Renzo is a resident of Two Moon Village. He, alongside his brother Kenzo, served as the elders and leaders of Two Moon Village.
Garmadon Issue 1[]
Renzo and Kenzo were counting barrels of Two Moon Tea to be given as an offering to Mogra when they realized they were one barrel short. Kenzo declared they had to return to the Glimwillow Woods that night in order to collect enough Glimwillow Lilies to produce the barrel of tea, an idea which Renzo derided as 'crazy.' This led to a brief verbal dispute between the brothers as they each blamed the other for their predicament while stating that their mother always said that the other would run the village into the ground. Their argument would be cut short by the arrival of Garmadon, Saeko, and Min who returned with enough lillies to produce the final barrel. Renzo was quick to inform Garmadon that it was an honor for him to visit their village before calling for a cup of Two-Moon Tea to be brought to Saeko.
Some time later, Renzo and his brother would give Garmadon a tour of their village's tea brewing operation, to which Garmadon noted was "Impressive for such a dumpy town." During the tour, Renzo explained that the Glimwillow Lillies can only be harvested during a full moon and that before, the village could only produce a single barrel of their namesake tea per month. Kenzo chimed in to state sarcastically that Renzo had a 'genius' idea to send out more people to collect the lilies, so that in theory they could double their tea production, which unfortunately, has resulted in problems for the villagers. Both brothers discussed the properties of the tea with Garmadon, and Kenzo asked if Garmadon could take care of their problem with Kuma, the guardian of Glimwillow Woods, for them, offering an entire wagon's worth of Two-Moon Tea barrels as payment. Renzo was quick to remind his brother that the Red Crows would be furious if they were unable to pay their tribute, but Kenzo discreetly informed his brother that if they played their cards right, all of their troubles could be taken care of. Renzo smiled in realization of his brother's plan and both brothers began to laugh, abruptly stopping after Garmadon empowered himself with the Two Moon Tea and declared that Ninjago would be his at last.
Garmadon Issue 2[]
The next day, Renzo hid behind his brother as a furious Saeko confronted the two for letting her daughter, Min, go alongside Garmadon and the Two Moon Village Commandos in search of Kuma. Renzo insisted that Min would be well protected, as Garmadon was with her. As the discussion changed towards the Red Crows, Kenzo expressed his fury regarding their extortion of the village, though Renzo attempted to calm him down. Moments later, the Red Crows arrived, surprising the villagers. Renzo fearfully approached Mogra and stammered that he thought they still had more time to produce the barrels that Mogra had demanded. Mogra affirmed this, stating he was here to deliver a message for Garmadon - specifically by razing the village to the ground.
Garmadon Issue 3[]
While Garmadon battled against Mogra, Renzo regrouped with his brother, Saeko, Min, and the Two Moon Village Commandos, declaring that they had to escape the village while they still could. When Min protested, Renzo lamented the state of their village, remarking that they have traded one monster for another, and that regardless of who wins the duel, the villagers will lose. As the group fled from Two Moon Village, Min looked back to see that Garmadon was losing and she shouted that they had to turn around and help him. Incredulous, Renzo replied back with, "Absolutely not!" although this did not stop Min from turning around anyway.
Garmadon Issue 4[]
Having escaped Two Moon Village, Renzo and the rest of their group set up camp inside the nearby forest. When Saeko returned with some food and Two Moon Tea she had stolen from the village, Renzo and his brother asked about the status of the village, learning that Mogra had taken over and intended to rename it to "New Mograton." Upon learning this, Renzo asked if there had previously been an "Old Mograton," leading to a debate between himself and Kenzo, much to Saeko's annoyance. Sometime later, Min and the Two Moon Village Commandos regrouped with the elders and Saeko, bringing an injured Garmadon with them. Min asked her mom if she could give Garmadon the last pouch of Two Moon Tea that she had managed to steal, but Saeko refused, decrying Garmadon as a monster. Renzo and his brother attempted to comfort Min, with Renzo remarking that she had a good heart and he was saddened that she had to learn the harsh ways of the world at such a young age.
Garmadon Issue 5[]
The next morning, the group of villagers found Garmadon gazing at his reflection in a nearby stream. Renzo hailed him, asking if he was leaving already. When Garmadon surmised that they had come to ask for his help in liberating Two Moon Village from the Red Crows, Renzo sheepishly admitted that they originally wanted Garmadon to protect them from the Red Crows and the bears, but given how things turned out, they feel its better if Garmadon doesn't get involved any further. Sometime later, as the group was going over their battle plans, Garmadon, after having a change of heart, returned to join them. Together, they liberated Kuma and allied themselves with the Bears of Glimwillow Woods, forming an army sizable enough to take on Mogra and the Red Crows. Following the battle, Renzo expressed his relief that it was all over and that their village was now free from the influence of Mogra and the Red Crows as he and his brother carefully watched the defeated bikers, forcing them to repair the damages to the village.
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