Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
Roots is the thirtieth and final episode of the fifteenth season of Ninjago and the 210th and final episode overall.
The Ninja show their true potential and perform a selfless act to save Ninjago from the Crystal King.[1]
Extended: The Ninja combine weapons and release their elemental powers to form a four-headed dragon. Garmadon dies and triggers Lloyd's Oni Form, but Lloyd resists using his rage to win. He rides the dragon and defeats the Crystal King with elemental breath. He escapes the temple with Harumi and Garmadon, who faked his death. Ninjago is saved, and a week later, the Ninja and allies rebuild the Monastery.[1]
LEGO's YouTube Channel: As the battle rages, Garmadon suffers a fatal blow from the Crystal King in front of Lloyd. In a final act to save NINJAGO City, the Ninja must combine powers to stop the Crystal King's destructive blast!
Does Lloyd have the power to defeat the Crystal King alone? Who will win in the battle between good and evil?

Garmadon, Lloyd and Harumi fighting the Overlord
Atop of the Crystal Island, Harumi, Lloyd, and Garmadon continue to battle the Overlord. However, the Overlord once again overpowers all three of them, and knocks back Garmadon, leaving him severely injured. The impact causes him to revert to his normal form, and as Lloyd tries to reassure him, Garmadon claims it is too late for him and seemingly dies.

Lloyd unlocking his Oni Form
As the Overlord taps into the central crystal to begin corrupting the Elements of Creation, Lloyd, completely enraged, transforms into his Oni form and knocks back the Overlord with Destruction. However, he quickly reverts to his normal self after looking at his reflection, giving the Overlord the opportunity to knock Lloyd off the Crystal Island before proceeding to tap the crystal again, this time preparing to corrupt all life in Ninjago.

The four ninja procced to unify the Golden Weapons
As Wu realizes that it is too late to stop the Overlord's ultimate goal of petrifying all life in Ninjago, he states that their last hope is to reunite the weapons, freeing the elemental power bestowed in them. The ninja fly up to a building and say their last words, believing this to be the end. The destruction of the Golden Weapons summons a golden beam of light, countered by a blast of darkness from the Crystal Temple. Ultimately, the temple's blast wins as it spreads corruption throughout Ninjago, crystalizing all below (including the ninja).

Lloyd riding upon the Golden Ultra Dragon
Despite this, the powers of the weapons form the Golden Ultra Dragon, which catches Lloyd from his fall. Believing to having succeeded in petrifying all life in Ninjago, the Overlord spitefully prepares to kill Harumi, but the Green Ninja arrives upon the Golden Ultra Dragon to fight the Overlord.

The Golden Ultra Dragon defeating the Overlord
Fighting one-on-one for the first time since the ultimate battle, the Golden Ultra Dragon uses Earth, Fire, Ice, and Lightning to attack the Overlord. Using their combined powers, Lloyd and the Golden Ultra Dragon were able to use a powerful beam of golden energy on the Overlord, immobilizing the Crystal King before shattering him to pieces. Lloyd and Harumi reunite, alongside with Garmadon, who reveals he was faking his death in an attempt to draw out Lloyd's Oni Form. The three fly on the Golden Ultra Dragon to escape the collapsing Crystal Island. With the defeat of the Overlord, everyone (including the ninja) is freed and witness the Crystal Island being destroyed by a burst of light, which erased the infectious crystals and restoring peace to Ninjago.

The ninja and their allies looking at the Golden Ultra Dragon
The ninja, alongside some of their friends and allies head onto a building to meet with Lloyd, Garmadon, Harumi, and the Golden Ultra Dragon. The ninja are uneasy by the presence of Harumi, though Garmadon and Lloyd reassure that she is now on their side. The ninja realize the Golden Ultra Dragon is a combination of their elemental powers and bid them farewell as the dragon fades away. Wu comments that their powers will return in time, and that for now they must rebuild.

Garmadon replants Christofern
Somewhere on a distant mountain, Garmadon replants Christofern, and feels proud for what he has accomplished and leaves to help the ninja rebuild the Monastery of Spinjitzu.

Many of the ninja's allies and former foes gathered to help rebuild the Monastery
As the ninja struggle to rebuild it, Dareth arrives with their friends, families and allies whom fought aside them during the Overlord's conflict, deciding to help out with the reconstruction of the Monastery. Christofern is seen on the mountain once more, flourishing healthily.
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Dareth - Alan Marriott
- Garmadon - Mark Oliver
- Harumi - Britt McKillip
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd Garmadon - Sam Vincent
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- Sally - Ashleigh Ball (archival audio)
- The Overlord - Scott McNeil
- Wu - Paul Dobson
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Antonia
- Benthomaar
- Blazey H. Speed
- Brayden Nelson
- Fuchsia Ninja
- Fugi-Dove
- Fungus
- Gayle Gossip
- Gleck
- Gulch
- Hayley Wolfe
- Hailmar
- Hounddog McBrag
- Killow
- Korgran
- Leroy
- Maaray Guards
- Maya
- Milton Dyer
- Misako
- Murtessa
- Nelson
- Okino
- Orange Ninja
- P.I.X.A.L.
- Pink Ninja
- Plundar
- Police Commissioner
- Ray
- Red Visors
- Richie
- Ritchie
- Ronin
- Skales
- Skylor
- Teal Ninja
- Twitchy Tim
- Ultra Violet
- Unagami
- Vania
- Vinny Folson
- Yellow Ninja
- Acidicus (painting)
- Acronix (painting)
- Arcturus (painting)
- Ash (painting)
- Bolobo (painting)
- Chamille (painting)
- Chen (painting)
- Clouse (painting)
- Cryptor (painting)
- Cyrus Borg (painting)
- Fangtom (painting)
- Ghoultar (painting)
- Gravis (painting)
- Iron Baron (painting)
- Kozu (painting)
- Kruncha (painting)
- Krux (painting)
- Min-Droid (painting)
- Morro (painting)
- Mr. Pale (painting)
- Nadakhan (painting)
- Neuro (painting)
- Nuckal (painting)
- Pythor (painting)
- Samukai (painting)
- Shade (painting)
- Skalidor (painting)
- Soul Archer (painting)
- Tox (painting)
- Adam
- Chompy
- Colossus (painting)
- Fire Dragon (painting)
- Firstbourne (painting)
- Golden Dragon (painting)
- Golden Ultra Dragon
- Great Devourer (painting)
- Stormbringer (painting)
- The Preeminent (painting)
- Ultra Dragon (painting)
- Zippy
- Christofern
- Garmadon's helmet
- Gis
- Golden (Cole, Jay, Kai, LLoyd, Zane)
- Oni Form (Lloyd)
- Samurai X (Nya)
- Dragon Form (Cole, Jay, Kai, Zane)
- Trainee (Cole, Jay, Kai and Zane; painting)
- Zx (Lloyd; painting)
- Elemental (Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd and Zane; painting)
- Stone Armor (Zane; painting)
- Jungle (Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd and Zane; painting)
- Deepstone (Nya and Jay; painting)
- Destiny (Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd and Zane; painting)
- Fusion (Kai and Nya; painting)
- Resistance (Lloyd; painting)
- Infectious crystals
- Dragon Chestplate
- Katanas
- Korgran's axe
- Samurai X suit
- Shintaro wings
- Aeroblades (painting)
- Anacondrai Blades (painting)
- Artificial limbs (painting)
- Djinn Blade (painting)
- Dragonbone Blade (painting)
- Golden Weapons/Golden Armor (Golden Armor; painting)
- Oni Mask of Hatred (painting)
- Realm Crystal (painting)
- Serpentine Staffs (painting)
- Sky mines (painting)
- Staff of the First Spinjitzu Master (painting)
- Soul Archer's bow (painting)
- Teapot of Tyrahn (painting)
- Techno Blades (painting)
- Time Blades (painting)
- Underworld helmet (painting)
- Blade Cycle (painting)
- Destiny's Bounty (painting)
- Earth Driller (painting)
- Iron Doom (painting)
- Misfortune's Keep (painting)
- Overlord Mech (painting)
- Samurai Mech (painting)
- Snowmobile (painting)
- Storm Glider (painting)
- Tread Assault (painting)
- Attack of the Great Devourer (painting)
- The Final Battle (painting)
- Nindroid crisis (painting)
- Second Serpentine War (painting)
- Ghost invasion (painting)
- Alternate timeline (painting)
- Battle on the Dark Island (painting)
- Battle for All of Time (painting)
- Fall of Ninjago (painting)
- Liberation of Ninjago (painting)
- Final prophecy of Quanish the Elder
- Ninjago (realm)
- Ninjago
- Ninjago City
- Borg Tower (painting)
- City Hall
- Newspaper warehouse
- Mountains of Impossible Height
- Sea of Sand (painting)
- Mountain
- Ninjago City
- Dark Island (painting)
- Endless Sea (painting)
- Ninjago's sky
- Crystal Island
- Djinnjago (painting)
- Ninjago
- Realm of Oni and Dragons (painting)
- Chickens
- Crystal zombies
- Djinns (painting)
- Dragons
- Elemental Dragons
- Ghosts (painting)
- Giant spiders
- Geckles
- Humans
- Islanders
- Merlopians
- Munce
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon hybrids
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Serpents (painting)
- Serpentine
- Anacondrai (painting)
- Constrictai (painting)
- Fangpyre (painting)
- Hypnobrai
- Vermillion (painting)
- Venomari (painting)
- Shadow creatures (painting)
- Skulkin (painting)
- Sky Folk
- Stone Warriors (painting)
- Narrator: Garmadon
- When Zane mentions that the rebuilding of the Monastery will take 12 years, 8 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days, it is a reference to when the Hageman Brothers began to write the pilot episodes in early 2010.
- Tommy Andreasen once mentioned that he would like for the final episode of Ninjago to match the shot of Wu walking up to Four Weapons Blacksmith in "Way of the Ninja."[2] The scene at the end of the episode when Wu looks into the distance[3] does resemble the shot in the pilot episodes where Wu looks at the blacksmith shop from afar.
- "Inner Steel" is the final song heard in the series, Lloyd is the final ninja to appear, Wu is the final character to speak (the final lines of the show being, "Remarkable. Simply remarkable"), Christofern's mountain is the final location, and Christofern is the final thing shown in the series.
- This is the final appearance of the ninja, Wu, Garmadon, P.I.X.A.L., and many other characters in the original series.
- This is the final appearance of the Ninjago history mural.
- When asked what Lloyd said to Harumi when he took her hand on the rooftop after the final battle, Tommy Andreasen stated, "Not gonna tell … but a few options:"[4]
- ‘You’re gonna fix our god damn temple!’
- ‘Did you know PYTHOR unleashed the Great Devourer?’
- ‘What’s up with the face paint anyway?’
- ‘You have A LOT of explaining to do.’
Cultural references
- Lloyd unlocking his Oni Form through frustration and quickly reverting back after fearfully seeing his reflection is similar to how Steven Universe from the show of the same name uses his pink powers out of frustration, only for him to be frightened by a cracked reflection of himself and revert back to normal in the episode, "Volleyball," an episode of the show's epilogue series, Steven Universe Future. A result of both characters using a higher-level destructive power involves their parental figures (Pink Diamond, Steven's mother, and Garmadon, Lloyd's father). Steven was troubled by the war crimes his mother committed, whilst Lloyd believed his father to have been killed by the Overlord, thus triggering these powers.
- It is also similar to the final battle of Avatar: The Last Airbender, where Aang achieves the Avatar State, and almost kills Ozai, but then depowers himself due to him not wanting to use violence.
- Lloyd unlocks his Oni Form for the first time.
- Until the events of Quest for the Lost Powers, Lloyd and Nya were the only two out of the original six ninja to retain their elemental powers.
- This episode shares similarities to "Day of the Great Devourer."
- Both battles take place within Ninjago City.
- Both battles include four-headed dragons confronting the main antagonists in the battle (the Great Devourer and the Overlord).
- Before the climatic battles begin, one of the Sons of the First Spinjitzu Master is believed to have died at the hands of said antagonists (Wu being consumed by the Great Devourer and Garmadon being "killed" by the Overlord) but both are confirmed to be alive and well after those antagonists are defeated.
- Later on, the other Son of the First Spinjitzu Master that was not "killed" tells the ninja to make a decision about the fate of the Golden Weapons, with Zane being the one to acknowledge no other alternative, but the intentions are different. The ninja gave the Golden Weapons to Lord Garmadon with the intentions of destroying the Great Devourer. Here, Wu ordered the ninja to destroy the Golden Weapons to prevent the Overlord from corrupting their powers, and unintentionally created the Golden Ultra Dragon. Both outcomes ultimately resort in their opponents being defeated by the combined powers of the Golden Weapons in some form.
- Following the ninja's victory, the ninja end up temporarily losing accessibility to their Elemental Powers in some way, with Lord Garmadon stole the Golden Weapons from the ninja, thus severely weakening their powers, while here they lost both the Golden Weapons and access to the Elemental Powers within them as the Golden Ultra Dragon faded away.
- The final battle between Lloyd and the Golden Ultra Dragon against the Overlord is very reminiscent of the Final Battle during "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master."
- Both battles take place in the skies above Ninjago City, upon the Overlord's base (Garmatron and the Crystal Island).
- Lloyd is wearing a Golden suit.
- Has a Golden Dragon to help fight the Overlord.
- The Overlord has a form which allows him to fly.
- The Ninja and citizens of Ninjago are turned into zombie-like creatures, with the exception of Kai in the previous battle.
- The Overlord sneaking up on Lloyd at one point in the fight.
- Both fights lasting between 1–2 minutes after Lloyd gets his Golden Dragons.
- The Overlord's base being destroyed after his defeat.
- Lloyd, Garmadon and Harumi returning on the Golden Ultra Dragon with the ninja and their allies is identical to Lloyd alone returning to his allies on his Golden Dragon.
- Garmadon survives his encounter with the Overlord and is once again good.
- Ninjago City begins to rebuild after the Overlord's reign is over.
- Despite Garmadon mentioning that Destruction is the only thing capable of destroying the Overlord for good in "Safe Haven" and "Distress Calls," Lloyd defeats the Overlord with the Elements of Creation. As a result, his spirit has returned to dormancy again.[5]
- Harumi is redeemed, but she is now seemingly under the watchful eye of the Police Commissioner.
- As the Crystal Island begins to collapse, Lloyd drags Harumi with him and brings her aboard on the Golden Ultra Dragon. This is a possible nod to Lloyd's inability to save Harumi from the collapsing building from "Saving Faith."
- When he arrives to help Lloyd rebuild his monastery, Garmadon smiles genuinely without any malevolent features, a conclusion of one of Vinny's first "how to be good" lessons from Garmadon's flashback in "Christofern."
- During the reconstruction of the Monastery of Spinjitzu, the New Ninja and Hounddog McBrag can be seen helping out, indicating that they are no longer enemies with the original ninja.
- Dareth interrupting a moment between Kai and Skylor is a callback to "The Corridor of Elders."
- Ironically enough, both episodes were the finales of their respective seasons.
- When Lloyd checks his reflection after reverting from his Oni Form, his hair isn't mirrored.
- The Fire Dragon is seen using earth to immobilize the Overlord.
- Infectious Crystals can still be seen after the Crystal King was defeated.
Language | Name |
Chinese (Traditional) | 根源 |
Czech | Kořeny |
Dutch | Wortels |
Finnish | Juuret |
French | Racines |
German | Wurzeln |
Italian | Radici |
Polish | Korzenie |
Portuguese (POR) | Raizes |
Spanish | Raíces |
Ukrainian | Коріння |