Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
Crystastrophe is the nineteenth episode of the fifteenth season of Ninjago and the 199th episode overall.
The Ninja fight back the Crystal King's army as Lloyd and Master Wu trace a clue back to an unlikely ally.[1]
Extended: The Ninja clash with the Crystal King's army as his temple floats towards Ninjago City. The vengestone warriors negate the Ninja's elemental powers, and the crystals drain their vehicles. Master Wu and Lloyd track down cryptic warnings of this event. With the help of the paperkids, they follow the clues back to Garmadon, living in Ninjago City with NGTV News cameraman, Vinny.[2]
LEGO's YouTube Channel: On his way to NINJAGO City, the Crystal King begins to unleash his Crystal Warriors, who begin turning people into crystal zombies. While watching Gayle Gossip on Destiny's Bounty, Master Wu realizes that someone has been trying to warn him about the Overlord's return for months!
Who is the mysterious ally helping the Ninja? Are there reinforcements to help stop the Crystal King?

The Overlord discussing with Harumi about his plan to launch an assault on Ninjago
The Crystal Island flies over Ninjago as the Overlord talks to Harumi over the failure to destroy Lloyd, claiming that she may have feelings for him. She tries to verbally retaliate until she is told to be silent. He then explains to Harumi that her failure still gives him the chance to corrupt the ninja, allowing him to possess their Elemental Powers. To set the plan in motion, the Overlord begins to attack the people of Ninjago by unleashing the Crystal Warriors and Dragonides. The ninja arrive to stop the Crystal King, but the Vengestone Guards overpower them and began infecting rice farmers, turning them into crystal zombies. Gayle Gossip goes on about the situation on the news.

Wu, Nya and Lloyd analysing the newspaper clippings
Lloyd, Nya, and Wu watched the broadcast and Nya questions how the Overlord returned despite being destroyed last time. Wu clarified that the Overlord can't be destroyed as he's the embodiment of evil and as long their negative emotions and conflicts in Ninjago, which would allow the Overlord to return and take on another form once his previous one is destroyed. He then realizes that he has been sent newspapers showing conflicts happening, so he comes to the conclusion that the person sending the papers were sending warnings of the Overlord's return. They see that the papers have a delivery tag and head to Ninjago City.

Antonia looks at the tag on the clipping
At the newspaper warehouse, Antonia shows some paperboys how to throw a rolled up newspaper at a can before the Bounty shows up, and Lloyd and Wu explain their situation, involving the newspaper clippings. Antonia looks at the tag before asking Nelson, who explains the tag is an apartment building address where he delivers some newspaper and that the apartment is owned by Vinny Folson, surprising Lloyd and Wu.
Meanwhile, the ninja continue to fight the crystal army. Zane tries to attack the Crystal Temple, but the Golden Dragon Jet shuts down until it was far from the floating structure. Seeing this, P.I.X.A.L. requests the ninja to bring her an infectious crystal so she could study it. With Cole's help, Jay takes one from a Crystal Warrior.

Lloyd and Wu unexpectedly run into Garmadon at Vinny's apartment
Arriving at Vinny's apartment building, Lloyd still wonders how Vinny knew the Overlord was returning before he and Wu head inside. Reaching his apartment door and knocking on it, Vinny's roommate, while complaining about a delivery, opens it, revealing himself to be Garmadon, surprising both parties.
- Antonia - Brynna Drummond
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Garmadon - Mark Oliver
- Gayle Gossip - Kelly Sheridan
- Harumi - Britt McKillip
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd - Sam Vincent
- Nelson - David Raynolds
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- The Overlord - Scott McNeil
- P.I.X.A.L. - Jennifer Hayward
- Vinny Folson - Gavin Langelo
- Wu - Paul Dobson
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Dragonides
- Elemental Cobras (pictured)
- Wojira (pictured)
- The Final Battle (indirectly mentioned)
- Nindroid crisis (indirectly mentioned)
- Great Flood (pictured)
- Amulets of Wojira (pictured)
- Aspheera's staff (pictured)
- Cole's golden hammer
- Garmadon's helmet
- Gis
- Golden
- Samurai X (Nya)
- Infectious crystals
- Jay's golden kusarigama
- MiniPix
- Samurai X suits
- Trident (pictured)
- Vengestone
- Ninjago
- Ninjago City
- Newspaper warehouse
- Andreasen Avenue
- Ninjago City
- Ninjago's sky
- Crystal Warriors
- Crystal zombies
- Dragons
- Humans
- Hypnobrai (pictured)
- Merlopians (pictured)
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon hybrids
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Sea serpents (pictured)
- Narrator: Lloyd
- The episode title is a reference to the word "catastrophe."
- It is also similar to a previous episode, "Snaketastrophy."

Tommy Andreasen and Garmadon's shirts compared
- The street Vinny lives on is named "Andreasen Avenue," presumably named after Tommy Andreasen.
- Two MiniPix can be seen in the background of the Samurai X Cave, indicating that P.I.X.A.L. built more of them since the events of "The Fall of the Monastery." However, this could also be an error, as the second MiniPix is never shown again.
- Garmadon's shirt in this and the next episode is based on Tommy Andreasen's shirt.[3]
- As of this episode, the ninja's new designs have had more screen time than their original designs, with the original designs being on-screen for 74 22-minute episodes and the new designs being on-screen for 24 22-minute episodes and 101 11-minute episodes.
- This is also the 101st episode animated by WildBrain. So as of this episode, both WILFilm ApS and WildBrain were tied for animating the most episodes of the show (including the pilot episodes" & "Day of the Departed" and excluding shorts, mini-movies and non-canon media from both animation studios).
- At the beginning of the episode, the Overlord mentions to Harumi that she still had feelings for Lloyd, hence why she was reluctant to destroy him. However, this heavily contradicts what she told Lloyd in "Dread on Arrival," that her having feelings for him was all but a ruse throughout Sons of Garmadon.
- This episode marks the first time Lloyd appears in a golden suit since "The Art of the Silent Fist."
- This episode marks Garmadon's first present day appearance in the series since "Endings" his first overall appearance since Garmadon Issue 4, and his first appearance in the WildBrain era.
- Garmadon is revealed to be the roommate keeping Vinny Folson up at night as mentioned by Gayle Gossip in "Farewell the Sea."
- When Wu shows Lloyd and Nya the newspaper clipping of a collapsed building on the monitor, it is normal, but in the next scene, it is mirrored.
- In that same scene with the clipping showing Aspheera's attack, the Ninjargon text is mirrored as well.
Language | Name |
Chinese (Traditional) | 新的盟友 |
Czech | Křišťálová katastrofa |
Dutch | Een Kristalramp |
Finnish | Kristallikatastrofi |
French (CAN) | La cristacatastrophe |
German | Diamanten-Drama |
Italian | Cristastrofe |
Polish | Krysztastrofa |
Portuguese (BRA) | Cristaltástrofe |
Portuguese (POR) | Cristaltrofe |
Spanish (LA) | Cristástrofe |
Spanish (ESP) | Cristaltrofe |