The following is a list of unseen characters from Ninjago and Ninjago: Dragons Rising who are only mentioned once.
Acronix and Krux's mother[]
An unnamed woman is the mother of the Time Twins, Acronix and Krux.
At some point in her life, she gave birth to the twin Elemental Masters of Time, Krux and Acronix, three minutes apart from each other, Krux first, Acronix second.[1] According to Acronix, she always said Krux was stubborn.[2]
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 7: The Hands of Time[]
- 72. "Pause and Effect" (mentioned)
- It is unknown if she or her partner were the former Master of Time or neither of them were.
Alfonzo Frohicky's grandmother[]
An unnamed anthropomorphic frog is the grandmother of Alfonzo Frohicky.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Wyldly Inappropriate[]
Mr. Frohicky used his grandmother’s recipe when making tea for Zane.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 13. "Wyldly Inappropriate" (mentioned)
Ancients of the Wyldness[]
The Ancients of the Wyldness were a group of anthropomorphic tigers[3] that were knowledged on their realm's history.
At some point in time, they told Ras about the origins of the Shadow Dojo and that it could supposedly only be opened with the use of a Source Dragon's energy.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 21. "The Blood Moon" (mentioned)
Arc Dragon of Fallen Leaves[]
An unnamed Forest Dragon is an Arc Dragon and the child of the deceased Matriarch of Fallen Leaves and the next leader of a tribe of Forest Dragons in the Fallen Leaves.
Dragons Rising, Season 2[]
At some point before her death, the Matriarch had given birth to a child.
The Shape of Motion[]
When the Source Dragon of Motion appeared to the ninja, she informed them that the Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons wasn't the only Dragon that had been slain, as she showed all the Arc Dragons that were killed for their crowns. The symbol of the Matriarch was present, meaning she had been also slain. Also meaning her child is now the new Arc Dragon of the Fallen Leaves.
Arc Dragon of the Fire Tribe[]
An unnamed Fire Dragon is the current Arc Dragon of a tribe of Fire Dragons in the Wyldness.
At some point in their life, they succeeded the previous Arc Dragon of the Fire Tribe.
Arc Dragon of the Northern Spiral[]
An unnamed dragon is an Arc Dragon and the child of the deceased Patriarch of the Northern Spiral and the next leader of a dragon tribe in the Northern Spiral.
Dragons Rising, Season 2[]
At some point before his death the Patriarch had a child, born from an unknown mother.
The Shape of Motion[]
When the Source Dragon of Motion appeared to the ninja, she informed them that the Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons wasn't the only Dragon that had been slain, as she showed all the Arc Dragons that were killed for their crowns. The symbol of the Patriarch was present, meaning he had been also slain. Also meaning his child is now the new Arc Dragon of the Northern Spiral.
- Their existence was not mentioned in the series but by Chris "Doc" Wyatt via X.[6]
Biker Barry is a cook and the owner of Biker Barry's Buffalo Wings Bar.
At some point, Barry opened a restaurant. However, it didn't do well, as the food was "so lousy there were no regulars." The ninja, in an attempt to avoid the media, began eating there.
Legend of the Brown Ninja[]
Cole notes that Barry has to work on his recipe.
- Legend of the Brown Ninja (mentioned)
Beatrix and Zeatrix's mother[]
An unnamed woman was the mother of Zeatrix and Beatrix.[7]
At some point in her life, she married the late emperor of Imperium, Levo, and had two children with him, firstly a daughter Zeatrix, and then a daughter Beatrix, the former of which inherited Shockwave, Levo’s elemental power. Sometime after this, she died of an unknown cause.
- Her existence was not mentioned in the series but by Chris "Doc" Wyatt via BlueSky.[7]
Lord Belgrave is a man who attempted to enter the Explorer's Club by participating in a Trial By Sphinx.
Decades ago, Belgrave invoked the Trial By Sphinx, and an incident occurred.
Riddle of the Sphinx[]
Cecil Putnam mentions him as the reason that nobody had invoked the trial by Sphinx in decades. Cole then asks what happened to him, but he doesn't get a response.
Season 14: Seabound[]
- 174. "Riddle of the Sphinx" (mentioned)
Behind the scenes[]
- He has the same name and title as a character from Game of Thrones.
- Both were never actually seen in their respective shows.
- He is the second character to have the title of Lord, the first being Garmadon.
Dr. Berkman is presumably Ed's doctor.
Day of the Departed (mentioned)[]
On the Day of the Departed, Ed wanted to help Jay fight the Skulkin, but Edna reminded Ed not to strain his muscles as said by Dr. Berkman. However, Ed did not take this advice.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Day of the Departed[]
- "Day of the Departed" (mentioned)
Bolobo's father[]
An unnamed man is a former Elemental Master of Nature and the father of Bolobo.[8]
- He is the second Elemental Master not to appear or be mentioned in the series, the first being the original Master of Amber.
Britts Subskian[]
- “We're doomed!”
- “Doomed as Britts Subskian in Phoenix War page 15.”
— Jay and Rufus McCallister, "Child's Play" |
Britts Subskian is a character from a comic book called Phoenix War. On page 15 of the comic, he was doomed.
Child's Play[]
Rufus McCallister mentioned Britts being doomed after the Grundle broke into Ninjago Doomsday Comix and Jay stated that they were doomed.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]
- 18. "Child's Play" (mentioned)
Cathy's children[]
Four unnamed individuals are the children of Cathy, a contestant on Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever.
Prior to The Invitation[]
At some point in time, four children were born to Cathy.
The Invitation[]
They were mentioned by Jay when their mother made her second appearance on Jay's show, the Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]
- 35. "The Invitation" (mentioned)
Clancee's mother[]
- Not to be confused with Selma.
An unnamed Serpentine was the mother of Clancee.
Over two hundred years ago, the unnamed Serpentine laid an egg containing Clancee but was not there when it hatched, implying she abandoned it.
Years later, during his journey with Lloyd up the Wailing Alps, Clancee discovered his knack for burrowing through snow and imagined his mother would be proud of him if she had stayed around.[9]
- The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye (mentioned)
- As it is revealed in The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye that Clancee is half Venomari and half Hypnobrai, his mother was a member of one of these tribes, although it is unknown which.
- In the non-canon "The Tall Tale of Clancee,"[10] Selma, who was previously introduced as Skales's wife and Skales Jr.'s mother in "The Curse of the Golden Master," is shown to be Clancee's mother. In the short, she is briefly shown taking care of Clancee as a child, in contrast to what is said about Clancee's mother in The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye.
Cole's aunt[]
An unnamed woman was the aunt of Cole.
Attack of the Cursed Spectors[]
Lou was upset Cole didn't meet him before the show to light a lantern in dedication of her.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
- "Attack of the Cursed Spectors" (mentioned)
- She is only mentioned in the Chinese version of "Day of the Departed."
Cyrus Borg's parents[]
Two unnamed individuals are the parents of Cyrus Borg.
The Surge[]
Cyrus Borg mentions his parents saying that his future as an inventor was predetermined by the name they gave them.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 3: Rebooted[]
- 27. "The Surge" (mentioned)
Devonian King[]
An unnamed Devonian is the king of the Devonians and Zur's ancestor.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Sword Shatters[]
Roby mentions that Zur was a descendant of the Devonian King while announcing a new round in the Tournament of the Sources.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 37. "The Sword Shatters" (mentioned)
- It is unknown if he possessed the element of Reflex.
Ekesian Coldfang the Wise[]
Ekesian Coldfang the Wise was a mentor who teaches Spinjitzu.
At some point, Ekesian Coldfang the Wise was under the mentorship of the great King Urd Leatherwing, who taught Ekesian Coldfang the Wise the martial art of Spinjitzu, which would later be taught to Rontu.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Spell at the Waterfall[]
Rontu informed Sora and Riyu about her Spinjitzu training under the guidance of Ekesian Coldfang the Wise.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 25. "The Spell at the Waterfall" (mentioned)
Language | Name |
French | Ekézian Glace-Croc le Sage |
Finn is a bully at Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. He wears a shirt that reads "Evil Geniuses Don't Cry."
Lloyd Garmadon's Blog[]
When Lloyd got a package full of candy from his grandmother, Finn took it and turned it into mud and bugs. Lloyd ran away and secretly hid in the janitor's room in order to plot his revenge, where he found a cape and hood.
Frak's uncle[]
An unnamed Serpentine is Frak's uncle.
Other appearances and mentions[]
They Gather for the Feast[]
Frak told Arin that he created a dummy of Wu using his uncle's shed skin, but he admitted it was pretty gross.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 33. "They Gather for the Feast" (mentioned)
Fugi-Dove's mother[]
An unnamed woman was the mother of Fugi-Dove and his brother.
Return of the Ice Emperor (mentioned)[]
While stopping the inmates from escaping from prison during the crystal infection, Ronin, desperate to redeem himself, rallies some, including Killow, Ultra Violet, and Fugi-Dove, to stand up and side with the ninja, and maybe make their mothers proud. The last statement made Fugi-Dove cry, which he also did while on the bus after rescuing Zane and P.I.X.A.L.
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 204. "Return of the Ice Emperor" (mentioned)
Gene's father[]
An unnamed man is the father of Gene. He is implied to be on the side of evil.
Double Trouble (mentioned)[]
When Lloyd convinced the Darkley's students to aid the ninja in defeating the evil ninja, Gene noted that his father would be mad.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja[]
- 16. "Double Trouble" (mentioned)
Gifting Goat[]
The Gifting Goat is a mythical entity associated with Festival Day when it gives gifts to people.
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 187. "Ninjago City vs. Ninja" (mentioned)
- The Gifting Goat is the equivalent of Santa Claus in Ninjago, although he too has been mentioned several times throughout the show.
Griffin Turner's grandparent[]
An unnamed individual is the former Elemental Master of Speed and the grandparent of Griffin Turner.
At some point before the Battle Between Brothers, Griffin Turner's grandparent got acquainted with Garmadon. The Master of Speed would eventually have a grandson named Griffin Turner, who inherited his grandparent's elemental power.[12]
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]
- 35. "The Invitation" (mentioned)
- It's not specified whether Griffin Turner inherited his power directly from his grandparent, as Nya stated in "Stiix and Stones" that Elemental Powers could skip a generation, or if it was passed down to Griffin Turner's parent and then to him, as is the case with most known Elemental Masters.
- It's worth noting that Nya may have been incorrect when she stated this as it could have never happened.[13]
- It was mistakenly stated on that Griffin Turner's grandparent was the original Elemental Master of Speed.[14]
Mrs. Grumbmiller was a babysitter Kai and Nya had when they were children.
Mrs. Grumbmiller was said to be mean and to have a large mole on an unspecified part of her body. When she made Kai and Nya go to bed early, they tripped her.[15]
She didn't cook for them because as Nya thought, her cooking was terrible, so Nya volunteered to make dinner.[16]
Years later, when Kai and Nya were wondering how to defeat Buffmillion, they decided to use the same tactic they used on Grumbmiller by tripping Buffmillion.[15]
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 7: The Hands of Time[]
- 70. "The Attack" (mentioned)
- According to Tommy Andreasen, the thing Kai and Nya fought over the most as children was who got to trip Mrs. Grumbmiller next.[17]
- On February 22, 2021, Tommy Andreasen asked on X for the name of Kai and Nya's nanny, saying that he forgot.[18]
- As Andreasen shared Nya's character interview in May 2021, it can be assumed that he was writing the interview at the time he asked this question.[16]
Gweeg[19][20] is a friend of Mr. Frohicky. He can apparently grow a mustache very quickly.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 13. "Wyldly Inappropriate" (indirectly mentioned)
- According to Mr. Frohicky, Gweeg is the fastest person to grow a mustache. Zane is considered second, but it's due to his holographic cloak rather than actual growth.
Jonesy is a paperboy in Ninjago City.
At some point before Aspheera's rampage on Ninjago City, Jonesy became a paperboy. One day, his bike broke and had to be put in a repair shop.[21]
Season 14: Seabound[]
- 175. "Papergirl" (mentioned)
Language | Name |
Chinese (Simplified) | 琼斯 |
French (CAN) | Jonesy |
German | Joesy |
Commander Kiflin is a fictional character associated with Fritz Donnegan from the Starfarer series.
The Void[]
When Jay pretended to be Fritz Donnegan in outer space while fighting Nindroids, Cole accidentally went off the rocket, and Kai called Jay to save him. Jay called Kai "Commander Kiflin" before saving Cole.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 3: Rebooted[]
- 27. "The Void" (mentioned)
Lloyd's grandmother[]
An unnamed woman is the mother of Misako Montgomery Garmadon and the grandmother of Lloyd Garmadon.
At some point shortly before Lloyd released the Serpentine, she sent a package of candy to her grandson, who was studying at the Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. Unfortunately, another student had turned the candy into bugs and worms.
- She is the only member of Lloyd's family to never be seen, named or mentioned in the series.
- It is unknown if she is still alive, as she was last (and only) mentioned shortly before the events of the first season.
- It is possible that her married name is Montgomery, as that is Misako's maiden name.
Mambo I[]
King Mambo I was an ancient Hypnobrai and a Serpentine King during the First Age. He had made a pact with the First Spinjitzu Master to keep a fragile peace between Serpentine and humans.
During his reign, King Mambo and the First Spinjitzu Master made a truce, that the Serpentine were forbidden to enter the lands of men, and humans were forbidden to enter the lands of the Serpentine.
A millenia later, a conflict occured with his descendant when the Sons of the First Spinjitzu Master trespassed in Serpentine territory.
- Mambo V (descendant)
- He is one of the thirteen Serpentine whose name is mentioned in the show, the others being Skales, Pythor, Acidicus, Skales Jr., Arcturus, Clancee, Blunck, Raggmunk, Machia, Aspheera, Mambo V and Char.
Manko is a member of the Munce.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
Murt mentions Manko as a smart Munce.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever" (mentioned)
Meeha is a member of the Munce.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
Murt mentions Meeha as a smart Munce.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever" (mentioned)
Mid is a member of the Munce.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
Murt mentions Mid as a smart Munce.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever" (mentioned)
Milton Dyer's father[]
An unnamed man is Mrs. Dyer's husband and Milton Dyer's father.
Little is known about him, only that he is Milton Dyer's father. When Milton was little, his father and mother only wanted the best for him, encouraging him to pursue his education. When he began developing an interest in video game designing, Mr. Dyer and his wife were quite displeased but accepted regardless, as it was a career.[22]
- Mrs. Dyer (wife)
- Milton Dyer (son)
Season 12: Prime Empire[]
- 137. "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" (mentioned)
- It is unknown whether he is alive or not, because Zane says that both of Milton's parents still live in his childhood home, but his father does not show up at the house when Zane and the others visit.
The Minkans were an ancient civilization in Ninjago that were known for having created the Amulet of Protection.
Long before the series[]
Long before the series, the Minkan civilization was founded in Ninjago and vanished. Amongst their surviving artifacts included the Amulet of Protection, which was said to be able to protect its bearer from danger. One such amulet would come into the possession of the legendary explorer Clutch Powers years later, who carried the amulet on his many adventures.
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them[]
As Clutch Powers escaped the pyramid, he was confronted by Aspheera, who told the archeologist to take her to Ninjago City. Powers refused and held up the Amulet of Protection to defend himself. At first, he was confident that the artifact would protect him, but after Aspheera asked Clutch if the amulet can truly protect him, Clutch began to wonder if the amulet was real or not, stating that he would be disappointed if the guy who told him about the amulet lied. To prove if the amulet was real or not, Aspheera caused the pyramid to explode and nearly killed Clutch, who was hoping for the amulet to be real until he was blasted by a rock into Ninjago City.
Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
- 103. "Boobytraps and How to Survive Them" (mentioned)
- Not be confused with the character of similar name.
Mood is a member of the Munce.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
Murt mentions Mood as a smart Munce.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever" (mentioned)
Mr. Oz[]
- This article is primarily about Mr. Oz's appearance within Ninjago. For more information on the character, visit the article on the Dreamzzz Wiki.
Mr. Oswald (or Mr. Oz for short) is a member of the Dream Chasers and the science teacher for Frances B. Wooley Middle School.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Ninjago - Dream Team[]
Ninjago - Dream Team[]
- "Ninjago - Dream Team" (mentioned; non-canon)
Mr. Pale's distant relative[]
An unnamed individual is a distant relative of Mr. Pale and a former Elemental Master of Light.
At some point before the Tournament of Elements, the Master of Light gave or lost their element to their distant relative, Mr. Pale.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]
- 35. "The Invitation"
- They and Mr. Pale are the first known Elemental Masters to not be directly related to each other.
Mudd is a member of the Munce.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
Murt mentions Mudd as a smart Munce.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever" (mentioned)
- Not to be confused with his son.
Murt is a Munce who is the father of Murt.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Queen of the Munce[]
Some Munce Sentries recognized Murt as his son.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 149. "Queen of the Munce" (mentioned)
Nadakhan's mother[]
An unnamed djinn was the mother of Nadakhan and the wife of the late Khanjikhan.
It was her marriage that allowed Khanjikhan to become a Djinn King and gain infinite wishes.
At some point, Nadakhan's mother wore a four-armed dress, which Nya would later be forced to wear for Nadakhan's wedding ceremony.[23]
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 6: Skybound[]
- 63. "Operation Land Ho!" (mentioned)
Ninjago City Stage Actor Union[]
The Ninjago City Stage Actor Union is an organization of stage actors in Ninjago City.
At some poins in time, Dorama received the Certificate of Honorable Mention from the Union on two separate occasions.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 15. "They Call It Doom" (mentioned)
- It is the second organized structure in Ninjago City involved with performers, following the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts.
Oni warlords[]
The Oni warlords were three Oni leaders during the War of the Oni and the Dragons. The Oni Masks were made to resemble them.
The Oni warlords were the original leaders of the Oni during their war with the dragons. When the First Spinjitzu Master escaped from the Realm of Oni and Dragons to create Ninjago, the warlords pursued him. In doing so, they crafted three Oni Masks, each symbolizing one of the Oni warlords. Over time, the warlords disappeared, leaving only their masks behind.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]
- 75. "The Mask of Deception" (mentioned)
- According to Tommy Andreasen, it was "heavily implied" that Mystake was one of the three Oni warlords who created the Oni Masks and that she "disposed of the other two."[25][26]
Pythor's mother[]
An unnamed Anacondrai was the mother of Pythor P. Chumsworth.
At some point in her life, she laid the egg from which Pythor had hatched.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Kryptarium Prison Blues[]
When Pythor was slapped awake by the Crystal Spiders, he thought it was his mother.
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 188. "Kryptarium Prison Blues" (mentioned)
- It is unknown if her last name is also Chumsworth.
- She can be assumed to be dead, as Pythor is the last living Anacondrai.
- Tommy Andreasen stated the mention of her in the show is "just implied storytelling."[27]
- He also said that it was possible that Pythor had eaten her.[27]
Rain is a resident of Yogen Mura.
The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye[]
- The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye (mentioned)
- Like most of the characters that were introduced in Chapter 16 of The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye, Rain is based on a Ninjago OC.[28]
Rockworth was a Cragling poet.
Other appearances and mentions[]
They Gather for the Feast[]
When Roby introduces the Tournament of the Sources to the Elemental Masters, he reminds them of what Rockworth once said. Roby then proceeds to make grunting noises (possibly Cragling speech), which Arccrack seemingly understood and agreed with.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 33. "They Gather for the Feast" (mentioned)
Ronin's daughter[]
An unnamed individual is the daughter of Ronin and an unnamed woman.
Way of the Departed[]
Ronin's daughter is mentioned by Ronin to have created a high-quality chart of Nom for him. Ronin later used the chart along with a finely crafted suit made by his wife to convince a group of businessmen that the architecture of the city would be a great return on investment for them.
- Way of the Departed (mentioned)
Behind the scenes[]
- According to Tommy Andreasen, there was once an idea to include Ronin's daughter, who would be a teenager or young adult, in the TV series.[29]
Ronin's wife[]
An unnamed woman is the wife of Ronin and the mother of an unnamed individual.
Way of the Departed[]
Ronin's daughter is mentioned by Ronin to have created a finely crafted suit for him. Ronin later used the suit along with a high-quality chart of Nom made by his daughter to convince a group of businessmen that the architecture of the city would be a great return on investment for them.
- Way of the Departed (mentioned)
- Tommy Andreasen imagines Ronin's wife as "really demanding".[30]
Slug Merchants[]
The Slug Merchants are vendors that traverse the Merged Realms, offering their customers a variety of slugs for sale.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Fugitives From Madness[]
Running low on magic ingredients for weeks, Gandalaria mistakenly identified Cole, Zane, and Bonzle as the Slug Merchants, hoping to purchase a set of slugs from them.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 27. "Fugitives From Madness" (mentioned)
Smad is a store owner that lives in the Crossroads.[31]
- Being from Chima, Smad is an anthropomorphic animal.
- According to the nomenclature of Chima characters from the different species, Smad could be a Saber-Tooth Tiger.
Stalwart Dangerbuff[]
Stalwart Dangerbuff is a Dragon Hunter and a member of the Dangerbuff clan. He is friends with Scar the Skullbreaker.
Other appearances and mentions[]
Iron & Stone[]
Scar eagerly awaited the start of the fight between Kai, Jay, Zane, and Slab. However, his anticipation was interrupted when he accidentally bumped into Cole and Wu, who were in disguise. In their brief interaction, Cole introduced himself as "Rocky Dangerbuff." Believing that Cole and Wu were part of the Dangerbuff clan, Scar mentioned that he knew Stalwart and thought he should meet them. Unfortunately, Cole and Wu managed to escape before Scar could locate Stalwart.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 9: Hunted[]
- 86. "Iron & Stone" (mentioned)
Swamp Dragons[]
Swamp Dragons[33] are a type of dragon that reside in swamps of the Wyldness and are known for liking moss.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Power Within[]
When Kai and Wyldfyre were training in the Monastery of Spinjitzu after the MergeQuake Storm, Wyldfyre asked Kai if a Swamp Dragon loved moss before melting the cans.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 20. "The Power Within" (mentioned)
- Chris "Doc" Wyatt confirmed that they live in swamps of the Wyldness, one of them being the Crocodile Swamp of Chima.[32]
Sybex Tribe[]
The Sybex Tribe were an ancient tribe that existed in Ninjago at one point during its history. Little is known about them other than that they used a chest vortex.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Explorers Club[]
While looking for the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu in the Explorer's Club, Lloyd knocks over the chest vortex which starts to suck scrolls in it. Therein, Zane comments that it appears to be a chest vortex belonging to the ancient Sybex Tribe.
Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
111. "The Explorers Club" (mentioned)
Timmy is a child at the Ninjago City Hospital.
The New Ninja[]
Timmy played against the ninja in Delivery Trucks vs. Zombies and won every round, which Jay praised and called him a "kid after his own heart."
- The New Ninja (mentioned)
- Not to be confused with her real-life counterpart.
Trylle is a friend of Jay Vincent.
The Oni and the Dragon[]
When Jay Vincent and Michael Kramer were singing at Laughy's Karaoke Bar, Vincent dedicated a song to Trylle.
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]
- 77. "The Oni and the Dragon" (mentioned)
- Her name is a reference to Trylle Vilstrup, a director for Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu.
- She is the only character based on a real person who does not make a physical appearance in an episode.
Undersea Biscuit[]
Undersea Biscuit is a manta ray at the royal manta races in Merlopia.
The Tale of Benthomaar[]
When Kalmaar entered the throne room of the Merlopian Palace, Trimaar was just telling from the Maaray Guards that he'd place all his pearls on Undersea Biscuit at the royal manta races.
Season 14: Seabound[]
- 172. "The Tale of Benthomaar" (mentioned)
- Undersea Biscuit is a reference to a real racing horse named "Seabiscuit".
Urd Leatherwing[]
King Urd Leatherwing was a mentor and a Spinjitzu teacher who was previously a student of the First Spinjitzu Master.
At some point, Urd Leatherwing was under the mentorship of the First Spinjitzu Master, who taught him the martial art of Spinjitzu, which he would later teach to Ekesian Coldfang the Wise, who would later teach the martial art to Rontu.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Spell at the Waterfall[]
Rontu informed Sora and Riyu that she had acquired the art of Spinjitzu under the guidance of her mentor, Ekesian Coldfang the Wise, who was taught Spinjitzu by Urd Leatherwing, who in turn had received training directly from the First Spinjitzu Master himself.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 2[]
- 25. "The Spell at the Waterfall" (mentioned)
Language | Name |
French | Herd Aile-de-Cuir |
German | Ur Lederflügel |
Spanish (LA) | Urd Ala de Cuero |
Wavern is a resident of Yogen Mura.
The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye[]
- The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye (mentioned)
Behind the scenes[]
- They have the same name as a Bakugan from Bakugan Battle Brawlers.
Dr. Yost is an archaeologist and a friend of Misako.
Yost attempted to map out Primeval's Eye, the location of the Oni Mask of Hatred, but never came back.[34]
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]
- 79. "Dead Man's Squall" (mentioned)
Yuuki is a resident of Yogen Mura.
The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye[]
- The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye (mentioned)
Yuuki is an alternate transcription of Yūki.
- The name Yuuki is written in katakana (ユウキ), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (優希, 悠希, 優輝 or 悠生), it could possibly mean:
- 優希 - "excellence, superiority, gentleness" (優) (yū) and "hope" (希) (ki).
- 悠希 - "permanence" (悠) (yū) and "hope" (希) (ki).
- 優輝 - "excellence, superiority, gentleness" (優) (yū) and "brightness, radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle" (輝) (ki).
- 悠生 - "permanence" (悠) (yū) and "life, living" (生) (ki).
- Like most of the characters that were introduced in Chapter 16 of The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye, Yuuki is based on a Ninjago OC.[28]
Zoro is a resident of Yogen Mura.
The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye[]
- The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye (mentioned)
- Like most of the characters that were introduced in Chapter 16 of The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye, Zoro is based on a Ninjago OC.[28]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 5.0 5.1
- ↑
- ↑ 7.0 7.1
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Jay's Ninja Dream!
- ↑ The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye Chapter 6
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ "The Invitation"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 "The Attack"
- ↑ 16.0 16.1
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 19.0 19.1
- ↑
- ↑ "Papergirl"
- ↑ "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back"
- ↑ "Operation Land Ho!"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 27.0 27.1
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ 32.0 32.1
- ↑ "The Power Within"
- ↑ "Dead Man's Squall"