- Not to be confused with the Announcer.
The Emcee[1] is the official presenter for Zane Day and a citizen of the Crossroads.
Wyldly Inappropriate[]
The Emcee presented the three finalists: Lobbo, Tope-Epot, and Zane, who was pretending to be someone named Blane. She proceeded to introduce Chancellor Gulch as the head judge. Curious about Gulch's relationship with Zane, the Emcee engaged in a brief conversation with the head judge, asking about their friendship. Gulch affirmed their close bond and expressed his gratitude for Zane and the other ninja's assistance in aiding his people. With the stage set and the judges settled in, the Emcee declared the commencement of the challenges, trying to lighten the mood with a joke. Unfortunately, her attempt fell flat, and the crowd remained stoic and unamused. The Emcee announced the sound-alike round, and the contestants took their turn on stage. In the end, the Emcee announced Tope-Epot as the winner.
The Emcee then announce round two, the power-alike round, where the participants were required to showcase their ice blasting skills. Tope-Epot threw his ice cubes with precision and hits all three targets. The Emcee cracked another joke, but the crowd still didn't find her funny. She moved on to introduce Zane. As Zane attempted to execute his ice powers, one of Lobbo's ice cubes came loose and hit Zane on the head, causing him to accidentally hit the Emcee. The Emcee announced the third and final around, the tech-alike round, challenging the contestants to reprogram ordinary toasters to perform something cool in under thirty seconds. Lobbo was the first to present his creation, a party toaster that lighted up and shot fireworks. Tope-Epot's attempt, however, failed. Zane stood confidently and proceeded to reprogram the toaster. However, as he tried to begin, he realized that he has been offline for some time and needed to install crucial updates. The Emcee tried to hurry Zane along, but he remains determined to complete his task. The countdown ended, and the Emcee announced Lobbo as the winner.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 13. "Wyldly Inappropriate"
In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- ↑ Credits