The axe is a weapon that belongs to Korgran.
Fighting Techniques (flashback)[]
At one point, in Metalonia, Korgran supposedly fought off several Skreemers with his axe.
Dungeon Party! (flashback)[]
After Korgran defeated Ross, the axe showed its approval, stating that Korgran performed well at times. Perplexed by this response, Korgran asked whether the axe meant as always. The axe's reply suggested that this was indeed the case, albeit to a certain degree.
However, when Korgran approached his father to share the news of his triumph over Ross, he was shocked to learn that Ross was actually a friend of his father's. Korgran asked the axe for an explanation. The axe, taken aback, confessed that Korgran had mistakenly defeated the wrong person. Korgran's father, skeptical of his son's conversation with the axe, insisted that it was merely a figment of Korgran's imagination. Despite this, the axe insisted on its magical abilities, claiming that no one else could hear it except for Korgran.
Accepting Vangelis' quest, Korgran set off with his axe to Shintaro Mountain, where he and the Lowly were given the mission to destroy the Skull of Hazza D'ur. After navigating through several traps, the Lowly successfully located the Skull of Hazza D'ur. This skull was infused with dark magic capable of causing corruption, so Korgran decided to use his axe to carry it back. They returned to the Kingdom of Shintaro, where Korgran intended to destroy the skull with his axe. However, Vangelis betrayed the Lowly, sending them all plummeting into Rock-Bottom, which caused Korgran's axe to fall into the depths as well.
Dungeon Party![]
While introducing himself, Korgran is holding his axe. He then gives an excuse saying he has to shine his axe when Cole asks if the Lowly can go on another quest.
Dungeon Crawl![]
Korgran used the axe to attack the Lava Monster.
The Ascent[]
When Korgran agrees that he wants to go with Cole's plan, he mentioned that the axe doesn't talk, only for the axe to call the others bananas, confusing Korgran. He later used the axe to fight off the Dire Bats.
Battle for Shintaro Mountain[]
Korgran used the axe to fight off the Re-Awakened.
Dragon Form[]
Korgran used the axe to fight off Vangelis during the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.
Korgran carried his axe as he stood and celebrated amongst the crowd following the Overlord's defeat.
- 71837 Ninjago City Workshops (pictured)
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 150. "Trial By Mino" (pictured)
- 152. The Real Fall (no lines)
- 153. "Dungeon Party!"
- 154. "Dungeon Crawl!" (no lines)
- 156. "Masters Never Quit" (no lines)
- 158. "The Ascent"
- 159. "The Upply Strike Back!" (no lines)
- 160. "The Son of Lilly" (no lines)
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 209. "Dragon Form" (no lines)
- 210. "Roots" (no lines)
Ninjago Magazine[]
- 69. Fighting Techniques (no lines)
- It is unknown if the axe really can talk or if it's in Korgran's head.
- The axe was meant to speak with a Scottish accent, but his voice actor did not know how to do it.
Promotional media[]
In Ninjago[]
The images on Korgran's axe need to be organized.