The stagehands are Imperians that worked for Dorama.
After being recruited by Ras, Dorama was given his own group, whom he modified to serve as his stagehands before they eventually were sent to retrieve the Purple Dragon Core from the Wyldness.
Wyldly Inappropriate[]
Dorama and his stagehands ambush Kai and Wyldfyre after the two retrieved the Purple Dragon Core from the Pit of No Return.
They Call It Doom[]
The stagehands watch Dorama as he made a speech on retrieving the core, to which they applaud him before the Lava-Tides show up to seize the core, leading to everyone scrambling for the core, which Dorama secretly swapped with a fake before Kai and Wyldfyre fled with it, to which one of them wondered what they should tell Beatrix, but Dorama wasn't worried as he had the real core.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 13. "Wyldly Inappropriate"
- 15. "They Call It Doom"
- They share the same design as the Imperium Guards, but they instead have top hats and different shoulder pads.
Language | Name |
Finnish | Doraman apurit |
German | Doramas Bühnenbildner-Handlanger |