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“A great evil had found its way into my brother's heart, for the snake's venom could turn the purest of things wicked.”
Wu to the ninja, "Tick Tock"

The Great Devourer's venom is a substance produced from the Great Devourer's fangs that has peculiar effects on almost everything it touches.


Tick Tock (flasback)[]

As a child, Garmadon was bitten by a corrupted snake sent by the Overlord that would eventually become known as the Great Devourer. This caused Garmadon to fall ill for a period of time, and which he lashed out at his father and refused his father's help.

Effects over time[]

Though Garmadon recovered from his visible illness, the venom remained and corrupted him over the course of many years. Seeking a darker path, Garmadon trained under Chen for some time. Though Chen convinced him to take immoral actions such as signing Wu's love letter to Misako as his own, Garmadon's love for Misako overcame the temptation of the evil in his blood, and he left Chen to fight on the side of good with his brother and the Elemental Alliance in the Serpentine War.[1]

Decades later, the venom fully corrupted Garmadon. Still living with his brother in the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Garmadon attempted to steal the Golden Weapons. A battle between the brothers broke out, resulting in Garmadon's banishment to the Underworld.[2]

Day of the Great Devourer[]

When the Great Devourer was destroyed by Garmadon, it exploded and the city was drenched in her venom.

The Stone Army[]

The Devourer's venom seeped into the city sewer system and got into the Ninjago Museum of History, awakening the Giant Stone Warrior and some merchandise.

The Day Ninjago Stood Still[]

The venom awakened the Stone Army from their tomb.

Rise of the Spinjitzu Master[]

When Lloyd defeated the Overlord and in doing so exorcised the Overlord's possession of Garmadon's body, Lloyd's Golden Power was able to purge the venom from Garmadon entirely, and Misako remarked how "Every ounce of evil and venom is gone."

The Art of the Silent Fist (flashback)[]

The moment where Wu was standing in the Great Devourer's venom is seen when the Overlord attempted to dig through Wu's memory.

Saving Faith (flashback)[]

When Wu electrocuted, he regained all of his memories including where Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer and where Wu was standing in the Great Devourer's venom.


The venom is a thick green liquid, sometimes emanating steam.


Due to the Overlord's corruption, if the Great Devourer bites someone, her venom gradually dominates the victim's being and turns them evil. Its effect can be seen in the victims' eyes, which will glow red.[3] The venom can also revive and animate the Stone Army (even miniature bobbleheads of them) and has a rather unpleasant smell.[4]


Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 1: Rise of the Snakes[]

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Season 3: Rebooted[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]

Ninjago: Decoded[]

Season 9: Hunted[]


  • It would appear that the venom does not affect living beings unless injected directly into the circulatory system. The city was drenched in venom after the Devourer was killed in "Day of the Great Devourer" and Wu and the ninja stood in it with no averse affects, and the venom had no affect on Skales when it hit his arm in "The Day Ninjago Stood Still."
  • The venom's abilities were a result of the Overlord corrupting the Great Devourer with Darkness.[5]
  • It was revealed in "The Curse of the Golden Master" that Pythor did not die when he was eaten by the Devourer and that the Devourer's stomach acid bleached his scales from purple to white. According to Pythor, Wu "escaped unscathed," because according to Tommy Andreasen, he "must have been more resiliant."[6]
  • Though Wu's description in "Tick Tock" made it seem that the venom introduced evil into its victim's bodies, this is not the case. Rather, the venom amplifies the existing negative qualities of the victim.[7] Specifically, it amplified Garmadon's Destruction.[8]
    • According to Tommy Andreasen, thought this statement shouldn't be considered canon, he theorised that the Great Devourer's venom granted Garmadon the power to use Destruction.


Promotional media[]

In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]


Season 1: Rise of the Snakes[]

Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]


Language Name
French Venin du Grand Dévoreur


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