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(Three pigeons atop of the Mechanic's warehouse peck at the roof below them. Suddenly, a beam of energy bursts through the roof, scaring off the pigeons. The Empire Dragon flies out of the beam, while NPCs from Prime Empire start to spawn all over Ninjago City.)
Richie: Haha!
(The Mechanic and most of his henchmen run away from the Manifestation Gate. P.I.X.A.L. throws one of the henchmen aside. Zane is being shocked by the Manifestation Gate's power due to being connected to it. Wu is tied up.)
Zane: Uuhhhaaah!
Wu: Uhh! Zane! Zane, hold on.
Zane: Uh, ah!
(P.I.X.A.L. knocks the henchman to the ground.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Mr. Dyer, I require assistance.
(Dyer nods and falls down a ladder. He runs towards Wu.)
Wu: P.I.X.A.L., help Zane. (Dyer starts to untie Wu)
(P.I.X.A.L. runs towards Zane and attempts to unplug him from the Manifestation Gate. Jay enters Ninjago through the gate on his Blue Dragon.)
Jay: Zane! P.I.X.A.L.!
(Jay gets off his Blue Dragon. He and P.I.X.A.L. pull the cord off Zane. Zane falls to the ground, motionless.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Zane... Zane... Please say something.
(Zane wakes up, gasping.)
P.I.X.A.L.: Zane!
Jay: Oh! You had us scared, buddy! (He helps Zane up.)
Zane: What happened? Where are the others?
Jay: They got turned into energy cubes... (Dyer and Wu gasp.) but it's okay, because I'm gonna get 'em all back. All I have to do is A, find Milton Dyer, B, find Unagami, C, get them to work out their issues, D, convince Unagami to turn all the energy cubes back into people and E...Uhm, I don't think there is an "E." I think that's it.
P.I.X.A.L.: We found Dyer.
Milton Dyer: And I will do whatever I can to help.
Wu: Are you certain Unagami can be reasoned with?
Jay: I think so. He doesn't seem "evil" to me. Just confused. He doesn't understand what he's doing.
Milton Dyer: This is all my fault. Vast Industries forced me to shut the game down. And I did it. But I didn't understand what I had created. I didn't know it was alive.
Jay: Oh, he's alive, all right. And he's a little ticked off.
Milton Dyer: If only... I could talk to him a-a-and explain.
Jay: Okay, this is starting to sound like a plan. You guys get to the top of Borg Tower, I'll get Unagami there.
(Jay jumps onto his Blue Dragon.)
Zane: How?
Jay: I have no idea!
(Jay leaves and the rest do the same. He looks around the city for Unagami. More Red Visors appear on the streets.)
Empire Dragon: Where are you, Milton Dyer?! Where are you?!
(Jay sees an explosion nearby.)
Jay: Found you!
(Citizens panic and run as the Empire Dragon lands and roars, blasting an energy beam from his mouth. He searches for Milton Dyer, while Red Visors spawn beside him. The Mechanic's henchmen drive a noodle truck front of the dragon and make a sudden stop. The Empire Dragon looks at them and roars. Jay swoops in and smashes the Empire Dragon against a building. He blasts a laser beam at Jay but misses, hitting a nearby car.)
Jay: I-I guess that got your attention.
(Jay starts flying upwards and the Empire Dragon follows, blasting a building as he catches up.)
Jay: That's it. Keep following me.
(Jay loses sight of the Empire Dragon.)
Jay: What?
(The Empire Dragon rams into the Blue Dragon and they crash. The Empire Dragon pins the Blue Dragon against a building.)
Jay: Get off! (He blasts the Empire Dragon with Lightning.) Huh! Powers are back. That felt good.
(The dragon roars at Jay and blasts a laser beam at him, missing. Jay flies upwards once again, and the Empire Dragon follows.)
(Citizens run away as Zane, P.I.X.A.L., Wu and Dyer are running toward Borg Tower. Red Visors shoot at the four of them. Zane freezes the Visors using Ice. P.I.X.A.L., Wu, and Zane continue forward, while Dyer looks at the frozen Red Visors.)
Milton Dyer: Oh no.
(Dyer catches up with the others. Richie and Ritchie corner two citizens.)
Richie: Haha!
(Okino kicks them both onto the ground. He bows to the two citizens. The two citizens smile and run off. Dyer, P.I.X.A.L., Zane, and Wu spot Jay leading the Empire Dragon.)
P.I.X.A.L.: There's Jay.
Zane: He's almost at the tower. Hurry!
(Ritchie blocks the group's path with his Speeder Car. He laughs and throws a bomb at them, missing. Ritchie attempts to drive off, but Zane and P.I.X.A.L. kick a lamp post over, blocking Ritchie's path.)
Ritchie: Hey! No fair! (Zane grabs his arm pulls him out of the vehicle.) Woah!
(The group get onto the Speeder Car and drive off.)
Ritchie: You'll pay for this!
(The group make it inside of Borg Tower. They get off the Speeder Car and enter an elevator.)
(Jay leads the Empire Dragon to the top of Borg Tower.)
Milton Dyer: I've never been to the top of Borg Tower before.
Zane: We come here a lot.
(The elevator stops. The Empire Dragon fires a laser beam at Jay, missing and hitting the tower. Jay flies up the tower, but loses sight of the Empire Dragon. The dragon suddenly appears in front of him.)
Jay: Whoa!
(The Empire Dragon blasts a laser beam at the Blue Dragon, causing it to crash at the top of Borg Tower. The Blue Dragon starts to glitch.)
Jay: No, no, no.
(The Blue Dragon disappears, while the Empire Dragon flies upwards and lands on the top of Borg Tower. He roars at Jay.)
Jay: Unagami, wait! Please.
Empire Dragon: (He roars at Jay.)
Jay: You're angry! I get it. You were abandoned by your maker!
Empire Dragon: (He roars again.)
Jay: I was abandoned by my parents too! I'm just like you!
Empire Dragon: (Growls.)
Jay: I never understood why, and I never had the chance to even ask. But I always hoped there was a good reason. What if there's a reason?
(Unagami turns into his ruler form.)
Unagami: What reason?
Jay: I...I don't know, but...
(Wu, P.I.X.A.L., Milton Dyer, and Zane make it to the top of Borg Tower. Unagami sees Milton Dyer and walks towards him, but is blocked by Jay.)
Jay: Wait! Listen! Anger doesn't solve anything. It won't help. It won't make you feel better.
Unagami: You are merely delaying the inevitable. (He points his spear at Jay.) This conversation can no longer be of use.
(Milton Dyer moves in front of Jay, pushing back the spear with his hand.)
Milton Dyer: Unagami. Don't do this. Please.
(Unagami's form flickers to a child before flickering back to his ruler form.)
Milton Dyer: You recognize me, don't you? You recognize my voice?
Unagami: You are Milton Dyer. My maker.
Milton Dyer: Yes. But you were not made for this. You were not made to instill fear and suffering.
(Red Visors chase a group of citizens. A Whack Rat throws a bomb near a group of people.)
Unagami: Why was I made?
Milton Dyer: To instill joy. And happiness.
(Unagami's form glitches. His form turns into that of a child.)
Unagami: But you abandoned me.
(Milton Dyer looks stunned. After a short while, Unagami returns to his ruler form.)
Milton Dyer: I didn't understand what I had created. I didn't fully see what you were. I...I was scared.
Unagami: To fear something you created is illogical.
Milton Dyer: Yes, but it's true. I didn't understand how real you were. How alive. And then when Scott disappeared and the company panicked, I shut the project down.
Unagami: Scott did not disappear. He is inside Prime Empire.
Milton Dyer: I know.
Unagami: Your expectations were very clear in this regard. You told me to provide him with an intense simulated gaming experience.
Milton Dyer: You were doing what you were told. The fault is mine, Unagami. And if you will let me, I would like to make amends.
Unagami: Define "amend."
Milton Dyer: To correct a mistake.
Unagami: Correct how?
Milton Dyer: Come home. Let me finish your programming and help you. Let me answer all of your questions.
(Unagami looks calmed.)
Milton Dyer: You must have so many.
(Unagami turns into his child form.)
Unagami: Home?
Milton Dyer: With me.
(He puts a hand on Unagami's shoulder.)
Milton Dyer: Please.
Unagami: (He thinks for a moment.) Your proposal is...accepted.
Milton Dyer: But you must release all the people you took. They are living beings, like yourself. And they deserve freedom.
Unagami: (He looks at the Manifestation Gate's beam. He turns back to Dyer.) Very well. But all who choose.
(Gayle Gossip runs away from a group of Visors. Okino pulls her to safety.)
Unagami: Not just the ones from this realm, also the ones from Prime Empire. They too deserve freedom.
Milton Dyer: You learn quickly.
(Unagami smiles. Just as Okino, Gayle, and Vinny are being surrounded by Visors, they power down. The doors to the Mechanic's warehouse open. Players trapped in Prime Empire have been released, alongside other NPCs.)
Lloyd: Where are we?
Cole: What happened here?
Nya: We're home. We're in Ninjago.
Lloyd: But...how?
(Wu, Jay, Zane, and P.I.X.A.L. walk toward the rest of the ninja.)
Nya: Jay!
(Jay runs to Nya, and spins her around. He gives her a kiss on the cheek.)
Cole: Master Wu! Zane. P.I.X.!
(P.I.X.A.L. waves.)
Kai: What happened? Did we get the Key-Tana? Did we win?
Jay: It's a long story.
(Racer Seven and Lloyd look at each other, smiling.)
Whack Rat: Ah, this place don't scratch my itch. Come on, boys. (The Whack Rats and the Red Visors return to Prime Empire. The Manifestation Gate turns off.)
Cole: Where's Unagami?
Jay: Where he belongs. He's home.
(Unagami holds Milton Dyer's hand and the two walk through the streets of Ninjago.)
(End of the episode. For more information, click here.)