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“Your Shatterspin warrior's met his match, and the Blood Moon's almost passed. Even your sacrifices are gone! Yeah, I'd say the ritual's almost over, and you failed!”
Lloyd to Ras

Rising Ninja is the tenth episode of the second season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising and the 30th episode overall.


With the sacrifices, spell and Blood Moon in his control, Lord Ras has everything he needs to unleash the Forbidden Five - unless the Ninja can act fast![1]

LEGO's YouTube Channel: All the ninja have to do is save the sacrifices, fight the Wolf Mask warriors, stop Cinder from Shatterspinning, and destroy the Blood Moon ritual. It’s fine…definitely seems doable…[2]

ITVX: All roads lead the ill-prepared Ninja to confront Ras as he enacts the Blood Moon Ritual and threatens to destroy the merged lands.[3]

Extended: Converging on the Shadow Dojo to stop Ras's Blood Moon Ritual, Kai, Sora, and Wyldfyre rescue the sacrifices while Cole, Zane, and the Sorceress liberate the Cloud Kingdom with the help of Euphrasia. Lloyd, Nya, Riyu, and Arin, fresh off his defeat, arrive as Jordana uses Bonzle to free the first of the Forbidden Five. The Ninja unleash the Rising Dragon technique at considerable cost.[4]


Still disoriented from his defeat against Ras, Arin sees his parents and apologizes for not finding them, but it turned out that it was actually Nya and Lloyd. Arin then explained how Ras defeated him and took Bonzle away from him. Meanwhile, preparations for the ritual are already in full swing. Just as Kai, Sora, and Wyldfyre were on the verge of liberating the Writers of Destiny, a wolf warrior struck the gong. The trio found themselves battling against the energy emanating from the gong, as the Wolf Masks attempted to shatter their souls. Meanwhile, in the Cloud Kingdom, Cole, Zane, and Gandalaria arrived only to discover that Bonzle was absent. Instead, they learned about Ras' plan to bring down the Cloud Kingdom. Determined to act, Cole, Zane, and Gandalaria headed to the motor room, where Cole intended to use his mech to repair the malfunctioning mechanism.

As Ras begins the incantation, Wyldfyre unleashes her Elemental Powers to get rid of the Wolf Masks that were corrupting the ninja. This action, however, results in the ninja being caught by the Wolf Clan. Kai struggles to harness Rising Dragon, leading the ninja to engage in battle against the Wolf Clan while stopping Cinder from performing Shatterspin. While Kai and Wyldfyre take on the wolf warriors, Sora employs her Elemental Tech Mech to ensnare Cinder in a cage. Wyldfyre liberates the Writers of Destiny, and Jordana transforms Bonzle back into her spell form, enabling her to create a portal to the Nether-Space. The ninja work to shield the Writers of Destiny from the advancing wolf warriors, but the tide turns as the wolf warriors gain the upper hand against the ninja. Just then, reinforcements arrive, but Cinder manages to break free from Sora's cage. The ninja scramble to prevent Cinder from acquiring a Wolf Mask, and although they initially succeed, Cinder snatches one from a wolf warrior, granting him the power to unleash Shatterspin. One by one, Cinder takes down the ninja, prompting Kai to launch an attack with Rising Dragon, surprising Ras in the process. Lloyd asserts that Ras has lost since the Writers of Destiny have escaped and the ritual is nearly over. Yet, Ras insists that the sacrifices are those with pure souls, plotting to make the ninja the sacrifices instead. Ras strikes Kai with his hammer, sending him into the portal, and despite Riyu's desperate attempts to save him, Kai is pulled in, resulting in the release of Nokt.

Jordana was unable to maintain the portal's opening, leading to its abrupt closure. However, another member of the Forbidden Five managed to escape by seizing control of Jordana's body, a maneuver that went unnoticed by both the ninja and the Wolf Clan. Seeing that the portal was sealed shut and the ninja had won, Ras urgently called upon his master for assistance. In a flash, the master harnessed their powers to teleport the Wolf Clan and the Shadow Dojo to a different location, leaving the ninja bewildered. As the Blood Moon waned, the Dragon Masters were released from their frozen state. Egalt declared the ninja victorious, noting that the Merged Realms remained intact and unharmed. Elsewhere, in an open field, Nokt confronts Ras with indignation, accusing him of abandoning the Forbidden Five. Ras retorts sharply, asserting that Nokt's freedom is solely due to his intervention. In a sudden move, Nokt lunges at Ras, but Ras swiftly counters by affixing a control implant to Nokt's head. Ras then declares his expectation of loyalty, emphasizing that the control implant will ensure compliance. He turns his ire towards Jordana, chastising her for failing to maintain the portal's stability. However, he was unware about Jordana being possessed by the second Forbidden Five member. Ras attempts to address her again but is interrupted by a summons from his master. He affirms his understanding of the situation, recognizing that the Ritual of the Blood Moon is merely a preliminary step in his larger scheme. He vows not to disappoint, promising that the Wolf Clan will still triumph in the Tournament of the Sources and seize control over the Source Dragons, ultimately acquiring the immense power that his master desires.

At the Cloud Kingdom, Suetonius reflects on the aftermath, noting that the archives provide no clarity on what happened the Shadow Dojo. He expresses deep gratitude towards the ninja, acknowledging their bravery and the victories they have achieved. However, Wyldfyre's somber demeanor contrasts with the celebration due to Kai trapped in the Nether-Space. Nya, recalling her childhood, admits that Kai was always her idol, and now he stands as a hero once more, which brings a bittersweet feeling as she and Wyldfyre share a sorrowful hug. Zane adds to the somber mood by mentioning Bonzle's supposed demise, believing that she sacrificed her remaining magic to seal the gate. Gandalaria expressed pride in Bonzle, highlighting her selfless nature as a spell. Cole corrected Gandalaria, emphasizing that Bonzle was a truly selfless person. Meanwhile, Lloyd takes Arin aside, commending him for his role in defeating Ras with his Object Spinjitzu, which ultimately ended the ritual. Arin admits to having doubts about his place on the team after his training mishap, but today's victory has reaffirmed his sense of belonging.

Kai ventures the Nether-Space, where Bonzle appears before him. She explains that she has sealed the gate, preventing most of the Forbidden Five from escaping, but now they find themselves trapped together. Kai reassures Bonzle, expressing that there's no need for apologies; she did what she could under the circumstances. Bonzle admits her fear of not making it out alive, but Kai counters with optimism, emphasizing their survival and the importance of finding a way back home. However, Bonzle grimly informs him that without the Blood Moon, their chances of escape are virtually nonexistent, as it could take eons for such an event to occur. Undeterred, Kai recalls Lloyd's mantra, informing Bonzle that a ninja never gives up.













  • This episode marks the third time they mention something being permanent, the first time was when it was said turning into a ghost in the Temple of Airjitzu during sunrise was permanent which happened to Cole in "The Temple on Haunted Hill" and the second time was when it was said that merging with the sea as explained in "Master of the Sea" was also permanent which happened to Nya, this time it's said that getting pulled into the Nether-Space is permanent which happened to Kai and Bonzle.
    • The first two "permanent" things ended up getting reverted in "Day of the Departed" and "A Painful Promise" respectively, so it is possible Kai and Bonzle will also find a way out of their "permanent" situation which is being stuck in the Nether-Space.


  • At the start of the episode when Arin turns his head away from Lloyd and Nya, his shoulder armor clips through his scarf for a second.
  • When Kai jumps into his Elemental Fire Mech to face enemies, his Wolf Mask Warrior outfit transforms into his Climber outfit seamlessly.
    • It is possible he changed his clothes using spinjitzu when his mech was transforming, explaining why Sora and Wyldfyre kept their disguises during the battle.
  • As Cinder descends the Shadow Dojo's steps, the wrong Ras model can be seen in the background.
    • Additionally, Ras' mouth moves very quickly, however that may not be an error.
  • When Nokt first exits the portal, he has his cloak, his bandana, and a shawl, but when the camera cuts to Ras and back to Nokt, he lacks the shawl and has his tattered cape instead.
    • Additionally, when the camera cuts back to Nokt, his tattered cape is clipping through the back of his bandana.
  • Before Cinder picked up his mask, a back shot of Lloyd knocking a Wolf Warrior back shows him without his hood. In the next shot, his hood is on.
  • When Nokt gets teleported along with the Wolf Clan, he already has Ras' controlling device in the back of his head.
  • When Cinder gets up and asks where the clan and dojo were now, his neck is yellow.
  • The YouTube upload has a time counter from production throughout the entire episode.
  • When Ras called for his master for help and get teleported, the scene where the Wolf Mask Warriors teleporting, the frame of animation had dropped.



Language Name
Arabic صعود النينجا
Czech Povstávající nindža[5]
Finnish Nousevat ninjat
French Ninja Rebelle
German Das Blutmondritual
Italian Il ritorno di Nokt
Korean 라이징 닌자
Polish Powstający Ninja
Portuguese (BRA) A Ascensão dos Ninjas
Romanian Ninja în ascensiune
Russian Поднимающиеся ниндзя (LEGO's YouTube)
Spanish (LA) El Ascenso de los Ninjas


Ninjago: Dragons Rising episodes
Season 1 1. The Merge: Part 1 · 2. The Merge: Part 2 · 3. Crossroads Carnival · 4. Beyond Madness · 5. Writers of Destiny · 6. Return to Imperium · 7. Mindless Beasts · 8. I Will Be the Danger · 9. The Calm Inside · 10. The Battle of the Second Monastery · 11. The Temple of the Dragon Cores · 12. Gangs of the Sea · 13. Wyldly Inappropriate · 14. The Last Djinn · 15. They Call It Doom · 16. Land of Lost Things · 17. The Administration · 18. Absolute Power · 19. We Are All Dragons · 20. The Power Within
The Elemental Mechs 1. What the Mech? · 2. The Mech Master · 3. A Pain in the Mech!
Season 2 21. The Blood Moon · 22. Shattered Dreams · 23. Beyond the Phantasm Cave · 24. Force From the East · 25. The Spell at the Waterfall · 26. To Mysterium · 27. Fugitives From Madness · 28. Secrets of the Wyldness · 29. The Forest of Spirits · 30. Rising Ninja · 31. The Shape of Motion · 32. Enter the City of Temples · 33. They Gather for the Feast · 34. Inside the Maze · 35. United We Fall · 36. Truth and Lies · 37. The Sword Shatters · 38. Clues and Suspects · 39. The Final Game · 40. Elements of Betrayal
Return to the Wyldness 1. Queen of RAGE! · 2. Into the lava! · 3. A maze of reflections · 4. Time to get Red
Wyldfyre's Stories 1. My Camera Roll · 2. Draw With Me · 3. 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Dragon Eggs! · 4. Dragon Translator · 5. An App to Track Feelings · 6. Meditation or Meltdown · 7. Bye-bye Bone · 8. Lessons I Learned in the Wyldness
Wyldfyre's Voice Notes 1. Why am I doing this · 2. So what now? · 3. I AM RAGE · 4. Desperate measures · 5. Big news! · 6. Who am I? · 7. Finding Wyldfyre · 8. Ready to return!
Season 3 41. TBA · 42. TBA · 43. TBA · 44. TBA · 45. TBA · 46. TBA · 47. TBA · 48. TBA · 49. TBA · 50. TBA · 51. TBA · 52. TBA · 53. TBA · 54. TBA · 55. TBA · 56. TBA · 57. TBA · 58. TBA · 59. TBA · 60. TBA