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Ninjago Wiki

Creatures of Ninjago

The creatures and plants listed here are exclusively from an older version of You may be looking for the creatures or plants from the TV series.

Ninjago Wildlife is very diverse—some organisms are similar to real-world creatures, but most have strange and unique abilities. The following is a list of creatures and plants said to inhabit Ninjago.




Wildlife: Vegetation

Pack your lunch, because there's little food here!

There are lots and lots of Mushyrooms in the Caves of Despair, but Mushyrooms aren't plants, they're fungus, and fungus doesn't need light to grow... it just needs animal droppings, animal bones, and slimy cave walls.



Popcorn comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors, but this one's living cave coral, and it's not edible.

Lime Stones[]

Lime Stones

Wildlife: Vegetation

Pack your lunch, because there's little food here!

Made of sour grain filled with skeletons, these bitter caves are constantly changing shape. Pointy Stalactites drip, drip lime from the ceiling creating new Stalagmites rising from the tart cave floor

Cushion Plants[]

Cushion Plants

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some heavy oxygen, because the air here is light!

Like pillows, Cushion Plants are small mossy plants that soften the rocky floor of the Floating Ruins. But they're not fresh, they're old and moldy since they live for thousands of years.

Space Lichen[]

Space Lichen

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some heavy oxygen, because the air here is light!

Space Lichen is not a plant, nor animal, but something else... a colorful organism that is actually two life forms (fungus and algae) joined together. Able to live and thrive in the Floating Ruins and outer space.

Lightning Buds[]

Lightning Buds

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some heavy oxygen, because the air here is light!

Brought to life by large volts of electricity, Lightning Buds are the only flower that can grow in the Floating Ruins. They sparkle in the air, and shock anyone that touches them.

Dwarf Shrubs[]

Dwarf Shrubs

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack your silly stick, because these plants are totally insane!

Part dwarf, part shrub, completely mad; these small bearded bushes are the plants of legend and the shrubs of fairy tales. Hunted and harvested for their valuable leaves of gold.

Very Wild Flowers[]

Very Wild Flowers

The most outrageous of all Ninjago flowers, Very Wild Flowers have an extremely short and nutty life. If you hear laughter in the wind, it's probably just the crazed giggling of these insane flowers.

Ice Berries[]

Ice Berries

Also know as "Burr-berries," Ice Berries are frozen blue and cold to the touch. It's no joke, Ice Berries should never be eaten 'cause they'll crack you up from the inside.

Groovy Vines[]

Groovy Vines

The most friendly of all plants in Ninjago, Groovy Vines welcome you with open arms and never let go.

Sleepy Willows[]


There are no hotels in the Forest of Tranquility, but Sleepy Willows are always open for business.

They'll give you the best night and day and night of sleep in your life.

TV Trees[]

No description available

Couch Potatoes[]


Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some snacks, because you won't want to get up!

Only able to grow under the glowing light of TV Trees, Couch Potatoes are highly prized. Not for their taste, but for their free cable TV.

Charming Flowers[]

Charming flowers

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning: Pack some snacks because you wont want to get up!

These dream makers are soft, fluffy, and great for sleeping spells. Their charming flowerbeds are filled with dozing guests who will never go home.

Ninja Bananas[]


This bunch of bananas is so ripe, it kills with laughter. Still, it has great appeal. While many are tripped up by this slippery dessert, no one can resist a Ninja Banana because it makes incredible splits.

Ninja Acorns[]


All the power of a mighty oak tree, trapped inside the little shell of an explosive nut. In the paws of a Master Ninja Squirrel, Ninja Acorns are extremely dangerous; they become flying Shurike-nuts.

Ninja Carrots[]


Hidden underground, Ninja Carrots are practically invisible. Nothing can catch them except for Ninja Bunnies... and for the Bunnies, it's not an easy meal, 'cause Ninja Carrots pack a powerful Carroty-chop.

Fire Sticks[]

Burnt stick

Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack fireproof gloves, because it's an oven in here!

Going camping?

Having trouble making a fire?

Just grab a Fire Stick and throw it on what you want to cook. Then POOF, it - and everything else around it - is roasted.

Lava Lilies[]


Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack fireproof gloves, because it's an oven in here!

Lava Lilies:

Show someone how much you care by giving them a beautiful, burning bouquet of Lava Lilies. They may have a short life, but while they last, they're amazing-blaze.



Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack fireproof gloves, because it's an oven in here!

The only moss afraid of water, Volcanoss is really quite bright. It erupts at room temperature, and is perfect fuel for the Fire Temple's fire. Volcanoss doesn't make fire: it is fire.

Cloud Corn[]


Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some seeds because these plants have no roots!

Cloud Corn:

When it's warm, you can see rows and rows of corn stalks in the clouds, and when it's hot, well, be prepared to catch buckets of sun-baked pop-corn raining down. Ninjago has delicious weather.

Sunny Flowers[]


Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning: Pack some seed because these plants have no roots!

Sunny Flowers:

These giant flowers are actually mini-suns. Hot to the touch, Sunny Flowers float in the air and have their own gravity. More importantly, they can add a touch of light to even the darkest day.

Astro Plants[]


Wildlife: Vegetation

Warning! Pack some seeds because these plants have no roots!

Astro Plants:

The first Ninjago astronaut, Astro Plants avoid the ground whenever possible. They twinkle like the stars and don't need the earth to grow... just a warm solar wind on their petals.

Spirit Bush[]

Petrified vegetation

No description available

The Underworld's Petrified Vegetation[]

Everything decays, and when it does, you'll find it in the underworld. Though the fossilized vegetation is not edible, it is a great source of minerals, and a strong proof of life. No reason to worry, the Petrified Plants aren't scared and neither should you be.


Burning Snakes[]


More than poisonous, Burning Snakes are super-toxic and super-sized. The largest one found was 74 feet long, as thick as a cow and packed with enough venom to paralyze an elephant in 2.9 seconds.

Rockslide Bats[]


Wildlife: Animals

Warning! Pack an anti-venom kit, because the creepy crawlers here are deadly!

The only thing louder than the Caves of Despair's wind are the shrill shrieks of the Rockslide Bats. Though loud, Rockslide Bats are your friends because they love to feast on crunchy Wicked Spiders as they fly throughout the dark caverns.

Rockslide Bats are similar and related to Ash Bats.

Wicked Spiders[]


There are over 50,000 species of spiders in the Caves of Despair, each one more venomous than the last. The arachnids come in all sizes, but each has eight-legs, fangs, and loves to hide in hand-sized cave wall cracks.

Chewie Goats[]

Chewie Goats

Able to climb any surface, these big-bearded, sharp-horned mountain goats are truly at home in Floating Ruins. They never grow hungry because they eat everything.

Floating Cougars[]

Floating Cougars

So light on its feet, it can walk on air. This predator only eats smaller animals, but since it is the largest cat in Ninjago (13 feet long and 1200 pounds), it pretty much eats everything it finds. The Floating Cougar is a good predator.

Dark Condors[]

Dark Condors

With an average wingspan of seventeen feet, these vultures are as black as night. Always hungry, these sharp-beaked scavengers will eat anything that's dead.. Or soon to be.

Light Condors[]

Light condor

The total opposite of their brothers, the Dark Condors, Light Condors are actually quite pleasant. Since they hate traveling alone, it's pretty easy to get picked up by their golden talons... just make sure you're wearing a thick jacket!

Polar Ice Bears[]

Polar Ice Bears

The color of ice, and twice as cold, Polar Ice Bears are natural hunters. At home in both icy water and on frozen land, these fat creatures (weighing 2,000+ pounds) use their giant claws to make every animal dinner.

Frozen Owls[]

Frozen Owls

Wildlife: Animals

Warning! Pack your magic binoculars, because these arctic animals are invisible!

Able to sit still for years, Frozen Owls only move when hungry. Very hard to spot, they fly like shadows as they sneak up on their prey ... their sweet, chilly prey.

Iceberg Whales[]

Iceberg Whales

Always smiling, Iceberg Whales are the only animals in the Frozen Wasteland large enough to eat Polar Ice Bears. Since they prefer frozen food, they use their icy breath to freeze their prey. They then play with and sing to it before eating.

Bongo Tigers[]

Bongo Tiger

A Bongo Tiger is a type of cat that lives in Ninjago. They love playing music and are never far from music, either. They live in the Forest of Tranquility.

Boogie-Woogie Bears[]


While many bears say they can dance, none are more skilled than Tranquility's Boogie Woogie Bears. Able to bust a move to any song, these dancing bears never go anywhere without a song in their heart and a fedora hat on their head.

Lazy Bugs[]


Wildlife: Animals

Warning! These animals will keep you entertained, forever.

Lazy Bugs:

Unable to move, Lazy Bugs never get up. They have short lives since they can't be bothered to eat. Also known as TVBugs, they can only be found on Couch Potatoes.

Ninja Squirrels[]


Like regular squirrels, only Ninja. This means they're faster, stronger, and better than all the other non-ninja squirrels. As masters of the Squirly Arts, Ninja Squirrels can run up any surface, and their flying Shurike-nuts never miss.

Ninja Bunnies[]


Ninja Bunnies don't hop, they ninja hop. The thumpiest of all Ninja animals, Ninja Bunnies bounce on air... and they see all. So Ninja Carrots beware, because these bunnies have x-ray eyes!

Ninja Tortoises[]

The wisest of all Ninjago animals, Ninja Tortoises know everything. So, if you want to know the secrets of the universe, just ask them... but be prepared to wait, because each word they say takes a year to come out of its shell.

Burnt Fish[]

Cajan-Fried Fish

Also known as Cajan-Fried Fish, Burnt Fish live their lives baked. Still, these cooked fish are too dangerous to eat, as they'll roast you from the inside. Charred and crispy, they are the only thing besides the Fire Dragon that can survive inside the magma pools.

Molten Moles[]


Though blind, Molten Moles are master of tunnelers. Part volcano, they can turn themselves into a fiery liquid. This allows them to burrow-burn through rock, metal, and anything else in their path.

Ash Bats[]


Distant cousins of the Caves of Despair's Rockslide Bats, Ash Bats are much quieter. They don't shriek, since their mouths are filled with burning lava. This allows Ash Bats to use fire echoes to get around.

Hot Air Baboons[]

Hot air ballons

Naturally light headed, Hot Air Baboons are the only Ninjago monkeys that can fly. They have special helium pouches in their mouth. This gives them great big smiles but messy hair. If you're willing to comb their hair, they will happily let you ride on their hairy back.

Underworld's Boney Creatures[]

Boney creatures

WARNING! No worries, you are in the Underworld, so everything here is already dead.

Everything (boney):

Sooner or later, everything somes to the underworld, and when it does, everything is larger than life. For this reason, every animal in the underworld is giant. This makes Ninjago's largest fossil-colossal collection of creepy, crawly, flying, slithering, skull-and-bone creatures.


  • The descriptions for some weapons reference various wildlife:
  • The Dark Condors' average wingspan is approximately five feet longer than the longest wingspan ever recorded in real life, that of the wandering albatross.
  • SoRIceWhale

    Whale in the Frozen Wasteland in Shadow of Ronin

    In the video game Shadow of Ronin, a whale appears in the Frozen Wasteland, similar to an Iceberg Whale.
  • Groovy Vines are similar to Strangle Weed.
  • The Ninjago website museum referenced tigers and bears living in the Forest of Tranquility,[1] possibly referencing the Bongo Tigers and Boogie-Woogie Bears.
  • Pokee references the Boogie-Woogie Bears in Chapter 16 of The Splinter in the Blind Man's Eye.




Astro parasites · Bears · Bees · Bonepickers · Brillies · Cats · Chickens · Cows · Death Wasps · Dire Bats · Djinjagan Dragons · Dogs · Dolphins · Dragons · Earth Dragons (Core) · Eels · Electro-Cobrai · Elemental Cobras · Fangfish · Fire Dragons (Realm of Oni and Dragons) · Fire Dragon Tribe · Fire spiders · Fish · Frost gators · Frost Wolves · Giant piranhas · Giant spiders · Goats · Grundles · Ice Dragons (Core) · Ice Dragons (Realm of Oni and Dragons) · Jellyfish · Jungle Dragons · Leviathans · Manta rays · Minos · Mountain Dragons · Mud newts · Octopuses · Pigeons · Purple bog frogs · Rabbits · Rats (swamp rats) · Ravtures · Sand eels · Sharks (Ripper Sharks) · Seagulls · Shadow Minions · Shintaran Ridgebacks · Snakes · Source Dragons · Slugs · Sphinxes · Spiders · Spykor · Starteeth · Stone turtles · Swamp Dragons · Tentacled beasts · Tigers · Tiger wasps · Tiger Widows · Treehorns · Vastodectrus Venemous · Vultures · Wallopers · Water Dragons (Dragons Rising) · Whales · Wind Dragons · Wolves · Yeti · YinYang Dragons (Light Dragons · Shadow Dragons)

Individual animals

Adam · Balee · Bahn · Bandit · Boreal · Cave Snake · Chompy · Crabby · Crab monster · Crabbed beast · Dragon keeper (non-canon) · Eridany · Egalt · Feisty · Fire Dragon (Core) · Fire Dragon (Dragons Rising) · Fire Fang · Firstbourne · Flame · Flameheart · Fluffy · Giant scorpion · Gifting Goat · Great Devourer · Grief-Bringer · Guide Parrot · Heatwave · Henry · Ice bird · Jack the Rabbit · Jiro · Krag · Kuma · Large dragons · Leafy Dragon (non-canon) · Legendary Dragon · Lightning Dragon Mother (non-canon) · Matriarch of Fallen Leaves · Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons · Meowthra · Mister Whiskers · Mr. Fussly Fussly · Pace Dragon · Patriarch of the Northern Spiral · Pebbles · Pet dragon (non-canon) · Red · Riyu · Rock monster · Rocky · Rodrigo · Rontu · Ross · Seven Deadly Butterflies of Shaolin · Shard · Sir Chomps-A-Lot · Slab · Snickers · Source Dragon of Energy · Source Dragon of Flow · Source Dragon of Life · Source Dragon of Meditation · Source Dragon of Motion · Source Dragon of Strength · Sparky · Stone Hawk (non-canon) · Stormbringer · Stormbringer's baby · Thunder Dragon · Treehorn queen · Ultra Dragon · Undead Mino · Undersea Biscuit · Unknown Source Dragon · Water Dragon · Wisp · Wu's chicken · Wu's dog (non-canon) · Zane's Mino · Zanth · Zippy · Zippy's uncle

Ninjago Wildlife

Ash Bats · Bongo Tigers · Boogie-Woogie Bears · Burning Snakes · Burnt Fish · Chewie Goats · Dark Condors · Floating Cougars · Frozen Owls · Hot Air Baboons · Iceberg Whales · Lazy Bugs · Light Condors · Molten Moles · Ninja Bunnies · Ninja Squirrels · Ninja Tortoises · Polar Ice Bears · Rockslide Bats · Underworld's Boney Creatures · Wicked Spiders


TV series and other media

Food: Algae · Borg's Sufficient Nutrient Wafers · Brillies · Cake · Candy · Coconuts · Cookies · Condensed evil · Cragling mud · Crème de Imperium · Donuts · Fortune cookies · Glimwillow Lilies · Glop · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Monster sushi · Mud newts · Ninja chips · Noodles · Pancakes · Pillow mint · Pudding · Puffy Potstickers · Seaweed and tofu pancakes · Slugs · Snowberry Pies · Sushi · Traveler's Tea berries · Violet Berry Soup · Wyldmelons
Drink: Alcohol · Milk · Moss-milk · Snogfruit Punch · Tea (Resurrectea · Tomorrow's Tea · Traveler's Tea · Two Moon Tea)

Food weapons (sets)

Banana · Chicken leg · Ice cream · Sausage

Ninjago Wildlife

Couch Potatoes · Ice Berries · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots


TV series and other media

Christofern · Glimwillow Lilies · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Strangle Weed · Swamp-Teeth · Thorns of discontent · Traveler's Tree · World Trees

Ninjago Wildlife

Astro Plants · Charming Flowers · Cloud Corn · Couch Potatoes · Cushion Plants · Dwarf Shrubs · Fire Sticks · Groovy Vines · Ice Berries · Lava Lilies · Lightning Buds · Lime Stones · Mushyrooms · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots · Pop-Rock-Corn · Sleepy Willows · Space Lichen · Sunny Flowers · The Underworld's Petrified Vegetation · Very Wild Flowers · Volcanoss
