This category contains all articles pertaining to Season 12: Prime Empire.
All items (404)
- Nelson
- Newbie Gamer
- Newspaper warehouse
- Nindroid Sentries
- Nindroids
- Ninja
- Ninja Tuner Car
- Ninja vehicles
- Ninjago
- Ninjago (realm)
- Ninjago (sets)
- Ninjago (sets)/Minifigures
- Ninjago (TV series)
- Ninjago City
- Ninjago City Police Station
- Ninjago Magazine
- Ninjago News Center
- Ninjago Park
- Ninjago Police
- Ninjago Talent
- Ninjago Victory
- Ninjago wharfs
- Ninjargon
- Noble
- Noodle Truck of Crime
- Noodle trucks
- Noodles
- NPCs
- Nya
- Nya's golden spear
- Nya's relationships
- Nya/History
- Sage Master
- Sam Vincent
- Sammy
- Scott
- Scott Miles
- Scott's garage
- Scythe
- Sea of Sand
- Season 12: Prime Empire
- Secret Mission! (2020)
- Security guards (Ninjago City)
- Shane Poettcker
- Shannon Chan-Kent
- Shapeshifting
- Sharon Alexander
- Shifty
- Shifty's table
- Shurikens
- Side-scrolling platforms
- Silver katana
- Sitar Legend
- Skales
- Skids
- Slither Pit
- Slithraa
- Soda guzzler
- Sons of Garmadon
- Soto
- Spear
- Speeder Cars
- Speedway Five-Billion
- Speedway Racetrack
- Spinjitzu
- Successful Samurai
- Sushi
- Sushimi
- Sushimi's sushi chefs
- Sushimi's sushi restaurant
- Swamp-Teeth
- Tallest mountain of Ninjago
- Tea
- Teapot of Tyrahn
- Temple of Madness
- Terra Domina
- Terra Karana
- Terra Technica
- Terra Technica Dance-Off
- The Arcadian Whip
- The Fold
- The Legend of Jay
- The Meaning of Victory
- The Mechanic
- The Mechanic's headquarters
- The Mechanic's relationships
- The Mechanic's warehouse
- The Stowaway
- The Weekend Whip
- Thorns of Discontent
- Tiger wasps
- Timeline
- Tommy Andreasen
- Tommy Kalmar
- Tony
- Triple Tiger Sashay
- Types of gi