Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea is the ninth episode of the seventh season of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu and the 73rd episode overall. It aired on Cartoon Network on May 25, 2017, in the United States.
The Hands of Time blackmail Kai and Nya into using their combined Elemental powers to retrieve the fourth and final Time Blade from the Boiling Sea, with the promise that the siblings can use its reversal power to save the quickly-fading Master Wu. Meanwhile, the Ninja and Cyrus Borg get unexpected help from Samurai X as they attempt to destroy the Hands of Time's time-traveling snake mech before it's operational.[1]
Once the Time Twins reached the Boiling Sea, Ray, Maya, and Nya reminded Kai the only way of saving Wu from the Time Punch is by retrieving the Reversal Time Blade.
Jay, Cole, Lloyd, and Zane are being chased by Vermillion warriors. Zane was able to build a dome of Ice to buy them time for an escape. However, he gets a signal that Cyrus Borg is nearby and stated he needed to save him. Since they're outnumbered, the others decided to go with him. They hid from the army, who are heading to the same place as they are: the dome.
Ray gave Kai and Nya the Dragon Blade and said it will create the Fusion Dragon. Once they did, they dove in the sea and submerged. They spotted Hono Mizu down a cliff, and Nya creates a water slide to travel.
The ninja, disguised with vermillion armor, went in the Dome and exclaimed it was too easy. Once there, Cyrus starts to attack them but after the ninja revealed they are not snakes, he showed them the Iron Doom.
Once at the bottom, Nya was upset that her parents were kidnapped when she was three. They were encountered by Geoatomic Rock Monsters.
Cyrus told the ninja he implemented a self-destruct code on the Time apparatus but forgot the password. They decided to take him with them to help him remember, but they were stopped by the Vermillion. Cyrus convinced them he wanted to see if the apparatus is properly installed, Jay blew their cover by talking. When they were cornered, Samurai X ran over several Vermillion with the Samurai VXL. Zane informed them they need Cyrus to destroy the Iron Doom, and they accepted the challenge.
Kai and Nya try to defeat the Rock Monsters but were unable to until they used their powers together. They came across a door and used the Dragon Blade to open it. When Kai went to collect the Blade, the building starts to collapse. They summoned the Fusion Dragon to escape.
The ninja desperately fought back the Vermillion. Samurai X brought Borg to the panel, and he tries to remember the code.
Kai and Nya return to the airship with the Blade. When they are about to reverse the Time Punch, Krux and Acronix stated they're not. They fought and Ray was hit with the Time Punch while saving Kai. When Acronix froze them, they left them floating above the Boiling Sea. Kai and Nya summoned the Fusion Dragon to save them.
Zane realizes the password might be the same one as the first line of code for programming a Nindroid and starts typing it out. Machia's ship arrives, and she commanded the Vermillion to the Iron Doom. Acronix froze Zane, Samurai X, and Cyrus and kicked them down the platform, forcing Jay, Cole, and Lloyd to catch them. The Fusion Dragon arrived, with Maya and Ray jumping off, and followed the twins into the temporal vortex.
- Acronix - Ian Hanlin
- Blunck - Brian Dobson
- Cole - Kirby Morrow
- Cyrus Borg - Lee Tockar
- Garmadon - Mark Oliver
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Krux - Michael Daingerfield
- Lloyd - Jillian Michaels
- Machia - Kathleen Barr
- Maya - Jillian Michaels
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- Raggmunk - Michael Adamthwaite
- Ray - Vincent Tong
- Samurai X - Michael Donovan
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Chronosteel
- Dragon Blade
- Gis
- Fusion
- Vermillion
- Katanas
- Time apparatus
- Vermillion swords
- Geotomic Rock Monsters
- Elemental combination dragons
- Humans
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Vermillion
- The episode title is based on the saying "Out of the frying pan into the fire," meaning getting from a bad situation to a worse one.
- It also reflects on how the ninja got out of a bad situation but are stuck in an even worse situation than before.
- This episode has the longest title of any in the series so far.
- If the volume is turned up, when the ninja (except for Kai and Nya) fight the Vermillion Warriors, one of them lets out the Wilhelm scream after being kicked by Cole.
- This also marks the tenth time the Wilhelm scream sound effect is used after "Home," "The Rise of the Great Devourer," "The Last Hope," "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master," "The Art of the Silent Fist," "The Greatest Fear of All," "Operation Heavy Metal: Buffmillion," "Operation Heavy Metal: Blunck," and "A Line in the Sand."
- Similar to how Jay and Nya created a Water-Lightning combination dragon in "Wishmasters," in this episode Kai and Nya create a Fusion Dragon of their own.
- Coincidentally, Nya was involved in both these dragon fusions.
- The new Samurai X returns in this episode to help the ninja, having previously fought Nya in "Secrets Discovered."
- In that episode, Samurai X impersonated the voices of others before ultimately settling on a new, distinct voice. In this episode, they appear with a new, dark blue outfit.
- In this episode, Samurai X says "You can say I'm hard-wired that way, Nindroid." This is a hint that the samurai is P.I.X.A.L., who is literally hard-wired due to her status as a Nindroid.
- This episode marks the first appearance of the Iron Doom, the colossal mech-weapon constructed by the Vermillion.
- In "Grave Danger" and "Curseworld, Part II," Kai says he can't swim, yet in this episode, he can. It stands to reason that he learned at some point after those episodes.
- This also could be a correction of the former two episodes, as in "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master," Kai was seen wading in the water and saying he was willing to swim across the entire ocean.
- When Krux is saying "The final Time Blade will soon be ours!" Acronix is missing the Pause Time Blade, which was in his left hand in the previous shot. However, it comes back in the next shot.
- On Machia's airship, Acronix had the Pause and Forward Time Blades and Krux had the Reversal and Slow Motion Blades. When they were stopping Zane from disabling the Iron Doom, they switched Blades.
- Acronix says "What? What are you doing?" in Krux's voice.
- When the ninja do Spinjitzu and changes their clothes from Vermillion armor to their suits, Lloyd's eyebrows are missing.
- When Krux says "Spinjitzu? A fool's art!", his mouth does not move.
- In one scene when Cyrus Borg talks to Raggmunk, and Blunck, Cole's scar appears to crooked, on top of his eyebrow, and is a bit larger than normal.
- For a few seconds when Kai is hanging off of a ledge over a pool of magma in the boiling sea, his hair disappears.
Language | Name |
French | Le Feu et l'eau |
Polish | Powrót do korzeni |
Spanish | Saltar del fuego a un mar hirviente |