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Ninjago Wiki
“However, the Glimwillow Lily can only be harvested on a full moon. We normally only gather enough lilies to produce one barrel of tea a month.”

Glimwillow Lilies are special plants that can brew Two Moon Tea.


Prior to Garmadon[]

For generations, the villagers of Two Moon Village harvested these lilies from the waters of the nearby Glimwillow Woods, using their flowers to produce the village's namesake Two Moon Tea. However, since the Glimwillow Lily can only be harvested on nights with a full moon in order to be processed into tea, the villagers were typically only able to produce a single barrel per month. At one point, after the brothers Renzo and Kenzo became the leaders of the village, Renzo had an idea to send out more people to collect the lilies, which in theory, could double their tea production and hopefully allow them to sell enough to make much needed improvements to their village. Unfortunately, the Glimwillow Woods were also the home of a tribe of Bears that fed on the lilies. These bears were quite protective of their home and the lilies that they fed upon, resulting in a rather tumultuous relationship with the villagers. After more people began to go out to harvest the lilies, the conflicts between bears and humans began to become increasingly more commonplace, with Kuma, the Guardian of Glimwillow Woods, in particular becoming quite angry with the humans.

Garmadon Issue 1[]

On one evening with a full moon, some time after the Oni's invasion, a villager and her daughter went out to gather Glimwillow lilies. However, they were both attacked by a bear, and Saeko injured her leg. A man arrived and attempted to fight the bear by using his powers, but only to realized that they weren't working. Saeko and Min saved the man by throwing acorns at the bear, which gave him a chance to defeat it. Saeko then discovered that the man who saved her and her daughter was actually Garmadon, and told him that the people of Two Moon Village have heard of him. Saeko asked Garmadon if he could help her and her daughter, but he refused until Saeko said that the village could hold a feast for him after what he did. Garmadon then carried the baskets of Glimwillow lilies to Two Moon Village, where other villagers were hard at work processing lilies into Two Moon Tea.

Garmadon Issue 2[]

The next evening, at the request of the elders of Two Moon Village, Renzo and Kenzo, Garmadon, Min, and the Two Moon Village Commandos set out in search of Kuma to defeat her so that the villagers could continue harvesting Glimwillow lilies at their leisure. As they arrived outside of Kuma's lair, the group observed the lilies growing in the waters surrounding the lair, with the bears feeding on the flowers.






TV series and other media

Christofern · Glimwillow Lilies · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Strangle Weed · Swamp-Teeth · Thorns of discontent · Traveler's Tree · World Trees

Ninjago Wildlife

Astro Plants · Charming Flowers · Cloud Corn · Couch Potatoes · Cushion Plants · Dwarf Shrubs · Fire Sticks · Groovy Vines · Ice Berries · Lava Lilies · Lightning Buds · Lime Stones · Mushyrooms · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots · Pop-Rock-Corn · Sleepy Willows · Space Lichen · Sunny Flowers · The Underworld's Petrified Vegetation · Very Wild Flowers · Volcanoss


TV series and other media

Food: Algae · Borg's Sufficient Nutrient Wafers · Brillies · Cake · Candy · Coconuts · Cookies · Condensed evil · Cragling mud · Crème de Imperium · Donuts · Fortune cookies · Glimwillow Lilies · Glop · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Monster sushi · Mud newts · Ninja chips · Noodles · Pancakes · Pillow mint · Pudding · Puffy Potstickers · Seaweed and tofu pancakes · Slugs · Snowberry Pies · Sushi · Traveler's Tea berries · Violet Berry Soup · Wyldmelons
Drink: Alcohol · Milk · Moss-milk · Snogfruit Punch · Tea (Resurrectea · Tomorrow's Tea · Traveler's Tea · Two Moon Tea)

Food weapons (sets)

Banana · Chicken leg · Ice cream · Sausage

Ninjago Wildlife

Couch Potatoes · Ice Berries · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots
