The palace at the heart of the Ivory City is where the Royal Family of Shintaro resides.
Dungeon Party! (flashback)[]
The Lowly consisting of Fungus, Korgran, and Plundar head to the palace to hear about King Vangelis' quest. They each show their abilities and Fungus' magic excites a young Vania and Chompy.
When the Lowly come back with the Skull of Hazza D'ur, Vangelis revealed that he changed his mind about destroying the skull and decided to keep it, claiming that its power can be useful for Shintaro. However, the Lowly insist the skull must be destroyed due to its evil powers. Vangelis realizes the Lowly know about the secrets and banishes them from the Kingdom, casting them into Rock-Bottom.
The palace can be seen in the horizon as the ninja approach the Kingdom of Shintaro.
A Sinister Shadow (flashback)[]
Into the Dark[]
The ninja head inside the palace where they are greeted by King Vangelis and Princess Vania.
During the night, a purple creature sneaks into Cole's bedroom and accidentally scares Cole. The Earth Ninja tackles the purple creature and a necklace pops out. Cole realizes the necklace belongs to his mother, but he has little time to think about it because the purple creature grabs it back and flees.
Cole alerts the rest of the ninja about everything he witnessed, but they all think Cole is dreaming and tell him to head back to sleep. As Cole trots back to his bedroom, Vania sneaks up on Cole and tells him that she believes in what he saw. The two then head out of the palace so Vania could show Cole where the purple creature came from.
The Worst Rescue Ever[]
While the ninja (minus Cole) are exploring the Palace Gardens, Vania comes out of the mines to warn the ninja about Cole, who decided to stay in the mines and take on the Skull Sorcerer.
They warn King Vangelis, but he is very disappointed in Vania for putting a visitor in danger. He promises to send his guards to retrieve Cole, but the ninja also want to help. Vangelis forbids them from entering the mines, but after their conversation with the king, they enter anyways.
The Two Blades[]
Wu and Vania are in the princess' bedroom using cardboard cutouts of the ninja in hopes of the Army of Shintaro not finding the true location of the ninja.
The Skull Sorcerer[]
Wu is enjoying a cup of tea in the gardens when he spots Cole and Vania coming out of the mines. Cole tells Wu everything he saw so they head to Vangelis to warn him. However, he reveals himself to be the Skull Sorcerer and releases the trap door, causing Cole and Wu to fall. Vania decides to go after them despite the threats made by Vangelis.
The Real Fall[]
Vangelis orders his guards to lock up Chompy in order to cover up what truly happened with Vania.
The Skull of Hazza D'ur informs Vangelis about a potential truce meeting between the Geckles and Munce. In order to strike fear, Vangelis heads into the Dungeons of Shintaro to revive Grief-Bringer.
The Ascent[]
The Upply, Cole, Wu, and Vania make it back to the top. They head to the throne room and free Chompy, but Hailmar and the Winged Guards of Shintaro enter and demand Cole's arrest. Fighting takes place and Chompy turns into a huge dragon allowing Cole and the Upply to flee the scene. Vania tries to convince Hailmar that Vangelis is wrong, but Hailmar charges at Vania.
The Son of Lilly[]
Everyone gathers at the palace to watch Vania become the queen of Shintaro. She promises peace and equality for all living above and below. They then watch the ninja leave the Kingdom of Shintaro.
Master of the Sea[]
Cole went to the palace to ask the Sky Folk to guard the Storm Amulet after retrieving it, and it was placed in a vault. Unbeknownst to everyone, the amulet locked away was actually a fake, and the real one was still with Kalmaar, who later used it to awaken Wojira.
Ninjago City vs. Ninja[]
A Crystal Spider visited Vangelis in his cell to send an message from the Kabuki Mask of invitation to join Council of the Crystal King, which Vangelis accepted and the Crystal Spider freed him from his cell.
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 145. "Shintaro"
- 146. "Into the Dark"
- 147. "The Worst Rescue Ever"
- 148. "The Two Blades"
- 151. "The Skull Sorcerer"
- 152. "The Real Fall"
- 153. "Dungeon Party!" (flashback)
- 155. "Grief-Bringer
- 158. "The Ascent"
- 160. "The Son of Lilly"
Season 14: Seabound[]
- 176. "Master of the Sea"
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 187. "Ninjago City vs. Ninja"
- 193. "A Sinister Shadow" (flashback)
Promotional media[]
Concept art[]
In Ninjago[]
The images on Palace (Shintaro) need to be organized.