Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
Secrets of the Wyldness is the eighth episode of the second season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising and the 28th episode overall.
The Ninja head to the Wyldness, where they must confront Lord Ras - whether they're ready or not. Sorceress reveals her plan for keeping Bonzle safe.[1]
LEGOs YouTube Channel: THE BLOOD MOON HAS RISEN! Everyone must go to the Wyldness whether they want to or not. And we do mean everyone. It’s not clear how the ninja are going to get out of this one but: go ninja, GO![2]
ITVX: Cole, Zane, and the Sorceress attempt to lead Bonzle to safety as the Ninja arrive in the Wyldness on the Bounty only to find Ras waiting for them.[3]
Extended: With the Dragon Masters turned to stone, Lloyd's visions guide the Ninja to the Wyldness before their training is complete. Meanwhile, Cole and Zane fight the Administration, allowing Bonzle, Sprite and the Sorceress to escape past Agent Jay Walker, a former Ninja! They reunite in the Wyldness and sneak past Wolf Mask soldiers towards potential safety, just as the Bounty arrives, and crashes.[4]
Wyldfyre trying to tickle Egalt
The ninja sadly observe Egalt and Rontu in their petrified state, with the exception of Wyldfyre, who believes that the Dragon Masters are pranking them. As most of the others walk away, she tries to wake Egalt by tickling him, and eventually attempts to stomp on his foot, instead hurting her own. Nya hands Wyldfyre her crutch, with the latter realizing that it isn't a prank. She asks if the petrification will wear off. Kai replies uncertain, and Wyldfyre instead turns to Lloyd, who replies similarly. He tells the others that Ras could start the Ritual of the Blood Moon at any time to free the Forbidden Five, and that they don't have much time. Arin remains hopeful, and confidently tells Kai that his mastery of Rising Dragon technique can help them prevent the Forbidden Five from returning. Kai expresses that he hasn't truly mastered Rising Dragon, and when Nya suggests that he practice and teach them, he states that he doesn't remember how he performed it successfully the first time. Lloyd begins to experience another vision despite his attempts to resist it.
Lloyd sees Ras commencing the ritual
In his vision, Lloyd sees the Shadow Dojo, where Ras begins the ritual with a captive Bonzle on an altar in front of him. Lloyd's vision continues as he views the Forbidden Five through a portal, and Ras strikes the Gong of Shattering with a mallet. Wolf Mask Claw Warriors run at Lloyd, slashing their claws in air. Lloyd wakes up on the ground, with the others surrounding him. He states that Ras is about to begin the ritual, and that they must stop him before it is too late.
Cole fighting Administration Dragon Mechs
Elsewhere, a battle ensues between agents of the Administration and the outnumbered Cole, Zane, and Gandalaria. Agents fire their blasters, pressuring the Monastery of Mysterium as Zane swiftly defeats two of them. Two Master Mechs approach with hopes of capturing Zane, but Cole arrives in his Elemental Earth Mech to fend them off, cracking a joke about paperwork. Zane fights off more agents, and questions Cole's use of humor. He throws two shurikens at more agents, questioning Agent Allen if equipment would be capable of such an attack. Allen reasons that it depends on their programming but takes the point. Inside the walls of the Monastery, Gandalaria uses her crystal ball to attack Administration Agents, laughing at the though of her old nemesis Janet telling her that her crystal ball didn't work right. All of a sudden, her crystal ball changes colors and fires an onion at two agents, with its stench burning their eyes and causing them to fall to the ground in pain. Outside, Cole challenges three Master Mechs, and expresses his regret when they all attack his mech at once. Agent Allen threatens him with a fine, but Zane points out that they were already ordered to be terminated and that the fine didn't matter, to which Allen agrees with before being knocked down by Cole in his mech. Behind Zane, Gandalaria uses her crystal ball to fire coconuts at more agents, exclaiming that they need to protect Bonzle from them.
Jay seeing a reflection of him as a ninja
In the tunnels under the monastery, Agent Jay Walker demands Bonzle's surrender, to which she refuses politely. Jay references the rules in place that warrants his arrest of Bonzle, and Bonzle states that she senses he isn't real interested in his duty anyways. Jay agrees, and states that he doesn't remember what he did before the Administration, and that he finds his job uninteresting and rule-binding. He asks if he could arrest her to make it simple, but Sprite flies over to him, causing him a great deal of annoyance, giving Bonzle the chance to escape by doubling back before Sprite reveals a reflection of Jay as a ninja. Jay expresses his confusion and touches his reflection, causing his hand to glow with white and yellow electricity. He becomes upset and tells Sprite that nobody can know about his ability.

Zane gets overloaded
Cole continues to fight the three Dragon Mechs in his elemental mech, as they disconnect the Dragon Mechs within them, providing Cole with six opponents rather than three. Zane and Gandalaria assist him in battle, with Zane freezing the foot of one of the Master Mechs in ice. Cole protects Zane from a second Master Mech, using a chunk of earth to knock Allen's mech to the ground. Gandalaria fixes her crystal ball and fires a bolt of magenta electricity at a large mech with two Dragon mechs on the side, rendering their pilots unconscious. The mech that was previously frozen breaks free, and the other ones begin to attack once more. Zane begins to hack into a mech's system in an effort to disable the others, and Gandalaria helps defend him from more agents using coconuts from her crystal ball. Cole knocks back all of the other mechs, with the exception of Allen's, which he uses to throw a spear through Zane's, disabling the latter and his seized vehicle. Gandalaria uses her crystal ball to reboot Zane, who finishes his data breach and disables the opponent mechs. This action also frees Jiro, and Bonzle reconvenes with the rest of the group.
They all fly towards the Wyldness to find the magical storagehouse, where Gandalaria plans to secure Bonzle in a protective container until the Blood Moon passes. They pass Cloud Kingdom, land on the ground, and hide swiftly to avoid patrols of Wolf Mask Warriors. Gandalaria remarks that she thought her Fortune-Telling Tea would give her insight into the events of the day, as the four of them leave Jiro hidden while they advance towards the magical storagehouse.

Jordana performs Theroxian Magic
In Cloud Kingdom, Jordana informs Ras that she has located the ninja, observing the Destiny's Bounty through her crystal ball. Ras tells her to stop them remotely, and Jordana protests using Theroxian Magic since she is only beginning to understand it. Ras gets upset, and Cinder smiles behind Jordana. Jordana starts to perform forbidden magic on her crystal ball.

Kai barely makes it to his climber mech
Elsewhere, the Destiny's Bounty starts to experience an unnatural storm, with wind and lightning throwing Arin off the ship, with Riyu following close behind. Several seconds later, Lloyd and Nya get thrown off together as well, with Kai, Sora, and Wyldfyre bracing for impact as they crash land on a ledge in a deep canyon. Lloyd and Nya land on the top of a tall tree, and fall through several layers of branches, with Lloyd thinking they're done falling at each one, until they reach the ground. Elsewhere, Arin freefalls with Riyu close behind him. With things looking grim for both of them, Riyu grabs Arin and attempts flight, shakily gliding but ultimately crashing on the ground. Arin is surprised to be alive and expresses his gratitude to Riyu. Back in the canyon, the Destiny's Bounty rocks back and forth on the ledge, and the group remaining on the ship looks down into the canyon, which goes further down into the earth than any of them can observe. They create a plan to use Kai's Climber Mech to reach the top of the ravine, but Kai causes the ship to shift slightly while celebrating. Sora theorizes that if Wyldfyre and herself jump on one side of the ship, Kai can retrieve the mech on the other side. They follow her plan, but the ship tips over and the ninja fall out. Kai gets inside his Climber Mech while in midair, and catches Wyldfyre and Sora after latching to the ravine wall. Sora expresses her condolences for the Bounty, and they climb out of the canyon.

Jordana corrupts the protective container
Elsewhere, Zane, Cole, Gandalaria, and Bonzle reach the magical storagehouse. The two ninja question Gandalaria about the size of it, and she states that they don't understand magic. She attempts to open the door with her crystal ball, but it fails and she yells out in frustration, almost tipping off the nearby patrols. She tries again, and this time the door swings open, and she verbally mocks Janet. Once inside, the storagehouse is much larger than it first appeared, and Cole expresses his surprise at the fact. Gandalaria explains that the storagehouse is where practitioners of magic store their magical items. Eventually, she finds the protective container, and Bonzle questions if the crate is also larger on the inside. Gandalaria expresses her regrets that it isn't, and Cole helps her carry it out into the central area of the storagehouse. Gandalaria tells the group that the protective container is her second most powerful creation, after Bonzle, and that Bonzle would be safe in it. Bonzle is hesitant to get into the box, but after Cole and Zane reassure her, she hops in and finds it to be cozy. Gandalaria begins to start the spell to seal the crate, but when she's almost done, the box glows red, which she says isn't supposed to occur. Runes start to appear on the edges of the crate, which Zane identifies as Theroxian. The group lunges at the box, but are contained by an Imperium force field generator. Jordana emerges, and expresses her anger over the fact that none of the group knows who she is. She goes on a tangent, and eventually leaves with Bonzle still contained in the crate, abandoning Gandalaria, Cole, and Zane in the force field. Cole attempts to break free using Spinjitzu, but is bounced back.
Elsewhere, Lloyd and Nya recover from their fall, and head towards the direction of the Blood Moon. Arin and Riyu walk together as well, and Arin expresses his commitment to saving the world, even if the other ninja were believed to be gone.
- Black haired Administration Agent - Vincent Tong
- Arin - Deven Mack
- Bonzle - Michelle Creber
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Gandalaria - Tabitha St. Germain
- Jay - Michael Adamthwaite
- Jordana - Diana Kaarina
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd - Sam Vincent
- Nindroid Warrior - Unknown
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- Ras - Brian Drummond
- Riyu - Brian Drummond
- Roderick Allen - Micheal Adamthwaite
- Wyldfyre - Kazumi Evans
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Administration Agents
- Cinder
- Drix (vision)
- Egalt (statue)
- Kur (vision)
- Nokt (vision)
- Rox (vision)
- Rontu (statue)
- Sprite
- Wolf Mask Claw Warriors (vision)
- Writers of Destiny
- Zarkt (vision)
- Blasters
- Gandalaria's crystal ball
- Jordana's crystal ball
- Gis
- Climber (Cole, Kai, Lloyd, Nya, Zane)
- Merge (Arin, Sora)
- Urban (Sora)
- Wyldness (Wyldfyre)
- Agent (Jay)
- Dojo (Jay; reflection)
- Gong of Shattering
- Mallet of Shattering
- Onion
- Protective container
- Zane's golden shurikens
- Ritual of the Blood Moon (vision)
- Merged Realms
- Nether-Space (vision)
- Dragons
- Humans
- Merlopians
- Munce
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Serpentine
- Sorcerers
- Spells
- Tigers
- Doc Wyatt has confirmed that the reason Bonzle didn't tell Cole or Zane she encountered Jay beneath the Monastery of Mysterium is because she did not recognize him.[5]
- This is the first time that Jay, after losing his memories of the Ninja during The Merge has mentioned one of his former allies by name, the first name he mentions is Zane.
- The music that plays when Jay appears in the beginning of the episode is the same rendition of the Overture that played when he showed up after The Merge in "The Administration" and "Fugitives From Madness."
- It is possible that Jay resisted doing his job for a brief moment because of the name "Zane" being mentioned, this could be one of the first steps in Jay regaining his memories of his friends and past as a Ninja, similar to Zane in "Awakenings" and Nya in "The Call of Home."
- Sora and Wyldfyre's sad reactions to the new Destiny's Bounty falling into the abyss is similar to when the Great Devourer destroyed the original Destiny's Bounty in "Day of the Great Devourer" the original ninja even reacted in the same way, sad that their ship was gone.
- After Gandalaria stopped the spell on the box with Bonzle inside, runes appeared due to the nature of Jordana's spell. Zane identified them as Theroxian runes, despite them truly being common Ninjargon letters.
Language | Name |
Arabic | اسرار الوايلدنس |
Czech | Tajemství Wyldness |
Finnish | Wyldnessin salaisuudet |
French | Les Secrets des Terres de Lave |
German | Geheimnisse in Wyldness |
Italian | I segreti delle Terre Selvaggie |
Korean | 화 와일드니스의 비밀 |
Polish | Tajemnice Wyldness |
Portuguese (BRA) | Segredos de Wyldness |
Romanian | Secrete din Wyldness |
Russian | Секреты Вайлднесс (LEGO's YouTube) |