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Not to be confused with the episode.
“That's a baracis ninjagai. They're pretty hardy. My mom's a terrible gardener, and even she couldn't kill one of those off. They look dead, but they come back.”

Christofern is a baracis ninjagai nurtured by Garmadon.


Christofern (flashback)[]

When Garmadon comes to be Vinny's houseguest, Vinny gives him a plant as a present and a lesson on empathy. Garmadon then decides to name the plant, "Christofern." Since then, Garmadon promised him that the plant would be safe, and that he would flourish under his care.

Farewell the Sea[]

The plant is briefly seen when Lloyd was cleaning the apartment window before noticing a broadcast of the candlelight vigil for Nya on the apartment's TV.

Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5![]

The plant is seen next to a tired Vinny as he drinks a cup of coffee.


Garmadon sprays the plant as Lloyd and Wu before telling him about how he moved into the apartment until Lloyd had enough and left, along with a reluctant Wu. But when the apartment is attacked, Christofern ends up damaged and incinerated, enraging Garmadon, who attacks some Crystal Warriors in Oni form.

Brave But Foolish[]

Garmadon laments over Christofern, whom he now carries in a soda can. He now refers to it as, "the only green in [his] life." Although the plant is seemingly dead, Nya reassures him that it will grow back and begins to see new buds growing on the plant. Later, when on the Bounty's deck, Garmadon accidentally drops Christofern, and a Dragonide crushes it. Garmadon is then filled with rage and attacks them.

Safe Haven[]

When Garmadon and Lloyd are in the Serpentine's library within the sewers, Lloyd accuses Garmadon of being incapable of showing compassion. When Garmadon tries to prove Lloyd wrong by revealing that he's trying to make Christofern regrow as an example, Lloyd refutes this by claiming that plants don't count, much to Garmadon's disappointment.

Distress Calls[]

Taking Lloyd's advice from earlier, Garmadon leaves Christofern behind on the library desk.

Later, when Lloyd asks where Garmadon's plant is, he tells him that he got rid of it because of what Lloyd said. Recalling back on seeing Garmadon restraining a crystallized Serpentine without even destroying him, Lloyd finally understands how much Garmadon cared about the plant and apologizes for what he said earlier, reluctantly admitting that Garmadon may have a slight chance of showing compassion. Thus, they go back to get it prior to leaving the sewers.


Following the defeat of the Overlord and his armies, Garmadon announces he cannot keep carrying Christofern forever as it's a plant, and so plants him on a distant mountain. As repairs to the monastery are being made, Christofern is shown to be healthy and growing.



Season 15: Crystalized[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


  • Its name is a portmanteau of "Christopher" and "fern."
  • In Brazilian Portuguese Dub, Christofern is translated as "Samantabaia" the merge of the name "Samantha" and the direct translation of "fern" that is "samambaia".
  • The plant was first hinted by Tommy Andreasen's Two Truths, One Lie post for Crystalized.[1]
  • Garmadon's affection for it is heavily implied to be him projecting his love for Lloyd onto the plant.
  • It is unknown how Garmadon managed to recover Christofern in its soda can container in perfect shape even though the soda can was crushed by a Dragonide.\
  • Christofern is the last entity to appear in the original series.



Language Name
Chinese (Simplified) 克里斯托草
Czech Kristokapradí
French Christofeuille
German Christofarn
Hungarian Smaragdani
Japanese メアリーちゃん
Portuguese (BRA) Samantabaia
Ukrainian Христоферн



TV series and other media

Christofern · Glimwillow Lilies · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Strangle Weed · Swamp-Teeth · Thorns of discontent · Traveler's Tree · World Trees

Ninjago Wildlife

Astro Plants · Charming Flowers · Cloud Corn · Couch Potatoes · Cushion Plants · Dwarf Shrubs · Fire Sticks · Groovy Vines · Ice Berries · Lava Lilies · Lightning Buds · Lime Stones · Mushyrooms · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots · Pop-Rock-Corn · Sleepy Willows · Space Lichen · Sunny Flowers · The Underworld's Petrified Vegetation · Very Wild Flowers · Volcanoss
