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Compatible is the twenty-sixth episode of the fifteenth season of Ninjago and the 206th episode overall.
The Ninja reach out to allies across Ninjago, while at Borg Tower, Pixal prepares for the coming battle.[1]
Extended: Kai and Skylor bond over cooking for refugees. Master Wu and Misako struggle to decypher the Dragon Form scroll. Cole uses the paperkid dispatch to contact the rest of the Ninja and coordinate outreach to their allies. Cyrus Borg repairs Zane, and Pixal brings him back online with an emotional outreach. She summons her new mech from the Samurai X Cave. Borg outfits Ronin's fugitives with mechs.[1]
LEGO's YouTube Channel: Lloyd and Garmadon continue to search the sewers for the Serpentine tribes as Master Wu tries to decipher scrolls at the Library of Domu. While Nya and Jay are trying to contact Benthomaar at the harbor, Cole sends a message to Princess Vania in Shintaro!
Can the Ninja get help in time? Will the allies be enough to stop the Crystal King?
At the newspaper warehouse, Kai gives off a speech about their current situation before giving everyone noodles, which makes the survivors happy before moving to help Skylor. He then brings up how they should be a couple, but Skylor then remarks the times he neglected her, so he tells her the things he went through before she tells him once it's over, then they'll talk it over.
While looking at the scroll, Wu is unable to translate the writing on it before Misako suggests he take a break. Pretty soon, they hear from Cole, whom along with Nelson managed to tune the radio to their frequencies. Wu then speaks with the remainder of the team: Lloyd and Garmadon in the Serpentine City, Jay and Nya on their way to the harbour, and P.I.X.A.L. at Borg Tower with the dismantled Zane, Ronin, Ultra Violet, Killow and Fugi-Dove. Cole then prepared to reveal their location, but Wu tells him not to, and he simply states 'the news never sleeps,' which everyone translates it to the warehouse and explain each others' plans. Jay and Nya would head over to the harbour for Nya to use her recovering Water powers to send a signal to Benthomaar and the Merlopians, Lloyd and Garmadon would keep trying to search for the Serpentine, and P.I.X.A.L. will meet up with them once Zane is repaired and the new mechs are finished, although they have minor difficulties with them.
Wu then remembers their time in Shintaro and that Vania said she and her army would help them. As Cole has doubts about it since their radio would be unable to reach them, Vinny Folson suggests the Ninjago News Center, which is on the other side of town, and Racer Seven, now calling herself 'Blazey H. Speed', volunteers to drive them over in the NGTV News van.
Meanwhile at Borg Tower, P.I.X.A.L. helps Ultra Violet get used to her mech. It peeps into Violet's head that she could use it to beat the ninja but P.I.X.A.L looks at her sternly. Fugi-Dove proceeds to joke around with the mech, claiming to be "Mega-Dove" now, though he accidentally throws his mech into a TV frame. Cyrus calls Pix over for Zane and tells her that he's essentially in a coma due to his memory banks taking damage. Cyrus tells her he will try his best and P.I.X.A.L understood.
Later, Cole, Vinny and Blazey go to the NGTV News Truck. Cole questioned if it would really get them through but Blazey confirms she can do it. She fires a laser blaster at a nearby car to attract the attention of the crystal zombies. They jump into the van drive through Ninjago City.
At Borg Tower, everyone prepares to leave but Zane still hasn't awoken. P.I.X.A.L tried talking to Zane, reminding him of what he had done for her. Pixal joins the rest to leave but Zane wakes up, he and Pixal hug in rejoice as he explains that hearing her voice brought him back, which moved everyone, especially Fugi-Dove to tears. P.I.X.A.L calls Mini-Pix for the mech she made and Mini-Pix begins to bring it. P.I.X.A.L then proclaims that she is ready to fight.
- Blazey H. Speed - Shannon Chan-Kent
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Cyrus Borg - Lee Tockar
- Fugi-Dove - Adrian Petriw
- Garmadon - Mark Oliver
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd Garmadon - Sam Vincent
- Misako - Kathleen Barr
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- P.I.X.A.L. - Jennifer Hayward
- Ronin - Brian Dobson
- Skylor - Heather Doerksen
- Ultra Violet - Sharon Alexander
- Vinny Folson - Gavin Langelo
- Wu - Paul Dobson
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Nindroid crisis (mentioned)
- Speedway Five-Billion (mentioned)
- Attack by Unagami (indirectly mentioned)
- Battle for Shintaro Mountain (indirectly mentioned)
- Great Flood (indirectly mentioned)
- Final prophecy of Quanish the Elder
- Dragon Form scroll
- Dragon Chestplate
- Garmadon's helmet
- Gis
- Golden (Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Zane)
- Samurai X (Nya)
- Laser blasters
- MiniPix Seven
- Noodles
- Ramen noodle cart
- Samurai X suits
- Vengestone
- Zane's power source (mentioned)
- Ninjago (realm)
- Ninjago
- Ninjago City
- Samurai X Cave
- Shintaro Mountain (mentioned)
- Kingdom of Shintaro (mentioned)
- Ninjago's sky
- Endless Sea
- Ninjago
- Never-Realm (mentioned)
- Prime Empire (mentioned)
- Chickens
- Crystal Warriors
- Crystal zombies
- Humans
- Merlopians (mentioned)
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon hybrids
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Serpentine (mentioned)
- Whales (mentioned)
- Narrator: P.I.X.A.L.
- The episode's title is a nod to Zane and P.I.X.A.L's line, "Are we compatible?" said multiple times to each other in Rebooted.
- Ironically, the word "compatible" is never said in the episode.
- This is the first episode to feature a kiss between Zane and P.I.X.A.L.
- Kai suggesting to Skylor that the two should become an official couple is reminiscent of how he instructed Jay to ask Nya to be his Yang in "The Darkness Comes."
- Kai mentions several events occurring within the WildBrain era, such as his powers being stolen in "Boobytraps and How to Survive Them," the events of Prime Empire, Master of the Mountain, and Nya merging with the Endless Sea in "Nyad," which he claims those were the reasons why he was not able to get in contact with Skylor.
- This is the fourth episode, and the third episode of this season, that the rainbow crossing makes an appearance, after "Papergirl," "The Council of the Crystal King" and "Quittin' Time!"
- This marks the third time that P.I.X.A.L. voices her love for Zane.
- This differs from the previous instances, "The Kaiju Protocol" and "Return of the Ice Emperor" as P.I.X.A.L. does not express this sentiment while anticipating her death.
- During her speech, she refers to the events of Rebooted, and especially the moment when Zane gave half of his original power source to save her in "Blackout."
- The music heard before, and in the credits is, "Built to Protect" which is heard at the end of "The Titanium Ninja" when P.I.X.A.L. witnessed the Borg Tower Main Factory rebuild Zane.
- When Kai talks about the events of Master of the Mountain to Skylor, he addresses Vangelis as "an evil king" and not by his name. However, given how Skylor showed awareness of his name, as well as his title as the Skull Sorcerer by Jay and Cole respectively in "Kryptarium Prison Blues," and Kai was present at that time of moment, it makes little sense as to why he would refer to Vangelis as such as if Skylor had never heard of him.
- When speaking to the unconscious Zane, P.I.X.A.L. says that she doesn't know if Nindroids like Zane and her have an afterlife or any similar concept, even though in "Day of the Departed" she saw Cryptor and several Nindroid Warriors, who previously died, return and their souls flying off after they are destroyed.
- Like in "Nyad," Cole calls Vania, "Princess Vania" even though she became queen, in "The Son of Lilly."
- P.I.X.A.L. refers to MiniPix Seven simply as "MiniPix," even though she had given it an official name in "Darkness Within."
- However MiniPix could simply just be a nickname for MiniPix Seven.
Language | Name |
Chinese (Traditional) | 心靈相通 |
Czech | Slučitelný |
Dutch | Samen |
Finnish | Yhteensopiva |
French (CAN) | Ensemble |
German | Was zusammenpasst |
Italian | Il risveglio di Zane |
Polish | Kompatybilni |
Portuguese (BRA) | Compatível |
Portuguese (POR) | Compatível |
Spanish (LA) | Compatible |
Spanish (ESP) | Compatibilidad |