Ninjago Wiki


Ninjago Wiki
“Look, everyone. Isn't it beautiful? And now that Empress Beatrix is gone, we can make Imperium all we've dreamed it could be. Together. Like gardens, sustainable power sources, more than one flavor of tea. And we'll open the city to everyone. From Ninjago and beyond.”
— Percival to the Imperians, "Shattered Dreams"

Percival Tartigrade is the leader of the Imperium Teen Resistance Force. Like all Imperians, Percival greatly adored and respected Beatrix, he even captured Riyu for her. However, after the Battle of the Second Monastery after learning that Empress lied to the Imperians about the dragons being recaptured, Percival and the Imperium Teen Protection Force no longer trusted her and became the Imperium Teen Resistance Force and created The Resistance to stop Beatrix. After the end of MergeQuake Storm, Percival made a speech, saying that the Imperians should find a voice as a group, like the ninja, likely forming a council.

A year after liberating Imperium, Percival was among many Imperians to discover an injured Euphrasia and brought her to the Monastery of Spinjitzu.


Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

Mindless Beasts[]

Percival and the Imperium Teen Protection Force were busy washing windows when the scaffolding gave way from their bouncing before they were saved by a guy called Lampshade Floortile, who was actually a ninja student named Arin. They try to convince 'Lampshade' to teach them his skills before hearing noises from a nearby dumpster. Despite 'Lampshade' trying to keep him away, Percival peered in and found out there was a dragon named Riyu inside.

I Will Be the Danger[]

Percival starts to interrogate 'Lampshade', who confesses he's not an Imperian. Before they could go after him and Riyu, however, quakes caused by escaped dragons knocks a banner on top of them, giving Arin and Riyu a chance to escape.

Percival eventually manages to capture Riyu and moves him along on his hoverboard while practicing a conversation he would have to Rapton for a place in the Claws of Imperium.

The Calm Inside[]

As he moved Riyu along, Percival came across some Imperium Guards, but they were more concentrated on the dragons' escape, before he comes across Beatrix personally. Percival hands Riyu to Beatrix, who congratulates him for his action before the awestruck boy left.

The Temple of the Dragon Cores[]

After Beatrix's false speech about the escaped dragons being recaptured, Percival tells the rest of the Teen Protection Force about seeing them escape through the Monastery of Imperium, leaving them all wondering why Beatrix would lie.

Prior to Absolute Power[]

Percival, along with the other teenagers, discovered Beatrix's true nature and her involvement in the deaths of Levo and Zeatrix's banishment. Upon uncovering the truth, Percival and the Imperium Teen Protection Force lost trust in Beatrix and rebranded themselves as the Imperium Teen Resistance Force. Percival and the other teenagers covertly formed the Resistance, recruiting additional Imperians like Rapton after he failed to give Beatrix with the Dragon Core. Hearing of Beatrix's plan to get revenge on the ninja from Rapton, the Resistance planned to sabotage the MergeQuake weapon making it look dysfunctional when Rapton gave her a fake Dragon Core.

Absolute Power[]

Percival and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force watch another one of Beatrix's false speeches before walking away. They later appear behind some Imperium Guards and surprise the Ninja by taking guards out before guiding them away.

We Are All Dragons[]

Percival and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force, who became a resistance group, told the ninja about how they had a change of heart when they learnt the truth about Beatrix. When the Empress herself confronted them, she was appalled by how Percival, the same boy who brought Riyu to her, was siding with the Ninja and proclaimed him a traitor.

While Zanth and Jiro distracted her, Percival and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force lead the ninja to an underground base, where they discover Beatrix had the Imperium Monastery torn apart before they reach their base and tell them about how he and the other teens ran an investigation, eventually learning Beatrix and Ras were responsible for the former's father's death. He then showed them incriminating footage of her that he intended to broadcast, but waited for the ninja to return, claiming it was fate.

Percival led Arin, Sora, and Riyu to the broadcast tower to meet his spy, who turned out to be Rapton, and revealed how he and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force made the fake Dragon Core before they were ambushed by Dorama, only for Riyu to incapacitate him. After the footage was broadcasted, Percival filmed Sora's speech before they all hear the people's protest.

The Power Within[]

Percival and the Imperium Teen Resistance Force help get Imperians into shelter when Beatrix went to a rampage, opening MergeQuake rifts, until a little girl tripped and was trapped under a lamppost before he helped her up and got one of the teens to get her inside before he was sucked into a rift himself. He was eventually brought back when Lloyd used the Dragon Cores to keep the world in balance.

Several days later, Percival makes a speech, saying to the people of Imperium should find a voice as a group, like the ninja, likely forming a council.

Dragons Rising, Season 2[]

Shattered Dreams[]

Outside of the City of Imperium, Percival explained to several Imperians that he wants to make several changes to the kingdom and wants to open it up to anyone who wants to visit. Just as Percival was about to say that the sky is the limit, Percival saw Euphrasia fall out of the sky and helped her up and took her to the Monastery of Spinjitzu.



“We all saw you ninja free those dragons with our own eyes. So when the Empress said it didn't happen, we got skeptical and started digging, and uncovered all kinds of lies. We were told our old Emperor died in an accident, but it turns out the Empress and Ras caused that accident.”
— Percival to the ninja, "We Are All Dragons"

Percival first meet with one of the ninja called Arin after he saved him which he thought his name is “Lampshade Fllortile” until Absolute Power, first Percival was impressed by Arin's skills hoverer when Percival discovered that Arin hided Riyu his good relations with Arin broke up Percival got even more angry when after reprimanding Arin he discovered that Arin is not from Imperium but outlander hoverer when large poster falls on Percival and other members of Imperium Teen Protection Force allowing Arin and Riyu to escape.

Hoverer when Percival learned about true nature of Beatrix he changed his relationships with Arin, changed the group from Imperium Teen Protection Force to Imperium Teen Resistance Force, when Imperium Guards surrounded ninja including Arin, Percival and other members helped ninja to defeat Imperium Guards and united with other members to stop Beatrix, they explained that after he and other Teens learned about Beatrix true nature they no longer trusted her and create the Resistance in which other ninja were glad that Percival helped them and he with other ninja split up in three groups. Arin, Sora, and Riyu to get to Broadcast Tower to send message about Beatrix true nature and find the insider about which Percival was talking about, Kai and Wyldfyre to search for Imperium Armory to help Lloyd, Zane and Nya reach Advanced Systems Lab, and Lloyd, Zane, and Nya for search for missing Dragon Cores.

A year later Percival visited Monastery of Spinjitzu to meet with other ninja and bring to them Euphrasia to tell what happened in the Cloud Kingdom.


“It's kinda weirding me out how we're on the same side now, Percival.”
“I can imagine. But just think of it like when an Earth Dragon builds a nest with an Ice Dragon. Nothing is stronger.”
“Since when do you know stuff about dragons? All you used to care about was joining the Claws to hunt them.”
“A lot's happened since we last saw each other, Lampshade.”
“Oh, uh, you can call me Arin.”
Arin and Percival, "We Are All Dragons"

Percival met Arin, after the latter saved him and his friends from falling from the building as they were finishing washing the windows. Impressed by his skills and grateful for saving his and his friends’ lives, Percival calls him the coolest and asks his name, to which Arin claims that his name is “Lampshade Floortile”. Percival and his friends identify themselves as Imperium Teen Protection Force. Percival and his friends kneel and beg Arin to teach some of his skills to be as cool as him. Initially amazed by what they think of him, Arin is reluctant to teach him, but eventually agrees. He showed them all the skills he knows, even the Spinjitzu. Percival is very amazed by his skills, and even after Arin truthfully claimed that he has a master, who tells him what he does right or wrong, Percival pridefully shakes it off and assures him that all he knows is already perfect and he doesn’t need a master, making Arin feel appreciated. However, Arin and Percival’s opinions of each other soured after Arin finds out that all of them have the aspired dreams of joining the Claws of Imperium. In turn, Percival is disgusted that Arin has been hiding a baby dragon, Riyu and just as he began to sternly reprimand him, he finds out that Arin is not an Imperian, but the young man from the different land. Percival and his friends are shocked and disgusted that they have been having teachings from an “outlander” and just as they were about to fight him, the large poster of Beatrix falls on top of them, giving enough time for Arin and Riyu to escape.

However, Arin and Percival crossed their paths again after Arin found out that Percival turned his group into a Imperium Teen Resistance Force, due to them finding out of Beatrix’s true nature. At first, Arin is reluctant to trust him, due to their enmity and their contradicting views on dragons, but Arin is well acquainted with Percival as they fought Beatrix. After the end of MergeQuake Storm ended with Beatrix being exiled into another realm, Arin and Percival parted ways on good terms, having reconciled. These good terms continued when Arin was surprised to see Percival show up at the monastery with an injured Euphrasia.


“I don't get it. Last time I saw you, you were dragging poor Riyu to the Empress.”
“We all saw you ninja free those dragons with our own eyes. So when the Empress said it didn't happen, we got skeptical and started digging, and uncovered all kinds of lies. We were told our old Emperor died in an accident, but it turns out the Empress and Ras caused that accident.”
“Seriously? Even I didn't know that.”
“We've all known people who've mysteriously disappeared. We believe anyone who tries to express themselves in a way the Empress disagrees with is imprisoned. This footage was never broadcast, but in it, the Empress admits to her lies. One of her biggest? That dragons are only mindless beasts. Did you know dragons have super advanced IQs? And almost all dragon species live in cooperative communities, just like us.”
— Percival to the ninja about Beatrix, "We Are All Dragons"

Like all the citizens of Imperium, Percival greatly adored and respected Beatrix, viewing her as good and caring leader, not knowing about her true nature. He even captured Riyu for Beatrix, who was impressed and grateful towards Percival and told Percival that his efforts would not be forgotten, before the awestruck boy left.

However, his faith in Beatrix was strained that Beatrix lied to her people about dragons being captured, but Percival and his friends saw it themselves and it left them wondering why would their “beloved” Empress lie.

Percival and his friends’ faith in Beatrix was gone after they found out more about her true nature, and were disgusted and disillusioned that they have blindly trusted her and that they had not seen the truth themselves. Ever since that day, Percival and his friends became the leaders of the Resistance, with Rapton joining as well. Beatrix was infuriated that Percival had turned on her and became an enemy to the Imperium Teen Resistance Force. After Beatrix was defeated and sent to a different realm, Percival and his friends were among many officials to take the matters into their own hands by forming a council that would bring Imperium to peace.




Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


  • Percival Tartigrade shares similarities with Percy Weasley from the Harry Potter series.
    • "Percy" being a nickname for "Percival."
    • Both shared an ambition to please the ruling government body, Empress Beatrix and the Ministry of Magic respectively.
    • Both also wanted to rise up the ranks of these governments, and in Percival Tartigrade's case, to join the Claws of Imperium.
      • Upon learning their errors, they later made amends with those they have hurt by pursuing these ambitions and helped with their respective resistances.


In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


Language Name
Czech Percival Tartigrado
Russian Персиваль Тартиград
Spanish Percival Tartigrado
Ukrainian Персіваль Тартіґрейд
Ninjago: Dragons Rising characters
Heroes Arin · Cole · Frak · Kai · Lloyd · Nya · Sora · Wyldfyre · Zane
Allies Alfonzo Frohicky
Villains Administration Agents (Agent Allen · Agent Denholt · Agent Farbissina · Agent Karit · Agent Ramirez · Agent Underwood · Spitta · Sub-Agent Prentis · The Administrator) · Lord Argus · Attacker bots · Empress Beatrix · Bleckt · Chen · Cinder · Claw Hunters (Blorko · Claw General · Hunter No. 29) · Dorama · Dorama's stagehands · Dr. LaRow · Dragonians (Dragonian Scouts · Dragonian Tourist · Dragonian Warriors · Tyr) · Fedulian · Forbidden Five (Drix · Kur · Nokt · Rox · Zarkt) Imperium Guards (Imperium Guard Commander· Melvin) · Jay · The Mechanic · Jordana · Rapton · Lord Ras · Ras' master · Wolf warriors (Wolf Mask Claw Warriors · Wolf Mask General · Wolf Mask Guards · Wolf Mask Warriors) · Zeatrix · Zaiden Kane
Creatures Arc Dragon of the Fire Tribe · Buck Buck · Crab monster · Crabbed beast · Craglings (King Crag-Nor · Arccrack · Rockworth) · Dream-Guyver · Egalt · Fire Dragon · Green Forest Dragon · Jiro · Lava Dragons (Feisty · Flameheart · Heatwave · Red · Sparky) · Lava-Tides (Lava-Tide Leader · Lava-Todd the Wise · Lava-Tony · Lava-Tony's sous-chefs) · Matriarch of Fallen Leaves · Matriarch's child · Mountain Dragons (Eridany · Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons · Riyu) · Pace Dragon · Patriarch of the Northern Spiral · Patriarch's child · Rock monster · Rontu · Source Dragons (Source Dragon of Energy · Source Dragon of Life · Source Dragon of Motion · Source Dragon of Strength · Unknown Source Dragon · Unknown Source Dragon (blue symbol) · Unknown Source Dragon (white symbol)) · Spirit Dragons · Stone Scouts · Sweeper · Stone Swordsmen · Tentacled beasts · Water-Tides (Kizzy) · Zanth
Other Akita · Alfonzo Frohicky's grandmother · Alfonzo Frohicky's mother · Algae farmers (Dale) · Algu · Arccrack · Arrakore · Arin's parents · Baker · Beatrix and Zeatrix's mother · Big Han · Blacksmith · Boat Vendor · Bone collectors · Bone Hunters · Bone Guards · Bone King · Bone Knights · Bone Scorpios · Bone Warriors · Bonzle · Borg Store Employee · Caregiver bot · Chamille · Children of the Wolf (Asa · Balun · Iriel · Warby · Zuri) · Clutch Powers · Construction workers · Daniel · Devonians (Devonian King · Zur) · Ekesian Coldfang the Wise · Ellie · Emcee · Euphrasia · Frak's parents · Frak's uncle · Fritz · Frogtor · Fugi-Dove · Gandalaria · Garmadon · Gayle Gossip · Geckles (Chancellor Gulch · Gorge · Grouce) · Geo · Gerard Gearhead · Gus · Gweeg · Hantro · Henjamin · Imperium Teen Resistance Force (Percival Tartigrade) · Intelligent George · Janet · King Urd Leatherwing · Kreel · K.R.E.E.L. · Lasha · Levo · Lobbo · Lobbo's mother · Maaray Guards · Mama Mawa · Marcus · Master of Gluing · Master Wu · Maya · Model Shop Owner · Morro · Mr. Pale · Mezmo · Mikloshe · Monkey Wretch · Mr. Koenig · Mucoids (Grab-Barg · Tope-Epot · Zant-Tanz) · Munce (Mord) · Museum director · Neuro · Nindroid Drones · Nindroid Sentries (Sentry General) · Nindroid Warriors · NinjaFanInfinity · Ninjago City Stage Actor Union · Obscuria · Ocean gang (Ocean gang leader) · Percy Shippelton · P.I.X.A.L. · Ras' tribe (Ancients of the Wyldness · Zarkar) · Ray · Restaurant Worker · Roake · Roby · Roby's father · Richie · Security Bots · Security Bots (Temple City) · Skalidor · Skeleton juggler · Slug Merchants · Smad · Smythe · Sora's parents · SpinjitzuForDays99 · Spirit of the Temple · Spitz · Street Vendor · Sushimi Chef · Suetonius · Targle · Tea Vendor · Teelk · Tox · Treg · Underhill · Unknown Elemental Master (Geckle) · Unknown Elemental Master (Greenbone Warrior) · Workshop Mechanic