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“With that raw energy, we can unlock forbidden secrets. Dark powers the world has not seen in centuries. And no one, not even the ninja, will have a chance of stopping us.”
Ras to Jordana

The Power Within is the twentieth and final episode of the first season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising.


Empress Beatrix's rampage pushes the MergeQuakes dangerously close to the tipping point, unless the Ninja can work together — and save the world.[1]

Extended: Beatrix uses her new weapon to open MergeQuakes across the Imperium. The Ninja, with the help of rebellious citizens, defeat the Empress - but they are too late! MergeQuakes reach a tipping point and put the epicenter of the Merge - Crossroads - in danger. Lloyd must tap into his connection to the Source Dragon, learning not just how to save Crossroads, but the entire united realms.[2]


ThePowerWithin (2)

The rift above Imperium

Not long after Beatrix used her MergeQuake weapon, the rift she opened grows big. Seeing it, Arin, Sora, Riyu, and Percival leave the broadcast tower, leaving Rapton with words about ninja never quitting.

Lloyd, Zane, and Nya try to convince Beatrix to stop using the weapon as it'll create a storm, but she refuses, believing they want the power for themselves before using it to send random Imperians into rifts, including Percival as he and the resistance were getting people inside.

ThePowerWithin (42)

The ninja attack

Wyldfyre is then sent into a rift when she tried to fight back as Sora plans to destroy the weapon and needs Riyu. However, Beatrix uses the weapon to send him into a rift, devastating Arin and Sora, the former throwing a rock at the Empress Mech, achieving the technique called Object Spinjitzu, and blasts a hole into the mech, but it doesn't stop Beatrix.

The storm causes a power outage, allowing Ras to escape from his cell.

Rapton joins in on the fight, but is sent into a rift himself, along with Kai, as Lloyd summons the Master Mech for him and Arin to disarm Beatrix before Arin detaches the smaller mech to try and reach the weapon, but is thwarted by her.

ThePowerWithin (143)

Sora achieves her true potential

ThePowerWithin (147)

Beatrix is sent into a mergequake

As she prepared to join the battle, Sora sees her parents, who demand she come with them as, despite the broadcast, they still refuse to believe the truth and continue supporting Beatrix. Sora refuses to go with her parents and instantly disowns them, Sora proclaims the ninja as her true family before achieving her True Potential and takes the weapon apart, destroying the fourth Dragon Core and Arin sends Beatrix into a MergeQuake rift in the process as payback for sending Riyu through one earlier.

ThePowerWithin (236)

Lloyd's stabilizes the merged world

With the storm now a massive threat, the ninja head to the Crossroads on the Destiny's Bounty to save the people, but lose their sails as a result of the storm, until Zanth soon grows big and attaches the hull to her back before moving to the city faster. As they save the people, making themselves known after many years, Arin sees his parents in a rift before it disappears. Needing all three Dragon Cores, Zane had Alfonzo Frohicky bring the pink Dragon Core to them before Lloyd, finding the calm inside himself, activates them, stabilizing the world. Once the storm ended, all the people caught in the storm, including Kai, Wyldfyre, Riyu, and Percival return with the people being happy to see the heroes back.

ThePowerWithin (267)

The Source Dragon under Imperium, about to be set free

Lloyd and Riyu then use the cores to free the Source Dragon of Energy underneath the Kingdom of Imperium and return to the monastery, where Sora intends to use her powers without Riyu's help. Kai and Wyldfyre take out some cans before seeing Kai's are completely burned and Wyldfyre's are melted, discovering their powers are different. Zane and Nya discuss how Cole heard Wu's voice before they all start to have some of Arin's Snowberry Pies.

ThePowerWithin (336)

The orb taking on Wu's form

ThePowerWithin (361)

Ras recruits Jordana

In the Kingdom of Imperium, in the process of being dubbed New Imperium, Sora's parents solemnly watch Percival's speech among others about plans of forming a council while a disgraced Jordana is recruited by Ras on behalf of his master for her achievement in extracting Source Dragon energy, of which she managed to save a small sample.













  • This is the first season finale in the franchise where Cole and Jay don't appear. It is also the fourth season finale where P.I.X.A.L. doesn't appear since her debut, following "The Corridor of Elders," "The Way Back," and "The Son of Lilly."
  • This episode marks the first appearance of True Potential in Dragons Rising, and makes its first appearance in the franchise since Possession in the episode "Curseworld, Part II".
  • Zane freezing the out-of-control Spinjitzu Race Car with Frohicky inside of it is reminiscent of how Zane froze the out-of-control mop machine with Frohicky holding on for dear life in the Monastery in "The Last Djinn."
  • Towards the end of the episode, Percival calls Imperium, "New Imperium" this is the second time that a city or land was renamed to "New" the first being Ninjago City in "The Surge."


  • When Arin calls out to Sora and is about to do Object Spinjitzu, he can be briefly seen in his Urban outfit.



Language Name
Chinese (Traditional) 內在的力量
Czech Vnitřní síla
Finnish Sisäinen voima
French Le Pouvoir du Cœur
German Die innere Kraft
Italian Il Potere interiore
Polish Wewnętrzna moc
Portuguese O Poder Interior
Spanish El poder interior
Ukrainian Сила Всередині
Vietnamese Sức mạnh bên trong


Ninjago: Dragons Rising episodes
Season 1 1. The Merge: Part 1 · 2. The Merge: Part 2 · 3. Crossroads Carnival · 4. Beyond Madness · 5. Writers of Destiny · 6. Return to Imperium · 7. Mindless Beasts · 8. I Will Be the Danger · 9. The Calm Inside · 10. The Battle of the Second Monastery · 11. The Temple of the Dragon Cores · 12. Gangs of the Sea · 13. Wyldly Inappropriate · 14. The Last Djinn · 15. They Call It Doom · 16. Land of Lost Things · 17. The Administration · 18. Absolute Power · 19. We Are All Dragons · 20. The Power Within
The Elemental Mechs 1. What the Mech? · 2. The Mech Master · 3. A Pain in the Mech!
Season 2 21. The Blood Moon · 22. Shattered Dreams · 23. Beyond the Phantasm Cave · 24. Force From the East · 25. The Spell at the Waterfall · 26. To Mysterium · 27. Fugitives From Madness · 28. Secrets of the Wyldness · 29. The Forest of Spirits · 30. Rising Ninja · 31. The Shape of Motion · 32. Enter the City of Temples · 33. They Gather for the Feast · 34. Inside the Maze · 35. United We Fall · 36. Truth and Lies · 37. The Sword Shatters · 38. Clues and Suspects · 39. The Final Game · 40. Elements of Betrayal
Return to the Wyldness 1. Queen of RAGE! · 2. Into the lava! · 3. A maze of reflections · 4. Time to get Red
Wyldfyre's Stories 1. My Camera Roll · 2. Draw With Me · 3. 3 Things I Wish I Knew About Dragon Eggs! · 4. Dragon Translator · 5. An App to Track Feelings · 6. Meditation or Meltdown · 7. Bye-bye Bone · 8. Lessons I Learned in the Wyldness
Wyldfyre's Voice Notes 1. Why am I doing this · 2. So what now? · 3. I AM RAGE · 4. Desperate measures · 5. Big news! · 6. Who am I? · 7. Finding Wyldfyre · 8. Ready to return!
Season 3 41. TBA · 42. TBA · 43. TBA · 44. TBA · 45. TBA · 46. TBA · 47. TBA · 48. TBA · 49. TBA · 50. TBA · 51. TBA · 52. TBA · 53. TBA · 54. TBA · 55. TBA · 56. TBA · 57. TBA · 58. TBA · 59. TBA · 60. TBA