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(Maya and Nya escape in the APS suits, pursued by Ripper Sharks.)
Nya: Move it, Mom!
Maya: I'm going as fast as I can!
Nya: Well, they're going faster! I hope they're not hungry!
Maya: These suits are metal. Don't they know metal tastes terrible?
Nya: I don't think they care, Mom! (A sulfur blast causes Maya to veer off course, but Nya pulls her back.) I've got you, Mom.
Maya: Nya! Move it or lose it!
Nya: They're too fast! We can't outswim them! This is their element!
Maya: Water is your element too, dear. This far undersea, your powers are stronger than anywhere else.
Nya: Whoa!
Maya: I know you can do this. (Nya uses her water powers on the sharks.) See? It's working! Don't forget about the third one!
Nya: What third— (A shark slams her onto some boulders.) I can take him! Oh, no no no no no, don't shut down on me now!
(Just then, Lloyd and Jay arrive and blast the sharks away with their harpoon guns.)
Jay: Back off, fish sticks!
Nya: Jay!
Maya: Impeccable timing, boys!
(In the temple, Kalmaar picks up the broken cuffs when Gripe barges in and startles him again.)
Gripe: They have escaped, my Prince! But do not fear. I unleashed the Ripper Sharks upon them.
Kalmaar: You fool! I need them alive! I must have the location of that island!
Glutinous: Sir! It appears they have been rescued by their friends. My sensors are picking up a vessel.
Kalmaar: What vessel?
Glutinous: The vessel you, um, attempted to sink. It seems to have survived. They repaired it somehow.
Kalmaar: Interesting. It seems these surface-dwellers aren't quite as frail as I thought. How wonderful. Oh, this will be fun.
(In the Hydro Bounty, Nya and Maya are safely inside.)
Maya: Thank goodness you all came along. I thought we were done for.
Nya: You said you knew I could save us!
Maya: Well, I didn't want to be a Gloomy Gus, heh ... (Just then, an alarm goes off.)
P.I.X.A.L.: That's the proximity alarm. I'm afraid we have unannounced visitors.
Maaray Guard: Trespassers, you have illegally entered the domain of King Trimaar, ruler of the Endless Sea and monarch of Merlopia. Come peacefully, or you will be fired upon.
Zane: The Hydro Bounty is not in any condition to sustain further damage.
P.I.X.A.L.: And we are unlikely to be able to outrun those creatures.
Lloyd: Looks like we don't have a choice then.
(The ninja are escorted into the throne room, with everyone but P.I.X.A.L. carrying an oxygen tank.)
Trimaar: You have trespassed into my kingdom and risked the peace. Do you have anything to say before I pass judgment?
Lloyd: Well, to be perfectly honest, we didn't know there was an undersea kingdom.
Nya: And we wouldn't have trespassed if it weren't for us being shot down by your son—
Trimaar: What? Is this true?
Nya: Yeah. And not only that, which is enough, really, right? But he also took me and my mother captive!
Trimaar: Captive?
Nya: Oh, it gets worse!
Maya: Yeah, tell him about the giant snake.
Nya: Yeah, yeah. A giant sleeping snake, that your son, Calamari, is trying to wake up.
Trimaar: What sleeping snake?
Nya: Wojira.
Trimaar: (Gasps.) Bring the Prince and his Mer-servant to me. At once! If these accusations are true, you have my deepest apologies. My son Kalmaar will be disciplined, I assure you. For too long, I have looked the other way and—
Kalmaar: Whatever these surface-dwellers have told you is a lie, Father!
Trimaar: You deny sinking their vessel?
Kalmaar: Oh, that. No, that part is true, I admit it. I've sunken many of their ships. Something you should have been doing, Father, if you took your duties as king more seriously.
Trimaar: We live in peace with the surface. We do not bother them, and they do not bother us.
Kalmaar: This world was once ours. Then they came and despoiled the Endless Sea with their lands and their foul presence. But with the power of Wojira, I can correct this wrong!
Maya: Uh, should we leave?
Nya: Yeah, this is awkward.
Kalmaar: I will do what you should have done long ago. I will return us to our proper glory!
Trimaar: I will not accept this brazen defiance! You have no power here, Kalmaar. I am your father and your king!
Kalmaar: I can't do anything about the first thing, but as to the second ... (He blasts Trimaar and the guards, throws the trident in front of the ninja, and starts calling for help.) Help! Help! The surface-dwellers have attacked the King! Help! Stop them!
Lloyd: Run!
Gripe: Go! Don't let them escape!
Maya: Did you see that? I can't believe he did that! Someone needs to teach that boy a serious lesson.
Nya: I think he needs a little more than a scolding, Mom!
(Jay zaps two Merlopians, then ducks to avoid their attacks.)
Nya: (To Zane.) Ready for the old one-two?
Zane: Affirmative. (He and Nya form a giant ice barrier together.)
(In the throne room, Benthomaar enters.)
Benthomaar: Brother!
Kalmaar: Adopted brother.
Benthomaar: Is it true? Is Father—
Kalmaar: Sadly, yes. He has been gravely injured by the surface-dwellers. See for yourself.
Benthomaar: Father? We've got to help him!
Kalmaar: I fear he is beyond our help.
Benthomaar: We can't just give up on him! Call the physicians!
Kalmaar: There's no time for that! Let's both help him in our own ways. You by making him comfortable in his final moments. I will help by honoring his last wishes, and destroying the land-walkers who did this to him. Flood the castle and release the Ripper Sharks.
Benthomaar: We can't just leave him here. It's too dangerous.
Kalmaar: Don't worry. People who can breathe only air won't get far down here.
Benthomaar: No, there's still time. (He picks Trimaar up and carries him.) Hang on, Father. I'll find you help.
(In the castle, the ninja are still escaping.)
Nya: This castle is like a maze! Which way is out?
Lloyd: I can't believe we just witnessed a palace coup!
Jay: I can't believe we got blamed for it!
Maya: What's that sound? Do you hear that?
Jay: Sounds like somebody left the tub on.
Zane: The amplitudes are inconsistent with the magnitude of a bathtub. I believe it might be—oh no! (He sees water flooding the corridors.)
Nya: Put your masks on! Fast!
Lloyd: Everyone okay?
Maya: Yeah, I'm okay.
Zane: Affirmative.
P.I.X.A.L.: It appears they did not think we would have rebreathers. Zane? You don't require a breathing device.
Zane: Yes, but I like how it completes my attire.
Jay: Ha! Well, they're gonna have to do better than that if they— (He turns to see Ripper Sharks heading towards them.) Ah, phooey.
Lloyd: Stay real still. Maybe they won't notice us.
(Jay screams as the sharks charge at them.)
Nya: Zane! Freeze it!
Jay: Aha! Try to get past that! (singing voice) You can't get me, you can't get me —aah!
Nya: Jay!
Jay: Oh, sorry!
Lloyd: I need some help over here! This door won't open!
(In the corridors, Benthomaar is carrying Trimaar to find help.)
Benthomaar: I will get you to our physicians, Father, just hold on. Hold on.
Trimaar: No. No time. Listen, Bentho -
Benthomaar: Shh. Save your energy, Father. Don't talk.
Trimaar: Listen, Benthomaar. Listen! You must know the truth.
Benthomaar: What truth?
Trimaar: Put me down. I need to rest. (Benthomaar complies.) It wasn't the land-dwellers. It was ... it was ...
Benthomaar: Who? Who did this?
Trimaar: Kalmaar did this.
Benthomaar: No. No, he couldn't! He wouldn't.
Trimaar: Promise me, Bentho. Promise me. You will help the surface-dwellers. Help them escape, and stop your brother, before he unleashes calamity upon us.
Benthomaar: I promise, Father. I promise.
Trimaar: You may not have been born to me, Bentho, but you are my son. I love you.
Benthomaar: I love you too, Father. (Trimaar dies.) Father?
(In the throne room, Kalmaar eagerly picks up the crown when Gripe barges in on him again, and he shrieks, nearly dropping the crown.)
Gripe: The surface-dwellers have drawn their last breath, Prince Kalmaar.
Kalmaar: Prince no longer ... I am King Kalmaar! (He strikes his trident on the ground, causing everything to glow red.)
Gripe: Long live the King!
Maaray Guards: (Chanting.) Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!
(End of the episode. For more information, click here.)