The Imperium Teen Resistance Force (formerly called the Imperium Teen Protection Force) is a school club that consists of four teenagers who provide community service in the City of Imperium.[1] They were previously aspiring members of the Claws of Imperium.
Dragons Rising, Season 1[]
Mindless Beasts[]
The Imperium Teen Protection Force were about to clean windows and did a little recital that weakened the scaffolding they were on and collapsed, but were saved by 'Lampshade Floortile', whom they were impressed by his moves that they want to bring him into their group. 'Lampshade' tries to teach them some moves, only for them to fumble and trying to keep them away from a nearby dumpster, until Percival eventually looked in and saw a baby dragon.
I Will Be the Danger[]
Questioning 'Lampshade', they discover he is not an Imperian, but a ninja called Arin, and were about to take him and the dragon on when the escaping dragons' rampage knocked a banner on top of them, giving the two a chance to escape. However, in the confusion, they end up separated, and Percival managed to grab the dragon.
The Calm Inside[]
Percival brings the dragon to Empress Beatrix, who congratulates him.
The Temple of the Dragon Cores[]
After Beatrix made a speech, claiming the dragons were recaptured, Percival tells the others that he knows the truth, because he saw them escape through the Monastery of Imperium, leaving the group wondering why she would lie.
Prior to Absolute Power[]
The Imperium Teen Protection Force undergone a rebranding and became now known as the Imperium Teen Resistance Force. The group secretly formed the Resistance and became its leaders. They then recruited a few other Imperians, including Rapton, to build up the Resistance.
Absolute Power[]
When the ninja infiltrated the city, they were spotted by the Imperium Guards, only for the Imperium Teen Resistance Force to stun them and escort them to their base.
We Are All Dragons[]
The Imperium Teen Resistance Force guide the ninja into the city before they all reach their base to plan how to reveal Beatrix's deception to the city, having heard of Sora, who was Ana, spoke against dragons being tortured for their energy. Percival then revealed that Rapton heard about them, so they created a fake Dragon Core for him to give to Beatrix, but despite the flaw, it didn't stop her before they eventually broadcast footage of Beatrix talking with Ras about the necessity of eliminating Imperians from the kingdom as they had done with her father and sister, talking with Dorama about how brainless the Imperians were, and talking with Dr. LaRow about extracting Zanth's energy. The plan worked before Percival broadcasts Sora's speech before ending it with the proclamation that they are all dragons.
The Power Within[]
The Imperium Teen Resistance Force guide people into shelter, until Percival ended up sucked into a MergeQuake rift after saving a little girl. After Lloyd used the Dragon Cores, Percival was safely returned. The Imperium Teen Resistance Force joined a discussion to the necessary changes that needed to be made within the City of Imperium as a collective now that Beatrix's gone.
Dragons Rising, Season 2[]
Shattered Dreams[]
Known members[]
- Percival Tartigrade (leader)
- Three unnamed members
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 7. "Mindless Beasts"
- 8. "I Will Be the Danger"
- 9. "The Calm Inside"
- 11. "The Temple of the Dragon Cores"
- 18. "Absolute Power"
- 19. "We Are All Dragons"
- 20. "The Power Within"
Season 2[]
- 22. "Shattered Dreams"
- In the Latin Spanish dub, when they introduce themselves to Arin, he responses with "so, like BTS or something?" Which is a reference to the K-POP band.

Falcon Hair (left) and Emmet Hair (right).
- About the design of the three anonymous members:
- The member with spiked hair has the same design as Roby.
- The only female member has a resemblance to Antonia, Blazey H. Speed and Kreel.
- The hair of a member changes after "The Battle of the Second Monastery," where he goes from having the hair of Falcon (LEGO Super Heroes) to that of Emmet (The LEGO Movie).
In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Imperium Teen Protection Force[]
Language | Name |
Czech | Mladá obranná síla Impéria |
French | L'Escadron de lycéens pour la protection d'Impérium |
German | Imperium-Teenager-Beschützer-Gruppe |
Portuguese (BRA) | Força de Proteção Adolescente de Imperium |
Portuguese (POR) | Força Jovem Proteção de Imperium |
Imperium Teen Resistance Force[]
Language | Name |
French | L'Escadron de lycéens pour la résistance d'Impérium |
German | Imperium-Teenager-Schutz-Widerstands-Gruppe |
Portuguese (BRA) | Força de Resistência Adolescente de Imperium |
Portuguese (POR) | Força Jovem de Resistência do Imperium |
Ukrainian | Підліткові сили опору Імперіуму |