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“Oh, you are not the ninja I was hoping for. No matter, my revenge will still be sweet since it was your kind that ruined me. Ever since Imperium fell, I've been lost, without purpose. But then I discovered this place, the perfect location for my next chapter. Dorama's Academy for Acting!”
— Dorama to Cole, Zane and Bonzle, "To Mysterium"

Dorama is a former famous pyrotechnician and showman in Ninjago. He later served as a henchman for both Lord Ras and his superior, Empress Beatrix, who sought to fulfill her goal of capturing all dragon kind in order to use their power to conquer all the known realms and expand the Kingdom of Imperium.

He was later sent to the Wyldness with his stagehands to find the Purple Dragon Core, which was repeatedly interrupted by Kai, Wyldfyre, and the Lava-Tides before eventually ending up with it in his possession, leaving a fake for the ninja. Later, at the Broadcast Tower, he ambushed the Resistance. Despite multiple failed attempts, Riyu defeated him and they handcuffed him. He then witnessed the MergeQuakes caused by Beatrix, realizing too late that he would also suffer the consequences.

After the liberation of Imperium, Dorama built an opened-aired theater in the middle of a desert, capturing algae farmers and people of the Crossroads via Fedulian's fake maps. He was eventually stopped by Cole, Zane, and Bonzle.



At some point in time, Dorama was affiliated with the Ninjago City Stage Actor Union, and received the Certificate of Honorable Mention two times.[2]

He later became a showman, who became well-known and popular in the Crossroads, thanks to spectacular firework shows. However, because the realms had merged into one, he feared that the others would be more popular than he is. So he turned to a life of villainy and started kidnapping Whack Rats, for he discovered that they have a unique energy that he can use to create more colorful fireworks. At some point, Dorama, secretly kidnapped Targle, the right-hand minion of mech racer Kreel, and he demanded the latter that she pay him a huge ransom in exchange for Targle's freedom.

Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

Crossroads Carnival[]

LEGO Ninjago Dragons Rising S01E03 Crossroads Carnival 7-18 screenshot

At the Crossroads Carnival, a hologram of Dorama appeared before a cheering crowd and announced that his greatest firework show begins tonight. Later, after Arin and Sora discovered Targle, being locked in a cage with two other Whack Rats, Dorama reveals himself in a dramatic way and reveals that he had kidnapped them for entertainment reasons. When Sora criticizes his actions and she and Arin demanded that he release them immediately, Dorama forces them to go through a dangerous obstacle course. When Arin asks the showman why he kidnapped the Whack Rats, Dorama reveals that he did it so he could have a better show because the Whack Rats have a special energy he can exploit to create exciting and colorful fireworks.

As he uses his staff to extract energy from Targle, which drains the Whack Rat, he further revealed that it is why his shows end in a spectacular way. With the newly-extracted energy his staff had obtained, he uses it to attack Sora and Arin. He then stated that while he is the most celebrated entertainer in the Crossroads, people from other realms had brought in exotics from their worlds, which made them popular, and Dorama angrily declares that he'll not allow himself to be upstaged. When Arin insisted that people already love him, the showman states that he intends to keep it that way. He then attacks Sora, who easily dodges the attacks and the latter uses a broom to turn off Dorama's obstacles and traps.

Refusing to give up, he parts the curtains of his theater to reveal a giant automaton that is in the shape of a wooden warrior and is attached to strings like a marionette. When it moves in to attack Sora and Arin, Dorama meanwhile cranks up a gramophone. After Lloyd severs the strings that held the puppet, which apparently disabled it, he declares to Dorama that his show is cancelled.

LEGO Ninjago Dragons Rising S01E03 Crossroads Carnival 21-50 screenshot

Ras recruits Dorama.

After he was put in a cage, Dorama waited for the police to come in and arrest him, much to his disappointment. When he heard Ras coming in, Dorama mistook him for an officer until the tiger said that he intervened with the call, as he needed Dorama for an important job.

Beyond Madness[]

Dorama with the Photac (2)

Dorama working on the Photac.

Dorama works on the Photac while Dr. LaRow complains to Ras about the former is continuously flirted on by him.

Mindless Beasts[]

When Dr. LaRow tells Sora about who made copies of her original Photac, Dorama showed up, standing on top of Zanth. Sora then was able to try and escape with the dragon by using a Photac as a flash bomb on him and Dr. LaRow, but was recaptured by Rapton.

I Will Be the Danger[]

Dorama launched a surprise attack from behind, catching Sora off guard. The two engage in a fierce battle, with Dorama reminiscing about their previous duel where Sora had the upper hand due to outnumbering her. Sora reminds Dorama of the unfair advantage he had with traps and his puppet. Dorama dismissed it as mere practice and declared the current fight as a real battle. However, Sora managed to outsmart Dorama by luring him into striking the control panel for the dragon's cell, electrocuting him.

Wyldly Inappropriate[]

They Call it Doom (1)

Dorama meeting Kai and Wyldfyre in search of a Dragon Core.

Dorama made his way to the Wyldness, disguised to deceive everyone by wearing a wig. He managed to steal the purple Dragon Core from the ninja. To further provoke them, Dorama insinuated that the core had been taken by an elusive adversary. However, his plan was short-lived as Kai quickly identified him. Dorama discarded his wig, revealing his true identity. Accompanied by his stagehands, Dorama proudly declared his presence, instilling a sense of impending doom for both Kai and Wyldfyre.

They Call It Doom[]

Dorama reflected on the challenges and hardships he had to overcome. However, Kai and Wyldfyre found his speech boring and decided to attack him with Fire and Heat, but he effortlessly absorbed their attacks using his staff. Dorama went on to explain how absorbing exotic energy was his talent, which was why he was recruited by Beatrix. He dedicated his success to her. However, his celebration was short-lived as the Lava-Tides stole the Dragon Core. Dorama was shocked and ordered the stagehands to chase after them. Kai and Wyldfyre join him in the pursuit, but the Lava-Tides pass the Core to another member before Dorama can retrieve it. Dorama expressed his frustration at their speed and questioned how they are able to be so fast. However, in midst of the chaos, Dorama managed to replace the Dragon Core with a replica.

Wyldfyre successfully obtained the Dragon Core, but got distracted and lost it to Dorama, who referred to it as a plot twist. However, the Lava-Tide Leader would later seized the core and made an escape by scaling a nearby wall. Dorama attempted to launch a powerful blast at the leader, but missed. Undeterred, he used his staff to propel himself towards the leader, proudly showcasing his expertise in stage combat. Nevertheless, the Lava-Tides passed the core amongst themselves, ultimately returning it to their leader. When Wyldfyre used Heat upon the leader, she astonishingly grew in size with each successive blast, leaving Dorama and the rest of the group astounded.

They Call it Doom (188)

Dorama facing the Lava-Tide Leader.

Dorama faced the Lava-Tide Leader, ordering her to stop. Unfortunately, before he can complete his plea, both Dorama and the stagehands were blasted away by a blast from the Lava-Tide Leader. Meanwhile, Kai and Wyldfyre fled with the replica of the purple Dragon Core. However, Dorama assured the stagehands that the setback was only temporary, highlighting that the plan still included several phases that had yet to be unfolded.

Absolute Power[]

In one of her videos about Imperium, Beatrix received assistance from Dorama, who employed a green-screen effect to have two citizens act as children. Shortly after, Rapton arrived with what appeared to be the pink Dragon Core. Beatrix then brought Dorama, Dr. LaRow, and Jordana into the throne room, without them knowing the reason. Initially, Dorama assumed they were participating in a dress rehearsal of some kind, until Beatrix surprised them by emerging from beneath the throne room, leaving Dorama in awe of her arrival. With the Dragon Cores collected, Dorama made his way to the Advanced Systems Lab where the demonstration of the MergeQuake weapon was about to take place. However, just as the MergeQuake weapon was activated, a sudden explosion happened. Shortly after, Dorama noticed that Rapton was gone.

Dorama took it upon himself to assist in the cleanup efforts following the explosion, diligently sweeping away the debris with a broom. Meanwhile, Beatrix, upon discovering that Rapton was responsible for the explosion by deceitfully distributing a counterfeit Dragon Core, demanded to know his whereabouts. In response, Dorama calmly explained that no one had saw Rapton since the incident occurred.

We Are All Dragons[]

Dorama managed to sneak into the Broadcast Tower and attacked Rapton with his staff saying it was another dramatic entrance. With that, Riyu tried attacking him several times but was defeated along with Arin after getting blasted by his staff. Percival stating why would he work for Beatrix due to rule being built on lies but he shrugged it off saying it was a way to lie within our inner truths. Soon, being defeated after Riyu successfully tackled him. He was soon put in handcuffs.

The Power Within[]

The Resistance and Dorama stood in awe as they stared at the MergeQuake, watching as the MergeQuake weapon was activated. Rapton expressed his concern, knowing that Beatrix's weapon would destroy them all. However, Dorama was more impressed by Beatrix's flair. Rapton lashes out at Dorama, reminding him that he too would be destroyed. Dorama realized that he had not fully thought through the situation.

Prior to Dragons Rising, Season 2[]

Following the MergeQuake Storm, Dorama attempted to program Photac hamsters, but was stopped by Arin, Sora and Percival.[3]

A resentful Dorama departed from the kingdom. Utilizing Imperium technology, Dorama established an educational institution known as Dorama's Academy for Acting, bearing his own name. With the help of Fedulian, he managed to ensnare several algae farmers and Crossroads residents, turning them into captives of his academy. During this period, he reconstructed his puppet after it had been destroyed.[4]

Dragons Rising, Season 2[]

To Mysterium[]

DRS2E6 (304)

Dorama meets Cole, Zane, and Bonzle.

After getting knocked out by Dorama's puppet, Cole, Zane, and Bonzle wakes up finding themselves trapped in Dorama's Academy for Acting. After waking up, Cole asked if they were on stage causing Dorama to say that the show is about to begin. Soon after, Dorama was lowered down and state that he never thought he would see the Ninja again causing Cole and Zane to be confused. After Dorama seeing the Ninja that was captured, Dorama was disappointed stating that they were not the type of Ninja he was looking for but still stated that revenge would still be sweet to him stating the fact that they ruined his life after Imperium fell. He quickly stated that soon after he found the desert and decided to start Dorama's Academy for Acting.

With Cole initial confusion, Dorama explained that it wasn't easy finding students for his academy. Luckily for him, Dorama made a deal with Fedulian using fake maps to lead to the academy and then they would rehearse. After Cole stated that if he meant he was "capturing them" Dorama was outraged and clarified that he said was recruiting them explaining that all day and night they perfect the art of stagework. Dorama later stated that after the academy, Dorama stated they would be ready to perform in his stunt show if they manage to survive. As Dorama bangs his staff down, fire starts coming out of the floor of the stage causing Jiro to protect the algae farmers while Cole, Zane, and Bonzle dodges the fire. Dorama was disappointed stating that they were doing it wrong and wanted more fear in their eyes and told them there would be more rehearsal ahead. After Bonzle managed to get out of the stage, protected by an Imperium barrier, Dorama was shocked and told Bonzle that he didn't give permission for her to explore the place and ordered his puppet to get Bonzle and put her back into the stage.

Quickly after, the barrier was deactivated and all of Dorama's prisoners were freed. Dorama stated that no self-respecting school would allow the students to escape and quickly sent Imperium Drones after them which was quickly defeated. After Cole took out his Elemental Earth Mech and tried using dust to defeat Dorama's puppet, Dorama stated that the puppet was already upgraded and would not be defeated the same way again. As Dorama was distracted about the amazing performance that Cole was pulling off, Cole managed to get the puppet to run onto the stage and after Zane used ice to get the puppet to slip and fall, Cole used his Elemental Earth Mech to destroy the stage and crush the puppet.

DRS2E6 (415)

Dorama taken to prison.

After, a stage light broke off and Dorama on the head, it caused him to get dizzy and was put into a truck to be taken to the authorities.


Dorama, a proficient showman, possesses a proclivity for the dramatic. Despite his malevolent persona, he relishes in presenting a grandiose performance. His dialogue is often infused with theatrical references, further emphasizing his affinity for the art. This can make him ignorant of the grand scheme of things, as it took Rapton pointing out how he wouldn't live if Beatrix destroyed all of reality to make him see how out of hand the situation is.

Weapons and abilities[]


  • Stealth: Dorama can easily sneak behind people shown where he sneaked on Kai and Wyldfyre managing to snatch the Purple Dragon Core out of their hands without getting caught.
  • Inventing: Dorama is skilled in inventing his technology. He is also skilled in operating Imperian tech and managed to help create replicas of Photacs.


  • Staff: Dorama wields a staff that allows him to extract energy and turn it into fireworks.


Main article: Dorama's relationships





Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


Dorama's name is derived from the Japanese word for "drama" (ドラマ), which has been transliterated into Roman script. This potentially alludes to his profession as a pyrotechnician or his personality.

Behind the scenes[]


  • In "They Call It Doom," Dorama mentioned to having received the Certificate of Honorable Mention from the Ninjago City Stage Acting Union on two separate occasions. It remains unclear whether the achievement was attained before or after the Merge.


Language Name
Chinese (Simplified) 多拉玛
Czech Dorama
French Dorama
Russian Дорама
Ukrainian Дорама


  1. Dorama being an actor in Ninjago City heavily implies that he used to live there before moving to the Crossroads. He began improving his fireworks because he feared that citizens of other realms would be more talented then him.
  2. "They Call It Doom"
  3. Return of the Photac Beasts!
  4. "To Mysterium"
Ninjago: Dragons Rising characters
Heroes Arin · Cole · Frak · Kai · Lloyd · Nya · Sora · Wyldfyre · Zane
Allies Alfonzo Frohicky
Villains Administration Agents (Agent Allen · Agent Denholt · Agent Farbissina · Agent Karit · Agent Ramirez · Agent Underwood · Spitta · Sub-Agent Prentis · The Administrator) · Lord Argus · Attacker bots · Empress Beatrix · Bleckt · Chen · Cinder · Claw Hunters (Blorko · Claw General · Hunter No. 29) · Dorama · Dorama's stagehands · Dr. LaRow · Dragonians (Dragonian Scouts · Dragonian Tourist · Dragonian Warriors · Tyr) · Fedulian · Forbidden Five (Drix · Kur · Nokt · Rox · Zarkt) Imperium Guards (Imperium Guard Commander· Melvin) · Jay · The Mechanic · Jordana · Rapton · Lord Ras · Ras' master · Wolf warriors (Wolf Mask Claw Warriors · Wolf Mask General · Wolf Mask Guards · Wolf Mask Warriors) · Zeatrix · Zaiden Kane
Creatures Arc Dragon of the Fire Tribe · Buck Buck · Crab monster · Crabbed beast · Craglings (King Crag-Nor · Arccrack · Rockworth) · Dream-Guyver · Egalt · Fire Dragon · Green Forest Dragon · Jiro · Lava Dragons (Feisty · Flameheart · Heatwave · Red · Sparky) · Lava-Tides (Lava-Tide Leader · Lava-Todd the Wise · Lava-Tony · Lava-Tony's sous-chefs) · Matriarch of Fallen Leaves · Matriarch's child · Mountain Dragons (Eridany · Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons · Riyu) · Pace Dragon · Patriarch of the Northern Spiral · Patriarch's child · Rock monster · Rontu · Source Dragons (Source Dragon of Energy · Source Dragon of Life · Source Dragon of Motion · Source Dragon of Strength · Unknown Source Dragon · Unknown Source Dragon (blue symbol) · Unknown Source Dragon (white symbol)) · Spirit Dragons · Stone Scouts · Sweeper · Stone Swordsmen · Tentacled beasts · Water-Tides (Kizzy) · Zanth
Other Akita · Alfonzo Frohicky's grandmother · Alfonzo Frohicky's mother · Algae farmers (Dale) · Algu · Arccrack · Arrakore · Arin's parents · Baker · Beatrix and Zeatrix's mother · Big Han · Blacksmith · Boat Vendor · Bone collectors · Bone Hunters · Bone Guards · Bone King · Bone Knights · Bone Scorpios · Bone Warriors · Bonzle · Borg Store Employee · Caregiver bot · Chamille · Children of the Wolf (Asa · Balun · Iriel · Warby · Zuri) · Clutch Powers · Construction workers · Daniel · Devonians (Devonian King · Zur) · Ekesian Coldfang the Wise · Ellie · Emcee · Euphrasia · Frak's parents · Frak's uncle · Fritz · Frogtor · Fugi-Dove · Gandalaria · Garmadon · Gayle Gossip · Geckles (Chancellor Gulch · Gorge · Grouce) · Geo · Gerard Gearhead · Gus · Gweeg · Hantro · Henjamin · Imperium Teen Resistance Force (Percival Tartigrade) · Intelligent George · Janet · King Urd Leatherwing · Kreel · K.R.E.E.L. · Lasha · Levo · Lobbo · Lobbo's mother · Maaray Guards · Mama Mawa · Marcus · Master of Gluing · Master Wu · Maya · Model Shop Owner · Morro · Mr. Pale · Mezmo · Mikloshe · Monkey Wretch · Mr. Koenig · Mucoids (Grab-Barg · Tope-Epot · Zant-Tanz) · Munce (Mord) · Museum director · Neuro · Nindroid Drones · Nindroid Sentries (Sentry General) · Nindroid Warriors · NinjaFanInfinity · Ninjago City Stage Actor Union · Obscuria · Ocean gang (Ocean gang leader) · Percy Shippelton · P.I.X.A.L. · Ras' tribe (Ancients of the Wyldness · Zarkar) · Ray · Restaurant Worker · Roake · Roby · Roby's father · Richie · Security Bots · Security Bots (Temple City) · Skalidor · Skeleton juggler · Slug Merchants · Smad · Smythe · Sora's parents · SpinjitzuForDays99 · Spirit of the Temple · Spitz · Street Vendor · Sushimi Chef · Suetonius · Targle · Tea Vendor · Teelk · Tox · Treg · Underhill · Unknown Elemental Master (Geckle) · Unknown Elemental Master (Greenbone Warrior) · Workshop Mechanic