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Cole   Cole (The LEGO Movie)   Cole (The LEGO Ninjago Movie)    
Moviemagic2 "You just have to look at it from a different point of view."

This article is about a subject that is canonical to the storyline of Warner Bros' The LEGO Movie franchise.

“Time to get down and dirty, ninja style.”
— Cole

Cole is the sarcastic Earth Ninja, and one of the six Ninja trained by Master Wu in the Secret Ninja Force. He drove the Earth Mech.


At an unknown point of time, Cole joined the Secret Ninja Force along with his friends, Lloyd, Kai, Zane, Jay, and Nya, and became the Earth Ninja.


He has black eyes, bushy eyebrows and long black hair sometimes tied in a man bun.

Cole is the only Ninja who does not have sleeves on his Ninja gi. He also has bracelets on his wrists. His gi is tied by visible string and looks slightly different to most other gi.


Cole is sarcastic and he possesses a strong passion for music, to the point where he even enjoys the sound of Wu's flute. Also, he is usually shown listening to music with either his headphones or his stereo, and can be seen remixing music while fighting the Shark Army. He is also described as a "man of a few words".

Weapons and Abilities[]

Cole wields a hammer in the trailers, but he may be skillful at using other weapons.

Ninjago movie cole poster

He and the other Ninja have Elemental Powers like their TV counterparts, allowing him to create and control stones and shockwaves. Cole's vehicle, however, doesn't have weapons that are earth-based, unlike how Kai's mech has a flame thrower in it. Instead, he uses his records to fight off the Shark Army.

Official descriptions[]

Cole: Master of Earth[]

A ninja who loves to move and groove, Cole is never without his music. He even likes to hear Master Wu play the flute. Cole’s mech has built-in turntables and a powerful sub-woofer, creating waves of intense sound to seriously rock his opponents and blast their mechs into pieces, not to mention shatter the windows of nearby cars and buildings.[1]

Meet Cole[]

The master of earth and a keen sense of music, even his subwoofers have woofers. Cole might seem too cool for school but it's not true, he is actually the most grounded and stable of all the ninja.[2]




Video games[]


  • His vehicle is a giant single-wheeled mech dubbed "Quake Mech."
  • In 70609 Manta Ray Bomber, Cole does not have arm printing. This is likely due to keep the version with arm printing exclusive to bigger sets.
  • His main weapon is a hammer.
    • It is unknown why they were shown with weapons in the commercials. They only used their elemental abilities and their mechs to fight, not once touching their signature weapons.
  • His casual attire has the AC/DC logo written in ninjargon on it.
    • Given that AC/DC is a rock band, this may reference Cole's element of Earth.
  • On his mech, there is an ape logo similar to his logo in Skybound.
  • He is the only Ninja to be seen with two hairpieces in the movie, one that resembles unkempt, messy hair and the other which resemble a bun on top of the head.
  • He is the only Ninja with no sleeves on his gi.
  • He had the least lines of all six Ninja in the movie.
  • He has a strong affinity for music.
  • In Season 9: Hunted, teenage Wu wore his hair the same way as Cole's man bun and headband. Cole's TV series counterpart would eventually wear his hair this way in The Island.
  • Cole briefly had Kai's hair in black when tying his hair into a bun during the suit-up sequence.



Promotional media[]

In The LEGO Ninjago Movie[]

In The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame[]


The LEGO Ninjago Movie characters
Heroes Cole · Fuchsia Ninja · Jay · Kai · Lloyd Garmadon · Nya · Master Wu · Zane
Allies Lord Garmadon · Koko
Villains General #1 · Asimov · Angler · Angler Goon · Bob · Charlie · Crusty · Four Eyes · Great White · IT Bat Nerd · Jelly · Hammer Head · Sergeant Mazu · Mike the Spike · Octopus · Private Puffer · General Omar · Snake Army (Captain Oroku · General Shen) · Puffer · Shark Army Gunner · Shark Army Thug · Steve · Terri · Bridge Warriors
Creatures Meowthra · Seven Deadly Butterflies of Shaolin
Other Ben Shephard · Chad · Chan Kong-Sang · Ed · Edna · Gong & Guitar Rocker · Ham · Ivy Walker · Jim Croce · Kate Garraway · Koko's best friend · Lauren · Maggie · Michael Strahan · Mr. Liu · Ms. Laudita · Nancy · Nomis · N-POP Girl · Robin Roberts · Rufus McCallister · Sushi Chef · Takuma · Tommy · Wu and Garmadon's parents · Zane's mother