- “Oh, you were left at our doorstep when you were just a baby, along with this address and key. Oh, you were just so gosh darn cute.”
- “And we gladly raised you as our own ever since.”
— Edna and Ed, "Misfortune Rising" |
Jay's family is the family from which the Lightning Ninja originated.
- Jay Walker
- Ed Walker
- Edna Walker
- Cliff Gordon (deceased)
- Jay's mother
- It was revealed in "Misfortune Rising" that Jay was adopted.
- After Lloyd, Jay is the ninja with the most known relatives due to having both an adoptive and biological family.
- Out of the known relatives, Cliff Gordon is the only one confirmed to have died.
- Cliff Gordon was "a bit of a womanizer", explaining why he didn't stay with his wife to raise their son.[2]
- Three out of the five known members have been victims of the Fangpyre bite, these being Ed and Edna[3] and Jay.[4]
- In "Snakebit", Ed says, "of all our inventions, this one is our greatest", referring to Jay. This line is not an error within the context of the episode, but it does not make sense with the later reveal that Ed and Edna are not Jay's birth parents.
- Jay inherited his sense of humor from his biological mother.[5]
- As of Season 13, Jay's family is the only ninja family not to have its own musical theme. While Ed and Edna have their own theme music, and Cliff Gordon has the Fritz Donnegan theme based on the Green Ninja theme, there is no theme that is associated with Jay's family as a whole, in the way that there is a Zane family theme, Garmadon family theme, Kai and Nya family theme, and Cole and Lilly theme from Season 13.
Jay's mother (current status unknown)
Cliff Gordon (Jay's biological father; deceased)
Ed Walker (Jay's adoptive father)
Edna Walker (Jay's adoptive mother)