garmadon falls into the Underworld.
A flashback shows a young Garmadon stealing the Golden Weapons from their stands. A young Wu enters the room, catches the latter and tells him that the Golden Weapons are for display only, but Garmadon, with red eyes, faces Wu and replies, "Tell me, what good is a weapon if all it's used for is collecting dust?" Wu, seeing his brother's intentions tells him not to be a fool only for Garmadon to snap back, exclaiming that their father was the fool. Wu reminds of the promise they made him long ago, only for Garmadon to angrily declares he shall break it and brandishes the Sword of Fire at his brother who parried the fireball with his staff, breaking it in the process and picking up the Shurikens of Ice and the Scythe of Quakes, engaging the battle.
Wu and Garmadon then battle over the Weapons, with the former using the Shurikens of Ice and the Scythe of Quakes and the other using the Nunchucks of Lightning and the Dragon Sword of Fire. Wu knocks Garmadon out of the Monastery with the Scythe, but Garmadon gets back up, attacking Wu with both weapons, which the latter counters with his. As the result of the four weapons being in contact with each other, it creates an explosion which causes a thunderstorm to suddenly appear above the Monastery. As Garmadon gets back up and tries to strike the final blow on his brother, Wu's kimono glows, and a bolt of lightning strikes Garmadon, charring his body and dropping him into the Underworld.
As the flashback ends, Sensei Wu tells Zane that there were many years of peace after Garmadon's downfall. At that moment, Jay soars riding on the back of the Lightning Dragon without using his hands, prompting Zane to quip that those days appear to be over.
The flashback of this short is set about a decade prior to the Pilot episodes as it happened after Lloyd was born.
Sensei Wu's appearance in this episode is based on the Wu minifigure available in the summer 2011 wave of sets.
The phrase "battle between brothers" is not spoken in this episode, though it was said in "Way of the Ninja."
This is the first time the Golden Weapons clashed together.
This episode explains how Garmadon got his dark, charred appearance: he was struck by lightning.
This episode's structure is similar to "An Underworldly Takeover," with one of the ninja having a conversation with Master Wu that leads to a flashback explaining some of the show's backstory.
A kimono similar to the black kimono worn by Sensei Wu and young Garmadon is later worn by the purified Garmadon at the end of "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master," albeit with purple accents and silver writing.