Overview | Relationships | Gallery |
Rapton is a dragon hunter, mercenary, and the leader of the Freebooters. Originally a subordinate to Ras in the Claws of Imperium, Rapton led the Claws to capture dragons, including a baby dragon named Riyu, who escaped with help from Arin and Sora. After the ninja broke the dragons out, Rapton was promoted to take the disgraced Ras' position before learning of Dragon Cores, until he eventually stopped working for Beatrix, and helped the Resistance broadcast incriminating footage against her. After the MergeQuake Storm, Rapton was among many about plans to form a council. Having worked as a shoulder pad consultant for a while after the forming of New Imperium, Rapton was sick of peace and decided to go back to dragon hunting, planning to sell them for money, thus forming the Freebooters.
After Beatrix took over Imperium with Ras' help,[1] the Claws of Imperium were formed, with Rapton becoming the Claw Hunters' field leader and was tasked to capture all dragon kind, so Imperium could be powered by their life force under Beatrix and Ras' orders.
Dragons Rising, Season 1
The Merge: Part 1
Reporting to Ras about their latest capture, he tells him that they'll have the dragon delivered tomorrow, but is told by Ras that his overconfidence is a weakness before cutting the transmission. As Rapton bragged about not knowing the word, a Claw began to explain, only for Rapton to kick him away. The following morning, the dragon, who was a baby, managed to escape to the Crossroads, interfering in the Mech Master 5000, before two of its racers rescue him. However, their mech had been sabotaged and went over the bridge. As Rapton prepared to search for the dragon, the mech, modified by the dragon's powering one of the racers, shows up to take them down, only for Ras himself to arrive and defeat the racers.
The Merge: Part 2
Rapton comes onto the roof of the train, ambushing Lloyd as he was rescuing Arin and Sora before declaring no one escapes from him, even shouting his name, but the speed of the train makes it hard for Lloyd to hear and think he's speaking in third person. He then watched Sora as she tried to use her Technology, but is unable to before clashing with Lloyd. Upon Sora being sparked by Riyu, she ends up turning their swords into bombs and are forced to jump off the train.
Rapton and the Claws later followed Lloyd and the others to the Land of the Three Mountains, where they start rounding up dragons from Riyu's herd and tried to throw Sora to her death, but is stopped by the herd's Matriarch. Seeing the sight of it, Rapton had the Claws grab it before informing Ras of the capture. When Lloyd used Spinjitzu, after being sparked by the Matriarch, Rapton asked Ras for backup, but gets no response and was left to fend for himself. But, he managed to escape.
Writers of Destiny
Under Beatrix and Ras' orders, Rapton and the Claw Hunters went to Cloud Kingdom to capture the Ice Dragons while the ninja were distracted by fighting the tentacled beasts.
Return to Imperium
Rapton and the Claws attack Jiro in the Crossroads junkyard, before being intercepted by Lloyd, Kai, Arin, Sora, and Riyu. However, Rapton unleashes a Photac, which keeps them busy before making his escape with the dragon.
Mindless Beasts
Rapton and some Claw Hunters ambush Sora and her namesake dragon when they enter the storage facility. Sora challenges Rapton to a rematch and he confidently accepts, despite the odds being in favor of five against two. Sora then calls him a fool for accepting such a challenge. This angers Rapton, who does not tolerate being called a fool by anyone, except for Ras reluctantly. Hearing Sora was responsible for her mech's transformation and destruction of their weapons on the train, Rapton expressed his doubts regarding Sora's abilities, attributing it to mere luck. In an attempt to test her skills, he suggested a proposition where Sora could utilize her powers to on an Imperium Drone. If she succeeded, both Sora and the dragon would be granted permission to depart without any hindrance. When she failed, Sora tries to battle them head on, only to be easily incapacitated and Rapton contacts Dr. LaRow.
I Will Be the Danger
Rapton and some Claws form a barrier to try and stop the escaping dragons, but they easily break through. When Ras contacts him, Rapton tries to claim it was under control, but Ras, easily disbelieving him, orders him to return to the Advanced Systems Lab to mount a Photac and ambush them at the main gates. Stopping them, Rapton gives them the option of surrendering or fighting, but Wyldfyre accepts the latter before they attack with Wyldfyre briefly facing Rapton, the former annoyed by his bragging.
The Calm Inside
As the battle continued on with the Photacs getting the better of the dragons, they suddenly head for the palace. When he loudly express concern for his unicorn collection, this caused everyone to stare at him in confusion. Rapton then tells them that unicorns have horns on their faces and notes that they are "hardcore". Possibly believing that they might tease or even mock him for it, he screams at everyone to shut up. They eventually manage to surround them when the Monastery of Imperium rises from underground, and Kai, Nya, and Zane emerge from it.
The Battle of the Second Monastery
Rapton continues fighting the Ninja, despite the monastery appearing before they retreat into it, due to the Photacs overwhelming them and try to break down the door. By the time, he did, the Photacs were disabled by Sora, and the Ninja escape through a portal created by Lloyd before Rapton could grab them, and was buried under some rubble by a frustrated Beatrix. Reporting to Beatrix, he observed Ras being stripped of his position with Rapton confiscating his hammer, and was effectively promoted to take Ras' place.
The Temple of the Dragon Cores
Rapton spies on the Ninja as they head for the Temple of the Dragon Cores before relaying the news about the three Dragon Cores to Beatrix.
Gangs of the Sea
Rapton mocks Ras as he watched the feed from his cell before Beatrix arrives and he informs her that the Claws are set to search for the Dragon Cores before being chastized by Beatrix, who wants to use the cores against the Ninja before resuming their objective of capturing dragons. Rapton later passes by Lloyd and Arin when their ship was stranded in the ocean.
Prior to They Call It Doom
Rapton arrives at the Mother Garden, where he finds the Dragon Core, only to be arrested by the Mucoids, due to failing their trial because of his greed and desire.
They Call It Doom
The Mucoids lead Lloyd and Arin to Rapton, who pleads for them to arrange his release, which Lloyd managed to achieve by walking through the Impossible Path, only to double cross the two Ninja and attempt to make his getaway with the core, but is immediately subdued by Administration Agents Karit and Denholt, who take the core with them back to the Administration.
Prior to Absolute Power
Upon losing the Dragon Core, Rapton experienced a moment of enlightenment. He began to question his motives for aiding Beatrix if it would end up destroying the world, considering that he enjoyed living in it. It was then that Rapton learned about the Resistance and met Percival Tartigrade. The Resistance provided Rapton with a fake Dragon Core, with the intention of preventing the MergeQuake weapon from working and dissuading Beatrix from persisting with her plan.
Absolute Power
Beatrix was dissatisfied with only having two Dragon Cores and mentioned that it was Rapton who was responsible. Just as Beatrix spoke, Rapton arrived, with the fake Dragon Core in hand. Rapton acknowledged Beatrix's frustration and falsly claimed that he won't let her down. However, he believed that the ninja were on their way to retrieve the Dragon Cores.
Later in the throne room, Rapton made his way with the Imperium Drones carrying the Dragon Cores, meeting up with Beatrix and the rest of her entourage. The significance of the achievement was not lost on Dr. LaRow, who responded with a hint of sarcasm, being surprise at Rapton's ability to deliver. Rapton was quick to react to Dr. LaRow's comment, disbelieved at the notion that he wouldn't overhear such remarks. Dr. LaRow initiated the activation of the MergeQuake weapon, only to be met with a cautionary message regarding the volatile energy levels. It dawned on her that Rapton's Dragon Core was emanating a distinct form of energy compared to the rest. As the situation progressed, Rapton evaded any potential repercussions, whilst eluding the unintended explosion triggered by his Dragon Core.
We Are All Dragons
Upon reaching the broadcast tower, Arin, Sora, and Riyu were taken aback to discover that Rapton was one of the insiders of the Resistance. Rapton vehemently expressed his disdain for Beatrix, emphasizing that he simply desired to pursue his passion for hunting dragons. However, upon noticing Riyu's disapproving growl, Rapton acknowledged his misjudgment of the situation and admitted that Beatrix had become unhinged. He revealed her obsession with annihilating the ninja and her obliviousness to the catastrophic consequences of her actions. Rapton disclosed the existence of the MergeQuake weapon, warning that Beatrix's vengeful pursuit would ultimately lead to the destruction of the entire world. Furthermore, Rapton confessed to giving Beatrix the fake Dragon Core.
Rapton revealed that Beatrix had devised a new strategy to activate the weapon. Aware of Beatrix's power lying in the loyalty of the Imperians, Rapton proposed the plan to undermine her by broadcasting the truth. Seeking the ninja's trust, Rapton asked if they were willing to collaborate. The ninja reluctantly agreed to a temporary truce, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Rapton assured the ninja that he shared their disdain, emphasizing his strong dislike for them. After stopping Dorama, Rapton watched as Sora broadcasted the truth about Beatrix to all of Imperium.
The Power Within
Rapton was taken aback by the fact that Beatrix managed to make the MergeQuake weapon function, believing that there was nothing they could do know. However, Arin and Sora reassured Rapton that they still had a chance to thwart Beatrix's plans. In the battle, Rapton passed an Imperium Sword to Nya, proposing that they confront Beatrix. Without any hesitation, they pursued Beatrix, but she summoned a MergeQuake that engulfed Rapton. After the cataclysmic event, Rapton and the others who were ensnared in the turmoil emerged unscathed. In the aftermath, Rapton joined with Percival and a handful of other Imperians to discuss the necessary changes that needed to be made within Imperium as a collective now that Beatrix's gone.
After Dragons Rising, Season 1
Rapton decided to take a break from dragon hunting and became a consultant for shoulder pads. However, his stint in this new role was short-lived, as he soon realized it wasn't for him. Along with the Claw Hunters, he rebranded themselves as the Freebooters, a group of mercenaries whose main focus was hunting down dragons and selling them for profit.
Dragons Rising, Season 2
The Shape of Motion
Upon hearing dragons were in the area, Rapton and the Freebooters ambush the Ninja, who were escorting the matriarch's baby to Riyu's herd. After explaining to Lloyd his reason for dragon hunting, Rapton was accused of murdering the matriarch, which he tried to claim innocence, but the former refused to believe him. Soon, Riyu's herd showed up and scared the Freebooters away.
Other appearances and mentions
The Administration
Lloyd mentioned Rapton and his attempt to steal the pink Dragon Core from him and Arin to the other ninja.
Rapton often misuses or mispronounces large words, and prefers to use brute force to solve his problems, especially when it comes to capturing dragons. Likewise, he is shown to be arrogant and overconfident, something that Ras points out as his flaw. However, he also has an amusing side as he likes to collect porcelain unicorn figurines, and shows little shame in liking them, stating that they're cool because "they have horns on their faces".
- Main article: Rapton's relationships
Allies |
Enemies |
Official descriptions
Play Stories
- STRENGTH: Determination
- TALENT: Leader of the Dragon Hunters
- SECRET FEAR: Letting the ninja win
- ULTIMATE GOAL: To capture dragons
This guy is totally overconfident, which means he often makes silly mistakes. That said, he is persistent and often causes major headaches for the ninja.[1]
- Hover chariot
- An aerial vehicle that Rapton uses.
- It appeared in "The Merge: Part 1."
Boxed Sets
- 71792 Sora's Transforming Mech Bike Racer
- 71794 Lloyd and Arin's Ninja Team Mechs
- 71797 Destiny's Bounty - race against time
Books with Minifigure Gifts
Ninjago: Dragons Rising
Season 1
- 1. "The Merge: Part 1"
- 2. "The Merge: Part 2"
- 5. "Writers of Destiny"
- 6. "Return to Imperium"
- 7. "Mindless Beasts"
- 8. "I Will Be the Danger"
- 9. "The Calm Inside"
- 10. "The Battle of the Second Monastery"
- 11. "The Temple of the Dragon Cores"
- 12. "Gangs of the Sea"
- 15. "They Call It Doom"
- 17. "The Administration" (mentioned)
- 18. "Absolute Power"
- 19. "We Are All Dragons"
- 20. "The Power Within"
Season 2
- 31. "The Shape of Motion"
Ninjago Magazine
- 105. One Ninja Alone...? (non-canon)
- 106. Probationary Potential!
- 107. Clash in the Trash" (non-canon)
- 112. Unlikely Team-Up! (non-canon)
Video games
- LEGO Brawls (non-canon)
The name "Rapton" is possibly derived from the word "raptor," which commonly refers to a dromaeosaurid or a predatory bird. The parallelism to the word also signifies Rapton's profession as a dragon hunter.
- He has the same hair piece as Krux and the Emperor of Ninjago.
- Although his hair seems to be gray in the show, the physical hair piece on his minifigure is white for some reason.
- He is voiced by Giles Panton, who previously voiced Kalmaar and implied his comeback as a Ninjago voice actor on X.[2]
- He sometimes speaks in third person.
- He has a collection of porcelain unicorns.[3]
- The reason for the visor covering his eyes was never divulged.[4]
- Giles Panton, Rapton's voice actor, says he wears it over another visor that he only shows off at special events.[5]
- He does have scars over his right eye in minifigure form, but they aren't present in the show.
- Unlike most Imperians, Rapton does not possess any facial markings that signify his rank within Imperium. According to Chris "Doc" Wyatt, the reason for this is related to certain spoilers.[6]
Language | Name |
Czech | Rapton |
Russian | Раптон |
Ukrainian | Раптон |