Extended: Skylor rescues Kai and Cole from Pythor using elemental powers borrowed from both Ninja. They take shelter in an arcade and find Jake, separated from his parents. They head for the warehouse through the sewers to avoid the crystal-infected zombies and reunite Jake with his parents. Elsewhere in the sewers, Lloyd and Garmadon discover their potential Serpentine allies have already evacuated.[1]
LEGO's YouTube Channel:Dazed by the wreckage of their vehicles, Cole and Kai are attacked by Crystal Warriors led by Pythor! Skylor rescues them, and together they decipher Master Wu's message to meet at the newspaper warehouse!
Will Cyrus Borg be able to repair Zane? What is the Ninja's new plan?
Kai regains consciousness in the wreck of his vehicle before managing to get out and comes across Cole, who's disoriented from the crash. Hearing Pythor close by searching for them, Kai grabs Cole and they head for an alleyway as Pythor started to close in on them. Their attempt to hide behind a dumpster fails when Cole, in his disoriented state, gives away their position and Kai tries to fight back.
Skylor soon showed up, and absorbs Kai's Fire and Cole's Earth before using them to block Pythor's view to make their getaway. Upon escaping the alleyway, Skylor explains how the Destiny's Bounty was destroyed, surprising Cole, who recovers from his disoriented trance, and quickly hide before they could be spotted by Harumi, who was patrolling on a Dragonide.
Kai soon leads them to Benny's Arcade Emporium for shelter, where they come across Jake, who had the same idea. As Skylor objected to Kai's solution and more potentialhiding spots too far, she receives a transmission from Wu, proclaiming 'the news never sleeps,' which makes them realize he is at the newspaper warehouse and head for it.
Meanwhile, while trying to find a way back to the surface, Lloyd and Garmadon end up in the library of the Serpentine City, and discovered they had already evacuated. Garmadon then remarked they wouldn't be useful and tells Lloyd he must achieve his Oni Form, to which Lloyd mentions it is his greatest fear before asking if Garmadon cares about something. Upon Garmadon showing Christofern, Lloyd stubbornly tells him plants don't count.
Kai, Cole, Skylor, and Jake eventually reach the warehouse, only to find themselves cornered by crystal zombies before the paperboys arrive and save them. As Wu tries to comfort a couple he and the paperboys first saved, the man asks about their son, but Wu tells him it's too dangerous to go out and search for them before Kai, Cole, Skylor, and Jake arrive. Jake immediately spotted the couple and ran towards them, relieved to see his parents before they all embrace while Wu came over to the others. As they express joy at seeing each other again, Skylor looked at Jake and his parents, smiling at the reunion.
Lloyd saying plants don't care if they don't get sent it a birthday card is a possible reference to The LEGO Ninjago Movie, where Garmadon forgot it was Lloyd's birthday.
This episode marks the second time Skylor fuses two elements, the first being in "Radio Free Ninjago" with Shadow and Light. In this case, she fuses both Fire and Earth.
Including specials, as of this episode the ninja have had their post-movie designs longer than their pre-movie designs.
The first few minutes recaps the moment Kai and Cole crash into the side of the building in "Brave But Foolish."
When Pythor calls out to Cole and Kai in a singing voice "Come out, come out, wherever you are!," it is a reference to Morro singing out the exact same line to Lloyd in "Curseworld, Part I" and to Ronin doing so in "Public Enemy Number One."
Wu's message from "Quittin' Time!" plays on Skylor's walkie-talkie, in bits due to static interfering most of it.
The couple that Wu and the paperboys saved in the same episode are revealed to be Jake's parents.
Lloyd tells Garmadon that his Oni Form was his most greatest fear, which he learnt in "The Explorer's Club."
This is the final episode in the original series where Jay and Nya don’t appear.
This episode's title in descriptions have it named "Save Haven" instead.[1]
The episode's YouTube synopsis mentions Zane and Cyrus Borg, despite neither of them appearing in this episode.