The Scroll of Grievances is a scroll that the Lava-Tides utilize to record crimes against their community.
At some point, the Lava-Tides began recording the various crimes that has been committed in the scroll, eventually amassing a massive list.
Wyldly Inappropriate[]
When Kai and Wyldfyre arrived at the Lava-Tide Village in search of the Purple Dragon Core, the Lava-Tide Leader confirmed that the core had been bestowed upon them to protect for generations. However, she refused to give the core to the two ninja because of the many grievances Wyldfyre had caused for them in the past. When Kai asked if the Lava-Tides could at least give them an opportunity to prove that Wyldfyre had changed, the Leader reluctantly called for the Scroll of Grievances to be brought forward. The scroll was then unfurled and hurled all the way down the staircase, rolling for several yards as it continued to unfurl before coming to a complete stop, leaving Kai horrified at its length.
The Scroll of Grievances is a tan-colored scroll that is fairly long, spanning longer than a normal staircase.
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 1[]
- 13. "Wyldly Inappropriate"