“Hey! Those are Cole's parents, Lou, and… and… ugh, what's his mom's name again?”
— Kai, "Grief-Bringer"
Cole's family is the family containing the three most recent Elemental Masters of Earth. It currently consists of Cole and his father, Lou.
- Cole
- Lou
- Lilly (deceased)
- Cole's aunt (deceased; non-canon)
- Cole's grandfather
- In "The Mask of Deception" Cole states that he's tired of losing people in his life, referring to his mother. It's also revealed in "The Jade Princess" that the loss of his mother is what drove him to climb the mountain where he met Wu.
- It's possible Lou was initially harsh on Cole as the Master of Earth because he reminded him of Lilly[1] or that Lou pushed Cole to become a dancer because he didn't want him to end up like his mother.[2]
- The whereabouts and status of Cole's grandfather are unknown. Lou currently resides in Ninjago City.
- While Cole has Lou's eyebrows in his pre-Season 8 design, they more closely resemble Lilly's in his current design.
- In the flashback in "Dungeon Crawl!," however, young Cole has his current eyebrows.
- In the first draft of the "Day of the Departed" script, Cole and Lou were going to light a lantern for Cole's aunt, but it was changed, presumably to imply it was his mother.[3]
- Half of the known family members have been victims of Hypnobrai hypnosis.[4]
- Half have also unlocked the Spinjitzu Burst within their lifetimes.
Lou (Cole's father)
Lilly (Cole's mother; deceased)
Previous Earth Master (Cole's maternal grandfather)