The infectious crystals[1] were a crystalline material made by the Overlord.
After Hunted[]
After the Liberation of Ninjago, the Overlord met Harumi and gave her the central crystal, telling her to go to the Oni Temple and place the crystal inside the temple's pedestal, resulting the temple into becoming the new lair for the Overlord and obtain the power of Darkness.
After taking physical form as the Crystal King, the Overlord empowers the Crystal Council with his powers and gave most of them a Weapon of Destruction. He then brought the Crystal Warriors to life by replacing parts of them with the infectious crystals. By using the central crystal, the Overlord takes control of the Crystal Temple and makes it airborne, using the floating structure to travel across the island and crystallized all of Ninjago City. Upon using the central crystal again during the final battle, the Overlord succeeded in crystallizing all of Ninjago, but the ninja united the Golden Weapons, and their powers took the form of the Golden Ultra Dragon. As the Overlord battled against Lloyd and the dragon, he was defeated once more, and all the crystals that he created were destroyed as well.
- According to Tommy Andreasen, the reason crystals were used for Crystalized was because they wanted to show a corruption while still being able to see what was there before it.[2]
- The crystals are similar to Dark Matter, as they're both a type of material used by the Overlord to corrupt people and environments. However, the infectious crystals seem to have stronger effects than Dark Matter. As in "Distress Calls," Lloyd sent a blast of energy against the crystalized Serpentine, but it didn't affect them much. They can also bestow the power of Darkness once they infect someone. But unlike Dark Matter infected-victims, the infectious crystals seem to strip its victims of their consciousness, behaving literally like zombies, in addition to stripping them of basic skills like speech and fighting abilites.
- They are also similar to the Petrified Darkness from Skylanders: Swap Force as both are crystalline material that have the ability to corrupt the victim and turn that victim evil and covered in purple crystals.
- According to the Ninjago Magazine and the Secret World of the Ninja New Edition, the infectious crystals were said to be an alternate form of Vengestone and also possess the ability to neutralize Elemental Powers, as stated in Fury in the Forest! that they were created from the Vengestone stored within the Crystal Temple. However, moments in the show contradict the information:
- The infectious crystals had already been created prior to the crystallization of the Oni Temple. In addition, Harumi had to acquire Vengestone from the Vengestone mines and enlist the help of Miss Demeanor in order to carve statues of the Crystal Warriors, as she considered Vengestone to be a scarce resource, unlike the crystals.[4]
- The ninja retained their ability to use their powers in the presence of the crystals, unlike when faced with Vengestone.[5][6] Furthermore, characters in the show made a distinction between Vengestone and the crystals, regarding them as distinct substances with their own capabilities.[7]
In LEGO form[]
Promotional media[]
In Ninjago[]
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