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Ninjago Wiki
“You saw me with the Matriarch. She sent my powers into overdrive. I don't know why dragon energy enhances Elemental Powers, but those were my powers, not hers.”

Sparks are an ability that dragons do by transferring some of their dragon power to Elemental Masters[1], allowing them to establish a connection with the dragon and to have access to some abilities they can do with their life force, such as boosting Elemental Powers or Spinjitzu.


Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

The Merge: Part 1[]

After rescuing Riyu, Sora attempted to use the turbo boost on the SA Mark 01. However, the mech had been sabotaged, causing it to explode once the turbo boost was activated. While Sora, Arin, and Riyu were falling off of a bridge, Riyu used dragon power on Sora, allowing her to temporarily access her Technology Elemental Power to reconfigure the SA Mark 01 into a flying mech.

The Merge: Part 2[]

After Arin rescued Riyu on the prison train, Riyu offered his dragon power once again to Sora, who accidentally converted the Claw Hunters' Imperium Swords into bombs.

Later in the Land of the Three Mountains, Lloyd asked the Matriarch of the Mountain Dragons to grant him dragon power. Using it, he created a giant tornado of Spinjitzu, using it to defeat all of the Claw Hunters.

Crossroads Carnival[]

At the Crossroads Carnival, Riyu used dragon power to allow Sora to reconfigure the SA Mark 01 into a bike, allowing her to pursue Lobbo's kidnappers.

Writers of Destiny[]

Riyu used dragon power on Sora to allow her to fix the SA Mark 01.

The Battle of the Second Monastery[]

After Ras hit her, Sora used her momentum to damage the control panel for Riyu's cage. Once Riyu was free, he granted Sora dragon power, allowing her to use the cage to trap Ras. Afterwards, Sora exited the palace and used her power to disable all of Imperium's Photacs.

When Lloyd woke up, he entered the Monastery of Spinjitzu's courtyard to find Sora training with Riyu.

Land of Lost Things[]

Sora used her powers to disassemble part of the Hoarder, revealing a small bloblike creature in the cockpit. After Fritz and Spitz worked together to encase Sweeper in a glass jar, Sora stopped using her tech power and the Hoarder falls apart.

Absolute Power[]

Riyu used dragon power on Sora to allow her to create armor for Jiro.

Dragons Rising, Season 2[]

The Sword Shatters[]

Nya heard Kai through the Dragon Ivory stone. Riyu picked the stone up with his mouth and showed it to Nya. He gave her a spark, giving Nya the ability to communicate with Kai through the stone.

Elements of Betrayal[]

Riyu noticed the Crowns of Horns on the ceiling of the Monastery of Gates and showed it to Nya. Riyu gave Nya a spark and she blasted the horns, opening a portal to Nether-Space and freeing Kai and Bonzle.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]



In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]



Martial arts

Spinjitzu: Catjitzu · Forbidden Spinjitzu · Object Spinjitzu · Shatterspin · Spinjitzu Burst · Tornado of Creation
Other: Airjitzu · Art of the Silent Fist · Rising Dragon

Elemental abilities

Dragon Form · Earth Punch · Elemental creations (elemental Golems) · Elemental Dragons · Elemental shields · Fury of the Storm · Storm · True Potential · Wave

Serpentine abilities

Anacondrai invisibility · Constrictai grip · Fang-Kwon-Do · Fangpyre bite · Hive Mind · Hypnobrai hypnosis · Venomari venom · Vermillion reconstruction

Mystical arts

Curses · Magic (Dark Magic) · Shadows

Nindroid abilities

Falcon Vision · Zane's holographic cloak

Dareth's abilities

Animal fighting styles · Brown Power

Dancing techniques

Electric Jaya · Triple Tiger Sashay

Other abilities

Dream Crafting (non-canon) · Energy claws · Invisibility · Origami · Possession · Shapeshifting · Sparks · Time travel · Visions
