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Ninjago Wiki
He foresaw a time when Darkness would rise and corrupt the land and destroy all, but he also foresaw a possible victory.”
“He speaks in a moment in the final battle, in which the acolytes of the First Spinjitzu Master will face a terrible choice.”
Misako and Wu, "Return of the Ice Emperor"

The final prophecy of Quanish the Elder is a prognostication that was foreseen many years ago. It said that Darkness would one day consume Ninjago, but in the final battle between good and evil, the Elemental Masters of the four elements of Creation would have to perform a selfless act to save the realms whilst achieving Dragon Form. While the Ninja previously fought the final battle against the Overlord many years earlier, Quanish's final prophecy would come to pass when The Overlord - having assumed the title of "Crystal King" - attacks Ninjago with his generals and crystal army, in what would become the greatest battle between good and evil.



Having the ability to see the future, Quanish the Elder was able to see the future return of Darkness and its takeover of Ninjago and beyond. However, he also foresaw a possibility in which the Elemental Masters of the four main elements of creation would defeat Darkness by achieving Dragon Form, having their allies help them in the process.[1]

After the Liberation of Ninjago, Harumi was resurrected by the Overlord and became his herald. She would be smuggling Vengestone for the Overlord and form a crystal council. After the council had stolen the Weapons of Spinjitzu, the Crystal Council used them in a ritual of giving the Overlord another physical form.

Crystal infection[]

After the Overlord regained to a physical form, he caused the Crystal Temple to float and gave his council new powers. The Overlord launched an invasion of Ninjago called the crystal infection[2] and turned citizens into crystal zombies. The Overlord battled the ninja in Ninjago City and ultimately won, leaving the ninja separated throughout the city.

Final battle[]

The ninja began searching for allies and sending distress calls to them, then eventually regrouped at the newspaper warehouse where they got ready to defend it from the approaching crystal army, except for Lloyd and Garmadon, who went to fight the Overlord himself on the Crystal Island. Just when the ninja were going to be defeated while defending the warehouse, many of the ninja's past allies arrive in the nick of time and fight off the crystal army. Remembering the wording of the prophecy, the ninja successfully achieve Dragon Form, defeat the generals, and uncrystallized the Golden Weapons.

Meanwhile, as Lloyd and Garmadon fight the Overlord, the latter reveals that he was the one responsible for corrupting the Great Devourer and that everything which had happened was by his design in order to provide a worthy vessel for his return. Revealing this turned Harumi against the Overlord, since he was the one who had taken her parents away from her, and thus she sided with Lloyd and Garmadon. They continue to battle the Overlord atop the Crystal Temple, but the Overlord overpowers all three of them and injures Garmadon, who seemingly dies. Lloyd, completely enraged, transformed into his Oni Form and knocked back the Overlord with Destruction. However, he reverted after seeing his reflection in a crystal. The Overlord then hit Lloyd off the Crystal Island before proceeding to tap the central crystal again, this time preparing to corrupt all life in Ninjago.

However, at the warehouse, Wu realized that the Overlord was planning to corrupt the Elements of Creation and everyone in Ninjago. He told the ninja that there was nothing left for them except to unite the Golden Weapons, returning them to whatever form they originally had. The ninja proceed to do so, freeing the elemental powers in them. The powers surged up against the Crystal Temple which countered it with a blast of darkness. However, the darkness won, crystallizing everyone in Ninjago. Despite this, the powers of the weapons turned into the Golden Ultra Dragon, which proceeded to save Lloyd from his fall, and he begins to attack the Overlord once more. Using the combined elements of Creation, Lloyd and the Golden Ultra Dragon defeated the Overlord by sending a powerful beam of golden energy at him as well as destroying his body. In doing so, everyone got uncrystallized and the Crystal Temple was destroyed by a burst of light, which restored peace to Ninjago.

Official description[]

One of Quanish the Elder's prophecies came true, proving his ability to foresee the future! (So, he wasn't full of nonsense after all!) The Scroll of Quanish said, "Only through a selfless act will main and might prevail the light and dragon will take flight". But what did this MEAN?[3]



Season 15: Crystalized[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


  • This prophecy bears similarities with the Prophecy of the Green Ninja, as both discuss a confrontation between good and evil.



Language Name
Finnish Quanish vanhimman viimeinen ennustus
German Letzte Prophezeiung von Quanish dem Älteren
Russian Последнее пророчество Куаниша Старшего
Spanish Última Profecía de Quanish el Sabio
Ukrainian Останнє пророцтво Квоніша Старшого




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