The crystal army (also known as the Vengestone army) was the Overlord's dark forces built out of an amalgamation of infectious crystals and Vengestone. It was led by the Overlord and his council, made up of old members of the ninja's rogue gallery.
After the Liberation of Ninjago, a being introducing himself as the Crystal King met up with Harumi after she died. He told her that he's been watching her for some time and was impressed by her potential. When he offered her to be resurrected in exchange for her having to serve him, Harumi reconsidered, saying she didn't even know him. The Crystal King began to believe that he was wrong and started to leave. Harumi changed her mind and accepted the deal, so the Crystal King brought her back to life.
The Crystal King gave Harumi the central crystal and had her travel to the Oni Temple, where she placed the crystal inside a pedestal and transformed it into the Crystal Temple. When a larger crystal emerge from the pedestal, the Crystal King manifested from inside of it as a shadow and revealed himself as the Overlord to Harumi. Harumi began to regret doing this whilst fearing that the Overlord will destroy Ninjago. But the Dark Lord claimed that he actually wants the Balance to be destroyed so he could put an end to the destruction that comes from the battles between good and evil, and let Ninjago be at peace under his rule as a result. This convinced Harumi to serve the Overlord once more, so he then ordered her to create the foot soldiers of the Vengestone army, which would allow them to block the ninja's Elemental Powers.[1]
After the Great Flood, the Crystal Spiders began to be used for observing the Vengestone smuggling operations in Ninjago.[2][3] Not long after, the Overlord ordered Harumi to form the Crystal Council, which consisted of the ninja's enemies from the past.
A Painful Promise[]
A Crystal Spider heads to the Pyramid that Aspheera was once imprisoned in and delivers an invite from the Kabuki Mask to join the Crystal Council, to which Aspheera accepts, given a new staff in the process.
Ninjago City vs. Ninja[]
After the ninja were sentenced to five years in Kryptarium Prison, the Crystal King had his second-in-command, the Kabuki Mask, meet up with Lloyd at Kryptarium, wanting to tell the Green Ninja about the assembling of the Crystal Council, and in addition for the Kabuki Mask's desire to see Lloyd's look of helplessness as he sees all of Ninjago destroyed.
Later at night, the Kabuki Mask used a Crystal Spider to free Vangelis from Shintaro's prison and asked if he would like to join the Council of the Crystal King, in which Vangelis accepts, given a glowing mask similar to the one he wore while he was the Skull Sorcerer.
Kryptarium Prison Blues[]
The Kabuki Mask used a Crystal Spider to break into Pythor's cage and invite him into the Council. As the former Snake King accepts, the Crystal Spiders assist him in breaking out of Kryptarium Prison.
The Fifth Villain[]
The Kabuki Mask used another Crystal Spider to send an invitation to "The Mechanic" (unaware that he was Lloyd in disguise), and the Crystal Spider opens an entrance underneath to the Ninjago Metro.
The Council of the Crystal King[]
Lloyd infiltrated the Crystal Temple and met most of the council's members. Lloyd and the council noticed that one chair is still remaining, and thought it was meant for the Crystal King. However, the Kabuki Mask revealed that it's for them, which made the council realize that the Kabuki Mask isn't the Crystal King, but rather his second-in-command. The Kabuki Mask then stated that the Crystal King will tell the council about his plans later on, and that one of the council members is actually an imposter.
Because of this, the council began to accuse which one was the imposter until the Kabuki Mask exposed Lloyd by showing a video that a crystal spider recorded earlier. The Council began to chase after Lloyd until Mister F shot him, knocking him against a wall. The council then cornered Lloyd as the Kabuki Mask showed their identity to the ninja by singing a lullaby, revealing to actually be Harumi in disguise.
A Sinister Shadow[]
After Harumi explained how she began working for the Crystal King and formed the crystal army for him, Lloyd tries to escape but Mister F stops him.
The Spider's Design[]
As the ninja walk through the N line, they were being spied by a Crystal Spider. Later on, Harumi sent the Crystal Spiders to the subway tunnel and rigged them to explode in an attempt to kill the ninja, though they survived in the BRTM-12.
The Fall of the Monastery[]
The Council of the Crystal King arrive at the hangar bay and confronted Wu and the others, explaining that they came to steal the Golden Weapons. As a fight breaks out between both groups, P.I.X.A.L. summons the MiniPix, but the Crystal Council defeats them with the assistance of the Crystal Spiders. The council then takes the Golden Weapons and set the Crystal Spiders as a two-minute timer to explode the hangar bay and the Monastery.
Darkness Within[]
With the Weapons of Spinjitzu in their possession, the Crystal Council return back to the Crystal Temple so they can perform a ritual that would allow the Overlord to take form.
The council set the weapons around the central crystal, and Aspheera commences the ritual, which results in the weapons being corrupted into the Weapons of Destruction and the Overlord to return. After gaining physical form, the Overlord mocks Lloyd by mentioning the Final Battle, and laughs at the Green Ninja maniacally as the latter discovers the Crystal King's identity.
The Coming of the King[]
After gaining physical form as the Crystal King, the Overlord bestows the Crystal Council new powers and gave them all except for Harumi a Weapon of Destruction. He then gives Lloyd a choice between working for him like Harumi, or die. But Lloyd chooses neither and escapes by breaking the central crystal, causing the Crystal Island to tilt sideways. After the Overlord repairs the crystal, he orders the council to destory Lloyd. As the council did so, the Overlord awakens the Crystal Warriors.
Return to Primeval's Eye[]
The Council of the Crystal King rode the Dragonides to search for Harumi and later attack the ninja.
As the Crystal Island travel across Ninjago, the Overlord informed his plan to corrupt the ninja to Harumi. To set it in motion, the Overlord orders the Vengestone Guards to attack a rice farm and turn the rice farmers into crystal zombies, along with the assistance of the Dragonides. As NGTV filmed the crystal army's battle with the ninja, the Crystal Warriors gain the upper hand as the ninja vehicles were drained by the infectious crystals.
Wu informed Garmadon that Harumi joined forces with the Overlord and created the crystal army to serve him. At first, Garmadon denied helping Wu and Lloyd again due to his oath, but after the crystal army attacked Vinny's apartment and seeminly killed Christofern in the process, he gets enraged and uses Oni Form to fight off the Vengestone Guards.
A Lesson in Anger[]
As the Crystal Island reaches Ninjago, the Crystal Warriors continue to crystalize the citizens and fought off the New Ninja, who ended up being crystalized as well.
Brave But Foolish[]
By using the power boost P.I.X.A.L. upgraded in their vehicles, the four ninja were able to fight off the Vengestone Guards while the rest use to the Destiny's Bounty to drag the Crystal Temple out of the city. But by summoning the Dragonides, the Overlord seperates the ninja and destroyed most of their vehicles. As he succeded, the Overlord unleahses his true power of Darkness and crystalizes all of Ninjago City.
Quittin' Time![]
A Dragonide chases Wu through Ninjago City until he tricks it into crashing into a bus. The dragonide then grabs Wu's Dragon Chestplate but he escapes by detatching his wings. The Mechanic is patrolling with crystal warriors when he sees smoke in the distance from the crashed Bounty. He finds Nya at the crashsite and mocks her before the crystal warriors prepare to crystalize her. Jay arrives and fights off The Mechanic and the crystal warriors, they slowly overpower him until Nya unintentionally blasts them away with water. The two escape before The Mechanic and the crystal warriors can finish them off. Later on, a few crystal warriors outside the newspaper warehouse start attacking Jake's parents, Wu saves them with the help of the Paperboys. Wu then sends a radio message while the Crystal Army are marching around Ninjago City
Return of the Ice Emperor[]
As P.I.X.A.L. tried to take Zane to Borg Tower for repairs, the Vengestone Guards caught them but were stopped when Ronin arrived.
Safe Haven[]
Kai recovers from his car crash with Cole and helps him get away from Pythor and some crystal warriors passing by. Pythor finds them from a delusional Cole giving them away. Kai and Pythor engage in a fight but easily gets overpowered by Pythor's nunchucks. He is saved by Skylor who makes a stone wall in front of Pythor and the crystal warriors. While Skylor, Kai, and Cole are trying to getting to safety they hide from Harumi riding a dragonide. After finding Jake they run into crystal zombies, Kai distracts them so they can get away. They later run into more crystal zombies before being saved by the Paperboys.
Distress Calls[]
Jay and Nya reach the harbor and sink some crystal warriors with a truck. More crystal warriors are run over by Blazey H. Speed, then a crystal warrior throws its spear at the NGTV News van. Back in the sewers Lloyd and Garmadon come across crystalized serpentine but they are easily defeated. Meanwhile Cole is recording a message to send to Vania, but dragonides destroy the NGTV radio tower.
An Issue of Trust[]
The Overlord is angry at his council for not following through with his orders, until Harumi arrives with Mister F with an intercepted radio message from the ninja. The Overlord congratulates Harumi with her findings and orders his army to destroy the warehouse and leave the ninja for him. Meanwhile Cyrus Borg warns the ninja that the crystal army is on their way. The Crystal army then arrives and Jay tries to reason with them, to which they ignore. Harumi informs the Overlord that the battle has begun, but he suddenly gets attacked by Garmadon and questions why he isn't on the Crystal army's side.
Dragon Form[]
Lloyd and Garmadon engage in battle with the Overlord, he then transforms into his centaur form and destroys Lloyd's mech. Meanwhile the ninja, Wu, Skylor P.I.X.A.L., Ultra Violet, Killow, Fugi-Dove, and Ronin battle the crystal army, soon the army gets too close and they lose their powers. A dragonide flies by and turns Ultra Violet, Killow, and Ronin into crystal zombies. Just then the Maaray Guards, Army of Shintaro, Keepers, Serpentine, MiniPix Seven, and numerous Ninjago City citizens along with Sally and her family, with many others come to their aid. This allows the ninja to unlock Dragon Form and easily defeat the Crystal army. Mister F then chases P.I.X.A.L. on a dragonide before getting rammed through a billboard by Zane. They engage in a battle in which Zane purifies the Shuriken of Ice and uses it to crush Mister F under the billboard. The battle continues with Lloyd and Garmadon against the Overlord, where he reveals he corrupted the Great Devourer which causes Harumi's betrayal. The Mechanic is about to attack Nya when his shuriken gets purified (due to Zane purifying the other one). Nya then makes a drain pipe fall on The Mechanic. The crystal warriors start shooting at Nya before getting saved by Jay, The Mechanic prepares to shoot Nya while she's distracted but gets his robo-arm cut off by Okino. Cole and Vangelis on a dragonide fly by them with the latter shooting at him with the crystalized Scythe of Quakes, he then rants about his downfall and how Cole turned everyone against him. He pins Cole down with his dragonide and prepares to kill him, luckily Adam starts shooting webs at Vangelis and Cole sets himself free, he then took the Scythe and purified it. In the rooftop above them, Kai and Aspheera are having a battle until Pythor joins in. Jay pins down Pythor and uses a ground pound attack to shock him out of invisibility. He then grabs the Nunchucks of Lightning and purifies them, Kai watches him do this and does the same with the Sword of Fire. Without the Golden Weapons, the crystal army starts losing power and The Resistance starts destroying several crystal warriors and dragonides very easily. Aspheera starts rambling to the ninja and Zane freezes her. Back on the Crystal Island, Gamadon, Lloyd, and Harumi continue battling the Overlord but ultimately lose. He then starts gathering his powers to corrupt the powers of creation.
Lloyd, Garmadon, and Harumi try to stop the Overlord from reaching the crystal so he can't corrupt the powers of creation, but to no avail. Garmadon then gets weakened by the Overlord and fakes his death to motivate Lloyd, this works and he unlocks his Oni Form, but he gets rid of it out of fear. The Overlord then blasts him off the island and he hangs on to the mouth of the Oni Temple, the Overlord continues his attempt to corrupt the weapons of creation. He succeeds and fires a blast out of the Crystal Island to corrupt the powers of creation, the ninja counter-attack by combining the weapons of spinjitzu. The counter-attack fails and the ninja are turned into crystal zombies. Although the elements of creation are sent back to their original forms, and hit Lloyd, who has fell off the Crystal Island. The Overlord prepares to kill Harumi for her betrayal when he is interrupted by Lloyd flying on the Golden Ultra Dragon. The Overlord is incased in ice, then charred in fire then chases after the dragon. The Overlord gets a hit on the dragon, in which the dragon fires all four elements of creation at him, which immobilizes him briefly. The Golden Ultra Dragon picks him up and flies him through the central crystal, which destroys it. Lloyd tells Harumi to take cover and the dragon fires all four elements of creation at the Overlord then finishes him with a shattering blow. Harumi checks up on Lloyd and escapes the Crystal Island with Garmadon on the Golden Ultra Dragon. The defeat of the Overlord purifies all crystal zombies, including the ninja, Ronin, Ultra Violet, Killow, the people of Ninjago City, and the people of farmers' village. It also removed all enhancements given to the Council of the Crystal King. The Crystal Island then explodes.
Official description[]
Crystals pave the way of these vicious villains! From the head villain and his generals, to his henchmen, their aim is to rule Ninjago City. Find out more here![4]
Known members[]
- The Overlord (leader)
- Council of the Crystal King
- Crystal Warriors (destroyed)
- Vengestone Warriors (destroyed)
- Vengestone Brutes (non-canon)
- Vengestone Guards (destroyed)
- Crystal zombies (purified)
- Crystal Spiders (destroyed)
- Dragonides (destroyed)
- The Crystal Warriors have faces that resemble dragons.
- The crystal army is the second villainous faction to have members made of a rocky material and serve the Overlord, the first being the Stone Army. They also both have some kind of immunity due to the material they're made out of.
- There are three variations of the crystal army's foot soldiers in the sets: the Warriors, Brutes, and Guards.
- However, in the show, the soldiers are made entirely of Guards.
- Ironically the Guards are the variation of the army that appears the least in the sets.
- In "Game of Masks", the Oni shown on the carvings in the Oni Temple are similar to the Vengestone Guards and the Dragonides that were used by the Overlord in Season 15. It's unknown whether Harumi designed the Crystal Warriors after the Oni carvings or if it's just a coincidence.
Known members[]
Promotional media[]
In Ninjago[]
Language | Name |
Finnish | Kaunankiviarmeija Kristalliarmeija |
French | Armée de Cristal |
German | Rachestein-Armee |
Polish | Kryształowa armia |
Portuguese (BRA) | Exército de Cristal |
Ukrainian | Кришталева армія |