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Not to be confused with the event.
“I have enough power in a single claw to shatter Imperium into pieces. But mystically imprisoned, I can do no such thing. However, Elemental Master, I can give you power to act as my conduit.”

The Battle of the Second Monastery is the tenth episode of the first season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising.


Ninja never quit! Nya, Kai and Zane give the battle against Imperium new hope while Lloyd uncovers a mystery hidden deep below the city.

Extended: Kai, Nya, Zane come to Lloyd's aid as the ninjas and Wyldfyre hold off the Claws and protect escaped dragons from inside the new Monastery - meanwhile, Lloyd and Zane investigate a mysterious energy source beneath the city to power their escape and discover a new ally imprisoned by the Empress. As Sora and Arin's rescue of Riyu is interrupted by a rematch with Ras, Sora uses a spark from Riyu to defeat the enemy and shut down the Photacs.


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Arrival of hope

Dr. LaRow and Jordana have apprehended Arin and Sora. Dr. LaRow expresses disappointment in Sora, calling her by her real name. Arin tried to correct her on Sora's name. But Dr. LaRow explained that the original Sora is the dragon, while Sora's real name was Ana. Dr. LaRow conveyed to Sora that they share a commonality in their utilization of dragons as a source of power, thereby highlighting their similarities. Sora refutes this, stating that Dr. LaRow abuses dragons, while Riyu shares his power willingly. Dr. LaRow then showed Arin and Sora the battle outside and intends to make them watch as their friends perish. Suddenly, the ground quakes, and the Monastery of Imperium rises from the ground, showing the other ninja. Seeing the arrival as a sign of hope, Sora and Arin fought Dr. LaRow and Jordana.

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Jordana's upset

Lloyd reunites with his friends and asks how they managed to arrive, but they don't have clue. Beatrix arrives and orders her army to fight. Lloyd fills the three ninja in on about the battle and Wyldfyre, the latter of which Kai complains about, because of her power, thinking it's like his. As the fight continues, Arin and Sora fight but LaRow gives up fairly easily, detests physical brutality. Jordana continues to attack Sora and explains her motivations, as well as voicing her frustrations towards her since childhood, giving LaRow time to escape. The battle continues and Wyldfyre makes a fire wall. Kai complains to Lloyd about this and Zane creates a wall of Ice. Zane tells them that they'll need to retreat into the Monastery of Imperium to win. Wyldfyre disagrees but is swayed once she realizes that it'll buy Arin and Sora time. She gets the dragons to retreat, and they hide from the Claws. LaRow shows up to battle to tell Ras that the prisoners escaped, this angers Ras, and he immediately goes into the palace.

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Ras arrives

Jordana still attacks but Sora and Arin manage to trick her into setting their cuffs free before Ras appears in front of them, giving Jordana the chance to flee. Outside, the Claws continue to attack at the monastery when Nya notices the portal that led them there. Zane told them that they'll need a power source for the portal to take all the dragons. Lloyd checks the floor plates for any secret passageways, and he hurts himself falling down some stairs. Sora and Arin make their stand against Ras, and they manage to knock him down, only to be beaten by Ras shortly after. Lloyd and Zane arrive where they found the power source.

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Lloyd and Zane learn the source of Imperium energy

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Lloyd has a vision of the Source Dragon symbols...

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...and a grave

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Lloyd powered-up by Source Dragon energy

Lloyd and Zane discover that the battery is, in fact, a Source Dragon and attempt to free it. However, the Source Dragon of Energy intervenes and explains that his imprisonment by Imperium has prevented the realms from collapsing into chaos. The Source Dragon warns that his untimely release would lead to the destruction of the realms. Lloyd was confused when the dragon revealed himself to be a Source Dragon. The Source Dragon went on to clarify that, owing to his status as a Source Dragon, he could effortlessly obliterate the kingdom at ease. However, he was unable to do so due to his confinement. Furthermore, the Source Dragon extended an offer to Lloyd, granting him a portion of his power to energize the gate at the Monastery of Imperium. Lloyd accepted the offer, and was granted a vision of the Source Dragons' symbols, as well as a vision of graves of numerous ninja. Ras taunts Arin and Sora, but it was all a trick as Sora was hit on the system next to Riyu's cage, freeing him. Being given dragon power by him, Sora disassembles pieces of Riyu's cage and throws them at Ras to trap him in them, giving her, Arin, and Riyu the chance to escape. Meanwhile, the Monastery is under attack, and Lloyd powers up the portal before fainting. Zane catches him, and the dragons pass through the portal.

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Sora disassembles the Photacs

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Lloyd assures Arin that they are a family

The Claws break down the gate but Sora arrives and disables the Photacs. The ninja then escape, with Rapton failing to capture them and angering Beatrix. Several days later, Lloyd awakens in his room and talks to Sora, who tells him that while she doesn't understand her powers, she understands she has a responsibility to use them and explains that lots have changed since their escape, including Wyldfyre, Heatwave and some of the freed dragons choosing to stay with them. Nya, Kai and Zane arrived to congratulate Lloyd for pulling through, but he then noticed Arin upset. He goes to cheer him up where Arin reveals that he had been trying to find a new family after he lost his parents in the Merge. But now that Lloyd has most of his team back, Arin feels that he's not needed any more. But Lloyd assures him that the Ninja is his new family and that there is always room to grow, then he gives Arin back his old hood.

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The Empress Mech

Meanwhile back in Imperium, Beatrix calls in Ras, Rapton, and two Claws of Imperium. Ras informs Beatrix that more dragon hunting squads are being prepared, but Beatrix expresses her disinterest in dragons and insists on the destruction of the Ninja. Ras attempts to remind her of the plan and the importance of the Source Dragons' powers, but Beatrix has no patience for any more of Ras' failures. Upon Beatrix's orders, Ras is apprehended by the Claws and subsequently handcuffed, while Rapton confiscates Ras' weapon. As Beatrix presses a button on her throne, it transformed into the Empress Mech as she declares that she'll deal with the Ninja herself.













  • Currently, this episode has the longest title out of any Dragons Rising episode.

Cultural references[]


  • Lloyd tripping and tumbling down a pathway inside the Second Monastery, is reminiscent of him doing the same in "All of Nothing," when finding a way to free the Ninja from Pythor in the Serpentine's underground fortress.
    • Lloyd tripped in "All of Nothing" because his Green Ninja suit was too big for him at the time and he trips again in this episode after surprisingly coming across a pressure plate in the Second Monastery.
  • Lloyd’s vision of the future shares some similarities to the future seen in "Golden Legend."
  • This marks the first appearance of Lloyd's room since "Green and Gold."
  • Lloyd had kept his dirty hood from when he got it back from Arin in "The Merge: Part 2."


  • When Lloyd says "But these dragons can't get caught in the crossfire" his mouth doesn't move.
  • When first facing Ras, Sora somersaults over him and lands on top of Riyu's cage. In the next scene, however, she is charging at him from the opposite side.
  • When Arin was commenting on Ras' anger, his hand clipped through his torso.



Language Name
Chinese (Simplified) 第二道场之战
Chinese (Traditional) 第二道場之戰
Czech Bitva druhého kláštera
Dutch Het Tweede Kloostergevecht
Finnish Toisen luostarin taistelu
French La Bataille du Second Monastère
German Der Kampf um das Imperium-Kloster
Indonesian Pertempuran Biara Kedua
Italian La battaglia del Secondo Monastero
Polish Bitwa o Drugi Klasztor
Portuguese A Batalha do Segundo Mosteiro
Spanish La Batalla del Segundo Monasterio
Ukrainian Битва під другим монастирем
Turkish İkinci Manastır Savaşı


Ninjago: Dragons Rising episodes
Season 1 1. The Merge: Part 1 · 2. The Merge: Part 2 · 3. Crossroads Carnival · 4. Beyond Madness · 5. Writers of Destiny · 6. Return to Imperium · 7. Mindless Beasts · 8. I Will Be the Danger · 9. The Calm Inside · 10. The Battle of the Second Monastery · 11. The Temple of the Dragon Cores · 12. Gangs of the Sea · 13. Wyldly Inappropriate · 14. The Last Djinn · 15. They Call It Doom · 16. Land of Lost Things · 17. The Administration · 18. Absolute Power · 19. We Are All Dragons · 20. The Power Within
The Elemental Mechs 1. What the Mech? · 2. The Mech Master · 3. A Pain in the Mech!
Season 2 21. The Blood Moon · 22. Shattered Dreams · 23. Beyond the Phantasm Cave · 24. Force From the East · 25. The Spell at the Waterfall · 26. To Mysterium · 27. Fugitives From Madness · 28. Secrets of the Wyldness · 29. The Forest of Spirits · 30. Rising Ninja · 31. The Shape of Motion · 32. Enter the City of Temples · 33. They Gather for the Feast · 34. Inside the Maze · 35. United We Fall · 36. Truth and Lies · 37. The Sword Shatters · 38. Clues and Suspects · 39. The Final Game · 40. Elements of Betrayal
Return to the Wyldness 1. Queen of RAGE! · 2. Into the lava! · 3. A maze of reflections · 4. Time to get Red
Wyldfyre's Stories 1. My Camera Roll · 2. Draw With Me · 3. 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Dragon Eggs! · 4. Dragon Translator · 5. An App to Track Feelings · 6. Meditation or Meltdown · 7. Bye-bye Bone · 8. Lessons I Learned in the Wyldness
Wyldfyre's Voice Notes 1. Why am I doing this · 2. So what now? · 3. I AM RAGE · 4. Desperate measures · 5. Big news! · 6. Who am I? · 7. Finding Wyldfyre · 8. Ready to return!
Season 3 41. TBA · 42. TBA · 43. TBA · 44. TBA · 45. TBA · 46. TBA · 47. TBA · 48. TBA · 49. TBA · 50. TBA · 51. TBA · 52. TBA · 53. TBA · 54. TBA · 55. TBA · 56. TBA · 57. TBA · 58. TBA · 59. TBA · 60. TBA