Ninjago Wiki


Ninjago Wiki
This article is about the island. For other uses, see Ninjago (disambiguation).
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“Ninjago, the world my father created. The realm my ninja and I have protected time and time again. This is our history. This is our legacy. This is our home.”

Ninjago, also referred to as Ninjago Island,[2][3][4][5] is a landmass that was created by the First Spinjitzu Master after he left the Realm of Oni and Dragons. It is the primary location of the realm of the same name.



Before the creation of Ninjago, the First Spinjitzu Master was born and lived in the Realm of Oni and Dragons. Because the Oni and the Dragons could not live in peace, the First Spinjitzu Master escaped into another realm.[6] This realm was ruled by Wojira, and the First Spinjitzu Master battled her with the help of the Keepers and the Merlopians. One warrior, Nyad, pried the Amulets of Wojira from her head, forcing Wojira into a deep sleep. The First Spinjitzu Master gave the amulets to the Keepers and Merlopians,[7] and shortly after, he created the Ninjago using the power of the Golden Weapons[6] (which he had created by forging the gold from Golden Peaks in the Temple of Light).[8]

Soon afterward, however, the Oni pursued the child into this realm, creating a temple deep within Primeval's Eye, where they depicted their origins on the walls of the temple. They would also seal away the Oni Mask of Hatred within the temple, which could only be taken by a being with Oni blood, like Wu, Garmadon or Lloyd.[9]

Note: Though this statement shouldn't be considered canon since this theory is created by Tommy Andreasen, the First Spinjitzu Master may have gotten rid of his Oni heritage and thus created the Overlord, including the Stone Army and had to sacrifice half of Ninjago. If this statement is true, then the Stone Wars, the battle between the First Spinjitzu Master and the Overlord, never happened.[10]

It was a land of light and peace, but that peace was not to last; darkness soon appeared to counterbalance the new land of light. From this darkness, an evil entity known only as the Overlord appeared to challenge the First Spinjitzu Master for control of Ninjago.

The battle between light and darkness raged for many years, with neither side gaining a significant advantage for long.[11] In order to break this stalemate, the Overlord created a Temple of Fortitude that could resist the power of the Golden Weapons,[12] as well as the Stone Army, a legion of indestructible warriors to aid him in the battle against the First Spinjitzu Master. Unable to overcome the newly-bolstered forces of darkness, the First Spinjitzu Master used his powers to split the land of Ninjago in half, with the Overlord and most of his forces trapped on what would become known as the Island of Darkness. By splitting the land in two, the First Spinjitzu Master balanced the forces of light and darkness, ensuring that the Overlord could no longer maintain a corporeal form.[11]

Rise of the Serpentine[]

During the formation of Ninjago, the First Spinjitzu Master created a warlike race of humanoid snakes called the Serpentine,[13] or they migrated to Ninjago from another realm.[14]

At some point, the humans had also defeated the Serpentine's god figure, the Great Devourer, and the mighty snake was sealed beneath the Lost City of Ouroboros, and needing to retrieve the four Fangblades to unseal it. Afterwards the First Spinjitzu Master made a pact with the Serpentine: that humans would inhabit one part of Ninjago and Serpentine would live in another, and that neither race would go into the other's land. This pact was in place for at least 1000 years before Wu and Garmadon broke it by trespassing into King Mambo V's kingdom.

Thousands of years after Ninjago's creation, Garmadon went to train with Master Chen, who wanted to join the Serpentine, Wu was training Morro, the Master of Wind. Morro wanted to be the Green Ninja, but in the end, the Golden Weapons did not choose him. Morro then told Wu that he would find the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master, and he died and was sent to the Cursed Realm.[15] Over the millennia, tensions grew high between man and snake, but it was only when Master Chen deceived both sides into believing the other broke the pact between human and serpentine did war break out. The Serpentine attacked first, attempting to conquer the land and subjugate humanity. However, the humans, with the aid of the Elemental Masters, banded together and fought back, eventually defeating the Serpentine, and the five tribes were separated and sealed away in great tombs all across Ninjago. Chen was exiled to a secluded island, and the generals of the Anacondrai were banished to the Cursed Realm.[16]

Elemental Masters vs. the Hands of Time[]

After the Serpentine War, when the Elemental Masters of Time, Krux, and Acronix, betrayed Wu, Garmadon, and the rest of the alliance to rule Ninjago, a fight ensued in the forest below the Monastery of Spinjitzu. The entire Elemental Alliance was no match for the Masters of Time, being easily defeated one by one by the duo.[17] Knowing what needed to be done, Wu orders Ray and Maya to follow him back to Ignacia.[18]

Ray and Maya forged four Time Blades out of Chronosteel and Wu and Garmadon used them to battle the Time Twins at the Monastery of Spinjitzu. When Wu and Garmadon gained the upper hand in battle, the Time Twins blasted their Elemental Power towards the sons of the First Spinjitzu Master, but they absorbed them with the Time Blades, which caused the Time Blades to strip the Time Twins of their powers, thus rendering them to normal men. Afterward, knowing that the power to control Time was too dangerous, Wu and Garmadon disposed of the Blades through a Time Vortex. However, Acronix and Krux followed their stolen power and became lost in time along with their stripped power for forty years.[17]

However, almost immediately after Krux and Acronix entered the Time Vortex, Krux was spat out in the woods below the monastery, where he ran off to begin his forty-year plot of revenge, unaware of the Reversal Time Blade landing behind him. Eventually, the Blade was found by Ray and Maya, with Wu ordering them to dispose of it in the Boiling Sea.[18]

Wu vs. Garmadon and Krux's revenge[]

Following the defeat of the Time Twins, Ninjago returned to the peace but it would not be for long, as the seeds of a new conflict had already been sown centuries ago; in its infancy, the Great Devourer had bitten the young Garmadon, infecting him with darkness.[19] The Devourer's venom eventually corrupted Garmadon completely, transforming him into a black-skinned, power-hungry villain seeking to conquer Ninjago and remake it in his own image.

When Garmadon attempted to take the Golden Weapons for himself, he was opposed by Wu, his younger brother. After a fierce battle with the Golden Weapons, Garmadon was struck by lightning and dropped into the Underworld,[20] where he was confronted by Samukai's Skulkin forces. Deformed by his fall and hungry for revenge against Wu, Garmadon defeated Samukai in battle and took control of the Skulkin, becoming the King of the Underworld.[21]

Following that, Wu decided to hide the Golden Weapons in different places of Ninjago and having placed four Dragons as guards. Wu then decided to make a map to locate them and gave them to his trusted friend, Ray, the father of Kai and Nya, in case they needed to be retrieved after his death.[22] Shortly after appeared Krux, who underwent a new identity, Dr. Saunders, went to seek Ray and Maya for revenge. He threatened to harm Kai and Nya if they don't go with him to make the armors for their future army of Serpentine, the Vermillion. Not wanting their children to get hurt, the two agreed before being led away from their blacksmith shop.[18]

Pilot episodes[]

After the defeat of Lord Garmadon, Wu became the master of the Monastery of Spinjitzu, passing down the teachings of his father to a new generation of ninja. When Lord Garmadon resurfaced to resume his hunt for the Golden Weapons, Master Wu gathered four promising young men (Cole, Jay, Zane, and Kai) to train in the art of Spinjitzu and oppose Lord Garmadon's Skulkin forces.

The forces of good and evil clashed repeatedly during the hunt for the Golden Weapons, but the Underworld ultimately prevailed, with Samukai claiming the four weapons for himself in a bid to destroy Lord Garmadon and reclaim his position as King of the Underworld. However, the combined power of the Golden Weapons overwhelmed Samukai, disintegrating him and creating a portal. Lord Garmadon revealed that the attempted act of treachery was the final step in his true plan—to gain access to a realm where he could become strong enough to safely wield the Golden Weapons. Although the villain promptly escaped through the portal, his departure left Ninjago largely safe once more, and the ninja took the Golden Weapons back to the Monastery of Spinjitzu—both to protect them and to enhance their powers against the next threat to the world.

Rise of the Snakes[]

The peace left in the wake of Lord Garmadon's disappearance was soon interrupted by the emergence of a new enemy: Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon. However, Lloyd was nowhere near the threat level of his father, being a young boy whose concept of "evil" was stealing all of the world's candy for himself. Despite having slacked off considerably since their adventure in the Underworld, the ninja easily stopped Lloyd's first attack on Jamanakai Village, leaving him to be mocked by the villagers he had previously tricked. By chance, the ninja learn of a prophecy about a Green Ninja who is destined to defeat the dark lord.

Unfortunately, the ninjas' "mercy" would have unforeseen consequences; enraged by his humiliation, Lloyd escaped Jamanakai Village and fled to the Glacier Barrens. There, he discovered and opened a strange tomb containing the Hypnobrai, one of the five tribes of Serpentine sealed away long ago. A stroke of luck and clumsiness on Lloyd's part led to him gaining control of the Hypnobrai through their General, Slithraa, enabling him to actually become something of a threat to the world of Ninjago. After a few failed schemes, however, Lloyd was betrayed by Skales, the scheming second-in-command of the Hypnobrai, who defeated Slithraa in a Slither Pit and became the new general of his tribe.

This only led to more problems for the ninja, as Lloyd sought out another tribe of Serpentine to help him take his revenge on the Hypnobrai. An attempt to gain the allegiance of the Fangpyre appeared promising, but General Fangtom was revealed to be a good friend of Skales from before their imprisonment, forcing Lloyd to flee once again. In the meantime, the ninja discovered the ability to transform the Golden Weapons into powerful vehicles, shortly after being forced to release their dragons in order to let them molt at the Spirit Coves, and also discover an ancient pirate ship, the Destiny's Bounty, that they convert into a flying base.

The real trouble came when Lloyd sought out the most powerful and dangerous Serpentine tribe of all; the Anacondrai. With their numbers reduced to one due to hunger and cannibalism, a cunning individual named Pythor P. Chumsworth soon lived up to his tribe's reputation by leading the ninja into a trap before betraying Lloyd and stealing the Map of Dens. Following this, Master Wu took in his wayward nephew, hoping to turn him to the side of good.

Using the Map of Dens, Pythor freed the remaining Serpentine tribes and united them to gather the four Fangblades to awaken the Great Devourer. When Lloyd is captured by the serpentine, Wu leaves to seek out Garmadon to get his help in rescuing him. During the hunt for the fangblades, the ninja begin to unlock their full potential one by one, during which Zane is revealed to be a Nindroid, and Nya joins the team as Samurai X. Wu returns with Garmadon and declares a truce until Lloyd is freed. During the hunt for the third Fangblade, Kai saves Lloyd at the cost of losing the Fangblade and realizes he is destined to become the green ninja.

Desperate to stop the Serpentine, the ninja perform a daring raid to steal the Fangblades from the Serpentine's lair and do so with help of Garmadon and the Skulkin. However, before the ninja can destroy the Fangblades, Pythor, who snuck aboard the ship, steals them back and manages to revive the Great Devourer, but is devoured by it along with Wu. The ninja end up fighting against the Great Devourer in Ninjago City, but even with the Golden Weapons and the return of the Ultra Dragon, it takes Garmadon wielding all four Golden Weapons at once to destroy the creature. After the Devourer is destroyed, Garmadon disappears with the weapons and Wu is revealed to have survived.

Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

After defeating the Great Devourer, Lord Garmadon took the Golden Weapons, and the ninja begin training Lloyd at Dareth's dojo so that he can face his father one day and save Ninjago, something which he was afraid to do for the sake of their bond. Garmadon works to thwart the prophecy by recruiting the masterless Serpentine and merging the Golden Weapons into the powerful Mega Weapon.After Garmadon's last attempt ended with Lloyd aging to a teenager like his four mentors, he attempts to change the events of the past so Lloyd's would not become the Green Ninja. The original four ninja follow Garmadon and use the Golden Weapons of the past to destroy the Mega Weapon, restoring the timeline and sending the Golden Weapons and the Mega Weapon into space.

Garmadon ends up betrayed by the Serpentine and washes up on an island with a disembodied voice called the Overlord and makes an alliance with him. Meanwhile, the venom of the Great Devourer seeps into catacombs beneath Ninjago and animates the Stone Army, the Overlord's personal army, trapping the Serpentine underground in the process. Due to the Stone Army's indestructibility, the ninja, along with Misako, Lloyd's mother, travel to the Dark Island to stop them and Garmadon. On the way to the Dark Island, the Destiny's Bounty is damaged, forcing the ninja to dock at a island prison where they meet Dr. Julien, Zane's creator, who was revived by Samukai to make his vehicles, who helps them get to the Dark Island. On the island, the ninja find the Temple of Light, the forging place of the Golden Weapons, where they unlock new powers capable of defeating the Stone Army. Despite their efforts, the ninja fail to stop the countdown to the final battle, and Nya is capture and corrupted with evil. Garmadon reveals his ultimate weapon, Garmatron, a weapon that fires concentrated evil that corrupts Ninjago and the Overlord is revealed to be the true Dark Lord from the prophecy. He betrays and possesses Garmadon and heads to Ninjago. After the ninja escape the Island with the help of the Ultra Dragon, they fly to a corrupted Ninjago City to fight the overlord. With the help of his allies, including Dareth who takes control of the Stone Army, Lloyd confronts the transformed Overlord uses his newfound Golden Power to defeat him in a blast of golden light. In the aftermath of the battle, Nya and the rest of Ninjago are restored to normal, and even Garmadon is purged of the evil inflicted by the Great Devourer's venom.


With the apparent defeat of the Overlord, Ninjago City is reborn as New Ninjago City, a futuristic utopia, while the ninja—minus Lloyd—Wu, and Nya take over Lloyd's old boarding school and turn it into Wu's Academy. On a field trip to the city, they visit the technology company Borg Industries, only to learn a horrifying truth from Cyrus Borg: the Overlord has been reborn as the Digital Overlord, a computer virus that has infected Borg's systems. Seeking to escape the Digiverse, he wants to steal Lloyd's Golden Power to create a physical body for himself. Cyrus also equip the ninja with the four Techno Blades, which can hack any machine and together, reboot the system and destroy the Overlord for good. The ninja escape New Ninjago City, but Wu is captured while distracting the Overlord's army. The Overlord then creates an army of nindroids to hunt down Lloyd and the Techno Blades.

The ninja flee to a monastery where the reunite with a reformed Garmadon, who has vowed to give up fighting. After capturing P.I.X.A.L, Cyrus's android assistant who was corrupted by the Overlord, and freeing her with the Technoblades, the ninja split up. Lloyd and Garmadon go into hiding to train Lloyd's golden powers and hide from the Overlord while the others work to remove the Overlord from the system. Meanwhile, Nya becomes conflicted with her relationship with Jay when a matchmaking machine determines Cole is her perfect match.

The ninja manage to disable the power to New Ninjago City, rendering the Digital Overlord powerless, but Pythor, who survived being eaten by the Great Devourer, takes the hard drive containing the Digital Overlord and allies with him. While trying to get back to New Ninjago City, Zane uses his power source to revive P.I.X.A.L , whom he has grown close to. Pythor reactivates the nindroid army along with Wu, who has been turned into a cyborg under the control of the Overlord, while the ninja learn from the freed and reformed Serpentine that the Overlord seeks to become the Golden Master, an evil entity with the same power as the First Spinjitzu Master. Lloyd is eventually capture and is slowly drained of his golden power, forcing the ninja to directly plug their minds into the digiverse to reboot the system. With the help of Garmadon, who breaks his vow of nonviolence to help save his son, the ninja reboot the system, purge the Overlord, free Wu from his control, and save Lloyd, but the Overlord manages to escape in his incomplete body.

Lloydsplits his power among the rest of the ninja to prevent the Overlord from taking it, forcing the Overlord and Pythor to find an alternate source of Golden Power: the Golden Weapons. The ninja stowaway on a rocket to prevent the nindroids from retrieving the remains of the Golden Weapons from a comet, but fail and become stranded on the comet. Against all odds, the ninja return to Ninjago and confront the Overlord, who has turned the remains of the weapons into armor and become the Golden Master in New Ninjago City. Cyrus comes up with a plan to use a special pill to shrink the Golden Mast to a harmless size, but Pythor takes the hit and shrinks instead. On the verge of defeat, Zane sacrifices himself to destroy the Golden Master's body and his nindroid army. After the battle, Zane is hailed as a hero and dubbed "the Titanium Ninja", but P.I.X.A.L discovers traces of Zane still exists in the system.

Tournament of Elements[]

With the loss of Zane and the love triangle between Cole, Jay, and Nya further straining the team, the ninja go their separate ways. When Lloyd tries to convince the team to reunite, they get a message from Chen stating Zane is alive and will be freed if the ninja participate and win his Tournament of Elements. When the ninja leave for the ferry to Chen's Island, they are joined by Garmadon, who reveals his history with Chen, and that the Tournament is between other Elemental Masters. Early into the Tournament, the ninja learn the losers of each round are stripped of their Elemental Powers by Chen and his cult followers using a special staff, and that he plans to steal all the competitor's powers for himself.

During the tournament, a rebuilt Zane awakens in Chen's prison and begins trying to break out. During his escape attempts, he learns P.I.X.A.L, who was captured with him, has had her body destroyed, but saves her mind by downloading it into her system. However, he is quickly recaptured by Clouse, Chen's second in command.

In the second round of the tournament, Cole and Jay are made to fight each other in an attempt by Chen to divide the ninja further, but it backfires when Jay and Cole repair their friendship and Cole choses to forfeit the match. Allying with the Elemental Master of the Mind, Neuro, the ninja learn Chen is gathering elemental powers to perform an unknown spell. Chen's next attempts to defeat the ninja during Lloyd's match, when he turns the other competitors against him in game called Thundernblade, but the ninja bring them on their side by revealing Chen's true plans. Meanwhile, Nya goes to help the ninja, unintentionally bringing Dareth along with her. When Cole is brought into Chen's noodle factory as a prisoner, he reunites with Zane and the two concoct a plan to free all the prisoners.

With Dareth's help, Nya is able to go undercover in Chen's palace as a kabuki and relays a message from Cole to the ninja that Zane has been found. The ninja learn Chen has put a spy in their alliance and try to determine who it is, but they fail to do so. Dareth gets captured, compromising Nya's cover and forcing her to flee into the island's jungle. Chen makes the next round a manhunt for Nya and during the round, Kai discovers Skylor, the Elemental Master of Amber who can copy powers whom he developed an attraction to, is Chen's spy and daughter. After defeating Clouse, who gets sucked into the Curse Realm by his own spell, Garmadon and Lloyd find Nya, who reveals Chen is planning to use the stolen powers to perform a spell that will turn him and his cult into Anacondrai, the mightiest of the Serpentine tribes. Chen makes his move and has his followers capture the remaining competitors.

When Chen has the prisoners stripped of their powers, Skylor, who had also developed feelings for Kai, convinces Chen to spare him from being sent to the factory. Chen tries to convince Kai to join his side, promising to reveal secrets about his parents that Wu has hidden from him. Lloyd, Nya, and Garmadon try to defeat Chen, they are seemingly betrayed by Kai, who gave them up to save his sister. However, Kai's true plan was to convince Skylor to turn on father and steal the staff. At the same time, the captured competitors break free from Chen's factory by building a rotor jet. Kai destroys the staff, restoring all the stolen powers, and the Elemental Masters take control of the island, though Chen escapes with Skylor as a prisoner.

Despite losing the staff, Chen realizes Skylor has absorbed all the powers needed to perform the spell and turns himself an his followers, as well as Skylor and Garmadonm into an army of Anacondrai that overwhelm the Elemental Masters and head for Ninjago. Zanes discovers how to conquer his trauma from fighting the Golden Master and creates an elemental dragon to fly to Ninjago, as well as teaching the other Elemental Masters how to do so.

The Elemental Masters scatter to find Chen and his army while the Ninja learn the transformation spell is only temporary without the essence of a real Anacondrai. The ninja go to protect the only remaining Anacondrai, the shrunken and imprisoned Pythor, but fail and Pythor is captured. Chen uses Pythor's essence to complete his army's transformation and reveals he made Garmadon take credit for a love letter written by Wu to Misako, which won her heart; causing Wu to become infuriated at his brother. The Elemental Masters, the ninja, and the citizen of Ninjago face Chen's army in the Corridor of Elders in massive battle. Pythor, unwilling to let Chen rule Ninjago instead of him and disrespect his tribe, brings Clouse's spellbook and suggests unleashing the cursed spirits of the Anacondrai generals to defeat Chen's army. Since the spell requires someone to take the place of the freed cursed souls, Garmadon, wanting to make up for all the wrong he's done in his life, volunteers to sacrifice himself. Garmadon's family forgive him for all he's done and Lloyd performs the spell, unleashing the Anacondrai generals who curse Chen's Army and take their revenge on Chen for all his deceit, condemning them to the Cursed Realm. Arcturus, the head general of the Anacondrai, praises Pythor and restores him to normal size before he and his generals pass on.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Elemental Masters go their separate way and the ninja commemorate Garmadon's life, building a statue of him in the Corridor of Elders, and burn Clouse's spellbook. Unbeknownst to them, a ghostly figure surrounded by wind has escaped from the Cursed Realm.


Some time after the battle with Chen's Army, Wu retires by opening a tea shop called Steep Wisdom and Lloyd continues to mourn the loss of his father. While on a solo mission, Lloyd is attacked by Morro, who was released from the Cursed Realm when Garmadon opened the portal, who possesses him and strips the ninja of their elemental powers. Morro attacks Steep Wisdom to steal Wu's Staff, which is revealed to hold the clues to find the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb. The staff is lost to Morro, but not before the ninja record the clues to the tomb. Wu explains his history with Morro and the ninja decide to follow the clues to the tomb to find and free Lloyd. Morro unlocks the first clue and uses the Allied Armor of Azure to summon Ghost Warriors to aid his search.

Misako determines the first clue to finding the tomb is Airjitzu, a martial art that allows the user to fly. Zane discovers the scroll that teaches the technique was stolen by a thief named Ronin who is hiding out it the town of Stiix, something Morro is unaware of. Nya stays behind at Steep Wisdom and is told that while her father, Ray, was the Elemental Master of Fire, her mother, Maya, was the Master of Water and she has inherited her powers. On the way to Stiix, the ninja are attacked by one of Morro's ghost warriors, but defeat him after learning Ghosts are destroyed by Water.

The ninja find Ronin, but without Lloyd to lead them, they struggle to work as a team and they lose the scroll of Airjitzu to Morro. In exchange for the ninja's shares of Steep Wisdom, Ronin reveals there is another way to learn Airjitzu. The ninja travel to the Temple of Sensei Yang, the creator of Airjitzu, to learn the technique. The ninja confront the ghost of Sensei Yang and pass his test, earning a scoll of Airjitzu, but Cole becomes a ghost when he fails to leave the cursed temple before sunrise.

At Steep Wisdom, Nya struggles with her Elemental training and Wu discovers her weakness, she gives up when confronted with failure. Ronin arrives and Nya, believing she be of more use as Samurai-X, takes him to her cave where they discover Morro and his Ghost Warriors are stealing her equipment. While Nya is able to destroy Morro's summoning armor, she and Ronin are overwhelmed by the ghosts and are only saved when Nya taps into her Elemental Powers.

After learning Airjitzu, the ninja follow the next clue to the Wailing Alps. At the top of the mountain is a portal that leads to the Cloud Kingdom Realm, where the Sword of Sanctuary, a weapon that can see the future and bypass the traps guarding the tomb. The ninja manage to make it into the Cloud Kingdom before Morro and meet Fenwick, who reveals the reason Morro is trying to find the tomb is because it is the resting place of the Realm Crystal, a crystal that can access any realm. With the crystal, Morro can release his master the Preeminent, the embodiment of the Cursed Realm, who will curse every realm if she is freed. Fenwick betrays the group to Morro to ensure his own safety, allowing Morro to get, but another citizen on the Cloud Kingdom thwarts him and gives the ninja the chance to escape. Kai fights Morro and Lloyd begins fighting back against Morro's possession, allowing Kai to escape with the sword of Sanctuary.

With the sword in hand, the ninja try to find the location of the tomb while Nya continues training. With Ronin's surprising help, Nya is able to make progress on mastering her powers, but Ronin reluctantly steals the Sword of Sanctuary to repay a debt for his soul for the Soul Archer, one of the ghost warriors. When Ronin gives the sword to Morro, he double crosses him and possesses him to trick the ninja. The ninja are led into a trap in the Caves of Despair, the same place where Morro died, but escape and Ronin reveals the tomb's true location. They follow Morro through the tomb and overcome its traps, during which Jay sees a vision of the future where he is with Nya, and find the Realm Crystal before Morro. However, Morro holds Lloyd hostage to trade for the Realm Crystal and despite the ninja regaining their Elemental Powers, Morro escapes with the crystal, thought Lloyd is freed in the process.

Morro fortifies himself in Stiix and uses the crystal to summon an army of Ghost Warriors to protect him as he summons the Preeminent. The ninja storm Stiix with new vehicles built by Cryus Borg, though Wu has to sell Steep Wisdom to pay for them. Thanks to help from a remorseful Ronin, Lloyd manages to get in position to destroy the Realm Crystal and prevent the Preeminent from entering Ninjago, but Morro stalls him by reveal Garmadon is trapped inside the Cursed Realm. The Preeminent sucks Lloyd into the Cursed Realm and goes on a rampage in Stiix, forcing the Ninja to evacuate the citizens. Inside the Cursed Realm, Lloyd reunites with his father who tells him to destroy the Preemenent even though it will mean he will die with it. Lloyd engages in battle with Morro to reclaim the realm Crystal and ultimately becomes stranded in a different realm with the Sword of Sanctuary. Back in Ninjago, the ninja evacuate the citizens of Stiix on boat, but the Preeminent follows with mech made from the buildings of Stix that allows it to resist the ocean's water. Nya unlocks her true potential by accepting the idea and overcoming her fear of failure and creates a tidal wave that drown the Preeminent, pulling it and the Ghost Warriors into the sea. Morro is the only Ghost Warrior to escape, but the Preemenent tries to take him with her into the ocean. Despite Wu's attempts to save him, Morro finally accepts his fate and tells Wu that he can only save those who want to be saved, biding him farewell as he gives him the Realm Crystal and lets himself perish in the sea. The ninja use the Realm Crystal to bring Lloyd back and he reveals he saw what would happen with the Sword of Sanctuary and that he has decided to become a master like his father.


In the wake of the Preeminent's defeat, the ninja have become celebrities, but Nya is struggling with her new status on the team while Jay struggles dealing with his feelings for her, which were renewed when he saw his future with her in the First Spinjitzu Master's tomb. The ninja learn that Clouse had escaped the Cursed Realm and heading toward the remains of Stiix.

Jay's unresolved feelings end up stalling the ninja's pursuit, allowing Clouse to find the Teapot of Tyrahn and frees Nadakhan, the wish granting Djinn who was once the captain of an ancient pirate crew. Nadakhan quickly tricks Clouse into "wishing it all away" and traps him inside the teapot. He then learns that his crew has been scatter among the realms, except for Delara his lover, who perished, and vows to rebuild his crew. Discovering the ninja know of the Realm Crystal's location, Nadakhan frames them for crimes, turning them into fugitives, and captures Wu and Misako in the teapot after learning the location from the latter. The ninja learn about Nadakhan framing them and search for clues about him, but are captured one by one by Ronin and Nadakhan steals the Realm Crystal and reforms his pirate crew.

The ninja are sent to Kryptarium Prison, where they meet Captain Soto, the one who originally trapped Nadakhan. Soto reveals Nadakhan's one weakness is the deadly Venom of a Tiger Widow spider, which can weaken him enough to capture him, and agrees to give up the location of the island where it's found if the ninja break him out of prison. After the ninja escape prison with Soto, he reveals the map to the island is on a lantern on the Sky Pirates ship and that Nya is a doppelganger of Delara.

After Nadakhan rescues his crew from the other realms, he decides to return to his homeland, Djinjago, because the age of pirates has passed. However, upon arrival, he finds the realm on the brink of destruction. He finds his father, the Djinn king Khanjikhan, reveals that when the ninja destroyed the Preeminent, the embodiment of the Cursed Realm, the sister realm of Djinjago, it caused Djinjago to begin falling apart. Khanjikhan names Nadakhan the next Djinn king and gives him he Djinn Blade, a weapon that can wield the powers of the souls trapped inside, so Nadakhan can avenge Djinjago. Nadakhan uses the blade to absorb the power of the souls he has trapped in the teapot, escapes back to Ninjago just after Djinjago is destroyed, and vows revenge on all of Ninjago. The Sky Pirates modify their ship to fly so they can conquer Ninjago

While hiding from the law and searching for Nadakhan, Nya talks to Jay about his feelings and states they can only be friends. Nadakhan takes advantage of Jay's feelings for Nya to tempt him into making a wish that he wasn't born in junkyard. The wish results in Jay learning that he was adopted as a baby and this deceased birth father was an actor named Cliff Gordon and Jay inherits his wealth and estate. Nadakhan appears again and tries to get Jay to use his second wish but Jay just accidental wishes he wasn't alone, prompting Nya to arrive and forcing Nadakhan to leave. Later, Cole figures out that Jay made a wish to try and win Nya's heart, but agrees keeps it a secret. In order to separate the ninja, Nadakhan has his Sky Pirates attack Ninjago city. Thought this provides the ninja the opportunity to steal the map to Tiger Widow Island, Nadakhan manipulates Kai into wishing himself inside the blade. With the power of the souls he has absorbed in the Djinn Blade, Nadakhan begins lifting pieces of Ninjago into the sky to rebuild Djinjago.

The ninja travel to Tiger Widow Island to get the venom needed to stop Nadakhan, but during the trip Nadakhan captures Zane in the Djinn Blade after deleting P.I.X.A.L.. Cole reveals Jay's wishes, believing Jay's secrecy is the reason Kai and Zane were captured, creating a rift between him and the remaining ninja. Jay is forced to get the venom from the Tiger Widow for his actions, but the Sky Pirates attack. Jay is kidnapped and the pirates leave the remaining ninja stranded, though the ninja managed to save the venom.

On Nadakhan's ship, the Sky Pirates try to break Jay's will to make him wish himself into the Djinn Blade, but Jay holds out. Jay manages to send out a message during a failed escape attempt and is brought to speak with Nadakhan. Nadakhan reveals the real reason he is rebuilding Djinjago is to marry Nya; for once a Djinn king marries on Djinn land, he is granted unlimited wishes for himself. Jay tries to convince the Sky Pirates that Nadakhan will turn on them when he gets married, but they don't believe him.

The other ninja manage to escape Tiger Widow Island with the help of the police, who realized the ninja's innocence, and Nya learns Airjitzu in the process. They then try to rescue Jay by infiltrating the Sky Pirates, but they end up captured. Before Nadakhan can force Nya to marry him by threatening the other ninja, the ninja use Nadakhan's wishes against him and the sky pirates. Lloyd uses one of his wishes to become wise as Wu, but becomes old as him as a side effect. When the ninja are cornered and only Lloyd and Jay have a wish left, Lloyd uses his new wisdom to tell Jay his last wish can stop Nadakhan if it said from the heart and gives and Nya the chance to escape with his last wish. Nadakhan forces Clancee, the only member of the Sky pirates who hasn't used his wishes, to wish Cole and Lloyd into the Djinn Blade and Flintlocke, the Sky Pirates' first mate, realizes Nadakhan will betray them upon seeing his desperation to wed Nya.

Nya and Jay go into hiding at Dr. Julien's old prison to figure out Jay's last wish should be and meet Echo Zane, a crude remake of Zane. While alone, the two reflect on their feelings and their future and figure out what their last wish should be, to turn Nadakhan into a mortal human, stripping him of all his powers. Flintlocke decides to mutiny against Nadakhan, but fails and Nadakhan forces Clancee to use his second wish to find Nya and Jay. The Pirates attack the island prison and despite putting up a good fight, Nya lets herself be captured and sends Jay to safety with traveler's tea after admitting her true feelings for him.

Jay ends up in his parent's junkyard and his father encourages him to gather a makeshift team of the ninja's allies to rescue Nya. The team manages to sneak onto New Djinjago and free the other ninja from the Djinn blade. The group realizes that when Nadakhan is turned mortal, new Djinjago will collapse onto Ninjago, causing complete destruction, and send the replacement team to prepare it for the worst. The ninja fail to stop the wedding and Nadakhan becomes all powerful, quickly banishing his crew except for Flintlocke and Dogshank, and then reincarnates Delara in Nya's body. The ninja manage to escape and find the Tiger Widow venom, which is still capable of stopping Nadakhan and allowing Jay to make his last wish. With Flintlocke's help, the Ninja hit Nadakhan with the venom, but Nya is hit in the process, killing her. A mournful Jay wishes that Nya had taken his hand and that the Teapot of Tyrahn was never found. Nadakhan, being hit with the venom and with Jay’s wish being pure, has no choice but to grant it, and recent events are undone.

Jay's wish reverses time to the point where the ninja were stalled finding Clouse and only Jay and Nya remember what happened and get back together. When Clouse tries to find the Teapot of Tyrahn, the citizens of Stiix find him and chase him off, leaving the teapot to be taken away to a junkyard. As Nya and Jay celebrate, Yang's temple floats in the distance.

The Realm of Shadows[]

Clouse had somehow escaped the Cursed Realm and planned to plunge Ninjago into darkness by using Bandit, a young YinYang Dragon. He also gathered a force of Shadow Minions to help him capture Bandit.

Dark Island Trilogy[]

After the events of Skybound, a new darkness threatens the Ninjago universe. Fishermen vanish from the seas, a violent storm brews off the edge of Dark Island, and Master Wu senses a growing imbalance between good and evil. When Misako and Ronin disappear, they leave behind one clue—a warning to stay away.

Day of the Departed[]

On the Day of the Departed, the ninja gather to remember their passed loved ones but are reminded of old foes by the Ninjago Museum of History's new Hall of Villainy exhibit. Cole, whose ghostly state has been growing worse, receives an unexpected message from Yang and sets out to confront the villain in revenge for his transformation. He unwittingly plays into Yang's hands by delivering to him the Yin Blade, and Yang takes advantage of the Yin-Yang Eclipse to revive some of the old enemies of the ninja to pit them against them. As these revived foes—joined by Pythor—hunt down the various ninja with Yang sets out to open the Rift of Return, which will allow him to return to being human.

As Cole fights again Yang's enslaved students, the other ninja defeat their old enemies and send them back to the Departed Realm. Wu is warned of Yang's plan by the reformed Morro, who peacefully returns to the Departed Realm after making amends, and the ninja rush to save Cole. Cole confronts Yang and learns Yang used the Yin Blade to try and live forever because he was afraid of being forgotten, but it backfired and cursed him and his students. Cole defeat Yang with his new Earth Punch and tells him that he will be remembered as the one who created airjitzu, causing Yang to see the error of his ways. The two make amends and Cole and Yang's student pass through the rift of return, becoming human once more, while stays behind due to the curse, though he is at peace with his fate. The curse on Yang's temple is lifted and the ninja make it their new base.

The Hands of Time[]

Forty years after the first Serpentine War, Acronix, one of the Time Twins, passes through a time vortex and is challenged to a fight by Master Wu. Though Wu initially defeats Acronix, the arrival of the Forward Timeblade shifts the battle in his favor and Acronix strikes Wu with the "Time Punch", causing Wu to begin rapidly aging. The ninja come to his aid and seemingly destroy Acronix, but escapes alive unbeknownst to them. Acronix reunites with Krux, posing as museum curator Dr. Saunders, who reveals his army of Vermillion Serpentine: the spawn of the Great Devourer. Using the Vermillion warriors, the time twins kidnap Cyrus Borg and damage Zane.

Kai goes to the history museum to try and learn more about the time twins, but discovers Krux's deception and fights him and Acronix with Nya's help. During the fight, Krux claims Kai's parents were allied with them during their betrayal of the original elemental masters before escaping with his brother and the captive Cyrus Borg.

With Wu incapacitated and rapidly growing older, Lloyd is put in charge as the replacement master, but the other ninja don't listen to him. The Time Twins send the Vermillion to steal all the metal they can find, including inside Nya's Samurai-X Cave where Zane is being repaired. The ninja ignore Lloyd's order to protect Wu and go to stop the Vermillion warriors and Lloyd joins them after realizing he made the same mistake Wu did fighting Acronix: fighting alone. They stop a group of Vermillion, but they launch another attack at Mega Monster Amusement Park forcing the ninja, including Zane who has been repaired, except for being unable to speak with P.I.X.A.L, to head their next, except for Jay, who believes the Vermillion will attack his parents' junkyard.

During the Vermillion's hunt for metal, the Slow-Mo Timeblade arrives in the present and the Time Twins order the Vermillion to retrieve it as they force Cyrus borg to build something for their ultimate weapon. The Vermillion get to the Timeblade first and us it on the ninja, except for Jay who was protecting his parents. Jay and his father create the lightning bike, which allows Jay to rescue the ninja and even take the Timeblade. However, the victory is short lived when the Time Twins attack the temple to reclaim the Timeblade. During the battle, the ninja are aided by Samurai-X, but was someone other than Nya. Despite their efforts, the ninja lose the Timeblade and Wu is taken captive as well. In the aftermath of the battle, Kai finds his father's blacksmith symbol on one of the Vermillion's helmet, creating further doubt in Kai about his parents.

While the ninja for the Time Twins, Nya goes to find out who the new Samurai-X is and Kai goes to his parent's shop to see if they really were traitors. Nya confronts the new Samurai-X, but passes on the title to her after confirming she is a worthy sucessor, despite not learning her identity. Kai finds a secret chamber in the shop with prototype Vermillion Armor, confirming that his father is making weapons for the Vermillions. The other ninja learn from Skales the location of the Time Twin's base, and that they are building an entire army of Vermillion warriors. Kai reveals what he's learned about his parents with Nya, but overcomes his doubts after talking with Skylor.

The ninja sneak into the Time Twin's swamp base and find the Vermillion have been kidnapping builders to build their equipment. During the ninja's infiltration, the Pause Timeblade arrives in the present and is recovered by the Time Twins. Kai finds and confronts his father, Ray only to find his mother, Maya, there as well who reveals they were the forgers of the Timeblades and Krux forced them to work for them after the Serpentine war by threating Kai and Nya. The reunion is cut short by the Time Twins, who force Kai and Nya to go fetch the Reversal Time Blade, because it is only way to reverse Wu's aging.

The other ninja find Cyrus Borg and discover he was kidnapped to build an apparatus that could harness the Timeblade's powers for the Iron Doom, the Time Twin's ultimate weapon built to travel through time. Kai and Nya are taken to the boiling sea, where the Reversal Timeblade was hidden inside a buried temple underwater when it first arrived. The siblings recover the Timeblade with the help of their parent's Fusion Blade and the fusion dragon, but the Time Twins steal it before they can save Wu and Ray is also struck with the Time Punch. The twins then return to their base, stop the other ninja before they can disable the Iron Doom, and activate the weapon's time travel capabilities to open a Temporal Vortex to the past. Kai and Nya follow the twins through the Temporal Vortex with Wu and emerge in the moment just after the twins were originally defeated. The twins use the Vermillion against the past elemental masters, but Kai and Nya pose as their parents to help fight them off. The twins then have the Iron Doom fuse with the Vermillion to become alive and stronger, using it to force the alliance to surrender. The change outcome begins to affect the future, but Kai and Nya use the fusion dragon to fight back. The Time Twins then decide that if they cannot change the past, they will travel the future to where the ninja will no longer exist and escape through another Temporal Vortex. Fortunately, the ninja find the Reversal Timeblade of that time and use it to cure Wu and go back in time before the twins could escape to the future. They follow the twin through the vortex as their efforts restore the future and infiltrate the Iron Doom. When the twins overwhelm Kai and Nya, Wu sabotages the Iron Doom by removing the Reversal Blade from its time apparatus and sends it along Kai and Nya back to the present. Wu stays behind and faces twin to finish the fight as the Iron Doom becomes lost in time.

Kai and Nya use the Reversal Timeblade to cure Ray, but everyone mourns the disappearance of Wu. Lloyd is made the ninja's master once again and he decides to get rid the remaining Timeblade and that the ninja will not rest until Wu is found.

Sons of Garmadon[]

One year has passed since Master Wu became lost in time, and the ninja are still searching for him. Unfortunately for their search, a mysterious group of bikers who worship Lord Garmadon pose a new threat to Ninjago. After Lord Garmadon is resurrected, the ninja fail to stop Garmadon and he takes over Ninjago as its new emperor, but Kai, Zane, Jay, Cole, and a young Wu escape to the Realm of Oni and Dragons.


A week after Emperor Garmadon takes over Ninjago City, Lloyd, Nya, and the remaining team forms the Resistance They find out their friends are alive, and team up with the Elemental Masters to wait out and resist until their friends return.

Meanwhile, Cole, Jay, Kai, Zane, and Wu are stranded in the first realm. There they encounter the Dragon Hunters, a race of people that exploit the Dragons for their elemental power. The stranded ninja fight back against the Hunters and learn about the legend of the Dragon Armor and the Firstbourne Dragon, and they seek it out with the help of Faith.

The ninja and Wu return to Ninjago with the Armor, and they reunite with the others to take down Garmadon and the Sons of Garmadon. After the battle ends, Garmadon warns Lloyd that "they" are coming. Lloyd tells Master Wu that he thinks "they" are the Oni, and without Garmadon's power holding them back, they will come soon.

March of the Oni[]

Shortly after Garmadon was defeated, he was locked in Kryptarium Prison. Lloyd would see him and tell him what he was really told the last time he saw him. Garmadon promised he would help stop the Oni if he were to be released, but Lloyd doesn't believe it. Unfortunately, the Oni teleported to Ninjago via the Realm Crystal and plunged Ninjago City into darkness.

Lloyd and Garmadon confront the Omega, the leader of the Oni and tried to destroy the Realm Crystal. Lloyd destroyed the Realm Crystal, but it was not enough; however, the Golden Armor was used against the Oni to hold them back until Lloyd and Garmadon could flee.

When the ninja attempted to save some people at NGTV station, Cole, unfortunately, falls into the darkness because of an error of Nya. Lloyd and Garmadon are saved by P.I.X.A.L. and barely make it to the Destiny's Bounty with enough fuel.

With the Golden Armor the only way to stop the Oni, Kai, a former blacksmith, reforges them into the Golden Weapons. Just as they were finished, the Oni are seen marching along the Mountain of Impossible Heights to the Monastery of Spinjitzu. A lengthy battle ensues with the Oni having the upper-hand until Cole returns with the rebuilt Earth Driller.

Despite the new addition, they are forced to flee into the Monastery with the Oni overpowering the ninja. With very little hope, Lloyd suggests that they all perform the Tornado of Creation. They successfully defeat the Oni and all the Realms the Oni invaded are purified from the darkness.

Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]

With months of no villains to fight, the ninja ceased their training. One day, Gayle Gossip conducted an interview with former explorer, Clutch Powers, who adamantly refused to explore a pyramid in the Desert of Doom. With Clutch's assistance, the ninja entered the pyramid, inadvertently unleashing Aspheera, who absconded with Kai's Fire. Following a narrow escape from the pyramid, all but Kai went to the Ninjago Museum of History, where Aspheera revived the deceased Hypnobrai there with Fire and Magic, turning them into Pyro Vipers. After a battle, Aspheera obtained the first Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu. Aspheera eventually encountered Wu, who was revealed to be the Treacherous Deceiver, and a confrontation ensued between the ninja and the Pyro Vipers. Aspheera was defeated, but before surrendering, she inadvertently banished Zane to the Never-Realm.

Prime Empire[]

The Mechanic broke into a warehouse in search of the Prime Empire motherboard when he was promptly apprehended by the ninja. Subsequently, the ninja infiltrate a criminal hideout located within an arcade. Jay discovered Prime Empire, and successfully advanced to Level 13, becoming trapped within the game. The ninja collectively determine that they had to enter the game in order to rescue Jay and other individuals who have become ensnared within its confines. Nya, Cole, Kai, and Lloyd subsequently enter Prime Empire. Meanwhile, Zane and P.I.X.A.L. went on a mission to locate Milton Dyer, whom they initially believed to be Unagami. However, the Mechanic intervened and abducts Zane.

P.I.X.A.L. would soon find Milton Dyer and endeavored to rescue both Zane and Wu. Shortly thereafter, Unagami, the NPCs, and Jay emerge from the Manifestation Gate and entered Ninjago. Jay came with the intention of facilitating a dialogue between Unagami and Milton in order to resolve their differences. A battle ensued between Unagami and Jay, culminating in their arrival at Borg Tower. Soon, Milton and Unagami reconciled, and Unagami liberated the trapped gamers.

Master of the Mountain[]

The ninja were invited to the Kingdom of Shintaro, located on the northern side of Ninjago. Upon their arrival, they discovered the Skull Sorcerer, who enslaved the Geckles and Munce. Despite being separated, the ninja manage to facilitate reconciliation between the two tribes, while also gaining knowledge about the Spinjitzu Burst and its association with Earth. Ultimately, the ninja succeed in defeating the Skull Sorcerer and liberating Shintaro Mountain from his tyranny.

The Island[]

Lloyd was engaged in monitoring the surveillance screens when he expressed his disapproval to P.I.X.A.L. regarding Ronin being hired by the Ninjago Police for criminal apprehension. However, his attention was diverted by Cecil Putnam's notification that Wu, Misako, and Clutch Powers were lost at another island. The ninja gathered all available data on the unexplored Island of the Keepers and learned about Twitchy Tim. They sought his assistance in obtaining information about the island, which he willingly provided.


In a grassland, the ninja discovered Miss Demeanor engaging in illicit activity of smuggling Vengestone. However, she managed to evade capture when Nya's attempt to apprehend her backfired, nearly causing harm to the Farmers' village. Upon learning of Wojira and its potential to disrupt Nya's powers, Wu and the ninja concluded that they must seek the assistance of Maya. Subsequently, Maya was contacted and arrived to provide aid to Nya. During Nya's training, Zane and P.I.X.A.L. conducted a water rescue and discovered an energy burst that had the potential to disrupt anything linked to water. The other ninja were informed of the development and set out to investigate the Endless Sea.

After encountering the Merlopians, Nya contacted Cole to apprise him of their situation. Wu, Misako, Ray, Kai, and Cole then proceeded to the Explorer's Club to confront Clutch Powers regarding the Storm Amulet. However, their efforts were interrupted by Kalmaar's arrival, which led to a battle between the ninja and Merlopians. Kalmaar obtained the Storm Amulet and awakened Wojira. As Wojira wreaked havoc on Ninjago City, the city was submerged underwater. Nevertheless, Nya, in her new form, managed to defeat Wojira and restore the sea to its normal level, allowing Ninjago to stand once again. A memorial was held in honor of Nya's heroic actions.


With the ninja team disbanded for a year, the New Ninja sought out to protect Ninjago from criminals. Cole is able to reunite the ninja team to deal with a Vengestone operation by Miss Demeanor and her henchmen, but the New Ninja defeat them and arrest the criminals.

Later, when Nya returns to the ninja, the team decide to illegally break Aspheera out of Kryptarium Prison in order for her to steal Nya's powers with her staff and return her back to human, at the cost of themselves being sentenced to five years in Kryptarium Prison. When the ninja hear that a mysterious villain, known as the Crystal King, is recruiting the ninja's enemies such as Aspheera, Pythor, Vangelis, and the Mechanic, the ninja break out of jail with the help of Dareth and Nya (whom as taken the persona of Samurai X again), and has Lloyd infiltrate the Council of the Crystal King as the Mechanic. However, Lloyd is captured by the Kabuki Mask, who is revealed to be Harumi, and has the Crystal Council break into the Monastery of Spinjitzu and steal the Weapons of Spinjitzu, corrupting them and allowing the Crystal King, who is actually the Overlord's new identity, to take form. Lloyd is able to escape their clutches, though the Overlord makes the Crystal Temple airborne and awakens his Crystal Warriors to attack Ninjago, turning people into Crystal zombies.

The Overlord and his crystal army begin attacking Ninjago City, corrupting more citizens and separating the ninja team, though they are able to reunite again, and by discovering an ultimate power known as Dragon Form, the ninja gather their past allies and unlock their Dragon Forms, striking against the Crystal army, and regaining their Golden Weapons back. However, the ninja soon learn that the Overlord's ultimate goal is to corrupt all life in Ninjago by possessing the elements of Creation. The ninja are forced to unite the Golden Weapons, unleashing their elemental energy to destroy them. However, the Overlord ends up crystalizing all life in Ninjago, though the Golden Ultra Dragon is created and used by the Green Ninja, Lloyd, in order to defeat the Overlord once and for all, freeing all of Ninjago and its inhabitants from the Overlord's evil power and restoring the Balance.

Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

Due to the Merge, the realms and Ninjago were united as one. In the heart of the Merged Realms, a new district called the Crossroads was built upon a neighborhood that had been destroyed and now stood at the center of the merged realms, just outside the boundaries of Ninjago City itself. This central location attracted people from various parts of the realms, who settled in Ninjago by moving into the Crossroads. Despite the ongoing peace, Ninjago faced some instability caused by the MergeQuakes, aftershocks of the Merge. The MergeQuakes posed a threat to Ninjago once again when the MergeQuake Storm emerged. Fortunately, Lloyd ended the MergeQuakes, ultimately saving Ninjago.


Ninjago is home to very diverse geography, with rocky locations such as the Caves of Despair and icy locations such as the Frozen Wasteland and Glacier Barrens.

It contains a mountain range known as the Mountains of Impossible Height and another location known as the Floating Ruins. Two volcanoes are known to exist, one containing the Fire Temple and the other, Torchfire Mountain, having the highest temperature in all of Ninjago.

It has the Toxic Bogs (home to the Venomari Tomb), the Sea of Sand (home to the Anacondrai Tomb and the Lost City of Ouroboros), and the only known city in Ninjago, Ninjago City. Other towns include Jamanakai Village, Stiix, and Ignacia.

At the end of the Stone Wars, the First Spinjitzu Master banished the Overlord by splitting Ninjago into two different landmasses in order to prevent the Overlord from taking over. This action resulted in the Island of Darkness itself and the Island of Ninjago becoming two separate landmasses.


Cities, towns, etc.

Landmarks and environments


Status as a realm[]

Despite being referred to as a realm, Ninjago is not a realm of its own. "Ninjago" is the name of the island and the planet is referred to as "Ninjago" as a shorthand,[23] but the planet is part of a larger universe that constitutes the "realm of Ninjago." This can be inferred because outer space, as seen in "The Void" and "The Titanium Ninja," exists as the broader setting of the island and planet. Additionally, while it is commonly understood that the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, this statement refers to the landmass, not the realm, as the Temple of Light and Golden Peaks existed before the rest of the land was created.[24][25]


Main article: Culture of Ninjago


The Trivia on Ninjago needs to be organized.
  • You can help the wiki by organizing the following information chronologically based on how the information applies to the series.
  • This template can be removed once the section has been organized.
  • When the island of Ninjago is seen in "The Stone Army", both it and the Island of Darkness are shown to resemble a dragon. The two islands are positioned to resemble a "yin-yang" formation, symbolizing the balance between light and darkness.
  • Presumably, in a wheeled vehicle, it would take around 4–5 days to traverse the island from far north to far south.[26]
  • More information about Ninjago was revealed in building instructions of set 70751 Temple of Airjitzu.
  • Although there is no official complete map of the world of Ninjago, Tommy Andreasen has confirmed one fan map as partially canon.[27] However, the location of Astor City from LEGO Ultra Agents is not canon to the world of Ninjago,[28] because the theme in general is not canon to Ninjago.[29]
    • This map was updated on August 13, 2021 with 2021's locations.[30]
  • The word Ninjago was created by combining the words Ninja and LEGO.[31]
  • The official 2021 map and Captain Soto's map (see below) were released at a higher definition via PDF on the LEGO webiste.[32]
  • When asked about the appearance of ordinary objects such as traffic cones, Tommy Andreasen noted, "I am definitely picky in that department. Sometimes you needed to argue: ‘why would people in this strange fantasy society come up with a design which is this similar to something in our world?’"[33]
  • When asked what Ninjago's original realm name was prior to the First Spinjitzu Master creating it, Tommy Andreasen answered, "Ninjago is the continent. Idk. The Infinite Sea?"[34]
  • When asked if Ninjago is a country, Tommy Andreasen said, "No country. The more we define N[injago] the less awesome it will become."[35] In a later tweet, he stated Ninjago is "a place, country, island."[36]
  • The reason why Ninjago runs a UK and Hong Kong plug and socket system[37] is according to Tommy Andreasen because "The European standard one would have take 400+ hours to render."[38]
  • Even though Earth is one of the Elemental Powers in Ninjago, the planet is not called Earth. In the world of Ninjago, "Earth" simply means dirt or soil.[39]
  • Tommy Andreasen is unsure if Ninjago has a Prime Minister or President as they "don't get hung up on politics."[40]


Promotional media[]

In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

The images on Ninjago need to be organized.
  • You can help the Wiki by adding images to the appropriate section on "Ninjago."
  • This template can be removed once images have been organized.

In other media[]

Concept art[]


  2. Ninjago Skybound
  3. Character Encyclopedia Updated and Expanded
  4. Dark Island Trilogy
  5. The Book of Spinjitzu
  6. 6.0 6.1 "The Oni and the Dragon"
  7. "Master of the Sea"
  8. "The Last Voyage"
  9. "Game of Masks"
  11. 11.0 11.1 "The Stone Army"
  12. "The Titanium Ninja"
  13. "The Curse of the Golden Master"
  15. 15.0 15.1 "The Crooked Path"
  16. "Spellbound"
  17. 17.0 17.1 "The Hatching"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 "Pause and Effect"
  19. "Tick Tock"
  20. "Battle Between Brothers"
  21. "An Underworldly Takeover"
  22. "Way of the Ninja"
  36. (link missing context)
  37. "Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?"


Kingdoms, cities and villages: Abandoned village · Algae farmers' village · Coastal village · Cragling Village · Crossroads · Farmers' village · Holy City of Domu · Hono Mizu · Ignacia · Jamanakai Village · Keepers' Village · Kingdom of Imperium · Kingdom of Shintaro · Merlopia · Metalonia · Ninjago City · Nom · Oni land · Ouroboros · Serpentine village · Spinjago (non-canon) · Stiix · Valley of the Sphinx · Village in the valley · Village of Haru · Village of the Formlings
Jungles and forests: Birchwood Forest · Blackwood Forest · Forest of Tranquility · Forest of Spirits · Glimwillow Woods · Greenbone Warriors' forest · Hiroshi's Labyrinth · Jankikai Jungle · Mother Garden · Primeval's Eye · Toxic Bogs · Uncharted jungle · Vermillion Swamps · Wildwood Forest · World Forest
Mountains, caves and canyons: Arrakore's sanctum · Caves of Despair · Corridor of Elders · Crashcourse Canyon · Crystal Caves · Dungeons of Shintaro · Echo Canyons · Firstbourne's nest · Floating Ruins · Geckle Strong-Cave · Golden Peaks · Hollow's Bluff · Ice Cave · Land of the Three Mountains · Haunted Hill · Mala-Wojira · Maze of tunnels · Mino Pit · Mouth of Eternal Shadows · Mount Egalt · Mountain of a Million Steps · Mountain of Madness · Mountains of Impossible Height · Munce Home-Cave · No Man's Bluff · Pinnacle of Crystals · Rock-Bottom · Samurai X Cave · Shintaro Mountain · Story cave · Tallest mountain of Ninjago · The Teeth · Torchfire Mountain · Vengestone mines · Wailing Alps
Tombs and graveyards: Anacondrai Tomb · Ancient tomb · Cemetery of Souls · Constrictai Tomb · Fangpyre Tomb · Graveyard of ships · Hypnobrai Tomb · Lost Tomb of Impending Peril · Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master · Tomb of the Stone Army · Venomari Tomb
Water areas: Black River · Boiling Beach · Boiling Sea · Endless Sea · Frozen pond · Hollow's Trench · Lightning Lagoon · Northern Ocean · River of Darkness · Shadow Bay · Spirit Coves · Tartarus Trench
Islands: Chen's Island · Chima · Dark Island · Dyer Island · Glacial Glacier · Island of the Keepers · Lighthouse Island · Ninjago · Squawk Island · Tiger Widow Island
Deserts: Desert of Doom · Foggy desert · Lava Wastes · Sea of Sand
Other: The Administration · Arctic · Blind Man's Eye · Billy Badlands · Bottomless pit · Chen's camp · Chrono Crater (non-canon) · Dead's End · Dead Man's Squall · Delta V · Diamond Glaciers · Digger's Deep · Digiverse · Dragon Stone Shrine · Dream World (non-canon) · Forever Rock · Frozen Wasteland · Glacier Barrens · Glacier Island (non-canon) · Ice labyrinth · Land of Lost Things · Manifestation Gate · Mega Monster Amusement Park · N line · Ninjago (LEGO Universe) (non-canon) · Ninjago wharfs · Ninjago Zoo · Outer space · The Pit (Realm of Oni and Dragons) · The Pit (Shintaro) · Rift of Return · Route 22 · Route 23 · Storm belt · Strangler's Path · Temporal vortex

Buildings and establishments

Temples, palaces, fortresses and monasteries: Anacondrai Temple · Castle of Ice · Chen's monastery · Chen's Palace · Fire Temple · Garmadon's Dark Fortress · Garmadon's monastery · Hanging Temple · Ice Temple · Lloyd's treehouse fortress · Merlopian Palace · Monastery of Imperium · Monastery of Mysterium · Monastery of Spinjitzu (rooms) · Mountain monastery · Ninja Dojo Temple · Oni Temple · Palace (Shintaro) · Pyramid (Desert of Doom) · Pyramid of the Sphinx · Royal Palace · Skull Keep · Serpentine Pyramid · Serpentine's underground fortress · Shadow Dojo · Temple of Airjitzu · Temple of Felis · Temple of Fortitude · Temple of Light · Temple of Madness · Temple of Resurrection · Temple of the Dragon Cores · Temple of Wojira
Stores and establishments: All-Realm Antiques Emporium · Benny's Arcade Emporium · Biker Tavern · Borg Industries · Borg Store · Buddy's Pizza · Chan's Theater · City Bank · City Hall · City Jail · Concert Hall · Dairy Dragon · Dareth's TV studio · Darnagom Enterprises · Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk · Explorer's Club · Four Weapons Blacksmith · Fur Mart · Garbage depot · Gas station · Geckle courthouse · Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo · Kai's dojo · Kiddie Arcade · Kreel's Junkyard · Kryptarium Prison (Cell one) · Laughy's · Library of Domu · Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts · Mystake's Tea Shop · Ninjago City Aquarium · Ninjago City Hospital · Ninjago City Police Station · Ninjago Doomsday Comix · Ninjago Harbor · Ninjago Metro · Ninjago Museum of History · Ninjago Park · Noodle factory · Repo yard · Ronin's pawn shop · Serpentine's library · Steep Wisdom · Steeper Wisdom (non-canon) · Storm Farms · Twitchy Tim's gas station · Vast Industries · Dance class · Wong's Costume · Wu's Academy · Yang Tavern
Houses and apartments: Cliff Gordon's estate · Dareth's apartment · First Spinjitzu Master's house · Hero's Suite · Sally's farm · The Mechanic's headquarters · Vermillion Dome of Doom
Other: Borg Tower (Borg Tower vaults · Borg Industries Bowels) · Chen's Coliseum · Chen's Royal Arena · Dragon's Forge · Dragon stables · Hall of Villainy · Hangar bay · Hidden workshop · Hiroshi's Labyrinth Stronghold · Magical storagehouse · Munce arena · Old electronics warehouse · Oni stronghold · Palace gardens · S.O.G. Headquarters · Sewers · The Mechanic's warehouse · Tower of Tears (non-canon)

Prime Empire

Battle arena · Disco · Fire wall · Forest of Discontent · Marketplace · Glitch · Infinity maze · Okino's house · Place of swords · Scott's garage · Shifty's table · Side-scrolling platforms · Sushimi's sushi restaurant · Terra Karana · Terra Technica · Terra Domina


Cloud Kingdom · Cursed Realm · Departed Realm · Djinjago · Imperium · Kingdom of Madness · Mysterium · Never-Realm · Ninjago · Realm of Lee · Realm of Oni and Dragons · Underworld · Wyldness


Ethereal Divide · Grasslands · Nether-Space · The Overlord's void

The LEGO Ninjago Movie locations

Ninjago · Ninjago City · Bridge of Fallen Mentors · Canyon of General Unhappiness · Firing Room · Garmadon's Volcano Lair · Ham's street food stall · Jungle of Lost Souls · Koko's apartment · Lost Generals' Lair · Ninja Mech Garage · Ninjago Beach · Ninjago High School · Ninjago Tower · Omakase · Temple of Fragile Foundations · Wu's temple
