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Endless Sea   Nyad    
“The sea. It's so loud. So powerful.”

The Endless Sea (also known as the Endless Ocean[1] or the Great Ocean[2]) is the sea that surrounds every island and landmass in the realm of Ninjago. The sea existed long before the First Spinjitzu Master created the land of Ninjago, and that was where Wojira terrorized the sea-life with the full power of Wave and Storm. Wojira was then defeated by Nyad and a few millennia later she was defeated by Nya. Because of this, they both had to merge with the sea.

After the Merge, some of the water from the ocean got mixed with red water from another realm.


The Endless Sea features many fish and other water creatures, including eels, jellyfish, sharks, Ripper Sharks, whales, manta rays, starteeth, Leviathans, Fangfish and Wojira. It also used to be a safe haven for pirates, including Captain Soto and Nadakhan.

The depth of the sea varies drastically. At some points, the water is shallow enough to reach the bottom in a moment.[3] Other areas such as Hollow's Trench are deep enough to sink creatures as large as the Preeminent.[4] The Tartarus Trench is the deepest point in the sea. Near the trench, there is an underwater kingdom of Merlopia, home of the Merlopian race.

An Elemental Master of Water can merge with the Endless Sea. However, this act is semi-permanent, and separation is nigh impossible without draining the user of all their elemental power temporarily.


Prior to the series[]

After leaving from the Realm of Oni and Dragons, the First Spinjitzu Master went to find a new home. Once he did, he found a realm of a vast ocean that was inhabited by a sea spirit named Wojira, who used her amulets to plunge the world into unending chaos with complete control of the Endless Sea and the violent thunderstorms plaguing it. Allying with Nyad, the first Elemental Master of Water, the First Spinjitzu Master lead an alliance of the Merlopians and the islanders to battle against Wojira that lasted for nine days straight. Making a final stand on the ninth day, Nyad merged herself with the Endless Sea to pry the two amulets from Wojira's head, causing her to fall into a deep sleep while the Endless Sea became calm and peaceful for thousands of years.[5]

Two hundred years before present day, the Endless Sea was plagued by pirates during a turbulent era of piracy and plunder; the two most infamous crews being of Captain Soto of the Destiny's Bounty and Nadakhan the djinn of the Misfortune's Keep. Soto's and Nadakhan's crews would clash during a sea battle which ended with Nadakhan being trapped in a teapot and his crew marooned across the other realms.[6] Soto and his crew would later met their ends on a failed expedition for the fabled Dark Island when No-Eyed Pete crashed into Ninjago's shores and sank their ship.[7]

Rise of the Snakes[]

Never Trust a Snake[]

Upon waking up, the ninja and Wu did some stretches while sailing the Endless Sea. When Wu realized his students weren't paying attention, he had them train until they could solve his riddle. When there was trouble at Darkley's, the group left the sea.

Tick Tock[]

Zane tests his breath-holding record at the bottom of the sea.

Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Pirates vs. Ninja[]

In the present, Garmadon's crew flew above the sea to chase after the Ultra Dragon. When Garmadon summoned the pirates, they flew away from the sea to Ninjago City.

The Stone Army[]

Lord Garmadon and the four remaining Serpentine generals fly over the Endless Sea to try to find the Dark Island. After searching all day, Skales pushes Garmadon into the ocean so he can become the new Serpentine leader.

The Last Voyage[]

On the way to the Dark Island, the ninja found Lighthouse Island, which was being guarded by the Leviathan. Zane eventually freed the beast using Starteeth to bite through its chains.

The Last Hope[]

The ninja used their Elemental Powers next to the Endless Sea's shore. Later, the ninja fell down the cliff, splashing in the sea.

Return of the Overlord[]

The Stone Army reached the coast in order to fire Dark Matter in Ninjago.

Rise of the Spinjitzu Master[]

With no way off the island, Kai suggests they swim but backed out after the water reached his chest.


The Curse of the Golden Master[]

When Lloyd reaches the cliff, the Overlord forces him to stay or Garmadon will be dropped into the sea. He had Wu drop him anyway, as he's of no use to them.

Enter the Digiverse[]

The Nindroid MechDragon plunges into the sea, where the Overlord emerges as a physical form.

Codename: Arcturus[]

In the sea, Pythor and the Nindroids swam toward the MechDragon, where the Overlord is located.

Tournament of Elements[]

The Invitation[]

The ninja wait at the docks for a ferry to pick them up to sail to Chen's Island.

Only One Can Remain[]

After traveling across the sea, the Elemental Masters arrived at the island.

Ninja Roll[]

Nya, along with Dareth, secretly boarded Chen's ferry to find the ninja.

Spy for a Spy[]

Dareth was captured by the Anacondrai Cultists when he almost fell into the sea.


Chen's blimp flew over the Endless Sea to fly above the island, where the remaining Elemental Masters have to find Nya.

The Day of the Dragon[]

To make sure that no one can get off of Chen's Island, Bolobo uses his Nature powers to sink Chen's ferry into the Endless Sea.

The Greatest Fear of All[]

The Elemental Masters flew over the sea to reach Ninjago Island.


Winds of Change[]

The ninja were flying in their Elemental Dragons when a Fangfish encountered them, so they got the idea to make the "catch of the day."

Ghost Story[]

In a dream, Kai tells Lloyd he'll take care of him right before a Fangfish jumped out of the ocean and subsequently devours the latter.

Stiix and Stones[]

Hoping to find Ronin, the ninja arrived on the docks, where a fisherman is pulled into the sea. Later, the ninja help complete the dock but didn't get paid when they ruined it.

Kai chased Morro to the sea for the scroll, and had to be picked up by Ronin.

Grave Danger[]

The ninja traversed under the sea using R.E.X. to reach the tomb. Meanwhile, Wu, Misako, and Nya landed the Bounty above the tomb's location, with Soul Archer and Bansha not far away.

Curseworld, Part II[]

Lloyd commanded the ninja take out Stiix's support beams to drop the Preeminent into the sea. When the Ghost Warriors supported her by surrounding her with houses, the Preeminent chased everyone to Hollow's Trench, destroying her.



Near the sea's shores, Nadakhan used the Realm Crystal to bring back his crew.

Later, Captain Soto told the ninja about trapping the Djinn during their fight on the sea.

Misfortune Rising[]

After Lloyd and Cole flew over the sea on their Dragons, they failed to find the Misfortune's Keep on Gypsy Cove. They assumed it was repaired and took off to sea.

On a Wish and a Prayer[]

The ninja set sail for the Tiger Widow Island on a yacht. They eventually crash the boat due to a powerful storm.

My Dinner With Nadakhan[]

The remaining ninja built a raft to get off Tiger Widow Island. It starts to break apart, but Ronin and the detectives rescued them after realizing that the ninja are not criminals.


Jay and Nya made the Hydroelectric Dragon before they could fall into the sea.

The Last Resort[]

In order to hide from the Sky Pirates, Jay and Nya had to row a boat on the ocean to Lighthouse Island. There, they discovered Echo Zane.

Dark Island Trilogy[]

Dark Island Trilogy, Part 1[]

Ronin and Misako sailed the Endless Sea from Ninjago to the Dark Island.

Prior to The Island[]

While helping the Ninjago Police capture the escaped Kryptarium inmates, Ronin soon realised he could use the escaped inmates as a way to get more money. So he and his criminal group sailed the Endless Sea and travel to the Island of the Keepers. By using a boat that resembled Wojira to travel to the island, Ronin and the escaped criminals tricked the Keepers into giving them their money and resources every week.[8]

While trying to find Wojira's resting place, Kalmaar discovered that Wojira was in a temple at the Tartarus Trench and told his father about it, but was forbidden to go there by his father. Ignoring his father, Kalmar got Benthomaar to swim through there by tricking him that he wanted to make a fresh start.[9]

Once they went to the Tartarus Trench, Benthomaar and Kalmaar swam passed the vents and eels and made it to the Temple of Wojira. However, Kalmaar revealed to him that all he said before was a lie and told him to go.[9] Eventually, Kalmaar later stole the Wave Amulet from the other Merlopians, allowing Wojira to regain possession of it.[10]

The Island[]


The Keepers of the Amulet[]

The Keepers took the ninja across the Lightning Lagoon to take them to Mammatus.

The Gift of Jay[]

The Tooth of Wojira[]

When Jay was about to "Wojira", Zane made an ice bridge so the ninja could cross the Endless Sea and fight off the monster.


The Call of the Deep[]


Five Thousand Fathoms Down[]

The Wrath of Kalmaar[]

Long Live the King[]

Escape from Merlopia[]

The Storm Amulet[]

Riddle of the Sphinx[]

Master of the Sea[]

The Calm Before the Storm[]

Assault on Ninjago City[]


Nya merges with the Endless Sea as Nyad did before her to draw out the sea water from Jay's lungs, as well as to fight Wojira.

The Turn of the Tide[]

After defeating Wojira, Nya (in her merged water form) says goodbye to the ninja and dives into the ocean. Later on, she is seen happily swimming alongside some whales.


Farewell the Sea[]

The Call of Home[]

The Mary Louise was caught in a storm. Kwon one of the crew members fell over board and was about to drown. Nya arrived in the form of a water dragon saving him. The crew recognized her as Nya leading her to vaguely recall her old life. As she swam around she encountered Nyad, who explained that she is like her - one with the sea - eventually their conversation left Nya to conclude she was missing something she should be looking for on the surface. While seeing the lanterns the people of Ninjago had left in her honor it caused her to regain her memory. Trying to return to the Lighthouse Island after a short while her avatar starts falling apart. Returning to Nyad to find a way to regain her human body. Nyad tells her it's not possible to undue merging with the sea and questions why she's sad as she is eternal and endless while her old body is fragile. Nya says it's because it's because where all her loved ones are. While Nya state the possibility if she could give up her elemental powers, she would could return to human. Nyad agrees with the possibility and wishes her good luck on her journey.

The Shape of Nya[]

A Painful Promise[]

The Fall of the Monastery[]


Distress Calls[]

An Issue of Trust[]

Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

Gangs of the Sea[]


Islands and mainlands[]






Animal life[]




Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu

Season 1: Rise of the Snakes

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja

Season 3: Rebooted

Season 4: Tournament of Elements

Season 5: Possession

Season 6: Skybound

Season 8: Sons of Garmadon

Season 9: Hunted

Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu

Season 10: March of the Oni

Season 12: Prime Empire

The Island

Season 14: Seabound

Ninjago: Reimagined

Season 15: Crystalized

Ninjago: Dragons Rising

Season 1

Ninjago Magazine

Video games

Dark Island Trilogy


  • The Endless Sea caused the demise of multiple characters.
  • Deepstone is found and mined at the bottom of the sea.
  • The name suggests that Ninjago and the Dark Island, apart from smaller islands scattered around, were the only landmasses on the planet until The Merge.
    • According to Tommy Andreasen, it’s possible that there is life outside of the known islands of Ninjago, due to the unknown nature of the Endless Sea.[12]
  • According to Tommy Andreasen, the Police Commissioner, Tommy, and Simon were able to get back to Ninjago and escape the sharks from "The Last Resort" with the help of giant sea turtles in the Endless Sea.[11]
  • The King of Merlopia is also known as the ruler of the Endless Sea, which means that Merlopia claims control of the entire ocean, not just the territory where most Merlopians live.


Promotional media[]

Concept art[]

In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 1: Rise of the Snakes[]

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Season 3: Rebooted[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]

Season 5: Possession[]

Season 6: Skybound[]

Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]

Season 9: Hunted[]

Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu[]

Season 10: March of the Oni[]

Season 12: Prime Empire[]

The Island[]

Season 14: Seabound[]