The Pyro Vipers were an ancient group of Hypnobrai[2][3] revived and once led by Aspheera to aid her in her conquest of Ninjago. They used to live in the Desert of Doom and were ruled by Mambo V. After Wu and Garmadon used the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu to stop Aspheera when she tried to overthrow Mambo V, she was sentenced to be locked in the pyramid till her sins were forgotten. As insurance, she was magically enchanted so she will not perish from natural causes.
Eventually, the tribe died off and their sarcophagi remained inside the pyramid. When the ninja explored the pyramid and unwittingly released Aspheera, the pyramid's destruction revived and freed the rest of the Pyro Vipers. They gained the power of fire from the lava which released them from their sarcophagi.
Their goal was to exact revenge upon the boy who imprisoned Aspheera long ago by banishing him to the Never-Realm. Aspheera and the Pyro Vipers raided the Monastery of Spinjitzu. They were all frozen by Zane. However, Aspheera banished him to the Never-Realm, an event which caused him to become the Ice Emperor. As a result of Kai regaining his powers, they reverted back to inanimate, mummified corpses while Aspheera continues to be the only one left.
The Pyro Vipers were originally Hypnobrai that built pyramids and were ruled by King Mambo V. They had a truce saying that humans could not enter the valley that would become the Desert of Doom. One day, Wu and Garmadon entered the valley and were captured by Pyro Vipers; however, they were released by a Serpentine sorceress in service of the king who befriended Wu. Aspheera, the serpentine witch, was taught Spinjitzu by Wu.

Afterward, Aspheera overthrew Mambo V. Wu used a Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu to stop her and put Mambo back into power who sentenced Aspheera to magical entombment.
Eventually, the tribe would die off and the pyramid would be the last remnant of their culture.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
Boobytraps and How to Survive Them[]
The ninja and Clutch Powers entered the pyramid and accidentally released Aspheera from her tomb. After Clutch Powers refused to take her to Ninjago City, she stole Kai's powers and caused the pyramid to erupt, nearly killing Powers. Fire Fang then came out of the pyramid and Aspheera then went on top of its throne. Fire Fang then took her to Ninjago City.
The News Never Sleeps![]
While Antonia and Nelson were delivering newspapers, they had to dodge Elemental Cobras as they went on a rampage through Ninjago City.
Ninja vs Lava[]
As the ninja were escaping the pyramid, they come across three sarcophagi of two Pyro Whippers and a Pyro Destroyer. Lava enters the room which empowers them and releases them from their sarcophagi. The ninja are forced to fight them, but Jay jumps right into the action by performing Spinjitzu despite forgetting they are chained together which causes the ninja to be part of Jay's Spinjitzu. Although they defeated the Pyro Vipers, the ninja were chained together and had to jump their way out of the tomb.
As NGTV is reporting live on "Snaketastrophy," Gayle Gossip decides to follow one of the Elemental Cobras which leads to Aspheera who recently discovered one of the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu. As Gayle is reporting their discoveries, she is caught by Aspheera and taken hostage.
Aspheera and a few Elemental Cobras go to the Ninjago Museum of History to obtain the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu.
Aspheera is able to steal the Scroll, and with the power of Forbidden Spinjitzu, she defeats the ninja. She then resurrects the Pyro Vipers still in their sarcophagi and leads them out of the Museum while the Elemental Cobras were left to defeat the ninja. However, Jake comes running in to shield the ninja from protection, Kai followed and saved Jake while defeating the Elemental Cobras.
Ancient History[]
After obtaining the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, Fire Fang used the Scroll in order to find the Treacherous Deceiver's scent. After finding his scent, Aspheera rides Fire Fang to find him.
When Nya arrives to stop Aspheera, Fire Fang fights back by spewing fire while Nya uses her elemental powers. While this is going on, Lloyd hops onto the Aspheera's Fire Fang and kicks her staff out of her hand. Lloyd and Aspheera snatched the staff at the same time, but Aspheera uses Spinjitzu to defeat Lloyd. With the plan failing, Nya and Lloyd are surrounded by the Pyro Vipers, but Zane bails them out when he arrives in his ShuriCopter.
Under Siege[]
The Pyro Vipers begin their attack on the Monastery when Fire Fang spewed fireballs at the ninja and Wu. In response, P.I.X.A.L. initiated the defenses only for Aspheera to banish them. Fire Fang then obliterates the door, causing the ninja and Wu to flee into the hangar bay.
When the Pyro Vipers begin ransacking the Monastery, they are unable to find Wu ( Who is revealed to be The Treacherous Deceiver), which causes Aspheera to eject a fireball at Char only for him to duck and hit the dartboard, revealing the elevator to the hangar bay. Once Aspheera noticed, Char presses the button for them to get inside the elevator, but the elevator wouldn't open due to Aspheera accidentally eradicating the button.
The Explorers Club[]
After getting inside the elevator of the Monastery, Aspheera and the Pyro Vipers try to break down the doors by slamming Elemental Cobras into it and while they were trying to break down the doors, she uses her magic to lift Char up and slam him into the door.
Vengeance is Mine![]
The Pyro Vipers finally destroy the door to the hangar bay, but they are surprised to not find Wu. Alerted by Jay's sneeze, Aspheera finds Wu and the ninja hiding under the vents and remarks on how she dreamed of this moment before P.I.X.A.L. knocked her away in the Titan Mech, but she overcame P.I.X.A.L. and held the ninja and hostage. Aspheera gloated on her imminent success before the other ninja arrived with the other Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu.
A lengthy battle took place with each ninja possessing the Scroll, but when Zane gets the Scroll, he freezes the entire army. Wu asks for the Scroll back and after hesitating at first, he gives the Scroll back.
However before Zane could relinquish the Scroll, he noticed Aspheera had managed to break her arm free from the ice and aimed her staff at Wu, but Zane saved his master by pushing Wu of the way causing him to be hit and be seemingly destroyed.
The Virtues of Spinjitzu[]
While Jay and Lloyd were trying to cross the lava pool, a couple of Pyro Whippers ambushed the rest of the ninja. Kai used his Elemental Powers, but the Pyro Whipper spat it right back at him. Soon, they would surround Cole, but he was able to find balance and escaped their grasp.
Known members[]
- Mambo V (king; deceased)
- Aspheera (former queen)
- Pyro Destroyers (deceased)
- Pyro Whippers (deceased)
- Pyro Slayers (deceased)
- Char (deceased)
- Mambo's advisor (deceased)
- Fire Fang
- Elemental Cobras (destroyed)
- The Greek root "pyro" means "fire."
- They are the third Serpentine group to be a villainous faction, the first being the Serpentine themselves in Rise of the Snakes and Legacy of the Green Ninja and the Vermillion in The Hands of Time.
- The only way for them to be brought back to life is to be touched by Aspheera's fire magic, as seen in "Ninja vs Lava" and "Powerless."
- They are inspired by the ancient Egypt. Some examples are that they make mummies and sarcophagi, build pyramids, and Mambo V is wearing a nemes.
- The name Pyro Vipers never existed before Season 11.[4]
- They are the third villainous faction to have members named by their ranks other than an actual name, the first being the Stone Army and the second being the Nindroids.
- They are the second Serpentine group where multiple members have tails aside from the general. The first being the Anacondrai.
- When asked why multiple Pyro Vipers had tails, as opposed to the later Serpentine tribes who had only one individual with a tail at a time, Tommy Andreasen said it was "Probably some dominant biology."[5]
Promotional media[]
Concept art[]
In Ninjago[]
The images on Pyro Vipers need to be organized.