Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
Kryptarium Prison Blues is the eighth episode of the fifteenth season of Ninjago and the 188th episode overall. It aired on May 20, 2022 on LEGO's YouTube channel.
Crystal spiders continue to recruit villains to join the council of the mysterious Crystal King. Nya is reminded of her days as Samurai X.[1]
Extended: Nya feels helpless without her elemental powers but finds inspiration in blueprints for her old Samurai X Mech - at Kryptarium, Lloyd suspects that the Crystal King is gathering the Ninjas' old foes and that fellow prisoner Pythor is the new villain's next target. The Ninjas escape their cells to prevent Pythor's escape, but after a chaotic chase through the prison, Pythor gets away.[2]
LEGO's YouTube channel: At the Monastery, Nya finds the blueprints of the Samurai X Mech after Master Wu assures her that she is so much more than her lost powers. Back at the prison, Pythor, a former serpent adversary, warns the Ninja that the Crystal King is freeing villains from prison. Later that night, a couple of Crystal Spiders sneak into the prison to free Pythor!
Will the Ninja be able to stop the Crystal Spiders from freeing Pythor? Can Nya still help the Ninja without her powers?[3]
Skylor and Dareth arrive at Kryptarium Prison to visit the Ninja, and were nearly denied access due to their affiliation and the guards believing Dareth is more like a nightclub owner, pretending to be the Ninja's lawyer, until he shows them his attorney license. In the visitor's room, the Ninja tell them of Lloyd's encounter with a guy in a kabuki mask, who told him about the Crystal King and organizing a council. Skylor then informed them that Vangelis had escaped from his prison in Shintaro as Dareth then tells them that he is gonna try to file a mistrial, until Zane tells him otherwise. As their visiting time is up, Jay asks Skylor how Nya is, and she says the judge is denying her visitation rights and that she blames herself for their incarceration because she is powerless. Kai then tells him his sister is tough before they're moved back to their cell.
Back at the monastery, Wu comes across Nya cleaning out her room of ninja essentials since she feels there was no need to train as she doesn't have her Elemental Power anymore and is still blaming herself for the boys' incarceration. While resuming cleaning up, Wu comes across a drawing of Samurai X and a family, and shows it to her, with a message from the child who drew it, thanking her for saving them. Inspired, Nya comes across her old Samurai X blueprints.
In the exercise yard, the Ninja are having lunch, with Cole complaining about the cake and Zane complaining about the motor oil he was given when the ninja encounter their old enemy: Pythor, accompanied by a group of inmates, including Ultra Violet, Killow, and Mezmo. The Anacondrai proceeds to mock the surprised Ninja and mentioned how he got nabbed by the New Ninja before making fun of them, and mentioned rumors of the Crystal King gathering a team of Villains and is waiting for his invite. Then when Kai attacks him, he then starts a food fight with the Ninja by grabbing his fellow inmates' food and tossing them at the Ninja. Before the others could join in, the guards stop them and force them back to their cells with Pythor proclaiming 'All hail the Crystal King!'
In the hangar bay, Nya shows P.I.X.A.L. the blueprints and had made some modifications to it for her to invent, which will take hours, but starts work on it as soon as possible.
Later that night, three Crystal Spiders infiltrate Kryptarium Prison, waking Lloyd as they pass by the Ninja's cell to Pythor's, where they wake him up to play a message from the guy in the kabuki mask, inviting him to join the Council of the Crystal King, which, after a second to wake up properly by slapping himself in the face, he instantly accepted. From their cell, the Ninja notice the glow the crystal spiders were giving off before Kai shoots at the bars on their cell, setting off the alarm. Reaching his cell, they see crystals spiders leading Pythor out of a recently made hole before they attempt to go after him, with the guards on their tail, believing the Ninja were attempting to escape. Coming across a pathway, Pythor sees a hovercraft arrive to pick him up, just as the Ninja start to catch up. One of the spiders soon self destructs, blowing up the pathway and blocking their chance to catch Pythor. However, Kai manages to jump over the gap and attempts to shoot the hovercraft, but hits a lookout tower. As they helplessly watch Pythor leave, Zane uses his Ice power to extinguish the flames and Cole tells them that the damages done in the attempt is gonna add 20 years to their sentence before being forced to surrender as the guards surround them.
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Dareth - Alan Marriott
- Kabuki Mask - Andrew Francis
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd Garmadon - Sam Vincent
- Main Guard - Deven Mack
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- P.I.X.A.L. - Jennifer Hayward
- Pythor - Michael Dobson
- Roof Guard - Heather Doerksen
- Skylor - Heather Doerksen
- Wu - Paul Dobson
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
- Cake
- Crystal spiders
- Gis
- Prisoner (Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Zane)
- Urban (Nya)
- Nya's golden spear
- Nya's Munce spear
- Samurai X suit
- Samurai Mech (pictured)
- Samurai X Mech (pictured)
- Crystal hovercraft
- Ninjago
- Sea of Sand
- Kingdom of Shintaro (mentioned)
- Mountains of Impossible Height
- Laughy's (mentioned)
- Narrator: Dareth
Cultural references[]
- The name of the episode refers to the song Folsom Prison Blues.
- This episode marks Pythor's first physical appearance in the series since "Day of the Departed" and overall since Pythor's Revenge.
- This also marks his first appearance in the WildBrain animation.
- Pythor's full name "Pythor P. Chumsworth" is mentioned in the main show for the first time since his introduction episode, "Never Trust a Snake," although it was previously mentioned in Pythor's Revenge and "Blue Lightning."
- This episode shares similarities and contrasts to "Enkrypted."
- Near the beginning of the episode, the ninja, while in prison, are notified of the current activity of one of their foes, both of which are part of Royal Families (Nadakhan, who is part of the Royal Family of Djinjago, had stolen the Realm Crystal and freed the Sky Pirates, while Vangelis, who is part of the Royal Family of Shintaro, had broken out of his cell in Shintaro to join the Crystal Council).
- The ninja confront one of their old enemies later on (Soto and Pythor), and a conversation with them eventually leads to a brief riot among the ninja and the inmates. However, what contrasts this is that Soto allied himself with the ninja, while Pythor opposed them and merely mocked them.
- In "Enkrypted," Cole finds the muffins to be as hard as a "fossilized rock," similar to the cake in this episode.
- Towards the end of the episode, the ninja (in addition to Soto and Pythor respectively) all break out of Kryptarium during the night, while being chased by guards, but the differences are, the ninja were able to escape successfully with Soto, while here, the ninja attempted to stop Pythor from escaping, but were unsuccessful and he escaped in the end, while the ninja were escorted back to their cells.
Language | Name |
Chinese (Traditional) | 忍者坐牢好憂鬱 |
Czech | Blues věznice Kryptárium |
Dutch | De Kryptarium gevangenis blues |
Finnish | Kryptariumin vangit |
French | Le blues de Kryptarium |
German | Frust im Gefängnis |
Hungarian | Börtöntöltelékek |
Italian | La tristezza di Kryptarium |
Polish | Więzienny Blues |
Portuguese (POR) | A Balada da Prisão de Kryptarium |
Spanish (LA) | Blues de la Prisión de Kryptarium |
Spanish (ESP) | Percances en la Prisión Kryptarium |
Ukrainian | «Блюз в’язниці „Криптаріум“» |