Ninjago Wiki


Ninjago Wiki
“Listen closely, and you can hear the heartbeat of the universe.”

Sound is an element in Ninjago. It is generally associated with the color teal.

Users' abilities[]

  • Sonokinesis/Audiokinesis - The user can shape, manipulate, absorb, convert/store, transmit, project, and control sound. A common use of this element is to create sonic beams, booms, blasts, explosions, force fields, or pulses/waves to attack the enemy omnidirectionally, fly, propel objects in the air, move them around through sound, or redirect/repel them, manipulate, absorb, detect, and empower themselves with vibrations/waves that are under or out of the ground to sense radio frequencies, truths, or lies, and even deliver concussive force, blasts, or beams. The user is also able to generate wave auras and airwaves that intensify, hush, and distort, as well as warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, and as a result, is able to produce a range of different noises.
    • Soundwave Generation - The user can generate and project soundwaves.
      • Echolocation/Radar - As seen in "Ninja Roll" and "The Sword Shatters," the user is able to use soundwaves to determine the location of objects and people in a space much like a radar, essentially replacing sight.
        • Infrared Vision/Motion Sense - As demonstrated by Jacob, users that are blind often use Sound to see the body heat from people and feel their movements.
        • Sightless Sensing/Enhanced Senses - It is stated that blind users like Jacob can use Sound to act without sight and possess other enhanced senses (smelling, hearing, taste, etc).
      • Sonic Scream - As seen with the past Master of Sound in "Lost in Time," the user is able to create and generate soundwaves from their mouth to destroy enemies with only one scream.
        • Sound Amplification/Powerful Roar - It is possible for the user to increase the volume of their scream even further, allowing them to shout so loud that it sounds like a roar powerful enough to blow away opponents and break objects.
    • Repulsion Field - The user can create a sonic field that pushes objects away.



Potential Sound symbol

The symbol of Sound is not apparent. Jacob, the Master of Sound, has no distinct shapes or artwork on his clothing, except for the one on his lower back and the stars on his glasses. The symbol on his lower back resembles a barbell.

It is unlikely that either shape is specifically the symbol of Sound, so it seems there is no Sound symbol.

Notable users[]




Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]

Season 7: The Hands of Time[]

Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 2[]

Video games[]



In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 4: Tournament of Elements[]

Season 7: The Hands of Time[]

In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 2[]


Language Name
Dutch Geluid
French Son
Italian Suono
Korean 소리


Elemental Powers

Elemental essences

Creation · Darkness · Destruction · Golden Power

Elements of Creation

Earth · Fire · Ice · Lightning

Other elements

Amber · Balance · Brute Force · Decay · Energy · Fear · Figment · Form · Fusion · Gravity · Heat · Imagination (non-canon) · Light · Metal · Mind · Misfortune · Nature · Plants · Poison · Propulsion · Quake · Reflex · Shadow · Shockwave · Size · Smoke · Sound · Speed · Surface Tension · Swarm · Technology · Time · Water · Wind

Movie elements

Creation · Earth · Fire · Green · Ice · Lightning · Surprise · Water
