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Fire   Fire (The LEGO Ninjago Movie)    
“Give me food and I will live. Give me water and I will die. Who am I?”
— The Sphinx's riddle referring to Fire, "Riddle of the Sphinx"

Fire is one of the four main elements of Creation that is derived from the Source Dragon of Motion. This element corresponds with the Sword of Fire, the Fire Dragon, and the Elemental Fire Dragon, and is generally associated with the colors red, orange, and occasionally yellow. Masters of Fire usually have been seen creating fire with their hands, but they can also manipulate fire from existing sources.

Notable uses[]

Spellbound (flashback)[]

During the first Serpentine War, the Elemental Master of Fire at the time, Ray, shot multiple fireballs at the Anacondrai during their battle in Jamanakai Village.


While falling from Chen's blimp, Kai used fire to propel himself towards a parachute, ensuring a safe landing on the island after a little time.

He later ignited his hand with fire after hearing something in the nearby bushes, but subsequently extinguished it after finding it was just Skylor. After she was revealed to be Chen's spy and daughter, Chen appeared and Kai used his fire to melt the ice they were standing on before attempting to escape only for Chen to capture him.

The Forgotten Element[]

When Kai was brought before Chen with the captured masters, the latter used his Staff of Elements to steal Kai's power along with the others'. However, Chen was convinced by Skylor to spare Kai and he allowed it to know of her feelings for him. While Chen was showing Kai his collection, he noted that even without his power, the fire still burned within him after he remained defiant towards him. After helping Chen capture Lloyd, Kai revealed his true intention was to get close and destroy the staff, which he was able to do when his allies appear, returning the element to him.

The Jade Princess[]

When the Sons of Garmadon—including Mr. E and Ultra Violet—infiltrate the Royal Palace, the ninja surround Mr. E as he is about to retrieve the Mask of Deception. However, the latter uses the Mask of Vengeance and gains four arms in the process. Nya uses her Water powers and Kai uses his Fire powers (although he only manipulates the fire still burning in the palace); however, they do no harm. Jay and Cole use their powers—Lightning and Earth—but their opponent caught their attacks and used them to overpower all the ninja. Mr. E shatters the casing and retrieves the Mask of Deception. Kai manipulates the fire still burning in the palace to throw a fireball at Mr. E, who unintentionally uses the Mask of Deception as a shield; thus, the mask is burnt, though it is revealed to be a fake as mentioned later by Hutchins.

Boobytraps and How to Survive Them[]

When the ninja inadvertently freed Aspheera and attack with their Elemental Powers, she becomes interested in Kai's and absorbs it, turning her body gold and rendering Kai unconscious.

Fire Maker[]

When the Hearth Fire was put out, Kai tries his best to recover his power before he eventually does, lighting up the Fire, and is proclaimed Fire Maker as a result.

An Unlikely Ally[]

As he slowly recovers his element, Kai uses his firepower to cook some fish for some kids.

My Enemy, My Friend[]

The kids come up to Kai for him to use his firepower to cook fish, which he does so before Boreal arrives. He tries to defend the village as best as he can by trying to conjure a fire shield, but since his powers were still weak from being drained by Aspheera, he fails.


After regaining consciousness during his fight with Boreal, Kai gets angry, which results in his powers fully recovering, and uses them to destroy the Ice Dragon.

Kryptarium Prison Blues[]

Kai used a fireball to break himself and the others out of their cell and chase Pythor. Later, he used it to jump the bridge and tried to shoot down the helicopter the Anacondrai escaped on with a fire blast but failed.

Users' abilities[]

  • Kai redirecting fire

    Kai controlling fire

    Pyrokinesis - The user is able to manipulate, generate, negate, and control fire from existing sources, enabling them to manipulate flames with a flick of the hand or a snap of the finger, being often used as a projectile. It also allows them to control any kinds of fire (i.e. infernal fire), cut or weld objects using fire, surf on flames, cause natural, remote, or personal combustions, and create fireballs of different size or a cluster of fire bombs and throw or use them as melee advantage. It is possible that they can solidify fire, surfaces, and liquid substances, make their flame explosive, create fire constructs/weapons (discs, whips, etc.) or firestorms, use it underwater, and incinerate anything they touch. Additionally, it can be used to break ice, illuminate areas, or reignite flames that have been put out.
    • Pyrokinetic Flight - The user can fly or propel themselves up or forward using Fire.
    • Pyrokinetic Absorption - The user can absorb fire from other sources to attack or defend. Kai did this against the Legendary Dragon.
    • Pyrokinetic Attacks - The user can attack with Fire.
      • Pyrokinetic Stream Generation - The user can create and release powerful streams of fire.
      • Pyrokinetic Blast - The user can release fire over a specific target area, causing great damage and/or delivering great shock waves of pure force.
      • Pyrokinetic Vortex Creation - The user can generate spirals/vortexes composed of fire. The vortex can be projected as a long ranged attack or as a tornado of flames for both offensive and/or defensive purposes.
      • Pyrokinetic Wave Emission - The user can release waves, spirals, rings, pulse, blasts, balls, and bursts of fire and use them to damage opponents. Kai used this to destroy Boreal after he regained the full extent of his powers.[2]
      • Pyrokinetic Ball Projection - The user can create and project balls of fire.
      • Pyrokinetic Wall Creation - The user can create walls of fire from nothing or by shaping existing fire into its desired shape.
      • Pyrokinetic Beam Emission - The user can create a potent beam composed of concentrated fire that can burn anything on contact.
      • Nokt vs Kai

        Kai shooting bolts of fire

        Pyrokinetic Bolt Projection - The user can create and project bolts of fire and control the intensity/power of their projectiles. The bolts aren't weak but they aren't as powerful as a full powered attack. These bolts could be used to stun, burn, injure, or even penetrate/stab the enemy and they can be fired in a short sequence.
    • Elemental Shield - The user can create a Fire elemental shield.
      • Radiation Resistance - The user's elemental shield can resist the radiation from entering the planet's atmosphere.
      • Space Survivability - The user's elemental shield likely allows them to survive in the vacuum of space, as seen in "The Titanium Ninja" while the Ninja were about to enter their planet's atmosphere.
    • Bio-Pyrokinesis - The user can create and manipulate fire in their body.
      • Anger Empowerment - As seen with Kai when he regained his element, the user's power can possibly grow stronger when they are angry. Sometimes when Kai is angry, he is able to melt Vengestone.
      • Fire/Heat Amplification - Some users can increase the amount of fire and heat they use.
      • Fire/Heat Empowerment - The user can grow stronger when they are in the presence of fire and heat.
      • Pyrokinetic Breath - The user can expel/spit fire from their mouth.
      • Pyrokinetic Infusion - The user can infuse themselves or an object with fire to increase the strength of their blows.
        • Fire Strike - The user can supercharge their strikes with fire to have more power in physical attacks.
      • Pyrokinetic/Calokinetic Immunity - The user, if concentrating, is unable to be harmed by fire and heat of any kind and even high heat. They are also able to run over hot coals without trouble.[3]
      • Calokinesis - The user can manipulate heat.
        • Heat Generation/Absorption - The user can generate or absorb heat for a variety of purposes, by making things hotter or melting objects (most commonly ice).
        • Heat Breath - As seen with some Fire Dragons, the user can likely expel heat from their mouth.
      • Pyrotechnickinesis - The user is able to manipulate, generate, negate, and control fireworks and explosive pyrotechnics of various substances, causing things to explode.
    • Smokescreen Projection - When two users of Fire, or two or more streams of Fire, combine their powers together, they can create a makeshift smokescreen.[4]
    • Smoke Blast: The user can create small blasts of smoke.[5]

Via the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu[]

  • Pyro-Telekinesis - The user can move, manipulate, or otherwise interact with matter using fire.

Via the users' True Potential[]

  • Pyro-Flyrogenesis - The user can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of fire and even generate and surround themselves in a pure fire sphere that allows them to fly, endure high temperatures, and burn a specific target.
  • Pyrokinetic Bomb Generation - The user can create and launch bombs of fire.
  • Pyroportation - As demonstrated by Kai, the user can disappear and reappear using fire.[6]
  • Pyrokinetic Body - The user can temporarily transform their body completely into pure fire.
    • Flame Aura - When the user is turned into fire, they are surrounded in an aura of flame.

Higher-level powers[]

  • Dragon Form - Like the rest of the users of the elements of Creation, Fire Elementals can unlock their Dragon Form, although it can only work through a sense of unity and a sequence of movements.
    • Humanoid Dragon Physiology - Dragon Form will cause the user to become a humanoid dragon.
      • Wing Manifestation - Once in Dragon Form, the user gains wings on their back.
        • Flight - Using said wings, the user can fly.
        • Wing Barriers - As seen with Kai when he was battling Aspheera, some users of Dragon Form can use their wings as shields.
      • Vengestone Immunity - In dragon form, the user's powers are unaffected by Vengestone.
      • Infectious crystal immunity - A user of Dragon Form is unaffected by infectious crystals.
      • Enhanced Elemental Powers - A user of Dragon Form has their Elemental Powers heavily enhanced.
      • Purification - A user of Dragon Form can undo corruption from the infectious crystals.


The symbol of Fire (as seen on some of Kai's gis) is the head of a lion, with its mane being made of flames. This likely represents Kai's anger being equal to that of a lion.

Notable users[]


Staff of Elements[]


Golden Power[]

Djinn Blade[]

Elemental Forge of Fire[]





Boxed Sets

Magazine Gifts

Misc Sets

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu

Pilot episodes


Season 1: Rise of the Snakes

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja

Season 3: Rebooted

Season 4: Tournament of Elements

Season 5: Possession

Season 6: Skybound

Day of the Departed

Season 7: The Hands of Time

Ninjago: Decoded

Season 8: Sons of Garmadon

Season 9: Hunted

Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu

Season 10: March of the Oni

Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu

Season 12: Prime Empire

Season 13: Master of the Mountain

The Island

Season 14: Seabound

The Virtues of Spinjitzu

Season 15: Crystalized

Ninjago: Dragons Rising

Season 1

The Elemental Mechs

Season 2

Ninjago Magazine

Video games


  • Fire seems to be one of the two Elements (along with Energy) besides Water that are capable of harming ghosts. This was shown when Kai slightly burned the Realm Crystal before throwing it to Morro's hand, which burned him and caused him to drop it.
  • Elemental users of Fire can be frozen.
  • It's possible that the powers of Fire and Earth could be combined to create magma.[7]
  • Samukai and Frakjaw are affiliated with Fire in promotional material (and the Ninjago Spinners game for Frakjaw), though this is non-canon.
  • Tommy Andreasen said that the Phoenixes from Chima "were the masters of fire."[8] This implies they were connected to this elemental power.
    • However, unlike the Phoenixes who were associated with healing, Kai doesn't have the power to heal.[9]
  • When asked if Kai could create other colors of fire, a phenomenon in real-world science, Tommy Andreasen responded, "Science? That's boring. We have friggin' dragons!"[10]
  • The extended synopsis of "Awakenings" states that Kai regains his True Potential in the episode, but when asked about this, Tommy Andreasen simply said, "He was pretty fired up."[11]
  • Unlike Nya who could communicate with whales, Kai is unable to talk to animals like "fire ants or fire flies."[12]
  • In "The Power Within," Kai demonstrated the strength of Fire compared to Heat. By throwing a fireball onto a can, it completely turned to ash, indicating his fireball reached a scorching temperature of at least 2000 degrees. On the other hand, when Wyldfyre blasted a can with Heat, it melted the can, suggesting that Heat reached a minimum temperature of 660 degrees, enough to cause melting. This means Fire is stronger than Heat.
  • Since Kai was trapped in the Nether-Space during the Tournament of the Sources, Fire is one of the few elements (and the only one of the elements of Creation) that were not stolen and used by Nokt.


The images on Fire need to be organized.
  • You can help the Wiki by adding images to the appropriate section on "Fire."
  • This template can be removed once images have been organized.

Promotional media[]

In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Pilot episodes[]

Season 1: Rise of the Snakes[]

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Season 3: Rebooted[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]

Season 5: Possession[]

Season 6: Skybound[]

Day of the Departed[]

Season 7: The Hands of Time[]

Wu's Teas[]

Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]

Season 9: Hunted[]

Season 10: March of the Oni[]

Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]

Season 12: Prime Empire[]

Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]

The Island[]

Season 14: Seabound[]

The Virtues of Spinjitzu[]

Season 15: Crystalized[]

In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

The Elemental Mechs[]

Season 2[]

In Quest for the Lost Powers[]

In other media[]


Language Name
Czech Oheň
Dutch Vuur
Finnish Tuli
French Feu
German Feuer
Hungarian Tűz
Italian Fuoco
Japanese ファイヤー(炎)
Polish Ogień
Portuguese Fogo
Russian Огонь
Slovak Oheň
Spanish (LA) Fuego
Ukrainian Вогонь


Elemental Powers

Elemental essences

Creation · Darkness · Destruction · Golden Power

Elements of Creation

Earth · Fire · Ice · Lightning

Other elements

Amber · Balance · Brute Force · Energy · Figment · Form · Fusion · Gravity · Heat · Imagination (non-canon) · Light · Metal · Mind · Misfortune · Nature · Plants · Poison · Propulsion · Quake · Reflex · Shadow · Shockwave · Size · Smoke · Sound · Speed · Surface Tension · Swarm · Technology · Time · Water · Wind

Movie elements

Creation · Earth · Fire · Green · Ice · Lightning · Surprise · Water
