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“Never in the history of the Tournament of Sources have we seen anything like this. Betrayal by one sworn to protect the games. But never before have we seen such brave, noble competitors who defended the honor of the games, and the lives of their colleagues.”
— Roby acknowledging the ninja for saving the Tournament of the Sources, "Elements of Betrayal"

Roby is the current Games Master for the Tournament of the Sources, Bleckt's nephew, and Wyldfyre's boyfriend.


Enter the City of Temples[]

When the ninja broke into the City of Temples, Roby greets them, brushing off his uncle's attempts to expel them and personally invites them in the tournament, as well as expressing confusion as to why they weren't sent invitations in the first place.

They Gather for the Feast[]

Roby gives the Ninja a tour around the City of Temples. He shows them the painting of the seven Source Dragons as seven heads. Roby then explains the tournament’s rules and how it is a way to honor the seven Source Dragons. Despite, the ninja concern over transferring elemental powers with the Elemental Cup, Roby assures them of the cup's safety switch which allows him to pull the powers back into the cup.

Later at the banquet hall, Roby hands Wyldfyre a menu and shows the team around. When Wyldfyre tries to threaten Cinder, the security bots stop her. Roby says that fighting outside the arena is prohibited and punishable by expulsion. Roby starts to give a speech when Zeatrix bursts in the room. After she storms out of the hall and the annoyed Roby gives up on his speech.

Later at night, Roby wakes up when the Security bots swarm Lloyd and the stranger before Lloyd explains what happened and the other ninja come to back him up. Lloyd pulls back the hood of the person to reveal it is a bot before it proceeds to glitch and break down. Ras throws a similar bot on top of it and Zur does the same. Realizing the bots's weapons belong to the Mother Garden, most of the competitors assume Zant-Tanz, the leader of the Mother Garden, sent the attacker bots. Lloyd tries to convince everyone Zant-Tanz did not do it but everyone wants him out of the tournament. Zant-Tanz exiles himself voluntarily as he believes it would comfort the people. Roby tells everyone to go back to sleep and everyone follows his orders.

Inside the Maze[]

The following morning, Roby and Bleckt walked around the City to the Games Plaza. They ran into Wyldfyre who Roby invited her to join them. Lloyd visited Roby to know the competitions for the match but Roby refused to tell anyone who they were competing against in order for it to be exciting.

Bleckt and Roby see many Elemental Masters training. Bleckt reminding Roby that the Tournament is about the honor of elemental battle which should be taken seriously, but Roby dismissed it before Wyldfyre said hi to him again. He separated Wyldfyre when she almost got into a fight with Cinder, reminding her that a fight before a match will cause them to be disqualified.

Roby then announced the first match with Zane and Zur. When Zane lost, Roby demonstrated the Elemental Cup transferring Zane's Ice to Zur. Roby then announced the next competitors Nya and Jay. When Nya grabbed the dagger first, Roby transfer Jay's Lightning power to Nya.

United We Fall[]

Roby had announced Wyldfyre and Cinder's match. After Wyldfyre loss, he asked if she was ok and she said she is. He then used the cup to transfer her Heat to Cinder. Later at night he hear a disturbance and found Cinder on the ground. When Zane invokes the Cavern Run, Roby is confused on it but the former explains it where participants can avoid exile from the games. Despite Bleckt’s protests, Roby allows it and once the ninja got their vehicle he releases the Pace Dragon.

Truth and Lies[]

As the Cavern Run continues the Ninja manage to cross the finish line and beat the Pace Dragon, which Roby announced that the ninja were still in the Tournament.

Later at the Games Plaza, Roby uses the Elemental Cup to transfer Euphrasia’s power of Wind to Zeatrix. In the next round, Tox fights Nokt. but Nokt uses Shatterspin and continues taking shots at her when Roby had already declared him the winner. Roby had threaten to disqualified Nokt if he kept on fighting so he left the plaza while the Security Bots take Tox away on a stretcher. Roby later transfer Tox's Poison power to Nokt once she recovered. The next round Roby transferred Mr. Pale's Light power to Lloyd. Roby announces Cole and Frak as the next two competitors. When Frak arrived late, Roby said it was no problem. After the match, Roby gives Cole's Earth power to Frak.

Roby announces Nya and Nokt as the next two competitors. Roby explains the rules of the match, saying whoever gets the majority of the three gems will win. The game begins and the two start fighting. Nokt looks around for a gem and both him and Nya see it appear. Nokt takes the gem and earns a point. A few moments later, they both see a gem appear and Nya grabs it. Nokt performs Shatterspin and Nya uses Rising Dragon to counteract it. After more combat, Nya tries to take the last gem but it disappears and reappears next to Nokt. He gets hold of it and Roby declares him the winner. Roby transfers Nya's Water and Lightning power to Nokt. Roby announces Sora and Cinder as the next two competitors. Roby explains that the competitors must solve puzzles to get to the end and win. Roby announces Sora and Cinder as the next two competitors. Roby explains that the competitors must solve puzzles to get to the end and win. After Sora won, Roby used the cup to transfer Cinder's Smoke to Sora.

The Sword Shatters[]

Roby was in the Temple City Museum where he was instructing Geo in making a statue of himself. Seeing Arin, Roby talks about his plans to change the museum with replacing the old artifacts with bold modern art. Arin argued that history can he helpful with Roby remarking he reminds him of his uncle. Arin found Roby's idea of putting a holo-display of the seven Source Dragons locked in an epic battle to be cool. Arin was interested when Roby mentions Dragon Ivory, which Roby mentions how they are part of Arc Dragons' horns and the Elemental Cup was made from a polish Dragon Horns. Noticing a painting, Arin asks about it where Roby reveals it is his ancestor, Roake, the First Games Master, looking at the painting cufflinks, Arin ask Roby but Roby said he need to go to the matches. However Arin manage to get a look at his cufflinks which are the same as his ancestor and has the same symbol he found where the attacker bots were.

Roby continued to referee the matches and planned a bonus one with Zeatrix and Lloyd.

Clues and Suspects[]

Roby arrives at the ninja's hut along with some Temple Guards who are restraining Zeatrix. He reveals that she will be banished from the city and forbidden from participating in future tournaments as a consequence for attacking Lloyd. When Wyldfyre angers Zeatrix, almost causing a fight, Roby managed to extract her powers and promises to give them to Lloyd once he recovers and wakes up. He referees the fight between Sora and Frak, which Sora won.

Roby and Bleckt went back to their offices where they found Arin and Wyldfyre. Wyldfyre asked him about his cufflinks which he mentions that Bleckt had given them to him which his dad also wore for his first Tournament.

As the battle between Lloyd and Nokt was about to forfeit with the latter's victory by default, Lloyd managed to arrive and Roby passes Zeatrix's powers to him. However, noting Lloyd's injuries were not healed, Bleckt convinced Roby to forfeit the battle and proclaim Nokt the winner.

The Final Game[]

Roby referees the fight between Sora and Nokt, which ends in Nokt's victory. However, just as he was crowned the winner, Wyldfyre and Zur arrived to object, and exposed Bleckt's motive to have Roby eliminated and forming an alliance with the Wolf Clan. As Roby declared Nokt disqualified and the ceremony cancelled, Nokt managed to steal the Elemental Cup and gained all the absorbed Elemental Powers.

Elements of Betrayal[]

Roby regains the Elemental Cup and gets on a hoverpad. Ras jumps on and convinces him to drain Nokt's stolen powers. Roby reluctantly agrees to help Ras and flew the hoverpad to the Monastery of Gates. Once they got there, Ras used their hoverpad to destabilizing Nokt. A fierce battle erupted, with Arin, Riyu, and Ras collaborating to subdue Nokt; but before Roby could strip Nokt of the stolen Elemental Powers, Nokt retaliated, using Shockwave to nearly sending him off a cliff.

Roby held on the cliff before Wyldfyre saved him. Once they got to the Monestary, Roby used the cup to drain Nokt of his powers and return all the stolen powers to their rightful owners.

After the Forbidden Five, Ras, and Arin disappeared, Roby proclaimed Sora the winner of the tournament by default. After the games, Wyldfyre and Roby have a romantic moment, but Lloyd interrupts them until Sora drags Lloyd away for rudely interrupting the moment.




Bleckt is Roby's uncle and the former Minister of Ledgering. While their relationship remains rocky, Bleckt harbors complete appall for his nephew, who occupies the Games Master position. Due to this hidden hatred, Bleckt allied with Ras to try and overthrow Roby. Roby became shocked upon the discovery of his uncle's motives, and cancelled Nokt's victory celebration as a result.


“I’ll be the stang to your zoot any time”
— Roby to Wyldfyre, “Elements of Betrayal
Wyldfyre x Roby

Wyldfyre and Roby

Wyldfyre is Roby's girlfriend. Although Roby remained unaware of Wyldfyre's feelings for him at first as well as his own emotions as she followed him around, they eventually admit their feelings after the tournament, sharing a roar between each other.






Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 2[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


  • Although he has printed legs in the show, his minifigure has plain black legs.
  • A member of the Imperium Teen Resistance Force has the same design as Roby.



Face prints[]

Design variants[]

In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Ninjago: Dragons Rising characters
Heroes Arin · Cole · Frak · Kai · Lloyd · Nya · Sora · Wyldfyre · Zane
Allies Alfonzo Frohicky
Villains Administration Agents (Agent Allen · Agent Denholt · Agent Farbissina · Agent Karit · Agent Ramirez · Agent Underwood · Spitta · Sub-Agent Prentis · The Administrator) · Lord Argus · Attacker bots · Empress Beatrix · Bleckt · Chen · Cinder · Claw Hunters (Blorko · Claw General · Hunter No. 29) · Dorama · Dorama's stagehands · Dr. LaRow · Dragonians (Dragonian Scouts · Dragonian Tourist · Dragonian Warriors · Tyr) · Fedulian · Forbidden Five (Drix · Kur · Nokt · Rox · Zarkt) Imperium Guards (Imperium Guard Commander· Melvin) · Jay · The Mechanic · Jordana · Rapton · Lord Ras · Ras' master · Wolf warriors (Wolf Mask Claw Warriors · Wolf Mask General · Wolf Mask Guards · Wolf Mask Warriors) · Zeatrix · Zaiden Kane
Creatures Arc Dragon of the Fire Tribe · Buck Buck · Crab monster · Crabbed beast · Craglings (King Crag-Nor · Arccrack · Rockworth) · Dream-Guyver · Egalt · Fire Dragon · Green Forest Dragon · Jiro · Lava Dragons (Feisty · Flameheart · Heatwave · Red · Sparky) · Lava-Tides (Lava-Tide Leader · Lava-Todd the Wise · Lava-Tony · Lava-Tony's sous-chefs) · Matriarch of Fallen Leaves · Matriarch's child · Mountain Dragons (Eridany · Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons · Riyu) · Pace Dragon · Patriarch of the Northern Spiral · Patriarch's child · Rock monster · Rontu · Source Dragons (Source Dragon of Energy · Source Dragon of Life · Source Dragon of Motion · Source Dragon of Strength · Unknown Source Dragon · Unknown Source Dragon (blue symbol) · Unknown Source Dragon (white symbol)) · Spirit Dragons · Stone Scouts · Sweeper · Stone Swordsmen · Tentacled beasts · Water-Tides (Kizzy) · Zanth
Other Akita · Alfonzo Frohicky's grandmother · Alfonzo Frohicky's mother · Algae farmers (Dale) · Algu · Arccrack · Arrakore · Arin's parents · Baker · Beatrix and Zeatrix's mother · Big Han · Blacksmith · Boat Vendor · Bone collectors · Bone Hunters · Bone Guards · Bone King · Bone Knights · Bone Scorpios · Bone Warriors · Bonzle · Borg Store Employee · Caregiver bot · Chamille · Children of the Wolf (Asa · Balun · Iriel · Warby · Zuri) · Clutch Powers · Construction workers · Daniel · Devonians (Devonian King · Zur) · Ekesian Coldfang the Wise · Ellie · Emcee · Euphrasia · Frak's parents · Frak's uncle · Fritz · Frogtor · Fugi-Dove · Gandalaria · Garmadon · Gayle Gossip · Geckles (Chancellor Gulch · Gorge · Grouce) · Geo · Gerard Gearhead · Gus · Gweeg · Hantro · Henjamin · Imperium Teen Resistance Force (Percival Tartigrade) · Intelligent George · Janet · King Urd Leatherwing · Kreel · K.R.E.E.L. · Lasha · Levo · Lobbo · Lobbo's mother · Maaray Guards · Mama Mawa · Marcus · Master of Gluing · Master Wu · Maya · Model Shop Owner · Morro · Mr. Pale · Mezmo · Mikloshe · Monkey Wretch · Mr. Koenig · Mucoids (Grab-Barg · Tope-Epot · Zant-Tanz) · Munce (Mord) · Museum director · Neuro · Nindroid Drones · Nindroid Sentries (Sentry General) · Nindroid Warriors · NinjaFanInfinity · Ninjago City Stage Actor Union · Obscuria · Ocean gang (Ocean gang leader) · Percy Shippelton · P.I.X.A.L. · Ras' tribe (Ancients of the Wyldness · Zarkar) · Ray · Restaurant Worker · Roake · Roby · Roby's father · Richie · Security Bots · Security Bots (Temple City) · Skalidor · Skeleton juggler · Slug Merchants · Smad · Smythe · Sora's parents · SpinjitzuForDays99 · Spirit of the Temple · Spitz · Street Vendor · Sushimi Chef · Suetonius · Targle · Tea Vendor · Teelk · Tox · Treg · Underhill · Unknown Elemental Master (Geckle) · Unknown Elemental Master (Greenbone Warrior) · Workshop Mechanic