- “Those Ice Dragons intend to harm me, for no reason. Defend my honor!”
- “Hey! We're gonna protect everyone. But I'm not sure your honor has anything to with--”
- “Not you! My sous-chefs!”
— Lava-Tony and Kai, "A Pain in the Mech!" |
The sous-chefs are a team of Lava-Tides who work cooking noodles for Lava-Tony.
A Pain in the Mech! (flashback)[]
Lava-Tony approached his sous-chefs, demanding them to carry a crate that was a necessary secret ingredient to win the Noodle cook-off. When two Ice Dragons arrive and attack him, Lava-Tony demands for his honor to be defended. Kai, overhearing him, says they'll protect everyone, but Lava-Tony states he was referring to the sous-chefs, who shot at the dragons. Kai, Cole, and Sora immediately sprung into action, incapacitating both groups with their mechs before Arin discovered Lava-Tony's secret ingredient was dragon eggs that belong to the Ice Dragons before Riyu sends Lava-Tony crashing into the latter's oven, which explodes, spreading noodles all over the Crossroads.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
The Elemental Mechs[]
- 3. "A Pain in the Mech!" (flashback)
Language | Name |
Czech | Pomocníci Laváka Tonyho |
German | Chefkochs Aushilfsköche |