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Not to be confused with the event.
“You just want to go to the Crossroads Carnival, don't you?”

Crossroads Carnival is the third episode of the first season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising.


On training day, Arin and Sora sneak out of the monastery to attend the Crossroads Carnival and uncover a villainous plot that tests their skills.

Extended: Lloyd trains Arin and Sora by impersonating Master Wu, but his lessons won't stick. Sora and Arin sneak out of the Monastery to go to the Crossroads Carnival where they rescue Lobbo from Kreel, only to uncover a larger kidnapping plot. A villain named Dorama is using Whack Rats to create fireworks. Lloyd follows his students to the carnival, and a memorial to his missing teammates reminds Lloyd that being a Ninja used to be fun, too.[1]

Cartoon Network Asia/New Zealand: Arin and Sora sneak out of the Monastery to attend the Crossroads Carnival and uncover a villainous plot that puts their new training to the test.[2]


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Arin and Riyu start their training

Lloyd wakes Arin and Sora for their first day of training. Arin begins doing exercises along with Riyu, but Sora complains saying that they should be around people to be ninja, like around the Crossroads for example. Arin sees through this and says Sora just wants to go to the Crossroads Carnival. They talk about it until Lloyd hears them and asks what it's about. Arin and Sora tell him all about it, but Lloyd notes it as a distraction and attempts to start their training by having the training course come out dramatically, but it didn't work due to the gears being old and blocked. Lloyd eventually gets it to work but he then tries to practice Wu's old way of teaching by using tea as a way to time Arin and Sora, though it was burnt.

DR ep 3 1

Lloyd drinks and spits out his tea

When Sora asked why he was planning to use tea to time them in the first place, Lloyd explained that it was because he wanted to follow in Wu's footsteps. He says he even grew a beard but isn't visible. They finally start their training, with Arin doing decently and Sora struggling. Lloyd closes up the day and the kids sit down in the living room. Sora tries to convince Arin to go, and she succeeds, bringing Riyu along with them in a disguise.

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Arin and Sora watch Lobbo give away his prize money

While in the Crossroads, they see their mech being used as a DJ set and Sora almost intervenes but Arin drags her so they can enter the pie contest in time. When they get there, they meet up with Mr. Frohicky to enter Arin's pie and come across his rival chef, Grab-Barg. Some Whack Rats soon arrive and kidnap Lobbo, who was giving away his prize money to random carnival goers. It was Kreel's gang. Arin and Sora followed in pursuit and stop Kreel with Arin using his grappling hook, and Sora having Riyu give her Technology powers to reshape the mech into a bike and drive after the Whack Rats.

DR ep 3 2

Arin and Sora agree to help Kreel

Though she explains the reason that she had kidnapped Lobbo was because her friend, Targle, had been kidnapped, and the prize money would've been used to pay for his ransom. They make an agreement that if Arin and Sora save her friend, Kreel will leave Lobbo alone. Meanwhile, Lloyd learns that the kids had snuck out and went to the Crossroads, though he tries to see if anyone had seen the kids, he's constantly pushed around until he falls into a tent with the pictures of the Ninja in them, including his own.

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Lloyd finds memorial portraits of the ninja

As two kids drop flowers near Kai's portrait, Lloyd asks them what it's all about and they explain it's essentially a memorial to remember the Ninja, believing they were lost in The Merge. Lloyd keeps his identity hidden and was almost heartfelt that people actually remembered them. Meanwhile, Arin and Sora find the hidden base of Dorama and they try to stop him but he sets up a whole bunch of traps. Dorama explains that he kidnaps Whack Rats because their power can be used for his performances. Arin gets to Dorama and uses Spinjitzu to stop the traps. Dorama then uses a giant puppet to attack the kids. Lloyd, having followed a trail of fabric from his meditation carpet Riyu was using as part of his disguise, arrives and uses Spinjitzu to take down the puppet's strings. It comes back to life and grabs Sora. Arin throws a Spinjitzu-powered phonograph at it, and it shuts it down temporarily. Lloyd notices it has gears and uses the fabric pieces he had collected to drive them through a fan and into the gears to make the puppet stop working. Riyu gives chase to Dorama and he gets captured.

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Mr. Frohicky handing Arin the second place medal

Meanwhile, Kreel and Lobbo talk about their situations. That's when Lloyd and the kids arrive. Arin apologizes for sneaking out and Sora apologizes for taking his carpet as a disguise for Riyu. Lloyd apologizes for being too hard on them.

They go to the pie contest, with Arin losing to Grab-Barg again. Lloyd cheers him up before they plan to continue attending the carnival and Lloyd says training will start at the crack of dawn again, with Arin cheering and Sora groaning. Meanwhile, Dorama is caged but Ras arrives, giving Dorama a business proposition.













  • The boy who was involved in making the memorial for the ninja has a similar appearance to Nelson.
  • This marks the first time Mackenzie Gray has voiced a character since he left the previous series after Legacy of the Green Ninja.


  • In this episode, Lloyd says to Arin and Sora, "To become a ninja, you must see potential where others do not." Wu says something similar to Kai in "Way of the Ninja," the first episode of the pilots, "To become a true ninja, first you must be able to see what others do not."
    • Lloyd also says to Arin and Sora "You must complete the course before I finish my tea" another line echoing Wu, "Complete the training course before I finish my tea, then we'll see if you are ready."
  • This episode marks the first time Lloyd has referred to Wu as his uncle since "The Hands of Time."
  • Lloyd also tried to time Arin and Sora with tea, similar to what Wu did with Kai in "Way of the Ninja."
    • In addition, Sora being knocked into the air repeatedly and getting slammed into the walls of the Monastery looks similar to one of Kai's first attempts on the training course.


  • Jay's portrait depicts him without freckles.
  • It is unknown how the kids in the tent or how the people around the Crossroads didn't recognize Lloyd despite him looking the same as he did before and after the Merge.


Language Name
Chinese (Simplified) 交叉口狂欢节
Chinese (Traditional) 交會地帶嘉年華
Czech Pouť na Rozcestí
Dutch Het Kruispuntfestival
Finnish Risteymän karnevaalit
French Le Carnaval de la Jonction
German Der Crossroads-Jahrmarkt
Indonesian Karnaval Crossroads
Italian Il carnevale di Crossroads
Polish Rozdrożny Karnawał
Portuguese O Festival de Crossroads
Spanish El carnaval del cruce de caminos
Turkish Kavşak Karnavalı


Ninjago: Dragons Rising episodes
Season 1 1. The Merge: Part 1 · 2. The Merge: Part 2 · 3. Crossroads Carnival · 4. Beyond Madness · 5. Writers of Destiny · 6. Return to Imperium · 7. Mindless Beasts · 8. I Will Be the Danger · 9. The Calm Inside · 10. The Battle of the Second Monastery · 11. The Temple of the Dragon Cores · 12. Gangs of the Sea · 13. Wyldly Inappropriate · 14. The Last Djinn · 15. They Call It Doom · 16. Land of Lost Things · 17. The Administration · 18. Absolute Power · 19. We Are All Dragons · 20. The Power Within
The Elemental Mechs 1. What the Mech? · 2. The Mech Master · 3. A Pain in the Mech!
Season 2 21. The Blood Moon · 22. Shattered Dreams · 23. Beyond the Phantasm Cave · 24. Force From the East · 25. The Spell at the Waterfall · 26. To Mysterium · 27. Fugitives From Madness · 28. Secrets of the Wyldness · 29. The Forest of Spirits · 30. Rising Ninja · 31. The Shape of Motion · 32. Enter the City of Temples · 33. They Gather for the Feast · 34. Inside the Maze · 35. United We Fall · 36. Truth and Lies · 37. The Sword Shatters · 38. Clues and Suspects · 39. The Final Game · 40. Elements of Betrayal
Return to the Wyldness 1. Queen of RAGE! · 2. Into the lava! · 3. A maze of reflections · 4. Time to get Red
Wyldfyre's Stories 1. My Camera Roll · 2. Draw With Me · 3. 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Dragon Eggs! · 4. Dragon Translator · 5. An App to Track Feelings · 6. Meditation or Meltdown · 7. Bye-bye Bone · 8. Lessons I Learned in the Wyldness
Wyldfyre's Voice Notes 1. Why am I doing this · 2. So what now? · 3. I AM RAGE · 4. Desperate measures · 5. Big news! · 6. Who am I? · 7. Finding Wyldfyre · 8. Ready to return!
Season 3 41. TBA · 42. TBA · 43. TBA · 44. TBA · 45. TBA · 46. TBA · 47. TBA · 48. TBA · 49. TBA · 50. TBA · 51. TBA · 52. TBA · 53. TBA · 54. TBA · 55. TBA · 56. TBA · 57. TBA · 58. TBA · 59. TBA · 60. TBA