Monster Panic! is the 86th issue of the Ninjago Magazine. It includes 892286 Lloyd and Scuba Zane and NRG Nya appear on the cover. The comic is titled Tentacles Below!. It realised on the 22nd of February 2022 in Germany.
Tentacles Below![]
A couple of days after the Great Flood, Lloyd arrived at the Monastery with his Race Car and told his mom and Wu on how the city is being repaired after Kalmaar's attack, he also told them that his food supply is not going that smoothly but the fishermen are trying to fix that problem.
P.I.X.A.L. later informs them that a sea monster was able to infiltrate in the city's sewer system during the flood and is causing some chaos. The ninja later come to the city and were able to save the Commissioner from the creatures tentacle. The ninja later got changed in their scuba suits and went in the sewers.
They later discovered that the creature that was in the sewers is actually a baby Leviathan. The ninja tried to fight the creature but later decided to try to free it, after a couple of failed attempts, the ninja decided to use Kai and Zane's elemental powers to try to make a small tidal wave. The ninja were able to bring the baby Leviathan through the tunnels but later realized that the only way to get out of the sewers is through a hole which is too high to reach. When all hope seemed lost the Leviathan that Zane freed from his father's lighthouse arrived, the ninja also discovered that the Leviathan that were trying to save is actually its child. The Leviathan pulled the ninja out of the tunnel after recognizing Zane.
The ninja thanked the Leviathans and realized that they were on Dr. Julien's Lightouse so instead of using the tunnel to go back to the city, they could find a radio to contact P.I.X.A.L. to pick them up. Lloyd later doubted in himself if he should still lead the ninja after the previous failed plans to help the baby Leviathan.
- Great Flood (mentioned)
- The events of the comic takes place a couple of days after "The Turn of the Tide."
- Lloyd's Race Car appeared which previously only appeared in The Virtues of Spinjitzu as an illusion.